Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Huge thanks to James, Sin of Acceptance, Gurjot, and Semaja, for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Salvatore Boarding School, Mystic Falls] [3rd POV]

"'"'Wait What?!"" Both Hope and Lizzie yelled out in shock. Hope was not expecting for the new girl to be her roommate, she had been alone in her room for so long, that the idea of a new roommate sort of came out of nowhere. Lizzie was shocked at the fact that the new girl is being bunked with Hope of all people.

Talia, having heard this, struggled to stop a grin from making its way onto her face. The idea of being the roommate to Hope was appealing, and it would give her more ways to figure out the bond she has with her. Not to mention it would make life a bit easier, because she didn't find the idea of a roommate all that appealing, but having Hope as the roommate doesn't sound so bad.

"While we were doing this tour, I had a new bed put into Hope's room. None of your stuff has been touched, Hope, you just need to move it around so that Talia can move in" Alaric said, trying to calm down the annoyed and borderline angry tribrid.

"I don't have much personal items Hope, so you don't have to worry about the room being overtaken or anything. And if it becomes too much of an issue I can just use some magic to make a workaround" Talia said, also trying to calm the tribrid. It seems that it worked as Hope breathed in deeply calming down, while Lizzie just huffed in annoyance on the side.

"Hope, take Talia to her new room. Everyone else get back to class!" Alaric said to Hope, before yelling at the other kids who were still staring at Talia in slight awe and in some cases, anger. Hope hearing this, sighed before nodding in defeat, knowing better than to argue with Alaric.

"Alright, follow me" Hope said to Talia. Hope, while angry at the fact that Alaric sort of sprung this on her out of nowhere, was not angry at Talia at all. If anything she was a little happy with this arrangement, as it meant that she could figure out what this strange feeling was, and why her werewolf instincts were going so crazy when near Talia.

Talia, hearing this, walked up beside Hope, and began to follow her to their room. While walking with an awkward silence, Talia began to speak "I'm sorry about this, I wasn't told that you'd be my roommate or anything like that. If I had known I would have made sure you were okay with it first before anything else. I know that having a room to yourself is way better than having some new girl bunking with you"

Hope hearing this sighed softly "It's alright, you didn't know either. If anything it's Alaric's fault for not warning either of us. I guess we will just have to get used to this together, won't we?" Hope finished with a soft smile. Talia had to admit that she very much like the sight of Hope's rather adorable smile.

Talia hearing this just smiled back "I suppose we will"

Continuing their walk in a more comfortable silence, they eventually made it to the door to their room. Opening the door Hope began to speak "Welp, this is our room. I guess we can split the sides and you can choose which side you want"

Talia hearing this shook her head "Nope, you get to pick where you want. It was originally your room anyways. And I have barely anything to bring, so you can put your stuff on "My side" as well if you want, it really doesn't matter to me"

Hope hearing this turned to Talia "I guess I'll take the left bed. Do you need help setting up your side?"

Talia shook her head at this "Nope, I can probably put it all away in less than ten minutes. But it does look like your gonna need some help with rearranging things" Talia looked around while saying this, noticing all of Hope's personal belongings strung around. She also noticed that Hope's bed had a small collection of stuffed animals laying on it.

"Did you really bring so little?" Hope couldn't help but ask, while she moved and began to rearrange her belongings that were on Talia's side. Bringing so little, especially to a new school was a bit out of the ordinary, it usually meant that the person was either on the poorer side, or simply didn't have anything at home that truly mattered to them.

Talia hearing this nodded, while grabbing her bag and putting it on her bed, before moving and helping Hope "I don't really have any important personal belongings, just some clothes and books, and that's about it"

Hearing this, Hope furrowed her eyebrows and turned to Talia who was currently taking out clothes from her bag "Not even anything from your parents? Like pictures?"

"Nope. Mom died when I was born, dad soon after. I was taken care of by a butler until I turned ten, and then he passed from old age. I don't have any uncles, cousins, or anything like that, so there isn't such a thing as "Family" for me" Talia replied, as if it was no big deal. She really didn't mind sharing such a thing with Hope, as while her past life had some similar circumstances, it really didn't matter that much to her...that's what she says at least.

Hope hearing this stopped what she was doing and turned to Talia with a soft look on her face. "I'm sorry for your loss..I sorta am in the same situation. My parents died years ago, while the rest of my living family have kinda ghosted me, so I guess both of us are kinda loners"n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Talia also stopped what she was doing at this, surprised that Hope was talking about her family. She knew that that whole talking point was a sensitive topic for Hope. "Well...I guess we loners are just gonna have to stick together, aren't we?"

Hope hearing this giggled softly "I guess so"

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That's the end of the chapter. This chapter was a bit shorter, as it was mainly used to develop Hope and Talia's relationship (which I hope I did a good job on).

Next chapter will be her first official day, and then potentially a time skip to when canon begins (which is only a couple days away).

This chapter was originally going to have that timeskip and such, but I think I stopped at a good stopping point. Next chapter will be longer.

I am starting school up again soon, so updates may start coming out later in the day more


Have a good day! Make sure to point out any mistakes I may have made!

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