Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 216

The Oscars was a big annual event in Hollywood, and like previous years, it was star-studded this year, too, with popular actors and actresses being invited to the ceremony. Aside from them, directors, producers, editors and people who worked on the technical side of a movie were also present. 

But the limelight was obviously on the people who were nominated this year. 

People were curious about which movie would win the prestigious award this year and who would be the best actor. What impact today’s ceremony would have on the whole world?

Because of how big the Oscars were, just when the red carpet event was going on, it started trending on Sparrow at number 3, getting more and more tweets with the coverage of the red carpet. 

On the red carpet, a lot of reporters were standing here and there. Some were interviewing famous celebrities while others were busy clicking their pictures and discussing among themselves. 

Every time a big celebrity would appear, whispers would go on. 

“Hey, that’s Ray Hardy! He’s nominated for [Black Symbiote]. Oh, he looks so handsome in real life. I wonder if he would give me an interview.”

“There’s Tobey Glutton with his new girlfriend. Hey, doesn’t she look too young for him?”

“No, no, she’s 23, his previous one was 21. She’s too old for him. That man’s 50, but his girlfriends are just getting younger. Let’s hope we don’t see him on the cover page of a newspaper as a child molester in the coming years.”

“Oh my god! That’s Kiara Kendall, she looks completely different.”

“Apparently, she got botox and stuff. Funny because she talks about being happy with your looks and personality and loving yourself. At least she’s only presenting an award tonight.”

“Here he comes! John Reeves, the nicest guy in Hollywood.”

“Is he really that nice?”

“Yeah, he’s very humble. Though there are exaggerated stories about him saving an aeroplane and other things, but he’s mostly a great guy.”

Like that, the reporters talked about the top stars in Hollywood walking down the red carpet. It was at that moment that some of the reporters looked at a young guy walking out of a car. 

He was in a clean black suit, with short hair and a clean shaved face. He looked very handsome, especially with a charming smile on his face. 

Whisper again started seeing him. 

“Hey, that’s Aiden Silvereye.”

“He looks pretty great in real life. Talent and looks — God probably loved him too much while giving him those talents.”

“Do you think he will give us an interview?”

“Hard to say. I have not heard about him being rude to reporters, but we need to be careful as celebrities are choosy about who they are giving interviews to.”

As they talked like that, one reporter almost sprinted towards Aiden like he was waiting for him to appear all night. 

Reaching near Aiden, he quickly opened his mouth. 

“Hello, I’m Julian. A big fan of yours. Can I take your interview?”


Julian was someone who had risen in the ranks among the reporters due to taking Aiden’s photos at the event of [Shadows of War] when no one else knew him.

After that, he did the same in the Indie Music awards. 

He even followed Aiden to different events, taking his photos and selling them to different magazines until he landed a job in a popular magazine, ‘Hollywood Muse,’ and became an actual reporter from a paparazzi. 

His superiors sent a whole team of reporters to cover the Oscars, and as soon as he saw Aiden, Julian couldn’t help himself from walking close to him and asking for an interview. 

Fortunately, Aiden replied positively. 

“Yeah, sure. Ask any questions you have.”

Hearing that, Julian wasn’t able to control himself and quickly spoke the first question that came to his mind. 

“What do you think about your chances of winning the Oscars?”

“I can’t really say that,” Aiden said, thinking about it for a bit, “I would love to win it, but in the end, it’s really not in my hands. If I win, it’s good, and if I don’t, that’s fine too.”

“Won’t you feel disappointed?”

Julian raised an eyebrow, and Aiden smiled. 

“I would, and that’s why I’m trying not to expect anything. In the end, it’s an award. Actually, there’s something my uncle told me long ago.” Aiden said and then tried to imitate Uncle Sam’s deep voice. “Awards are just trophies in the end. It’s good to have them, but it’s not like your life will get any worse if you don’t have a piece of trophy sitting around in your house for a lifetime.”

That was something that Aiden had understood much better after seeing Aaron Hart. He was so obsessed with an Oscar that his personal life was ruined. Even he himself was ruined with so many mental health issues. 

Aiden would be much better by not treating an award as everything. Oscar was good, but it was not the peak of one’s career. 

“That’s good advice.”

Julian said, and just as he was about to ask another question, a voice called out to Aiden. 

“Hey, Aiden. Over here.”

Turning back, he saw Leo and Omar standing there. Both of them were wearing suits, with Leo wearing the normal black one and Omar donning a cream-coloured suit that actually looked good on him. 

“I’m sorry, but can we continue this later?” Aiden said to Julian, who was a bit disappointed but nodded. 

“Yeah, thanks for your time.”

Aiden nodded, and just as he was about to walk away, he looked like he remembered something and paused to look at Julian.

“By the way, it was nice to meet you.”

He said and pushed his hand forward, which Julian quickly grabbed. He hadn’t expected Aiden to say anything like that, but that small gesture came off as very sweet. 

“Likewise. I really hope you win the award today.”


Aiden talked with Leo and Omar for a while about the nominations, and they said that they were rooting for him to grab the award. He also met Katie and posed with her for some pictures. 

After that, everyone was directed towards their seats. 

He was seated in the middle, and it was a pretty good place to sit in his eyes as he was able to see the stage clearly. At the same time, Aiden felt a little weird seeing all the famous top actors and directors sitting in the same place. 

He had thought that he had grown used to seeing famous people in his small career, but it seemed like it wasn’t the case at all. 

As he waited for the award ceremony to start, Aiden just looked around and tried to remember the movie of the director that was sitting adjacent to him or the biggest hit of the actress in the front row. 

It was a small game that helped him pass the time, and finally, the show started and the host appeared. 

“Hello, everyone, my name is Russell Geravis, and I’m your host for tonight. Yeah, isn’t it great? America’s best comedian hosting the laziest award show in history.”

A square-faced man with a beard came on stage and said. He was one of the most famous comedians all over the world. He was also hosting the award show for the first time tonight. 

“Don’t say it’s not lazy just because the press calls it the biggest award show on the planet. The awards are as lazy as your movies because movies aren’t movies anymore. They are not even about acting. It’s just people in tight suits wearing caps, looking jacked. Unfortunately, we don’t have the ‘Best Jacked up Body’ award yet. Maybe next year?”

Russell said, looking at an actor who was famous only due to his superhero movies. The actor didn’t know how to react to that and just tried to give off a smile, knowing that the camera was panning towards him. 

The show went on like that as Russell made more remarks like that, completely roasting all the people present inside the hall. 

“Now, a warning. Take jokes as a joke. I don’t want an angry guy coming up to me and punching me because I’m the type to punch back. People are watching in their homes and I’m trying to do comedy at your expense which isn’t really hard.” Russell smiled. “After all, the only thing I need to do is to speak the truth.”

For the next thirty minutes, Russell made jokes on every famous person that his eyes landed on and he touched the topics that no one else had dared to before. 

From talking about an actress’s child molesting case to an actor paying off a famous college to get his daughter in. Everything was covered from top to bottom. 

In a few jokes, Aiden was happy that he was still not someone who had crossed the line of morality in Hollywood. With fame, power, and so many people validating you, it was very easy for someone to just find himself becoming a worse person day by day. 

Fame was a power that everyone wanted, but only a few could control. 

In a way, Russell also talked about it in one of his jokes. 

“You know, I don’t understand why we are idolising you all. You all make movies. More like you all make one good movie and try to milk it by making countless sequels and spinoffs. On top of that, a lot of you have cases running, multiple reports of bad behaviour and Aaron here; oh wait, he’s still in the mental hospital. Lucky guy, he didn’t have to face me tonight.”


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