The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 162: About Dungeons

Chapter 162: About Dungeons

Isabella was very annoyed. That bastard Victor Von Weise was testing her patience. He was definitely doing this on purpose.

Too bad she couldn’t do anything about him. The principal scolded her for being incompetent when she complained about his behavior a few days ago…. What a bully… Does having a big and powerful family mean that you can do whatever you want? Sadly yes.

Now, Victor was soundly asleep on his desk, as that girl who always sat by his side was carefully giving him a massage…

Isabella shot her a threatening look, but the girl ignored her. She only had eyes for her young master!... Damn it.

Deciding to be the better person and ignore them, Isabella started her lesson….

“Now… Let’s complete yesterday’s lesson about skills…” She said as she looked out of the window… A dirty beggar was hanging on a tree next to the building… He was biting his lip with aggrieved eyes as he peeked into her class.

“One minute please…” She told the students as she texted the school’s security captain… It only took him 1 minute to find the beggar and shoot him down…. Oh, he missed.


The beggar attempted to run away…, They caught him….

“Now… Let’s talk … Where were we?... Yes, Skills.” She said as she looked at her notes.

“Skills are two types, some that the system recognizes you for performing them, and others you get from the system itself.” She said, “For example, I have a sword arts skill, I didn’t get that from the system, but from training for years.” She satiated proudly. “That’s why I keep telling you not to slack off.”

“Teacher… Are these registered skills useful? What’s the point of registering it in the system?” Tom asked, He was not convinced… He had no such skills… No…he has that “Captivating Smile A” skill… Was this a system skill? Probably not… It’s not his fault that his smile is so captivating that the system considered it a skill….

“A big difference. If the system recognizes a skill, You will be able to perform it no matter how injured or tired you are. We call it a system assist.… And it would be done perfectly every time with a 100% success rate.” She explained as she looked at Tom… This guy is really good, he is always paying attention to her lesson and asking the right question… And he has a really great smile… What am I thinking…

“Now, the other kind are system skills. Some skills are granted on awakening and by class… These relate to the player's personality and life experience. And there are skill books, those are granted in dungeons.” She explained.

“Teacher…. A while ago, I got a skill book from an … Dungeon, but when I activated it nothing happened… The skill was not added to my menu.” Tom asked.

“That is because the skill only gets registered after you level up when clearing a dungeon…” She said while wondering how lucky was this guy to get a skill book. Those are usually monopolized by the big families.

“Now… Skills are rare, so if you find any in dungeons, if you weren’t planning to sell them, use them immediately. This is my advice… “ She added with a bitter expression. She lost one before… She shouldn't have shown off…

“Now let’s talk about Dungeons.” She said as she watched the students' eyes sparkle. They were waiting for this subject.

“Don’t look at me like that… Dungeons are dangerous, even the lowest-ranked one can cause your death if you are not prepared.” She said as she looked at Victor… Hopefully, he would miss her advice and perish in some random dungeon… Not likely, those young masters enter the dungeons with an army of bodyguards.

“How can we rank dungeons?” A female student asked.

“Later…We'll…. First, when a dungeon opens, whoever beside it would be dragged inside, be it mortals or players. The mortals would awaken as players, so would the semi-players.” She explained.

“That means if we take a semi-player there, he can become a player?” A student from a very minor family asked.

“Yes… But we can’t know where a dungeon is before it opens. Many tried to find a pattern, but all of them failed… And even if we locate one, how can we make it open? That is one of the unanswered questions in Dungeonology. The science of dungeons… For the last 500 years, only 10 such incidents were recorded. As dungeons usually open in uninhabited regions.” Isabella explained, making that student nod with disappointment. Only three in his family have awakened, and only he was a player.

Margret and the twins who were casually listening looked with astonishment at their soundly asleep young master. How did he do it? He opened a dungeon to make them players… They thought it was common for that to happen… Now, they knew the truth.

Although he acted as if this was a chance, it was not. They could tell from his actions… Their young master was hiding too deep.

Tom and Peter had the same doubts.

“Teacher…. I awakened in a dungeon Opening.” Peter said, reluctantly, after being jabbed by Tom.

“What? When? Where?” Isabella asked.

“Ahh… It was about a month ago, on the cloudy mountain. Young master Victor… He went there saying he wanted to search for treasures because the mountain was very mysterious…. We reached a very strange clearing in the forest there, where he began to poke around the rocks searching for something valuable…. We thought he was … A little unusual..” Peter said as he looked at Victor, making sure he was asleep…. “Then suddenly a dungeon opened after he poked a very strange rock and it swallowed us…. Tom was there too.” Peter explained, deliberately not mentioning the girls. A gentleman should not reveal a girl's secret.

Isabella looked at him with doubting eyes... Then she looked at Tom… He nodded, making her a little annoyed.

Isabella didn't like being contradicted this quickly… “Damn… That Victor…” She thought.

“Well…. Cases of dungeon survivors turning into players are very rare, but they do exist…” Isabella corrected herself, as she eyes Victor, could he know a way to find an opened dungeon?

“Student Victor…. Can you enlighten us on this?” She decided to test her luck.

He ignored her… making her want to give up…. Just as a female student in the front decided to try her luck too, she was also from a minor family, and such knowledge would be very important.

“Fellow student...Victor, could you answer the Teacher’s question….” She asked loudly… making Victor open his eyes then whisper something to Lily then return to sleep.

“Fellow student…. Please respect our young master’s and only call him using his young master title… and also respect his privacy…. And refrain from upsetting his sleep.” Lily scolded the girl and then returned to her massage duty.

The student was stunned… Isabella was stunned… The entire class was stunned…. This is a new degree of shamelessness.

“Ahm… Let’s continue with our class…” Isabella said with some embarrassment… and resentment. One day she would make him pay…

“Now, after a dungeon opens, we must be very careful, as we can’t know its rank without an expert appraiser and even then, it might be appraised wrongly, as this is not dependent on a system skill, but scientific measurements... So usually, we stay away from dungeons until a team of experts arrives… Of course, some people take risks and enter early, because once a stronger power arrives, all rights for the dungeon would be transferred to them… ” She explained.

“A dungeon would belong to whoever owns the land… If no one owns the land, then it belongs to whoever clears it… there are other rules too, but they are beyond our course..” Isabella added.

“What ranks are the dungeons?” The girl from earlier asked again.

“They rank from F to SS… That’s the highest rank we know of. F-ranked dungeons are dangerous, but they can be conquered by a team of 5 experts… Usually, they are safe as long as you hide and wait for help… So are E-ranked dungeons, although they tend to be a little more dangerous… And like that, the difficulty increases depending on the rank. So does the size of the dungeon.” She explained. “An F ranked dungeon is the size of a normal big cave, It requires from 5 To 10 hours to cross from one side to the other, while the E ranked ones might get much bigger requiring about a day or two to cross. The smallest D-ranked dungeon required 5 Days to cross.” She added.

“What about higher-ranked ones?” Peter asked.

“The highest-ranked dungeon to ever be conquered was A Ranked. Its size was on the small side, requiring Only 20 Days to cross, And it took them six months to conquer it.” She explained with a proud smile. “I was a part of that expedition.” She said, gaining herself the admiration of her students.

“What about S and SS Ranked dungeons?” Tom asked.

“There exists 5 S ranked and 1 SS Ranked dungeons now…The last one opened 20 years ago… None of them were conquered, despite the families launching many expeditions… So no one goes there nowadays.” She said,

“Anyway, the Academy would let you all experience a dungeon raid, we are working to secure a suitable F Rank dungeon for you…” Isabella said, making the students' eyes sparkle.

“You better start to practice… Surviving in a dungeon is not easy, even if it was an F rank.” She warned, making the students nod.

“Now, when you enter a dungeon you would be teleported to a random position inside… You must first make sure of the safety of your surroundings ……” Isabella continued her lesson.

And like that, another uneventful day passed.

“Now… Class is over…Tomorrow is a holiday, so make sure you study well and train in martial arts.” Isabella said as she planned to leave the class.

“Teacher… I have some questions… “ Tom said suddenly…

“Come to my office, later…” Isabella said as she left class in a hurry. She needs to go to the lady’s room now.

“Young master…..You shouldn’t be here….” James said as he dragged the beggar... Yulian through the school.

“I just wanted to see my sister…” The Yulian complained.

“Still, you can’t be here… How did you get here anyway?“ James asked as he wondered if he shouldn’t have told him in the first place.

“I grabbed onto a train… anyway...How dare that bastard let my sister give him a massage… Does he want to die?” The Yulian asked as the principal removed the cuffs binding his hands at the school's back door.

“We can’t do anything about it… Remember the family rules…” James said with a sigh

“Yah… There is nothing that forbids watching my sister from afar! Just you wait… I am going to cut that bastard to pieces someday then pee on his corpse…” Yulian shouted in anger.

“I see, but … young master…..You just broke into the academy… And I can’t bend the rules….I apologize.” James whispered as he pushed Yulian out of the school’s gate where two cops caught him and handcuffed him again.

“Please don’t be too hard on him. He is just a poor young man... We will not press charges.” James said to them as he closed the door… Sorry young master, that’s all I can do to help you.

“Don’t worry… We will just ask him a few questions.” Officer Lea said as she eyed the beggar… Did he just say that he wanted to kill someone and piss on his body? That’s conspiring to commit murder! Not to mention defiling a corpse and tampering with a crime scene...

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