Transcended as Lord Buggy

Chapter 343: All Hail The Lord

Chapter 343: All Hail The Lord


Every man on the ship starts prostrating and praises their Captain. It all starts with their awe of Buggy's power and now they start joking around. But it doesn't change the fact that they are very amazed by his feat.

The women aren't following them though because it's too crazy. But they aren't stopping the men because they are very stunned by what has just happened. This is something that they've never even imagined because it's an impossible thing to do even in their mind.

They all know Buggy has a world-destroying power, but this is just too much. They don't even know if this is Buggy's limit or if he can still grow stronger. But they all know that this is not something that they want to face.

Seeing Whitebeard creating Tsunamis was scary enough. But now they see someone who splits the sea, splitting the world itself in front of them. In their eyes, Buggy has taken Whitebeard's top spot for someone who can destroy this world.

"Is there even someone or something that can stop him now?" asks Mantis, still with a shocked face.

"I don't think it's possible to stop that power even if The Marine & Emperors work together. I already thought that no one can stop that power, and this only proves it further," says Jude.

"It certainly is a world-defying power, but we shouldn't exaggerate it too much. Our Lord always said that every power has weakness and every strong person will always get weaker. We never know what might happen in this vast world. Even the Great Pirate King could fall, then the Great Whitebeard has been surpassed by our Lord. So there will be a time when someone with a more ridiculous power will appear and surpass our Lord," says Dela calmly.

The others realize that it's very possible. Just because that someone doesn't exist or known now, doesn't mean that they won't appear. There were cases where very powerful people who were feared by the world fell by other powerful forces that appeared later than them.

"Dela is right. Even if he looks invincible right now, someone or some people that can match him might appear in the future. That's why we can't just rely on the fact that he is the strongest right now. We need to keep getting stronger and become his power when he needs it. A single person can't do everything by himself, that's what he always said, right? That's why he formed this crew and gained allies," says Mantis while smiling.

The other women smile and get more determined to get stronger. As for the men, there's no need to worry about them. They are the most competitive people in this world. None of them want to be left too far behind by their comrades, even by their Captain who they believed to be the strongest.

They all are very amazed by what Buggy did, but it also sparks their spirits to get stronger. All of them don't want to just being carried by their Captain. They want to be the main pillars of this crew's strength, their Captain's strength.

Buggy also knows this, and he isn't worried about discouraging his crewmates because of his feat. He's more worried that his power will make the World Government treat him as a target that really needs to be removed. He isn't worried about himself, but he's worried about his & his crewmates' families & friends.

"Stop your game and listen! We will keep this a secret. No one should ever tell this to anyone, even people that you trust. This thing will stay on this ship and I won't tolerate anyone who talks about it to others. I'm also sure you all know that we need to have trump cards to be used in dire situations. This will be one of our trump cards, and I hope you all will prepare yours too," says Buggy.

Everyone gets serious and nods because they all also have thought about it. They know just how dangerous this world is and their enemies will do anything to make them fall.

"Alright, let's move and get to our destination. I'm sure you all are itching to get on the last island that gets pointed by Log Pose. We will be the 2nd crew that reaches this island after the Pirate King's crew," says Buggy while grinning.

Everyone gets excited as they hear that and they cheer happily. They move immediately and enter the clear path that Buggy just made. But when they enter the path, they find out that there's no wind in there, and there's no wave at all even though there are big waves in the surrounding.

"My power must've cut the space and made this path located in an isolated space. This path is not in the same space as its surroundings despite being side-by-side," says Buggy after pondering about it.

"Then we need to use our propellers, right?" asks Cricket.

Buggy nods and the crew activates their ship's propellers. The ship starts moving again and it enters the area between the sea of flame. Luckily, they don't feel the heat of the flame because they are in a different space, so the heat gets blocked by the space itself.

The Black Pearl moves in a clear path between the sea of flame at normal speed. Everyone in the crew wants to enjoy the sight of moving in the middle of a burning sea. Ruff & his team also want to do research by observing this unique phenomenon.

Sometime later, they finally cross the sea of flame safely. They want to go to the island immediately, but Buggy wants to do something else first. He commands the crew to move the ship out of the isolated space and enters the normal space that is quite close to the island.

Then he goes to the side of the ship and tells everyone to get ready. No one knows what he wants to do, so they are looking at him. They see Buggy extends his arms to the sides and opens his palms.

Everyone can feel strong energy radiating from him again. Then they see Buggy closes his arms slowly as if he is compressing a very hard & heavy thing. His veins even pop out and his expression turns very wild.

Then under everyone's amazed eyes, the path that Buggy made is closing. The water inside that path is raising and creating a wall because it gets pushed from both sides. The sea of flame gets closer to each other as the water wall gets higher & thinner.

After some time, the separated sea finally merges again. Then the very high water wall breaks and the water drops back into the sea. That break is creating something similar to a tsunami and the ship will get engulfed by it.

But then Buggy cuts the tsunami and saves the ship. The effect still remains though as many big waves start raging on the sea. It's now the crew's task to control their ship so that they won't get pushed into the sea of flame.

As a very experienced crew, they can handle it easily until the sea calms down. They all sigh in relief because they are still alive. But then they all see Buggy leans on the railing tiredly. Closing the space that he has cut is far more tiring than cutting it, especially because it is very big.

Buggy then orders the crew to move around the island while he rests. They do as he says and move around the island first. Everyone is quite stunned by what they find when they are just moving around the island.

Lodestar Island has the shape of a star. But that's not what surprises them, it's the weather on the island that surprises them. This island has 5 different types of weather on the 5 sides of the star.

Cricket then says what everyone wants to say, "I know it's useless to even think about it in Grandline. But I still want to say it even though we've come across so many absurdities. How the hell is this even possible?"

Buggy grins and says, "Welcome to Lodestar Island."


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

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I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 367 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 378 of Transcended as Lord Buggy /CaptMermain

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