Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 119: Chapter 117: Christmas Party

Chapter 119: Chapter 117: Christmas Party

[3rd POV] [Outside of Talia's Aparment Building]

"So...this is the place?" Winn asked, standing next to Kara.

"That's what the address says" Kara responded, looking at the note that she scribbled the address on.

"I guess she's rich for a reason, huh" Winn said, looking the large apartment building.

Walking to the intercom, Kara looked for Talia's name, only to blink as she noticed that it was the only name there. Before she could page her, the door opened slowly.

"Looks like she's letting us in" Winn said as he walked into the entrance.

"What floor did she say she was on?" Winn asked, causing Kara to reply.

"The top floor" Kara replied with a hum, as she noticed the lack of a front counter, or any sort of workers.

"It's pretty quiet, isn't it?" Winn asked, as they walked into the elevator and chose the top floor.

"Yeah...it is" Kara replied, as they both thought of something.

"You don't think that she-" "Owns the entire building?" Kara cut him off, as she too thought of it.

"She totally does, knowing Talia" Kara said with a small smile, before the elevator stopped, and a ding rang out.

As it did, the door crept open, revealing Talia standing there, alongside three others. That Kara blinked at the sight of, as she realized that they were Talia's girlfriends.

"Kara, Winn! I'm glad you can make it, come on in" Talia said with a smile, as they walked into the freshly decorated apartment, littered with christmas decorations.

[Something like this]

"Oh my God, is that a lifesize replica of the Tardis?!" Winn exclaimed, causing Talia to grin, while the girls giggled, including Kara, as they all knew exactly what it truly was.

"Yep, pretty cool right? I've been a big fan of Doctor Who for...a long long time" Talia replied, causing the giggles to get louder as Winn ignored them in favor of the awesome replica.

"Ah, Kara, did you tell him of my-" "You dating three people? Yeah she told me. I'm okay with it, it's not really my place to judge you, and honestly? It's not even in the top 10 weirdest things I've seen" Winn said with a shrug, causing Talia to smile.

"Thanks Winn" Talia said with a small smile, before blinking.

"Ah, these are my girlfriends" Talia said, giving them a nod to introduce themselves.

"Hope Mikaelson, it's nice to finally meet you, Kara" Hope said with a small smirk, knowing that it wasn't long before Kara would become Talia's, just as they had.

"Isabelle Lightwood, I love your clothes by the way" Isabelle said, looking at Kara's clothing.

"Clary Fairchild, what conditioner do you use, your hair looks so smooth!" Clary asked, causing Talia to chuckle as Kara was flustered.

"Alright loves, give her some space" Talia said with a chuckle, while noticing Winn still looking over the Tardis in awe.

"""Sorry Kara""" The three apologized, noticing the small look Talia was giving them, and the flustered Kara.

"It's alright, just a little flustered, is all" Kara responded with a smile, before the four began to converse, leaving Talia to just watch with a pleased smile, happy that Kara was already getting used to them, and wasn't uncomfortable or anything.

After roughly 45 minutes of them talking, with Winn and Talia chatting about code and computer systems, which Talia pleasantly enjoyed, as the man could actually keep up in the conversation. While the girls were basically talking about what eachother was wearing and praising eachother, while also giggling and whispering to Kara who blushed brightly every once and a while. J'onn and Alex finally arrived.

Looking to the elevator as it dinged open, Talia got to her feet.

"Ah, Hank! You're finally here" Talia said with a smile, giving the man a small handshake.

"T-Talia I am so sorry about-" "It's okay, Alex. You're just a protective older sister who didn't know better. I'm not the one you need to apologize at the moment, it's her" Talia said, looking to Kara who was nervous at the sight of her sister.

"No, it wasn't okay, Talia. I treated horribly all because you didn't want to reveal your secret identity as Solaris" "Wait your Solaris?!" Winn's voice cut in, causing J'onn and Talia to both facepalm.

"...Sorry, I thought he knew" Alex cringed, realizing that she was not helping at the moment. Sighing, Talia turned to Winn "Yep, I'm Solaris, also an alien. Is that a problem?" "What? No! I was just surprised. Hell, I'm a big fan of yours! Especially with all the work your followers have been doing in the middle east!" Winn exclaimed, causing Talia to chuckle, happy that the man that was growing to become a good friend, wasn't making an issues with this.

"Glad I've got a fan" Talia said with a small chuckle, before noticing Kara and Alex silently slip out of the room to have their much needed talk.

"I didn't realize you owed an entire apartment building" J'onn said, as turned to Talia.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, I bought it out a while ago and changed the floors around. Each of the floors are for something different" Talia replied with a smile.

"How much are you actually worth? Cause the suits your followers have are not cheap looking, at all" Winn asked, causing Talia to hum.

"Money isn't much of an issue for me. But I guess I'd be worth a few trillion or so? I could single handedly dig up all the crashed shipwrecks on the planet within a day, if that puts what my wealth could be, into perspective" Talia responded after thinking for a few moments.

Wealth was no issue for her anymore, no matter the world she travels to.

The two looked at her in genuine shock, as that was...far beyond what they were expecting. A few trillion was more than entire countries in wealth, and she had many more times that amount, should she wish it.

"Not to mention that I plan on starting a company sooner or later, so that wealth will massively increase in the coming months" Talia added.

"A company? What will it work in?" J'onn asked, interested.

"Technology, Pharmaceuticals, and stuff in that area" Talia responded, already planning on introducing more technology to improve the lives of others. Because not only would it most definitely help with quests, but it would also allow her to help others, increase her divinity, AND increase the overall technological levels of this world.

"And what sort of technology?" Winn asked.

"Computers, Phones, pretty much anything you can think of" Talia responded with a shrug, as she planned on her company working in a vast array of technological areas. Another 30 minutes passed of them just talking and passing the time, before a red eyed Alex and Kara walked out, noticeable tear streaks on their faces.

"You two good?" Talia asked, causing the two of them to look at one another, before smiling

and nodding.

"Alright then, come help plate dinner" Talia ordered, causing both Alex and Kara to crack small smiles and walk over.

The meal was large, freshly cooked, and made by Talia after a couple of hours of work.

"Wow this looks...amazing" Alex whispered as they all sat around the dinner table.

"Glad you all like it" Talia replied with a smile "Go ahead, grab what you want. There's plenty

to go around"

Scooping pieces onto their plates, they began to eat.

"God I can never get used to your cooking" Clary said with a happy sigh as she bit into the

maple glazed ham.

"Wow this is amazing!" Winn said as he bit into the stuffing, sighing at the taste.

"I didn't realize you were such a good cook" J'onn said in surprise at the taste of the mashed


"Yeah it's a hobby of mine" Talia replied with a chuckle, pleased with the reactions her food

was getting.

"A hobby? You could be a professional chef if you wanted to, Talia" Hope said with a small snort, knowing that her girlfriend was far better than anyone else in this "hobby" of hers.

"How long have you been cooking for?" Alex asked, causing Talia to hum.

"A few months now" Talia responded after a few moments.

"You're this good after a few months?" Kara asked in surprise.

"I'm good at a lot of things, Kara" Talia replied with a small smile, as they continued to eat.

"Where'd you get the Tardis?" Winn asked, having never seen such a perfect replica. "Hmm? Oh that, It was given to me" Talia responded, causing the girls to all giggle, which

only confused Winn, Alex, and J'onn.

Alex furrowed her eyebrows, as she remembered the sentence 'My species created time travel' and began to think it over a few times, before her jaw dropped.

"No way!" Alex exclaimed, jumping to her feet, causing Talia to grin, knowing she figured it


"No way what?" Winn asked confused, only to watch as Alex walked to the Tardis, pulled on the door, and opened it.

Winn's jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of the inside of the Tardis, before turning to Talia.

"Ah, did I forget to mention? I'm a Timelord" Talia said with a smirk, as Winn stared at the

inside of the Tardis in awe.

"Can-Can we?" "Of course, I was actually about to ask if everyone would come inside. As I've got some gifts for the four of you" Talia said with a smile, while the girls blushed, remembering the gifts she talked about giving them, ones involving very lewd lingerie, and all sorts of "outfits" to play with.

"Gifts for us?" J'onn muttered in confusion, causing Talia to simply smile.

"Just get in the Tardis" Talia said, causing them to all look at one another and get to their feet, their food sitting there, but still warm as Talia placed a spell upon them. Walking into the Tardis, Alex, Winn, Kara, and even J'onn couldn't help but look around in awe at the magnificent structure.

"Are you related to the Doctor? Is this their Tardis? How old actually are you? Is this a different type of Tardis or-" "Winn, breathe, and as for your questions: No, No, mentally 338 million years old, and no, it's the same" Talia cut him off, while also answering his questions.

"338 million? That's older than the human race!" Alex eclaimed in surprise, not knowing how old she actually was.

"Call me old, why don't you" Talia said with a small pout, causing the girls to giggle.

"Do you have a sonic screwdriver?" J'onn asked, causing them all to look at him in surprise. "What? I watch tv now and then" J'onn said, sounding offended.

"Yes, I do have one, Hank" Talia responded, knowing that J'onn didn't want to tell Winn his secret, and Talia was going to respect that.

Walking over to a console, she pulled her sonic out, smiling as she held it "It's been a while I've used it...perhaps I should start to more often" Talia said, knowing that she had sort of avoided using it, but it could prove useful in her current world, so she might as well. "Alright, this one is for Alex, this is for you Winn. As for you J'onn...that is in another room I'll show you to in a second" Talia said with a smile, handing Winn and Alex small boxes.

"What about Kara?"

"That'll come later, and will be something she and I do alone, if that's okay" Talia responded,

-causing Alex to nod.

Opening their gifts, the two's eyes widened at what was inside.

"What is this?" Alex asked, looking at a bracelet.

"Put it on and press on it" Talia said simply, as she watched Winn pull out his own gift, in the

form of a book she found within the library.

"And that is a book on the history of Galifrey from the library of this Tardis. I wasn't entirely

sure what to get you, but I hope that suffices" Talia said, causing Winn to rapidly nod, very excited to read through it.

At the same time, Alex let out a gasp as a suit formed around her.

[Bottom one]

"And that is a suit made through some...abilites of mine. It's made out of the strongest

materials I had on hand, and will let you take the blows of a Kryptonian, including their heat vision. It'll also increase your strength to superhuman levels when worn as well. I wasn't sure what else would be good, so I thought something that'd help keep you safe at your job, would be best" Talia said, causing Alex to look at her gratefully.

"Thank you...truly. For both this, and for letting me be here even after I've been an asshole"

Alex replied.

"It's no problem, Alex. I'm honestly surprised none of my these three have punched you y-" Talia was cut off as a singular punch landed squarely in Alex's jaw, courtesy of Clary. "What? She deserved it" "Yeah...I did deserve that" Alex said with a groan, holding her jaw.

"Alright, now that that is over. You go back, as these next two gifts are...personal, for these two" Talia said, causing Winn and Alex to glance at one another, before nodding. "We'll keep them entertained" Hope said with a smile, as the girls slipped out as well.

"What could be so personal that you need them to leave?" Kara asked, causing Talia to smile

softly. "Trust me love, it'll be better that they aren't here. Now, can you wait here while I give J'onn his gift?" Talia asked, causing Kara to blink in confusion, but nod. Walking off, the two made their ways through the infinite halls of the Tardis, before

eventually finding a sound proofed room and walking inside.

"J'onn, I'm about to show you something very very important, can you keep it a secret?" Talia

asked, causing him to raise an eyebrow and nod.

Seeing this, she softly smiled "Good, this...this is your gift" She said softly, as the Resurrection stone glowed softly, as three figures glowed into form in front of them, J'onn's

eyes widened in shock.

"It's them, and they're real. I can't bring them back permanently or for long, lest I piss off a

being I'd rather not mess with. I'll be outside waiting, okay?" Talia said softly, causing the man to nod rapidly, returning to his martian form as she walked out. Breathing out, Talia sighed 'Let's hope this doesn't piss of the Endless' Talia thought, knowing that Death of the Endless might not react kindly to this. She wasn't even sure if she existed, but if she did, she hoped she wouldn't mind for a little while.

Talia stood there silently for 5 minutes or so, before she heard the door open, as the wisps of

the three Martian flickered away, saying a soft "Thank you" as a teary eyed J'onn walked out

in his human form. The man didn't wait for a singular second before pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you" He said simply, as she pat the man on the back, a soft smile on her face as the man backed up with a cough.

"I won't speak of this to anyone, I swear it" J'onn added, causing Talia to smile, and nod.

Knowing that he wouldn't tell a soul, he was honorable like that.

Walking back to the main room, Talia gave the man another smile as he exited the Tardis, and

closed the door behind him.

"Talia, what are you doing?" Kara asked, noticing Talia messing around with levers and


"Giving you your gift, Kara" Talia replied, as the Tardis began to shake softly.

*Vwomp* *Vwomp* *Vworp* *Whoosh*

In the apartment, Alex and Winn looked supremely confused as the Tardis disappeared

"Where're they going?"

"Winn, what is the Tardis?" Hope asked Winn, who looked at her.

"A space ship and a timemachine?" Winn replied, confused, as Alex breathed in, realizing

where...when, they were gonig.

Winn's eyes widened as he realized where they were going.


"Talia, can you tell me where we're going?" Kara asked, really confused as they sat in the


"Nope, you'll know here in 3....2...1" Talia said, as the Tardis stopped shaking.

"Talia, where are we?"

"When, love. It's when" Talia said with a soft smile, as she walked to the Tardis door and

slowly opened it, causing Kara to gasp, as floating within the space in front of them was...Krypton.

"H-how?" Kara whispered, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill at the sight of her

beloved planet.

"Kara, the Tardis can time travel to any point in time, past or future. Finding out when to go

was simple enough" Talia said softly, ignoring the notification that formed in front of her.

[Hidden Quests Complete]

Timey Wimey

Details - Time travel for the first time.

Rewards - 5 Levels, 1 random item.


Detials - Visit Krypton, be it in the past, or an alternate universe one.

Rewards - 5 levels, 1 random item.

"Is-Is this really Krypton?" Kara asked, looking at her planet, a few tears strickling down her


"It is. The planet is due to implode within the next few minutes" Talia replied softly, walking to the side of Kara, holding her close as they gazed down at the planet. "Th-Thank you for this" Kara said softly, leaning into Talia's comforting warmth.

"It's my pleasure, Kara. And...with your permission, I can do even more" Talia asked, causing

Kara to turn to her, wiping the tears away.n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om


"I have a lot of abilities, Kara. And one of them involves technology. With your permission, I

can connect to the technology of your planet, absorbing, saving, and extracting all data, information, and knowledge. This would include your hi-" "Do it" Kara cut her off, causing Talia to blink. "Really? Are you sure love?"

"I trust you, Talia. And I know you were about to ask if you can use it, right?" Kara asked,

causing Talia to nod. "And I trust you to use that as well. Plus...I always have loved science, maybe you and I can learn my peoples science together?" Kara asked, causing Talia's eyes to light up. "I would love that, Kara" Talia replied with a smile, finding the idea to be really appealing. As

she knew that Kara had a background in science, so working with her in it could genuinely be fun, not to mention the hands on experience the girl had, that she didn't. "Alright, I'm about to begin" Talia said, as she breathed in deeply. She hadn't used her siren power to such a level before, so she was hoping she had the ability to do it. Talia twitched slightly as her eyes began to glow powerfully, as she began to stretch her connection to technology to the planet below as she began to rapidly transfer untold amounts of knowledge into a specially created storage for the data she was extracting, created through

magic, siren powers, and technology. The storage safely held within her hand, in a physical


It took her roughly 5 entire minutes to extract the knowledge, only going so fast thanks to her immense control and power. All the while, Kara was on the side watching as Talia was extracting what was basically the remnants of her world. Only doable thanks to it's soon to be destruction, as otherwise, it could affect the timeline drastically.

"It's done, all of it is within this" Talia said, motioning to the small storage device within her


"Thank you, Talia" Kara said yet again, turning to Talia with a small smile. "It's truly no problem, love" Talia replied with a grin, before blinking as she noticed the

bright blush forming on Kara's cheeks.

"U-Um" Kara squeaked, pointing above them as Talia noticed a...miseltoe, hanging from the area above them.

'Oh you mischievous little devil' Talia thought, realizing that the Tardis had done this.

"Sorry about that, seems the Tardis is-" "It's fine! Um...isn't the custom that we have to kiss

when standing under a mistletoe?" Kara said with a blush, causing Talia to look at her in


"Yes, but I wouldn't wish to force you to do that, Kara" Talia said, before blinking as Kara moved closer to her.

"What if this is what I wanted? What if...I finally decided that I want to be with you? Whether

or not you're with others" Kara whispered, as Talia looked down to her. "Then I wouldn't complain" Talia whispered back, as slowly, they both leaned forward, as

Krypton in the background began to glow and crack. The two ignored this, as slowly, their lips

grew closer, and locked together.

Pulling Kara closer, the two passionately kissed as Krypton imploded in the distance, uncaring, as all they focused on what the sensation of eachothers lips, and the bond that soon

snapped into place.

[Hidden Quest Complete]

Supergirl is Mine

Details - Cement your bond with Kara Danvers. Rewards - 5 Levels, 1 random item, and ??????????.

At the same time, the Sun of Krypton glowed brighter than usual, unknown to Talia and Kara.

Arms firmly placed on Kara's hips, and arms wrapped around Talia's shoulders, the two

slowly pulled back, Kara heavily breathing at the kiss, a blush brightly coating her cheeks. "Rao that was..." "Amazing? Fantastic? Absolutely out of this world?" Talia said, grinning as

Kara nodded with every thing she said.

"Does this mean I'm your-" "Girlfriend? Oh most certainly" Talia cut her off with a grin, pecking Kara on the lips again, enjoying the sight of her blushing adorably. Looking at her homeworld's destroyed form, Kara sighed "Can we get back?" "Of course love, let's get back home" Talia said softly, as they walked back. While Talia was

wondering something else.

'What the hell is the questionmarks?'

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will be a small bit of the end of the party, and then a timeskip. As each episode

with actual important events happening, happens weeks after the last one, hence all the


Kara and Talia are officially together, whoo! And Talia now has access to some truly crazy

levels of technology that will be useful in the future. Not to mention Kara who will start to get

back into her roots, which was science.

Next chapter is longer, being around 4.9k words, but is also...a bit of an info dump lol. I can't

really avoid it, but it will probably be the last one of it's size for a long time.

Anyways, have a good day!

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