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9 months ago
After being reborn in a medieval world without magic and mystery, Aaron Sotos was nevertheless... Read more After being reborn in a medieval world without magic and mystery, Aaron Sotos was nevertheless content to live as a noble son.The only strange thing was that every now and then, he would have a lucid dream of floating above a blue sea.But one day, Aaron wished that the sun would redden. And so it did!This was the start of his adventure as an otherworldly Evil God. Collapse Alternate World, Ancient Times, Apathetic Protagonist, Apocalypse, Cheats, Cold Protagonist, Depictions of Cruelty, European Ambience, Evil Gods, Evil Protagonist, God Protagonist, Gore, Male Protagonist, Multiple Identities, Nobles, Secret Identity, Time Skip, Wars, Weak to Strong, Wizards Author peaked after WMW. А very good start, the world and concepts resemble lotm, an interesting plot with conspiracies, but unfortunately everything changes when, t chapter 526, MC creates a clone that goes to a very generic xianxia world. All the Lord of the Mysteries aspects are abandoned, the MC just cultivates for tens of years and goes to brothels in between, literally nothing else. I stopped at 600, he is still in this world, maybe after a break I will find the strength and finish reading how he returns to his native worldI also want to share my collection of novels I liked, if you have the same tastes as me and you know a good novel that is not in the top, you can recommend it to me. WOW... I'm actually impressed by how boring an author can make the 1st 30 chapters of a story. While yes as many will agree "there's potential" that doesn't make for an exciting read when you're literally waiting for the story to get good. A shame, dropped. Hmmmm.... after chapter 600 it's really a mess of a story but all in all still better than some harem cliche that we are seeing now days. But expected better from the writer of wmw. A solid tier between C and B . As the ending made a little emotional I'll give it a solid B Lotm + cultist simulator.After 100 chapter - many, many vibes of lotm. Souls like? Oh well kinda giving good vibes...HatersJoin the ranobe discord, link in my profile First 20 chapters available are kinda boring but possess potential This is a good work, Although MC is a bit cowardly and hypocritical (only after being strong), I stopped at chps 600 when it was becoming a Cultivation work, but it's a great work you can read without fear, Although it may be a little boring and tedious in the first few chapters, it gets better.Rank B romance?Mc power? It's been a long time since I read this work, so I don't remember Same author who wrote Warlock of the Magus World? That alone is worth trying this.