Villain: Manipulating the Heroines into hating the Protagonist

Chapter 552 Feng Xiaoyu And Dong Aigou's Plan A Trap

Chapter 552 Feng Xiaoyu And Dong Aigou's Plan A Trap

Feng Xiaoyu tapped a perfectly manicured nail against the thick contract parchment, a frown creasing her brow. The fluorescent lights of the Trade Association headquarters glared down on her, illuminating the stacks of documents before her. Negotiations for acquiring the "Fragrant Lotus Trading Company" were dragging on far longer than she anticipated.

This wouldn't do. The fragrant lotus flower was not only a coveted beauty product, but also possessed mild healing properties. Acquiring their company would grant her Association a lucrative monopoly on the flower within the settlement. Patience, however, had never been her strong suit.

"Mr. Liu," Feng Xiaoyu began, her voice a smooth silk laced with a hint of steel, "we've been over this clause several times. Your proposed profit margin is simply unreasonable. We wouldn't be making a profit, we'd be hemorrhaging resources."

Mr. Liu, a portly man sweating profusely under her sharp gaze, stammered, "But Miss Feng, the demand is high! The fragrant lotus flower is all the rage amongst the noblewomen. We can't possibly..."

Feng Xiaoyu cut him off, a predatory glint in her crimson eyes. "Demand can be manufactured, Mr. Liu. That't the beauty of the Trade Association, isn't it?"

Her words hung heavy in the air. The Trade Association, once a modest operation run by her late father, had become a force to be reckoned with under her leadership. Her ruthless efficiency, coupled with a certain… flexibility in dealing with the law, had seen the Association's influence expand exponentially.

Of course, this kind of success wouldn't have been possible amongst the humans. Ethical boundaries and tedious bureaucracy would have stifled her ambitions. But here, on X-98, home to the Blue Moon Eclipse Devil Tribe, things were different. Devils, with their pragmatic mindset and innate ruthlessness, were more receptive to her methods.

The door to her office swung open, and Dong Aigou entered. Relief washed over Feng Xiaoyu. She was starting to tire of Mr. Liu's whiny pleas.

"Xiaoyu," Dong Aigou greeted, his voice laced with a hint of urgency. "We need to talk."

"Ah, Aigou," she said, dismissing Mr. Liu with a curt nod. "Come, have a seat. These negotiations are turning out to be a real pain."

Dong Aigou pulled up a chair, his gaze flitting around the room before he leaned in conspiratorially.

Feng Xiaoyu gestured to a seat opposite her, her crimson lips pursed in curiosity. "What troubles you, Aigou? It's for business or personal?"

"Both, I'd say," he replied, his gaze unwavering. "Something… disturbing has come to light."

He proceeded to recount his encounter with Wang Jian, mentioning the details of how Wang Jian had subdued Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin. He focused on Wang Jian's power, his audacity, and the unsettling feeling that the man had specifically targeted him by going after the women he cared for.

Feng Xiaoyu listened intently, her brow furrowed in thought. "You suspect he'll target me next?" she asked, a hint of steel in her voice.

"It's a strong possibility," Dong Aigou confirmed. "Considering his pattern, you being both beautiful and someone I know fits his profile."

Feng Xiaoyu snorted, a flicker of amusement dancing in her eyes. "He underestimates me if he thinks I'm some damsel in distress waiting to be snatched."

"I know you're not," Dong Aigou countered, "but underestimating your opponent is a mistake we should both avoid. Besides," he leaned forward, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, "I may have a solution."

He then proceeded to explain his plan - using Feng Xiaoyu as bait to lure Wang Jian into a trap. He described the Lunar Rock Dragon's immense power and how it could easily overpower the troublesome newcomer.

Feng Xiaoyu's initial amusement vanished, replaced by a spark of interest. "A giant, mythical beast hidden beneath the earth? Sounds intriguing. But why trust me with this plan?"

Dong Aigou met her gaze head-on. "Because eliminating Wang Jian benefits both of us. He's a wildcard, a disruptive force in this settlement's delicate balance. And frankly," he added with a hint of bitterness, "I want him to suffer for what he did to Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin."

Feng Xiaoyu smirked, a predator recognizing a worthy challenge. "Fair enough. But let's refine this plan. I won't simply sit around as bait. I'll play my part, but on my terms."

They spent the next hour strategizing, their combined cunning forging a plan both daring and brutal.

A sly glint flickered in Feng Xiaoyu's crimson eyes. "Listen closely, Aigou," she began, "This plan requires a bit of theatrics."

She leaned closer, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Wang Jian needs to believe he's successfully ensnared me. A damsel in distress, captivated by his charm and… power." Her lips twisted slightly at the word 'power,' conveying a hint of amusement.

"But fear not," she continued, her voice regaining its predatory edge, "this will be a calculated performance. I'll subtly guide him towards a pre-determined location – a place you'll have already prepped."

Dong Aigou's brows furrowed. He didn't relish the thought of Feng Xiaoyu, a woman he held a certain affection for, playing coy with this newcomer."Is that necessary, Xiaoyu? Can't we lure him in another way?"

"Trust me, Aigou," Feng Xiaoyu countered, her voice firm. "Appealing to his ego is the fastest and most reliable way to draw him in. Besides," she added with a mischievous grin, "think of it as adding an extra layer of humiliation to his downfall."

Dong Aigou remained silent, a flicker of disapproval battling with the desire to see Wang Jian crushed.He couldn't deny the logic of her plan.

Seeing his hesitation, Feng Xiaoyu pressed on. "Look," she said, her voice softening slightly, "I understand your concerns. But remember, I'm not some fragile flower. I can handle myself. And think of Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin. Don't you want them to see Wang Jian suffer for what he did?"

Dong Aigou clenched his fists, the memory of seeing Yin Lian and Mu Xuanyin in Wang Jian's clutches burning in his mind.He let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine," he conceded. "But at least let me prepare properly."

Feng Xiaoyu's lips curved into a satisfied smile. "Excellent!" she exclaimed. "Here's what we'll do. You'll take the Lunar Rock Dragon to a specific location within the settlement, one known to be rich in devil essence. We'll mask its presence using a series of concealment arrays."

Feng Xiaoyu tapped a finger on the desk, her gaze glinting as she named the powerful formations. "A Grand Illusory Fog Array to distort vision, a Devil's Silence Array to muffle sound, and a Presence Evasion Array to mask its devil aura.Those three combined should be more than enough to keep the beast hidden until it's needed."

Dong Aigou nodded, a sense of admiration creeping into his gaze. Feng Xiaoyu's quick thinking and resourcefulness were undeniable. However, the cost of these high-level concealment arrays wouldn't be cheap.

He cleared his throat. "The arrays are a sound idea, Xiaoyu, but they require a significant amount of high-grade spirit stones. Are you certain you're willing to bear the expense?"

Feng Xiaoyu waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry about that, Aigou. Consider it an investment in a safer future. Besides, seeing this man Wang Jian squirm would be a priceless vision."

They spent the next hour finalizing the details. Feng Xiaoyu would arrange a "chance" encounter with Wang Jian, subtly flaunting her influence and wealth. The location for this encounter was carefully chosen – within walking distance of the concealed Lunar Rock Dragon.

Dong Aigou, with a heavy heart, agreed to let Feng Xiaoyu play the role of the smitten admirer. He would monitor the situation remotely, ready to unleash the Lunar Rock Dragon once Wang Jian felt confident enough to make a move.

It wasn't the most palatable plan, but it was the most effective. Dong Aigou knew he had to swallow his pride if it meant finally putting an end to Wang Jian's threat.

Feng Xiaoyu swiveled in her plush chair, drumming her perfectly manicured nails against the armrest. Several days had passed since her conversation with Dong Aigou, and the anticipated contact from Wang Jian hadn't arrived. A flicker of doubt began to worm its way into her mind. Had she misjudged the man?

Just as the thought materialized, a knock echoed through the opulent office. Feng Xiaoyu straightened, a sharp glint returning to her crimson eyes. "Enter," she commanded.

The door creaked open, revealing not the face of Wang Jian, but the familiar figure of Yin Lian. The High Priestess of the Flame Lunar Devil Temple stood there, her crimson robes shimmering faintly.

A surprised smile played on Feng Xiaoyu's lips. "Yin Lian! What a pleasant surprise. Do come in."

Yin Lian entered with a serene grace, closing the door softly behind her. "Forgive the unexpected visit, Feng Xiaoyu," she began, her voice calm and melodic. "However, I do require some resources for upcoming rituals at the Flame Lunar Devil Temple."

Feng Xiaoyu nodded, a knowing glint in her eyes. So, Wang Jian had finally made his move, albeit in a rather… roundabout way."Of course, Yin Lian," she replied smoothly. "The Flame Lunar Devil Temple is a valued partner. Please, do take a seat and let's discuss your requirements."

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