Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 348: Kids

Chapter 348: Kids

"DAD/DADDY!" shout the 3 children while running at Buggy, followed by their mother.

After Buggy gets down from the ship, his family is running at him. His children look especially happy by his return. Buggy hugs & kisses Bellemere before lifting his children to hug & kiss them one by one.

"Hahaha, Daddy's home, kids. You've gotten bigger now," says Buggy happily.

"Of course, it's been 2 years, after all," says Nojiko.

They talk happily while the crew ties the ship to a post and takes out some stuff. Mantis & Jude join the family and talk with Bellemere. They just talk normally after not meeting for more than 2 years, so there are many things to catch up on.

But then suddenly Nami seems to remember something and she nudges her brother. Leo looks confusedly at her before he finally realizes what she wants. Both Nami & Leo suddenly asks to be put down, but Buggy refuses and keeps rubbing his cheeks on theirs.

He only puts them down after he's satisfied and they immediately run a few meters back. Nojiko looks at them confusedly just like Bellemere & the crew. Leo looks around his waist but there's nothing there, so he runs inside the base.

Sometime later, he returns with a wooden sword and a wooden staff for kids. He gives the staff to Nami and holds the wooden sword for himself. Then they point their weapons at Buggy who has realized what they want to do.

"Per-pep... Uh, prepel?" Leo tries to remember what he needs to say, but he's confused.

"Prepare yourself, pirate!" says Nami.

"Yeah, that! Prepare dad!" says Leo, who finally remembers his line, but it's still wrong.

"What are you on about?" asks Buggy as if he doesn't know what they want to do.

"Hehe, we will catch you and get your bounty," says Nami smugly.

"That's right, we get money," says Leo.

"Oho, you want to catch me? Can you really do it?" asks Buggy, as he plays along with their game.

"Of course, we have trained while you went. Right, Leo?" asks Nami.

"Yeah, me strong," says Leo.

The crew stops what they're doing when they hear them and look at the kids interestedly.

"Really? Then why don't you show me how strong you are now?" asks Buggy.

"Hmph, you will regret that. Come on, Leo!" says Nami.

"Go!" shouts Leo before running toward Buggy with Nami.

When they run, Buggy suddenly says, "Sigh, it seems I need to fight you because you want my bounty. I guess you don't need the souvenirs I've bought because you are more interested in my bounty."

"Gifts!?" shouts Nami & Leo excitedly.

They immediately throw their weapons and hug Buggy's legs.

"Hehehe, we are just joking. There's no way we'll catch you and give you to Marine," says Nami sweetly.

"My gifts," says Leo bluntly with a hopeful gaze.

Everyone sweatdrops seeing that scene because they thought Buggy would play a fighting game with them. These kids' convictions are too weak that they let go of 4.75 billion for some souvenirs. Well, they're just kids, after all, not real bounty hunters.

"Jack, Alan, bring them out!" orders Buggy.

Jack & Alan nods before they take the gifts that Buggy has prepared for his children. There are a lot of gifts that have been prepared. Both Jack & Alan even need to use a wide wood plank to carry them.

The kids are excited to see the mountain of gift packs. They want to immediately open the gifts, but Buggy tells them to open them in their home later. It disappoints them, but they agree after Buggy tells them that it'll be difficult to carry the gifts home if they open them here.

"What about mine?" asks Bellemere.

"Of course, I've prepared some for you, babe. But I need my payment first, if you know what I mean," says Buggy while blinking an eye flirtatiously.

Bellemere clicks her tongue while blushing because she knows exactly what Buggy means. The kids are confused though because only adults understand it. But the kids don't really care about it because they already get their gifts.

Buggy then orders his crew to finish what they do and asks Cricket to take the command. After they agree, he lifts the wood plank with the gifts on it. Then he goes home with his family to enjoy his rest and meet the villagers.

"Welcome back, Boss Buggy!"

The villagers have waited for him outside Cocoyasi Village. They even prepared a banner & some confetti to welcome him. He is basically their boss because he gave them jobs & raised their economies, after all, so they're very happy with his return.

"Where's your crew?" asks Genzo.

"They're still at the base unloading some stuff," says Buggy.

"You brought more crops, aren't you?" asks Genzo.

"Well, there are some good plants that can be planted at bad times like winter," says Buggy.

"Damn, you're just giving us more work," says Genzo grumblingly.

"You can skip on those plants if you want," says Buggy.

"I NEVER SAID I WON'T PLANT THEM," says Genzo hastily.

"Damn, what a tsundere. It's not cute when an old man does it though," says Buggy, making the villagers laugh.

"Tch, I may look old, but I'm just 9 years older than you," says Genzo.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you kept saying that. Anyway, the village looks very good now. You've really worked hard, weren't you?" asks Buggy while smiling.

The villagers smile shyly after getting praised by their boss. They talk for some time until the crew finally comes. Then they go to the village to have a party, but Buggy goes to his home first with his family.

The kids want to open their gifts immediately, so they go home first. Buggy gives them the gifts in an order that he has thought of. They open the gits happily and become happier when the gifts are everything they like & want.

Most of the gifts are items that aren't available on East Blue. Half of them are children's toys that can only be found in Grandline. The rest of them are items that Buggy bought based on his children's interests.

Nojiko likes farming & business, so Buggy gives her books about them, unusual farming pieces of equipment, and rare seeds. For Nami, he gives her books & items about navigation & weather. Then for Leo, he gives him musical instruments, books, and song clips that he bought with Brook's help.

They are very happy with his gifts, but there are still 6 more gift boxes that he hasn't passed. These 6 boxes are their birthday gifts that he couldn't give for 2 years. So he can only give them now and it makes the kids tear up before they hug him happily because he still thought of their birthday while he was busy.

Buggy tells them to open the gifts and they open the gifts immediately. Each 3 of them gets a gold pendant that can be opened and they can put 2 small pictures there. Then for the other birthday gifts, each of them gets a card.

"A DOG!?" shouts Nojiko happily.

"A GRAND PIANO!?" shouts Leo happily too.

"AN EXPENSIVE DRAWING TABLE!?" shouts Nami happily.

"There's no 'expensive' word there, but well, if Palu sells it, it will be expensive," says Buggy while sweatdropping.

Right when the kids finish reading what is written in their cards, some crew members enter the house with their gifts. These things can't be put in the boxes, so Buggy wrote them in cards. The kids are very happy with their gifts because they always want these things.

They immediately rush to their gifts happily and ask the men to pass the gifts to them. Buggy then coughs and the kids immediately rush to hug him. They thank him and kiss his cheek, making him laugh triumphantly as if he wins something big.

"Cough, we need to talk," says Bellemere while staring dagger at Buggy.

Buggy stops laughing and says, "Ah, right."


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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 372 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 383 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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