Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 558 Dong Aigou Attacks Feng Xiaoyu

Chapter 558 Dong Aigou Attacks Feng Xiaoyu

Before she could react, the man lunged, a desperate fury fueling his movements. He grabbed at her cloak, the fabric ripping with a sharp tear. Feng Xiaoyu stumbled back, the cloak falling away to reveal her expensive attire.

The man stared, his words spilling out in a torrent of disbelief. "Xiaoyu? Is it... is it truly you? You were the one in the VIP room who bid against me for that stone?!"

The faint suspicion that had been gnawing at Feng Xiaoyu solidified into certainty. It was Dong Aigou, his face contorted in a mix of anger and confusion. Her eyes narrowed, her voice laced with icy disdain.

"Dong Aigou," she spat, her voice barely a whisper. "I never thought you'd resort to something like this."

Dong Aigou's hands flew to his face, his eyes wide with realization. "Feng Xiaoyu? It really was you? I... I had no idea it was you in that room. This is all a misunderstanding!"

Feng Xiaoyu scoffed, a derisive snort escaping her lips. She gestured at his ragged clothes. "Change back. That appearance is unbecoming."

Dong Aigou, his face contorted in a mixture of shame and frustration, deactivated the face-changing technique. His true face, usually stoic and determined, now mirrored the chaos within him.

"I swear, Feng Xiaoyu," he pleaded, "I didn't know it was you. I would never have attacked you willingly."

A tense silence stretched between them, the only sound the distant bustle of the auction hall. Finally, Dong Aigou broke the quiet.

"Why didn't you bid for the elixirs?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of desperation. "The ones for the Divine Tribulation Realm? I thought..."

Feng Xiaoyu remained silent for a moment, her gaze cold and calculating. "The bids were inflated," she finally said. "Far beyond their true value. I refuse to pay such exorbitant prices for something I can acquire at a reasonable cost elsewhere."

Dong Aigou's shoulders slumped. "But what about the stone? Why bid for a random piece of rock when its purpose is unknown? That too at such a high price!"

Feng Xiaoyu met his gaze defiantly. "The unknown holds potential, Dong Aigou. I have researchers on my payroll who can analyze and unlock the secrets this stone might hold. Its true value could far exceed the price I paid. It's a calculated risk."

Dong Aigou frowned, his anger simmering beneath the surface. He couldn't deny the logic in her words. Calculated risks were the lifeblood of any successful Trade Association leader.

"But I know how to use the stone!" he finally blurted out, a desperate plea entering his voice. "Please, Xiaoyu, hand it over. I need it!"

Whether it was the desperation in his voice, the entitlement in his demand, or just the culmination of their recent tensions, a wave of irritation washed over Feng Xiaoyu.

"This stone is mine now, Dong Aigou," she declared coldly. "I purchased it with my own wealth. I will first conduct my research before making any decisions about its future."

Dong Aigou's face contorted in anger. "You can't be serious! That stone is crucial for my cultivation! Give it to me!" he demanded, his voice rising in volume.

The scene took a sharp turn. Here they were, former allies, embroiled in a heated squabble over a mysterious stone, their fragile alliance seemingly shattered. The air crackled with tension, threatening to erupt into another fight.

Feng Xiaoyu's glare could have melted glaciers. "Don't raise your voice at me, Dong Aigou," she hissed, a low growl emanating from her throat. "The consequences wouldn't be pleasant."

Dong Aigou scoffed, his anger a raging inferno. "Consequences? You underestimate me, Xiaoyu." He took a menacing step forward, his eyes burning with a dark intensity. "Since reason seems to be lost on you, I'll just have to make you comply… forcefully."

Before Feng Xiaoyu could react, he lunged. A clash of divine energy tore through the alley, shattering nearby windows with a deafening sonic boom.

Feng Xiaoyu wouldn't engage in a straight fistfight.

She wasn't about to underestimate Dong Aigou's raw power fueled by his potent devil bloodline.

With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a barrage of 'Crimson Devil Talismans,' fiery sigils erupting in crimson flames meant to engulf Dong Aigou. But he countered with a swift maneuver, channeling a technique called 'Lunar Shadow Step,' a legacy from the Earth Lunar Devil God, phasing through the burning attack with an ethereal fluidity.

Frustration clawed at Feng Xiaoyu. She countered with a 'Veiling Smoke Bomb,' a thick, obscuring cloud billowing out, momentarily blinding Dong Aigou. Yet, he didn't falter. His spiritual sense, honed to a razor's edge, allowed him to navigate the smoky haze. A guttural growl escaped his lips as he unleashed his 'Earth-Shattering Fist,' a devastating technique that pulverized the ground beneath him, sending tremors that threatened to crack open the very alleyway.

Feng Xiaoyu, caught off guard, barely managed to deflect the brunt of the attack with her enchanted 'Devil Dragon Shield.' The impact sent her flying through the air, landing with a hard thud against the wall. Gritting her teeth, she activated a 'Heavenly Lightning Ring' – a devil artifact that sparked with potent lightning energy. Launching a volley of crackling bolts, she hoped to stun Dong Aigou.

But he simply smirked. Another Earth Lunar Devil God technique, the 'Lunar Devil's Embrace,' manifested around him as a shimmering shield of moonlight, effortlessly deflecting the lightning strikes. He closed the distance with inhuman speed, his fist aimed directly at Feng Xiaoyu's chest.

In a desperate gamble, she summoned her 'Black Tortoise Armor,' a heavy, obsidian set that boasted exceptional defensive capabilities. The impact sent her staggering back, the armor absorbing most of the blow but leaving her winded and bruised.

Panting, Feng Xiaoyu knew she couldn't fight him head-on. Her only hope was to exploit his blind rage, to create an opening. A mischievous glint flickered in her eyes as she activated a 'Spirit Mimicry Talisman,' momentarily masking her presence and mimicking the energy signature of a fleeing cultivator.

Dong Aigou fell for the deception. Driven by primal fury, he lunged in the direction of the mimicked energy, leaving the injured Feng Xiaoyu a precious gap. She seized the opportunity, unleashing a powerful 'Soul-Severing Blade,' a weapon wreathed in a chilling aura, aimed at his vital points.

However, Dong Aigou's residual spirit training kicked in. Through the Earth Lunar Devil God's technique, 'Lunar Heart Defense,' he shifted his vital organs just moments before the blade struck, the attack grazing harmlessly past his body. He whipped around, his fury reaching a boiling point.

"You dare trick me?!" he roared, the veins on his forehead bulging. His eyes burned with a twisted mix of rage and an unsettling lust. A chilling realization dawned on Feng Xiaoyu. As Dong Aigou spoke, his gaze lingered on her exposed skin beneath the broken armor, a predatory glint flickering in his eyes.

"After I defeat you, Xiaoyu," he snarled, his voice laced with a perverted undertone, "I'll ensure your loyalty… forever. You won't be able to betray me again."

The alleyway reverberated with the fury of their clash. Dong Aigou, fueled by a potent mix of rage and a twisted desire, unleashed even more devastating techniques from his arsenal inherited from the Earth Lunar Devil God. A crimson crescent moon materialized and sliced through the air, a technique named 'Lunar Slash,' aimed to bisect Feng Xiaoyu.

Desperate, she activated her 'Five Elements Mirror,' a shimmering disc that rotated rapidly, deflecting the attack at the last moment. But the relentless assault continued. A torrent of shadowy claws, called 'Lunar Devil's Grasp,' lunged for Feng Xiaoyu, their touch promising a chilling oblivion.

Reacting with lightning speed, she summoned her 'Heavenly Wind Boots,' propelling herself with a burst of wind energy just as the shadowy claws grazed past her, tearing through her robes and leaving shallow wounds.

Feng Xiaoyu knew brute force wouldn't win this fight. She needed to outsmart Dong Aigou, to create a window of escape. With a mischievous grin, she tossed a 'Mirage Pill,' creating an illusion of herself in a different corner of the alley. Dong Aigou, momentarily fooled, lunged towards the illusory figure.

Seizing the opportunity, Feng Xiaoyu unleashed a barrage of 'Silver Serpent Arrows,' piercing projectiles coated with potent lightning essence. The arrows struck true, drawing a pained roar from Dong Aigou, his Earth Lunar Devil God techniques offering little defense against ranged attacks.

However, Dong Aigou's fury only intensified. His rage manifested as a swirling vortex of dark energy, a technique named 'Lunar Maelstrom,' threatening to engulf the alley. Feng Xiaoyu, propelled by frantic fear, activated her 'Jade Sparrow Talisman,' a burst of blinding sunlight erupting from the talisman, temporarily dispelling the vortex.

Yet, she knew her frantic defense wouldn't hold for long. Her energy reserves were dwindling, exhaustion gnawing at her. One wrong step, one lapse in concentration, and Dong Aigou would overpower her.

Just as despair threatened to consume her, a voice cut through the cacophony of battle. "Well, well, well," a voice dripping with amusement echoed, "seems like someone's having a rather spirited sparring session."

Turning towards the source of the voice, Feng Xiaoyu's heart skipped a beat. There, standing casually in the alley entrance, were Wang Jian, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips, flanked by the alluring Yin Lian and the seductive Mu Xuanyin.

Dong Aigou's face, previously contorted with rage, paled considerably at the sight of Wang Jian. The confident arrogance that had fueled his attacks was replaced by a look of pure terror.

"Wang Jian?" he stammered, his voice barely a whisper. The air crackled with a tension that dwarfed even the fury of the battle moments ago.

Feng Xiaoyu, internally sighs with relief. The arrival of Wang Jian couldn't have come at a more opportune moment. With a weak smile, she feigned ignorance. "Oh Wang Jian," she said, her voice breathless, "fancy meeting you here."

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