Transcendence Due To A System Error

Chapter 198: Price

Chapter 198: Price

< Chapter 198: Price (3) >

"Explain in detail."

Considering Unknown waited for four days, what he said wouldn't be nonsense.

"That day, what did you see in the battle with the Demon God?"

Most likely, Unknown observed the Demon God's battle from a reasonable distance. It's highly probable given the timing and the situation.

You catch on quick.

Of course.

"You, who were in the frigid lands at that time, must have noticed such a large-scale battle. You probably watched from a distance."

You know me too well.

Unknown chuckled as if he found it amusing.

You're right. That day, I observed the Demon God's battle from a distance. From the first battle with the Heavenly God and the dragon lord to the second battle where you stepped in. Thanks to that, I achieved my goal earlier than expected.

Achieved earlier?

" Did you tell me about the Demon God's attack eight days later just so you could observe him?"

The fiercer the battle, the more valuable it is to observe.

" No wonder. You gave information too easily."

An inexplicable irritation surged at the thought of being used.

Why are you irritated? My information didn't harm you. Wasn't it a mutually beneficial deal?


Maybe it's because I couldn't grasp Unknown's intentions. For some reason, it's just irritating.

"Nevermind. Continue with what you were saying earlier. What did you realize from observing the Demon God?"

But first, let me ask you. Didn't you feel something odd?

"Something odd?"


Something strange about the Demon God's battle.

Honestly, nothing.

For one, I wasn't in a state where I activated my sacred power, so I couldn't even properly see the Demon God's movements. The distance was too great to make any observations.

"There was one strange thing."

It's not something I saw, but there was something odd.

What is it?

"Sudden growth."

Words from Ini and the Heavenly God.

The Demon God became significantly stronger in a short span of time.

This, no matter how I think about it, is inherently strange.

What exactly do you mean?

Come to think of it, Unknown only has the memories of the demons he absorbed.

He wouldn't have memories of fighting the Demon God, so it's natural for him not to know.

"The Demon God, 7 years ago, became powerful enough to overwhelm the Heavenly God at the onset of the war. And then, 6 days ago he grew even stronger."

Such a formidable being evolved twice in 7 years?

"Strange, isn't it?"

Unknown delved deep into thought with a sharp gaze.

And soon after, he smirked.

It seems my thoughts are on track.

"The Demon God is the same being as us?"

Exactly. A heretic not bound by the system, an Unknown.

"What makes you think that?"

What was the basis for his judgment?

The battle was strange.


What exactly was strange about it?

Did you really not notice? I would have thought someone of your caliber would have.

Unknown expressed with a somewhat disappointed look.

"I had reasons for not observing that battle in detail. So instead of criticizing, just explain."

Why does the world-renowned Unknown have such a sharp tongue?

Hm. Let's leave it at that.

Facing my intense glare, Unknown chuckled.

Why do you think the Heavenly God and the Dragon Lord were so overwhelmingly defeated?

"I didn't observe the battle in detail, so I can't say for sure. But it's probably because the Demon God was simply stronger."

Was the Demon God simply stronger? Was there more to it in the battle?

Half right, half wrong.

"Stop beating around the bush and explain."

Is there anyone more twisted from head to toe than Unknown, the pillar of evil? A master of evasive talk.

The power' felt from the Demon God's body wasn't that overwhelming. Proof of this is that, in the beginning, the battle was even.

Indeed, at the start, the battle seemed equal.

No, on the contrary, it seemed the Savior's side was dominating. Whether they had prepared extensively to counter the Demon God, they unleashed techniques that seemed new even to the Demon God, pushing him.

This sounds about right.

The Heavenly God and Ini had said they prepared for 7 years to take down the Demon God.

The combined assault of the Heavenly God and Dragon Lord should I call it a combined magic? Techniques harmonizing divine and magic powers were impressive even to me. Until then, I thought the chances of the Savior's side winning were over 60%.

My eyes widened slightly.

The chances against the Demon God were that high?

That's a bit shocking.

No, more importantly, how did Unknown observe that battle in such detail? Did he become that powerful by absorbing a mid-level demon?'

Or, like my sacred mark evolution', did Unknown undergo some kind of ability change and become stronger?

But, a minute after the battle began, at some point, the tides drastically shifted in favor of the Demon God.

At what point?

Right after the Demon God began using a new trait.

"What trait?"

A technique that forcibly dispels the fusion of divine and magic powers.


Is there really such a pinpoint trait that targets our weaknesses?

Right after he started using that trait, the combined assault of your two representatives was utterly blocked. The Demon God's chances of winning exceeded 60%.


How immense must have been the sense of loss felt by Ini and the Heavenly God, who had prepared a combined technique just to defeat the Demon God for 7 years?

After that, the Heavenly God and the Dragon Lord tried numerous times. They used all sorts of artifacts generously, and they did indeed inflict damage on the Demon God several times.

Unknown's eyes grew cold.

But all were nullified.

"Nullified? Not blocked?"

Yes. Nullified. Offset. Counter.

Unknown nodded slightly.

Is there such a pinpoint trait that strikes right at our weakness?

From the second time onwards, whatever the Heavenly God and the Dragon Lord attempted was perfectly countered. And this was done using an impeccable pinpoint counter technique.

"An impeccable counter technique like the one that dissolves the fusion of divine and magic powers?"

Unknown nodded slightly.

The techniques countered were all pinpoint traits that could only be used in specific situations. Isn't that strange?

"It is strange indeed"

Even the trait that dissolves the fusion of divine and magic powers alone is strange. They're techniques that would never be used unless facing Ini and the Heavenly God.

"It seems like the Demon God's perception is simply too sharp. The Demon God's eyes can see through the essence of all things. If he analyzed the combined magic of the two with those eyes and offset it using a technical skill"


Unknown was adamant.

The techniques displayed in that battle are hard to see as mere uses of magic. Do you think that just by releasing it, one could dissolve the fusion of divine and magic powers solely by utilizing magic?


Certainly, that doesn't make sense.

It seemed more like he was creating' the exact traits needed in the right situation.

"Creating traits?"

Indeed, in the original work, the Demon God was depicted as possessing an array of traits that seemed endless.

But can one arbitrarily create traits? It's conceptually impossible.

And the only ones capable of such an aberrant act of creating traits are Unknowns like you and me, who exist outside the world's laws.

"Isn't that conclusion a bit far-fetched?"

Unknown's deduction' certainly seemed plausible. But it's all circumstantial evidence.

And most importantly, in the original work, the Demon God definitely possessed a status window'. I clearly remember that imposing status window.

On the other hand, Unknown's status window never once appeared.'

Considering these two points, the possibility that the Demon God is a system error' being like me and Unknown doesn't seem high.

Of course, since the latter part of the original work is fiction, even that status window might be fictional'

Why bother including the Demon God's status window? It's enough just to express that he's powerful.

That's why I said it's a possibility'. There's nothing certain.


Unknown's words were more speculation than certainty.

But after hearing your story today, that possibility has increased.

"Because of the growth rate?"

Exactly. The only beings that could exhibit such an unbelievable growth rate are entities like you and me, who are outside the realm of this world's common sense.

That's true.

Even my growth rate is unparalleled.

And there's no need to mention Unknown.

If what Unknown says is true, everything makes sense.

The overwhelming strength of the Demon God.

The incomprehensible vast array of traits. Even the flawless power without weaknesses.

The only question is, why did such a change start suddenly 7 years ago?

Did the Demon God, like me, evolve his abilities at that timing?

It's a very plausible possibility.

"I understand."

I knew well that Unknown's deduction wasn't just baseless fantasy.

It was valuable information worth keeping in mind.

"So why are you sharing such crucial information with me?"

I glared sharply at Unknown's reflection in the mirror.

Unknown wouldn't give away such information for free out of kindness.

There must be something he's after.

To be clear without any reservations this time: I genuinely want to join forces with you and the Savior's side.

"If it's about the alliance, we've already"

Unknown curled one corner of his mouth.

I'm not talking about a mere verbal alliance, but a genuine alliance.'

"I don't get what you mean."

I know everything, so dont play coy. You may have agreed to join forces, but you probably never intended to share information or really help me. Am I wrong?


He's right.

At that moment, I agreed to form an alliance out of necessity.

I had no intentions of acting as a true ally.

"So, I'll be honest too. I can't trust you."

That's expected since he's Unknown.

The embodiment of evil.

The malevolence of the world.

How can one form a genuine alliance with such a man?

I understand. Even I know my nature is twisted. It's hard to trust. However

There was a glint in Unknown's eyes.

You might not trust the human in me, but you can trust my ideology.'


Unknown's ideology.

To clarify the system', a supernatural entity that has become a scourge on this world, and to exact revenge on those who branded him a heretic.

All of Unknown's actions are initiated by this ideology' and also end by it.

In essence, he's what one would call an ideological criminal' among all criminals.

A man willing to sacrifice everything else for his beliefs.

That's Unknown.

On the flip side, it means that as long as his ideology aligns with our objectives, we don't have to worry about betrayal.

Unknown's statement that, while you can't trust the human' in him, you can trust his ideology' refers to this.

Being closer to the truth of this world than anyone else, and possibly even being a heretic like me and Unknown.

As long as the Demon God is such an entity, Unknown will not betray us.

At least, not as long as we are of help in [devouring] the Demon God.


I looked at Unknown with suspicious eyes.

Hmm. Even after I've said so much you still wear that expression. It seems your mistrust runs deep to the bone.

"Think about why we traveled back to the past. It's surprising that we're conversing this peacefully."

You're right.

Unknown smirked.

Then let me make a slightly different proposal.

Soon after, Unknown, regaining his serious demeanor, spoke slowly.

The reason you can't trust me is probably that you fear I might betray you later on, that I might strike you from behind to [devour] your existence. Is that correct?


Given that Unknown's ideology' is the elucidation of the truth, my existence would be a tempting prey for him.

Being close to him is highly dangerous.

You don't need to worry about that.

But that's precisely why I can't trust.

After all, there won't be any occasion for you and me to act together.

Unknown cut off my words and smiled smugly.

"You mean, we won't act together?"

Wasn't forming a proper alliance equivalent to saying we would act together?

Right after forming an alliance with you, I plan to infiltrate the Demon Army.

"You're going to infiltrate?"

Yes. If I join the Demon Army in the form of a demon, I shouldn't be too suspicious.

Unknown, having devoured a mid-tier demon, can transform into the appearance of a mid-tier demon. If he enters the Demon Realm in that form, he wouldn't be suspected, at least for the time being.

"You're volunteering to be a spy?"

That Unknown?

Unknown shrugged.

It was a gesture as if to say, Think what you will.

So, what will you do?

A spark flashed in Unknown's eyes.

Will you accept my offer? Or decline it?

It felt as though Unknown's eyes were challenging me.

Try and decline if you dare.

That's what they seemed to say.

"Okay. I'll accept."

I answered with a bitter smile.

I'm not foolish enough to decline that proposal.

* * *

With those words, Unknown disappeared from sight.

"The boss went into the Demon Realm to spy on them?"

Ai looked at me with a stunned expression.

"That's what he said."

"It's suspicious."

Ai sighed, wearing a face that said the situation was beyond belief.

"For now, it seems worth it. He probably went into the Demon Realm thinking it's the most convenient way to gather information."

Considering he also requested information from the Savior's side in exchange for information from the Demon Realm, it seems his goal is to collect all available information from both sides.

"Anyway, for now, there's no harm to us. Let's not worry about it."


What we should be concerned about right now isn't Unknown.

"Before that, we have to deal with this first."

I painstakingly moved my limbs, which were still not fully functional, and reached into the pocket space, retrieving the Dragon Heart and the Dragon Eye of the Time Dragon.

"First, we need to combine these two to secure an artifact that can take us back to the present."

That's the most immediate task at hand.

For that, we'll need

"Ai, can you call Ini for me?"

I should start by discussing the Time Dragon with Ini.

< Chapter 198: Price (3) > End.

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