The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 96: Oliver

Chapter 96: Oliver

Alvin was sitting at his desk on a chair that could barely hold his weight. He was preparing his speech for tonight. This party was very important for him. For the last 40 years, he has been running the business for the Von Weise family, going up in the ranks. But he was not satisfied yet, despite being entrusted by more than 10 of their companies. He wants more, and today was his chance to rise.

The information he got was that an heir would attend the party tonight, so he was considering taking his sons with him. If one of them could befriend that heir, it would be amazing.

Too bad he didn’t have a daughter, or he would have thrown her at him. He heard that he was a little lecherous. But isn’t that good, he would have something in common with his sons.

At that moment the door of the study knocked and a butler walked in, He was panting.

“Master,...Young master Malcolm had an accident this morning.” The butler said

“What happened to him?” Alvin asked with annoyance, He wanted to bring him to the party.

“When he was serving his punishment as a store clerk, someone punished him in the face, and he is now missing half of his teeth. He just woke up.” The butler said.

“How dare they hit my son? Did you get the one who punched him? Cut him into a thousand pieces.” Alvin angrily shouted.

“The guard said he held a purple family token.” The butler said as sweat fell from his forehead.

“What?” Alvin stood up in shock and hit his knee on the desk, so he fell back into his chair while grimacing in pain. But the chair didn’t hold him and toppled sending him to the ground.

“Send Malcolm overseas immediately. “Alvin said as he stood up in pain with the help of the butler.

“Understood Master.” the butler said.

“Damn it. Call Lucas, let him attend.” Said Alvin with annoyance, “We must not waste the opportunity tonight.”

When Victor returned to the room where the girls were, he was stunned by the redhead beauty in the black gown. Her looks can be described by one word. She looked sexy. And that's exactly what he wanted.

As for his looks? He had purple hair that matched his purple sparkling suit. So he expected himself to look like a clown, but he ended up looking like a lascivious young master you encounter in B movies. A very handsome one at that.

The girls held their laugh when they saw him enter the room. He was like a cosplayer.

“Young master, you look dashing.” Said Mina, trying hard not to laugh.

“I know,” He said as he sat down followed by a blushing Lily, she bought this suit on a whim, not expecting that the young master would look like this.

“When should we leave,” Asked Margret, she didn’t mind the suit, she had seen worse. And he did look good in it.

“Two hours later.” He said as he asked the waiter for some tea and sat sipping it while inspecting Margret from head to toe. Absolutely a stunner.

“What?” She asked bashfully, feeling his eyes crawl all over her body.

“Just appreciating your beauty.” He said, making her blush, “Tonight you have two missions. The first one is to have fun, the second one is to show this young master as a pervert.” Victor said, making the girls giggle.

“That would be easy.” Margret said, “You already look like one.” She added jokingly, making Lily who was serving Victor some snacks shoot her a glare.

“I know. You must understand that my fiance will be there.” He said, making Margret look at him strangely.

“The fiancee that Tom gave you the movie she was in?” Margret asked nervously. Not knowing what to think. When Victor heard about the movie didn’t seem angry at all.

“Ah yes. Have a look,” Victor said as he threw the phone at her, “keep it confidential though.” He added.

Margaret nodded as she took the phone and watched the recording. She was not shy at all, she had seen worse……. No, she didn’t.

Why is that kid doing that with a Spider, “Ah…what…” She gasped, while the twins, who wanted to watch with Alex from behind her back, screamed and covered their eyes in shame, while Alex opened her mouth wide in shock.” Is that Sebastian? The young master was right, that kid is an absolute pervert.” she thought, affirming her belief that the young master was always right.

“It’s the wrong recording. Look at the other one.” Victor said with a chuckle. Making Margret shoot him a glare.

“Ah… Is that Linda,” Margret said in shock. After watching for a few seconds.

“Oh, you know about her too?” Victor asked.

“Yes, She is famous online, she had perverted fiance….. Wait! You are her perverted fiance?” Margret asked in shock. Unlike the twins, she never liked Linda, she felt that she was a hypocrite, and this recording had confirmed her guesses. But she never expected that Victor was the infamous fiance in the rumors.

Wait, If Linda was Victor’s fiancee? Does she have to call her mistress later?

“Am I her Fiance? Yes, But not for long, I intend to break the engagement with that slut, But not, for now, so you can’t tell her that we know about the affair or the movie yet. Your mission is to make her as angry and jealous as possible. I want her to hate me to the bones. Understood?” Victor said,

Margret nodded, she didn’t really understand Victor's thoughts, but getting sluts angry was her specialty.

When Oliver woke up, he was lying in a hospital bed. He could see the cheap LED lighting fixture on top of his head, and smell the distinct odor of disinfectants.

“Ahhhhhhh….” The sudden pain in his crotch made him regain his consciousness, it was unbearable.

“What happened?” He asked himself before he remembered. And look down to see that his crouch was wrapped in bandages.

“No………………Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” He yelled in despair.

A nurse wanted to go and check on him, but her friend grabbed her hand and shook her head with a look of sorrow. His case was hopeless.

Oliver didn’t see them, he just began to recollect what happened. This morning he was working as a delivery guy as usual when he got a call to deliver a pack of condoms to that top restaurant, the Lovers Den.

When he went there, he discovered that his girlfriend was dining with some young master who happens to be the one who ordered the condoms. He knew that guy, as he was his classmate, his name was Lucas, the son of the CEO of White Investments, but he didn’t care about him nor fear him. He just wanted an explanation, but his girlfriend shouted that she didn’t want him anymore and that he was just a poor idiot she used as a spare tire. He was so angry he attacked the man immediately. But was quickly subdued and beaten by the bodyguards, who took off all his clothes then threw him at the lady’s room after feeding him some strange pill.

When he regained consciousness and intended to leave, he encountered the most beautiful girl in the world, and for some reason, he couldn’t control his urges to attack her. It must have been that pill. She said nothing, just attacked him with a dagger that she took from her purse and cut off his manhood. What a vicious girl.

“Noooooooooooo,” He wailed in sorrow and despair as tears fell from his eyes. And just happen to fall on the bronze medallion on his neck, which shone in a blue light then shattered.



Suddenly a blue shimmering screen appeared in front of his eyes.

Iris opened her eyes slowly to see a fuzzy world, what was going on? She grabbed around searching for her glasses but found nothing. Where are my glasses? she thought while rubbing her eyes, to realize that she was still wearing her contacts, were they damaged? She took them off.

What? She could see clearly now, better than she ever did. Did my eyes heal overnight?

Where am I? She asked herself looking around the lavish bedroom that was lit by the sun’s orange rays, was it dusk or dawn? She didn’t know. She looked around for her phone but found nothing near her. After a few seconds, she remembered. About that purple-haired guy, who called himself her brother. About that stern man who said he was her father. And about that Demon. Yes, about that demon. She felt a shiver go through her body thinking about it. Wait… They let her touch that stone, and after that all she felt was pain.

Was it a nightmare? No. She slowly put her feet on the floor and stood up with a little difficulty. She was a little out of balance. Wait for a second… why was she barefooted? She was even dressed in blue silk pajamas.

What? When did I change into those? Did those men do anything to me? She touched her body as she looked around the room searching for her clothes or any clues. But what she found blew her mind.

She was a beautiful purple-haired girl looking at her. No…, this was a mirror and the girl was her.

She slowly approached it and began to inspect her flawless face and skin. All the freckles that her friends make fun of were gone.

And she had long purple hair. How long has she been asleep? She trimmed her hair short last week. She slowly touched her hair and looked at it and wondered why they dye it like that? Is this some kind of a perverted play? That young master and his father had purple hair too.

Is this for real or did they drug her and perform plastic surgery on her?

She needs to run away. She thought. As she approached the window.

“You're awake.” A gentle reassuring Voice said from the back.

Iris jerked and turned around to see that a pretty woman had opened the door quietly and entered the room.

“How long have I been asleep? Where is this?” Iris asked, she should be having a panic attack, but strangely she wasn’t. She felt a strange strength in her soul.

“You have been out for three hours. You can call me Luna, I am your father’s lover.” Luna said as she sat down. “And you are now at my restaurant, The Lovers Den.” She added.

Iris frowned but quickly remembered the name of the restaurant, this is where Victor brought her. Her father? Yes. That handsome middle-aged man had claimed to be her father. This one was his Lover? Really? Aren't you ashamed?

“Where are my phone and clothes? And why did you change my clothes and who did it?” She asked with some hesitation.

“Ah, Don’t worry, I didn’t let those idiots touch you. I was the one who changed your clothes, they got a little dirty in the process.” Luna asked

“Dirty Did…. Did they do anything to me? Iris asked as she began to touch herself to check.

“It’s not that. No one did anything to you. You just sweated a lot, and your sweat was very filthy. Your clothes are in the bathroom through that door.” Luna smiled as she pointed to a door on the side.

Iris frowned, it’s rude to call someone filthy. She quickly headed to the bathroom to see her clothes were folded to the side. Damn...Filthy was the right word to describe them. They were full of a black oily substance that she didn’t dare touch. Did this thing come out of her body?

Iris didn’t know what to think. So she changed the subject.

“What about my phone?” She asked.

“It’s with your father, he is waiting for you in the living room. Come with me and he will explain everything to you.” Luna added before she whispered in Iris’s ear. “You can’t refuse his requests, but you can bargain with him,” Luna told her in a low voice as they entered the living room where her supposed father was checking some kind of strange mushroom. Do they do drugs here? She wondered

“Oh, you're awake,” Theodore Said as he looked up. “You must be surprised by the changes in your body.” He said.

“What did you do to me? Is it some kind of human experiment? A drug?” She asked.

“Haha, no. It is your bloodline, we just activated it a little. Like the demon that attacked you earlier. There are many supernatural things in the world. I just watched the Video of the secure room's camera. Victor did a great job protecting you. That thing was very dangerous.” Theodore said, making Iris frown. Despite what she saw, she found it hard to believe.

“From now on you are my daughter.” He said as he threw a stack of paper at her.

She curiously looked at them to discover that it was a DNA test that proved that Theodore was her father. It didn’t seem fake.

“Tomorrow morning I will have to take you to the family's base for further testing and to attend the ceremony. And I have to tell you that you might not be able to return here.” He added.

“I don’t want to, I already have a family.” She said stubbornly. She would never accept not seeing her adoptive father and sister again.

“That’s not your choice.” He said coldly. Making Iris flinch and remember that she was already in their hands. Suddenly she remembered what Luna told her earlier, Bargaining with him.

“I can obey you, but you have to help me transfer my father to a better hospital and pay for his medications. And…. And I want my sister to go to a better school. I want them to live a good life.” Iris said, Whatever happens next, she must make sure her family gets a good life.

“You want to bargain? Good. Then I will be honest with you. You will have to attend a ceremony on the Island. There is a 10% chance that you will die. You have no choice in that matter.” He said, making her sit down in shock. Die? She didn’t want to die.

“I don't have to do that, But…” Said, Theodore. “I already read the files about your adoptive family. We have advanced technologies that can heal your adoptive father completely. And we will make sure that your sister will attend the best school and academy in the world. That’s their reward for taking care of you.” He added.

“Can I see them ever again?” She asked, will she really die?

“If you survived there would be a big chance that you would be assigned to Vein City. So yes.” Theodore said.

Iris sat in silence, not knowing what to say.

“Can I have my phone back?” She asked,

“No, That garbage is not fit for you. How can you hold that thing? Its screen was so shattered that we couldn’t even read your contacts.” Said Theodore as he threw her a black shiny phone.

“We already transferred all your data to this one.” He said.

Iris was a little annoyed but said nothing, she didn’t care about the phone. She just called her sister who must have been worried she was late.

“Hi, Mia,”

“No, I will have to go on a business trip for a couple of days.”

“Yes. Take care of your father, and yourself.”

“Yes, Tell father I love him............ Bye.”

She said briefly as she hung up.

“You seem rich, I want you to give them enough money to live comfortably for the rest of their life.” She said, realizing that she can’t run away.

“If you die I will do that, but if you lived You would do that yourself,” Theodore said with a sigh, Although she didn't practice the family's secret art. He could tell from Iris’s reaction to the Nether stone that she had a high bloodline purity, so he didn’t really fear that she would die. None of his children who attempted the ceremony did. Even Victor, Who was thought to be a hopeless case.

Iris nodded, as she looked at her feet, thinking that she didn't care about death if her father was able to heal and the family would be able to live a good life.

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