Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Huge thanks to Ben for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Mystic Falls] [3rd POV]

The drive to the location for the community service, had been rather awkward to say the least. Hope was not in the happiest of moods due to her getting in trouble, all because she disobeyed Alaric, and due to her usage of black magic to find Landon in the first place.

As the bus stopped, the group slowly got up to make there way out of the bus. Before Lizzie began to speak "So, what did you do? My dad never get's mad at you. You're the prodigal daughter." Stepping out of the bus behind the three, Talia sighed as she sensed an argument coming on. "Must have been juicy" Lizzie finished.

"Sorry, no time for girl talk. Public service awaits" Hope replied, not wanting to talk about what she did, with Lizzie of all people.

Standing next to Hope, the group quietly listened as Dorian began to speak "All right, listen up." Dorian said, getting the groups attention.

"It's a beautiful day. You got options: Litter, weeds, graffiti. Your choice. Except for Talia, who will be supervising all of you, to make sure you don't try to get out of this" Dorian said, while handing Kaleb, a vampire teen who had been apart of the game yesterday, a trash picker.

After saying this Dorian walked off, but not before giving Talia a look of "Don't mess up" Talia rolled her eyes at the look, before Kaleb began to walk forward.

"It's bad enough we get punished while the humans get a pass, but there ain't no way in hell I'm picking up their garbage" Kaleb said while offering Lizzie the trash picker.

Lizzie held up her hands while saying "Uh, I don't do trash either"

Hearing this Hope rolled her eyes before walking forward "I love trash, as of this moment" Smirking slightly, Lizzie spoke "Perf. It suits you" turning back to her sister as Hope rolled her eyes again, Lizzie continued "Looks like we're scrubbing paint today"

Josie hearing this, looked between Hope and Lizzie before speaking "Dad told us to work together, okay, harmoniously" Josie said with a slightly concerned tone.

Talia during all of this, was boredly looking on her phone. She sure as hell wasn't going to pick up any sort of garbage, and while she would definitely tease Hope now that she was technically her supervisor, she didn't feel like staying here for long.

"Yeah, and he also said without drama, and I am feeling a rage attack coming on, so I will be remaining drama-free over by that wall of graffiti. Are you coming or not" Lizzie finished with a question.

"I don't know, Lizzie, is there another bus you want to throw me under?" Hearing this Talia glanced at Josie with a raised eyebrow, before Lizzie began to speak again.

"Fine, daddy's girls. Anyone else?" Seeing as no one replied, everyone began to walk off, but not before Talia spoke.

"Well get to work I guess. Oh and for your information Lizzie, I'd rather be called daddy than call someone else that" Talia said, without even a hint of shame. The reaction she got was instant. As Hope and Josie blushed, Lizzie ew'd, and Kaleb and MG laughed.

"What, I just spoke the truth" Talia said with a shrug, as everyone began to walk off to begin their trash cleaning duties.

Talia ended up sitting at a bench, with a book in hand. She didn't really feel like supervising or whatever, so instead she was going to use the time to read some more TVD books. Talia wanted to learn more TVD spells, but she still couldn't get her hands on any, not without stealing it at least. She wasn't going to take from Hope, as she liked her too much for that. And she doubted stealing from the twins would be a good idea either.

So, she simply resigned to her momentary fate, and instead focused on reading more of the books available in the library. Most of them were farely useless, but a couple had some pretty helpful pieces of information in them, and her favorite ones were the books on potions and alchemy. They were by far the most helpful books she could find in the library.

Talia stopped her reading when she noticed Lizzie stomping by, with some sort of drink all over her clothes. "You okay Lizzie?" Talia asked, noticing the angered expression on Lizzie's face.

"Not now Talia! I'm going back, and I'm going to give my dad a piece of my mind for making us do this!" Lizzie said, fury clear in her tone, before stomping off. Talia watched her leave, before shrugging 'Alaric's problem, not mine'

Talia returned to her reading before she stopped as she heard a sharp shout of pain. Her increased senses picking up on it, she turned and found Hope bent over slightly, in pain. With the trash pickers sharp edge poked stabbed directly into her foot.

Seeing this Talia got up and walked over "You okay?"

Hope hearing this turned to Talia with a soft groan "N-not really" Hearing this Talia moved forward and crouched in front of her. "Alright on three" Hearing this Hope braced herself.

"1, 3!" Talia said before ripping the trash poker out of Hope's foot. Hope stepped back with a soft whimper of pain escaping her lips.

Josie seeing all of this couldn't help but grin slightly "You poked yourself"

Hearing this they both bust out laughing, causing Talia to look between the two with a confused look on her faee, before sighing and crouching down to Hope's injured foot.

"What are you doing" Hope said, confusion clear in her tone, while Josie looked on in interest. "You wanted to see more of my spells right? Well, you're about to see a healing one" Talia said, before raising her right hand and saying "Heal" casting the tier 6 spell, Hope looked at this in surprise.

Getting back up, Talia looked at Hope with a grin "Neat right? It's a healing spell from the second magic system I developed"

"It's more than neat, Talia! You managed to heal her with a single word, not many witches can do that, you know" Josie said, exasperated at the fact that Talia was so nonchalant about a

spell like that.

"Eh, I've got better ones" Talia said with a bored shrug. She didn't see any point in lying, not like either of them could actually harm her or anything, not that they ever would.

"How strong is your strongest spell exactly" Hope couldn't help but ask, as she began to return to picking trash.

"Hmm, I don't know actually. I haven't used it to utter limits yet, but I think it could destroy a town or so?" Talia replied, not too sure herself. She hadn't been able to try her most destructive magic yet, so she really wasn't all that sure about what the limits were.

Hearing this, Hope and Josie both stopped and looked at her with awed expressions "A-A town?!" Hope asked in shock.

"Maybe a small city? Hmm, I guess I'll have to test it's limits sooner or later" Talia whispered to herself, as she knew that her spells were probably even stronger than that of Momonga himself, simply due to the way her power increases.

"'"NO!"" Both Josie and Hope both shouted, upon hearing her whispers about testing the

spell.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

Pouting, Talia replied "Fine, fine, I won't test it" 'Yet' Talia thought to herself towards the


"You really are out of the ordinary, you know that?" Hope said.

Hearing this, Talia deadpanned "I am a witch you know. If anyone's out of the ordinary it's you" Hope rolled her eyes at this, before silently going back to cleaning.

The three of them silently conversed with one another, while cleaning. Talia had put away the book, and found herself enjoying the conversation she was having with Hope and Josie more than the book she was reading. Josie was a pretty good conversationalist, just as good as Hope. She also asked genuinely good questions about her magic, that not even Hope had

asked yet.

The one that caught Talia's attention more than any of them though, was Josie's final


"How many spells can you cast before running out of energy?" Josie asked.

Talia promptly facepalmed, as she realized the fact that she had never once tested how many spells she can cast before running out of magical energy.

'I am an idiot'

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That's the end of that chapter! Next chapter will cover the rest of episode 3, and probably a

part of episode 4. After episode 4 will be the date with Hope, and then some juicy stuff will happen between the two a little bit after that.

Sorry about this chapter releasing so late! There's a snowstorm rolling through right now, so my internet has been spotty all day, and has already went out a few times. We also had to deal with a guy sliding out into our fence...which was fun to deal with.

I was honestly struggling where to end it, so I decided on ending it a bit early so that I can get this chapter out, before the internet or power goes out. Next chapter will be longer in return. Like I said, canon will almost completely change after the appearance of the Necromancer, as Talia will begin to really fuck canon over. I also plan on uploading another chapter to the vault (on patreon only) tonight, this is going to be for a different fanfic, with Hope Mikaelson as the

main character!

Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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