The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 80: Alex's Cousins

Chapter 80: Alex's Cousins

It was a little too late in the morning when Linda awoke to the gentle knocking on her room’s door.

“WHAT?” She yelled in annoyance. She slept late last night after texting Bill till dawn. She was not in the mood to get out of bed.

“Miss. The Madam is requesting your presence in her office.” A maid said from behind the door. Making Linda get up immediately. Never make mother wait. She was taught that the hard way.

She quickly dressed up and went downstairs, to stand in front of her mother’s office door.

“Come on in.” Said her mother’s amused voice before she could knock.

“Good, my mother seems to be in a good mood.” She said as she pushed the door open and went in.

Her mother was sitting at her disk, browsing what appeared to be a stack of papers with great interest.

“Sit down.” Her mother said as Linda quickly found a suitable chair and sat down.

“I have great news. But our plans need to be adjusted.” Amelia said,

“What plans?” Asked Linda. Her family had so many plans that she began to lose count.

“About your fiance. I was planning to assassinate him….” Said her mother to be interrupted by Linda.

“Yeah, please do that quickly before school. Bill will be here in a month,” said Linda cheerfully.

“Idiot. That’s what I am talking about. No need for Bill anymore. Titus that piece of sh*t has been lying to you. Von Weise’s monthly magazine is out. Victor has managed to be a full player in the ceremony. I don’t know what authority and class he achieved, But Ann was so impressed by his performance that she granted him an Elite Heir status. ” Amelia said as she presented her daughter with a fancy magazine, which pages were turned to display a list of fancily written names.

The first one was Victor Von Weise, who sat alone in his category of Elite Heirs. It also featured a recent photo of him on the opposite page. He was not like Linda remembered. Here he appeared Confidant, strong. And a little bit too handsome.

“Ahhh.” Linda opened her mouth like a fish. Not knowing what to say.

“Look at him. He is very handsome. This must be the effect of a high charm value or an awakened bloodline. If my guess is correct, Ann intends to grant him an important position in the future.”

“Could it be one of Ann’s schemes?” Asked Linda as she continued to keep her eyes on Victor’s photo. If she knew, she would not have had to approach that Titus. He was good in bed though.

“Impossible, Ann is being watched closely by the other factions. And wouldn’t dare mess with the rules. If he was granted that rank, that means he deserved it. Too bad he couldn’t be recommended for the next patriarch seat as only one heir from each father is allowed to run. And his big brother is already a candidate.”

“Ahha,” Said Linda. Not really understanding what her mother was speaking about.

“Now, you should find a chance to get close to Victor,” Amelia said.

“But, what about Bill?” Linda said. Bill is handsome too.

“Forget about him. You must not let Victor know that you have been seeing other guys behind him.” She said,

“Ah… But I already promised Bill that I will be his girlfriend when we meet at school. I already sent him some private photos too.” Linda said, making Amelia want to slap her. Her daughter was just too slutty. And that is why the matriarch didn’t grant her an important rank in the family, despite her good performance in the ritual. Many family secrets require a high ranking to know about. "No, there is a fantastic chance here.” Amelia suddenly thought.

“Start ignoring Bill, Then at the night before you go to school, Send him a message that Victor is insisting on marrying you. And that you, as a traditional girl. Can’t see him ever again.” Amelia said with an evil smile.

“But wouldn’t that make him very angry?” Linda asked.

“Exactly. Bill is the type who wouldn’t care about consequences once he gets angry. He would probably challenge Victor to a life and death duel. No matter what happens next it is our win.” Amelia said

“But my marriage would be ruined,” Linda said.

“Not necessarily. If no one won or Victor killed Bill, you would still marry Victor, Bill started the fight and Victor will not be held responsible. And if Bill won and Victor died, I will propose that you should marry Victor’s brother Mike, who will have the best chance of being the next patriarch after Bill gets kicked out of the family.” Amelia said.

“Ahh, but I don’t like that Mike. He has a thing for prostitutes.” Said Linda making up her mind that Bill was a lost cause anyway.

“We will talk about this later. The future is not certain, and I want to consult the matriarch, it’s her decision. That’s everything for now. You can leave.” Said Amelia as she returned to the report in her hand.

“I understand, can I take the magazine?” Linda asked.

“Take it, I have another copy. Oh, I don't need to remind you. Make sure to keep your virginity. You can do whatever you want besides that.” Amelia said as she watched her daughter leave the room in a hurry.

Linda quickly took the magazine and went downstairs to the basement.

Three Men slowly walked towards the massive secluded mansion. A middle-aged man and to youths. They looked weird. As they were dressed in robes as if they came from a kung fu movie set.

“Are you sure he is here.?” Asked the middle-aged man.

“Yes, elder. The car drove him from the station to a restaurant then here directly. I kept watch from the other peak all night, and no one left.”

“Who lives here?” He asked.

“Just some rich young man with four maids.” Said the other young man.

“Good. arrange the formation, and make sure not to screw up.” Said the elder to one man as he arrogantly walked toward the gate.

“Can I help you?” Asked the guard who had just returned from the restroom, and was busy trying to close his stuck zipper when he saw the newcomers.

“I am looking for Alex, a pretty young man who came here yesterday. We are his cousins.” the elder said arrogantly.

“Ah, I did see such a man. He was really pretty. But I can’t let you in, this is private property.” Said the guard as he used his pinky to clean his ear. While wondering what’s wrong with those guys' clothing. Did they come from the past or is this some kind of a prank?

“Whose mansion is this?” Asked the elder as he watched his disciple who was laying a formation flag behind the guard.

“Ah I shouldn’t be telling you this, but this is Victor White’s. The new CEO of Horizons Media group. I can phone the mansion and ask if you can report your name. But I would be blamed if the Master got angry So I would need some persuasion.” Whispered the guard after looking around while making a Pay Me gesture with his hand.

“Oh… There would be no need'' said the elder as he walked to the gate and pushed it open, breaking it with ease.

The guard that was shocked quickly tried to phone Hilda, as he wondered what kind of superhumans are those? But his hand didn't move. His head did as it fell slowly to the ground. “I forgot to close my zipper.” Those Were his last thoughts.

Do you want me to remove the rape from Alpha's back story?<ul dpmb="yes">
  • Keep the rape. Make her more tragic. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No remove it. It will not really affect the story. She will kill herself to avoid Titus raping her Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I Don't care. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I just don't like Alpha. Votes: 0 0.0%
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