Versatile Superstar: Rise In Hollywood

Chapter 125

“Our ratings are dropping every week like this. In the beginning of the year, the channel wanted to renew the series for another series but the people there are worried now. We seriously need to change things if we want to survive in this goddamn crazy industry.”

The scene was of a conference room where a lot of people were gathered. A white haired man that looked to be in his late 40s was heading the meeting, and by his words, it could easily be seen that he was not in a good mood. 

His name was Bradley Carell and he was a TV series producer.

“Brad, that only happened because we were going to end the show two seasons earlier but due to fan demand, we weren’t able to. We ran out of the original content a long time ago and because of that, the show has become another repetitive dramedy.”

One of the main writers of the show said, looking up at him. He clearly wasn’t happy with what had become of something that he had conceived. The greed of the channel and producers had eaten it up. 

Another person who was a part of the production team added after thinking for a bit. 

“We are almost at the end of the season. The ratings might increase then but the ending of the season that is written is pretty much another breakup. No matter how much we try to spice it up with comedy and gags that are running from the first season, I don’t think it would be enough to save the show.”

“That’s why, I’m having this meeting.” Bradley said, stomping his hand on the desk. “To revive this show! I don’t want [Searching for the One] to become another sitcom with bad last seasons. We need to keep it running for a little longer and I need ideas.”

[Searching for the One] was one of the most famous sitcoms in America, with the first two seasons winning Emmy awards and the actors in it were already showered with praises due to their performances, and some even got award nominations. 

It was IBC’s most popular sitcom, getting huge ratings from the pilot. The show’s growth could easily be related to the main actor’s salary, which had increased from around 70k dollars per episode to 700k dollars per episode. 

But in recent times, the ratings have declined due to the IBC’s greed to milk the show. It had lost its soul according to the viewers and even the sponsors weren’t happy. 

The show was already halfway in the group of shows that started out great but sucked after a few seasons.

If it continued, [Searching for the One] would just end in this season itself.

“I think we can do a cameo from a celebrity. Those always have good effects.” One of the female members suggested.  .

“No, we already had a lot of them last season. Doing it too much won’t help.”

“Yeah, we need to try out different things. Maybe add a new character or just a completely different plotline. It feels like these days that the show has forgotten the core idea, so we need to correct it.”

“Most of the public reviews of the show said the same thing. I don’t think a lot of our audience wants to see more heartbreaks. A lot of the episodes are also becoming stale as they don’t provide anything more to the plot or progress it.”

“We seriously need to take another look at the ending too. Even the alternative endings we wrote are no good.”

Like that ideas were passed around as the meeting continued for over two hours. All of the people presented in the meeting tried to find out the actual problems, read out reviews and talked about how they could correct it and move the show in the right direction. 

In the end, all of them agreed to one thing. 

“Okay, so we are gonna go with a new ending for this season and get a new character in a cameo role for it.” Brad announced and everyone nodded. This was the only way they saw to get the series to the track. “We need to do it extremely well. Go watch what you all wrote in the first few seasons. The series needs to go back to its roots for us to get back our audience.”


Over the next few days, most of the shooting for [30 days of Happiness] finally ended. Most of the scenes were left between Katie and Fred, so Aiden requested Leo to shoot his scenes first, so he could just focus on finishing up the song. 

Finally, after a week since his affinity with Arthur reached its peak, Aiden completed the song. 

“Is everything ready? Check the stage lights again. We are going to start in a bit!”

Both Wade and Aiden looked at Leo who was giving instructions to the crew members. The moon was already up in the sky and a cold wind was blowing in the night. 

Currently, they were waiting to start what would be the final scene in the movie. It was also going to the final scene that they would shoot. 

The scene in which Arthur would sing ‘Lost in the sky’ in a small gathering in Paris, held by the locals. This was going to be the culmination of the whole movie. 

“Are you nervous?” Wade asked, looking up at him. 

“Not really. I’m just excited to finally sing this on stage. This song gave me sleepless nights and at one point, I even thought about giving it up. Now that it’s completed, I can’t wait to sing it.”

“Good luck. Though, I know you don’t need it.”

Wade said and patted him on the shoulder. Smiling, Aiden walked to stand up on the stage and picked up the guitar and checked the mic. 

In front of him, a small number of people were gathered, including Katie and Fred. A camera was panning down on them too as their reaction would also be in the scene. 

“Aiden, are you ready?” Leo shouted towards him and he gave a thumbs up. Nodding, he gave the signal for the scene to start. 


Aiden thought and felt himself becoming like Arthur. Even though it was a singing scene, Arthur was the one to sing it. 

‘I can do it.’

He took a deep breath thinking that and his fingers strummed on the guitar that he was holding in his hand. Looking up at the audience below the stage with a faint smile, he started humming. 

His humming was like a whisper, but along with the melody coming out from his guitar, it was enough to catch everyone’s attention. 


“Please tell me if this is an illusion.”

“Why am I still finding the reason?”

“Oh, am I just searching for something that isn’t there?”

“Reaching my hand out to nowhere.”


As he sang that part, some people couldn’t help but look surprised. He had not shown anyone the song yet aside from Wade, so they were very shocked when they heard it. 

Leo even felt chills on his arm hearing the fragility in Aiden’s voice. The guitar tunes, his voice and the lyrics were painting a picture of isolation, like someone was standing on a hill and asking these questions from God himself. 

Moreover, it naturally felt like the song was something that Arthur had written. 


“Is it worth it to take the arrow?”

“Can I still believe in a better tomorrow?”

“I’m trapped in between the darkness of your sorrow.”


The lyrics felt like someone was crying for help, confused about what he was doing and was it worth it? What are the chances that he’s going to succeed? 

All these questions were asked by the song as Aiden’s calm and lonely voice added a deep layer to the song. He could see silver light everywhere but instead of focusing on it, Aiden just lost himself in the song. 


“Take my hand, let’s go find ourselves in the dark.”

“Running away from the sharks.”

“Oh, who am I?”

“Just dust flying, lost in the sky.”

“Trying to fly high with the fear of falling driving me mad.”


When Aiden sang the chorus, everyone in the audience felt something hit their chest like the lyrics were just thoughts that are always swimming around in everyone’s minds. 

The more he had studied Arthur’s character, the more Aiden felt that his character was not very different from any other person. He had his quirks but his thoughts, questions, and doubts were the same as everyone else. 

It was a very common thing for everyone to doubt themselves, their talents. Even if they don’t doubt their talent, they feel like it’s not enough to reach the top. 

If they try to fly too high, they are going to fall sooner or later. 

He had tried his best to portray it in the chorus. Maybe because of that, some people in the crowd had smiles on their faces, like they were really enjoying the performance. 

It was proof that Aiden had managed to touch their souls. 


“Maybe, all the doubts are true.”

“But I believe I will make it through.”

“Maybe, I’m just reading the page with lots of sorrow”

“So, let’s turn the chapter up trying to reach a better tomorrow…”


As that verse finished, one person in the crowd suddenly felt a tear running down their cheek. It was Leo who had completely lost himself in the song. 

“Are you okay?” The cinematographer who was just standing next to him asked, worry evident in his eyes. 

“Uh yeah.” Leo wiped the tear off his face and looked at Aiden. “I just felt like I achieved what I wanted to when I became a director. I don’t know if the movie will work or not but I’m sure that the song will truly create something magical.”


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