The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 82: Screwed

Chapter 82: Screwed

When Alex woke up, she was astonished to discover that she was sleeping with someone in a sleeping bag. The last thing she remembers was being struck unconscious by some crazy girl. What happened?

She panicked a little as she felt a hand around her waist. But the bag was cramped and she couldn’t move.

She slowly turned her head to see that it was her purple-haired young master beside her, so she breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t mind if it was him. “Wait a minute!! What the hell am I thinking?” She scolded herself. “Wait, There was someone else in the sleeping bag,” she thought.

She slowly raised her head a little. To see that it was the one-eyed blond girl who hit her earlier. She was wild awake, throwing death stares at the sound asleep young master.

Alex slowly lowered her head, then closed her eyes. Deciding to pretend to be asleep. Thinking that this was not of her business.

She didn’t know how to face the young master if he woke up right now. So she just had to bear with it for a little while and wait for him to wake up. The feeling of his hand around her waist was not bad though.

Alpha was really upset. Last night, Victor got thirsty after laughing for half an hour. So he asked if there was a water source nearby. She guided him to the little fountain on the wall of the temple.

He quickly washed his face and drank then, after filling a water bottle, He took out his chair and leisurely sat on it while ordering her to take off her filthy rags and take a shower. Saying that she stinks.

That was rude. But she still did as she was told. She didn’t dare disobey as she knew a lot about the horrors of blood seals. And it wasn’t like she minded. Titus and Baron have already done much more than that to her and her younger sisters.

That was a mistake. She should not have obeyed him. His fiery eyes that were watching her shower made her very embarrassed. She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t just ignore him.

After finishing quickly, she was pleasantly surprised to find that Victor was nowhere to be found. She was so embarrassed that she didn’t even notice him leaving. Was he not satisfied with her looks?

Her clothes(rags) were missing. In their place, there were some folded men's clothing. She knew those were Victor’s. After some hesitation, she quickly took them and wore them with a faint blush showing on her cheeks.

When she returned to the main hall, she was surprised to find that Victor had already leid a double-sized sleeping bag on the ground and was sliding inside it. That butler-dressed pretty boy was already inside.

“Ah, so that’s it. He swings that way.“ She thought.

“Come on in. There is a place for you.” He said debunking her theory.

“I need to keep watch, we can’t all sleep.” She found an excuse to refuse him.

“You already said that spiders can’t come here, Don’t worry, I will use my disguise skill, and nothing will happen, now get in. This is an order. I can see that you didn’t have a good sleep in a while.” Victor said.

She scowled at him then reluctantly entered the bag. It was a little tight with three people, and that pervert Victor quickly slid his hand around her waist.

“Just sleep.” He said as he closed his eyes.

She was surprised, he really only wanted to sleep. She didn’t want to do that though. She will never surrender to him. He may have her body and soul, but she would keep whatever was left of her. However, soon her tiredness defeated her, and she slowly closed her eyes. He was right, for the previous six months, she rarely had a good night’s sleep. And the feeling of his warm hand on her back was not bad. “Blah, what am I thinking?” She wondered as she slept soundly.

She woke up to a light movement in the bag. At first, she thought it was Victor playing some dirty tricks, but to her surprise, it was that pretty butler. He seemed a little shocked after waking up and seeing the situation. To her surprise, he quickly laid back after looking at her. He was pretending to be asleep.

Is he an idiot? She wondered as she relaxed and began to examine Victor’s face. This guy is a pervert. But he is truly handsome.

When Victor woke up, he could feel the two girls' bodies around him. “This feeling is not bad at all,” he thought as he looked at Alex who was pretending to be asleep then at Alpha who was glaring at him.

“Did you sleep well? We have a lot of hunting to do today.” He said, as he slowly slid out of the bag then stood up and began to stretch.

Alpha followed him out. without answering. This was the best sleep she had in a long time, but she was too embarrassed to say that.

Victor stood and observed Alex who was still pretending to be asleep.

“This useless boy didn’t wake up since you knocked him yesterday.” He said as he turned to Alpha. “Alpha, you carry him. I will use him as a lure for the spiders.” ha added. Making Alex quickly “Wake up”.

“Ah, good morning young master.” She said as she stood up.

“What morning? It’s around noon now. But this place has no sun.” He berated her as he took some energy bars from his ring and gave them to her and Alpha. Then sat down on his chair to eat.

Alpha quickly munched on hers as she had not eaten any humanly edible food for a long time, She only survived on spider’s remains thanks to her Survivor Skill. As for Alex, she returned the bar to Victor.

“Young master, I still have no appetite.” She dejectedly said. That mushroom was surprisingly effective.

Victor nodded and threw the bar to Alpha. Who happily devoured it.

“Young master, Who is she?.” Alex asked.

“She is Alpha. Beta's and the other’s big sister, and my new toy…Personal Maid.” Said Victor. Making Alex quite astonished. You just met the girl and she is already your maid. What kind of black magic is this?

“Hello, I am Alex.” She greeted Alpha.

“I am Alpha. Shorry about hitting you earlier.” She answered while chewing.

Alex quickly began to ask her about what happened to her while Victor, who didn’t care about them, began to watch the drawings on the temple wall. They were of people fighting what appeared to be a giant humanoid Spider that was pitting poison. This must be that black widow. He thought. It had a woman's body and spider legs. He wondered what kind of world could produce such a monster.

Feeling that he needed some preparation, he started to browse the system store. He didn't intend to fight the boss, but he can't tell if this dungeon had some kind of a sub-boss or an elite monster.

The store has three sections. The first one is the permanently available merchandise. Those are mostly healing pills, talismans, and the like. Consumable items that are useful in dungeons and combat. They were ordered by the required Authority and price.

The second section is random merchandise, those are updated daily. He didn’t care about this section before because of the long cooldown time. But now it was usable after the cooldown time was shortened.

The last section was dedicated to player merchants. But this place was as desolate as ever. There were not many merchant players. And those who existed preferred to sell their items at auctions in the real world.

Only after the reckoning would this section be filled with all the useless items that only poor people would want to buy. Sometimes he heard merchants bragging about finding a hidden treasure there though.

Too bad he didn’t have much money left. There was a nice item that suited Alex at the random section today.

“Wait a second.” He yelled as he stood up and glared at Alpha, who was munching on her fourth energy bar.

She shrank her neck as she looked at him. She was wondering what this pervert was thinking about.

Victor quickly operated his menu jumping from one screen to another until he found a screen buried deep inside the system.

“Alex, there is a water fountain at the back of the temple. Go wash up, and don’t return until I call you.” Victor said as he glared at Alpha.

Alex quickly nodded and escaped, knowing that the young master was going to have a private conversation with that Alpha. And this was a good chance for her to take a shower. She still had the feeling of spiders crawling all over her body.

“Dear Alpha, You forgot to tell me a very important thing,” Victor said with a smile.

“What?” Alpha feigned ignorance.

“Your family has given you precious information and unique skills. What else did they give you?” He asked with a smirk.

“My beauty?” She joked, “You already know.” seeing his glaring eyes she quickly added

“I didn’t expect them to leave you all that COINs. From now on you will be my piggy bank.” Said Victor as he looked at the astronomical number displayed on the system screen.

“Those were meant to rebuild my family.” She said dejectedly.

“I will help you do that. And I will use those as my fees.” He said.

Alpha glared at him with hatred and sighed

“I don’t remember anything about my family. Just what the man who raised me told me and the information in my mind. But rebuilding the family is my fate. So you better really help me do it. You can’t mess with fate.” She said knowing that the COINs were gone, no matter what she said.

“Don’t worry. Whatever I take from you I will return it later, doubled. Consider it an investment.” He said he didn’t like her dejected looks.

“Wait, what did you just say about fate.” He suddenly looked at her strangely.

“Rebuilding my family was my fate. That was what the man who raised me said. The family used some kind of fate artifact to choose the most suitable seeds to send into the world.” She said, making Victor ponder for a few seconds.

He briskly stood up and went directly to Alpha’s side then crossed his legs and sat on the ground facing her.

“Don’t talk or move, no matter what you see or hear.” He ordered, then began to look at her intensely.

Alpha was slightly surprised but quickly nodded. What game is this pervert playing now?

; ;

Targets :z


Cost : 2 Order Points.


Victor Activated his Eyes of Destiny skills, and his eyes turned into a rotating black and white yin-yang symbol as he looked at her.

“This is a skill of fate !” She exclaimed. But seeing blood coming out of Victor’s eyes she quickly shut up and sat still. If something bad were to happen to him. She would be hurt too. But this was too shocking. Fate skills are extremely rare, and she clearly recognized the symbol in his eyes.

; ;

Fate : A+ Rank.

Talent : SS Rank.

Victor’s expression was very bad at the moment. He should have known earlier. Someone with her talent and fate, how could she get stuck in a dungeon. It was fate’s plan for her. He thought as he quickly looked at the fate threads.

There were just a few. Heading up toward the sky, presumably outside the dungeon, There were two kinds black malicious ones and semitransparent undefined others. In addition to a big undefined one. This was not a person. But a life goal. It should be the rebuilding of her family.

There were two other important Threads though. The first was a little ethereal and had a red tint. This must be her blood slave fate connecting her to him.

The other was golden, but not formed. This was her fated one. And to Victor’s horror, it was heading deep into the dungeon. And this was not the direction Tom was in.

This clearly explained why Alpha who seemed to be an overpowered scion was not one. She was fated to be a scion’s woman. And whoever that guy was. He was in the dungeon with them.

“Sh*t” Yelled Victor as he deactivated his skill and laid down exhausted on the ground.

“What did you see?” Alpha asked nervously.

“We are screwed,” Victor, who looked at the ceiling, said with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

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