The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 157: About Scions (2)

Chapter 157: About Scions (2)

“Well… Not a real fortune teller.” Victor smirked at Margret’s question, “But I can see some interesting things… and I can tell you about your fate’s power.” He said, “But, first of all, you must understand that my class makes me fate neutral. This means the fate of others can't influence me. And while my effect on others still exists, it is still minimal due to my insufficient level… That’s for now anyway. My class allows my fate to gradually strengthen.” He said as the girls frowned, not understanding a thing.

“That means that by working for me your fates also become undetermined. So what I will tell you now is your fate before you knew me.” He said, looking at Lily.

“For Lily, I know nothing. I saved her life before getting to my class. So her fate was connected to mine, and it became too foggy for me to see anything.” He told the truth, making her a little disappointed… But she liked the fact that they were connected.

“What about me?” Margret asked as she looked at him with anticipation.

“Well, Margret… I am sorry to tell you, but your fate was E rank when I first met you, and it was going downhill. That’s a very weak fate. There is no set destiny… But most likely, you would have ended up leading a miserable life… or dead…” Victor said with a sigh, making her look down at her feet with distress… She knew he was telling the truth… She knew it long ago…

“Don’t worry though, your fate is C+ now… It is slowly rising.” He said, cheering her up a little. Climbing into him was probably the smartest thing she ever did.

“Am I the same?” Alpha asked…Her entire life has only been a series of unfortunate events.

“No… You are the opposite. You, the same as Mina, Mana, and Alex… You all have an A-ranked fate. It’s very strong. ” Victor said, making them frown, not understanding how this works.…

“Then why was our childhood so miserable?” Mina asked, a little unconvinced.

“Fate represents the power to change.… Look at both of you, Mina and Mana, escaping your family’s demise, and finding a new home. The same goes for Alpha and Alex. If your fate was weak, you would have already died.” He said, “Your bad luck was the result of your destiny.” Victor said, “No matter how strong your fate is, It will always lead you from and to your destinies… and …. Do you really want to hear this?” Victor asked.

“Yes.” Alpha and Alex replied at the same time,

“Your original destiny had nothing to do with me… the same goes for the twins… I changed it.” He confessed with a proud smile.

“What do you mean?” Alpha asked…

“Well… Let me explain what a scion is first as your destinies have something to do with it….” He said, making them a little tense. “ A scion is someone who has at least an S ranked fate. That means, whatever he wants, he will get it. The world would make sure of that.” Victor said.

“Ahhh… You said Oliver is a Scion?” Lily asked.

“Yes… and that is the problem. Scions are very strong, they get powerful really fast, and usually can’t be killed. The world itself will protect them and defend them against their enemies. Didn’t you notice how Zoe arrived at just the right time today, Just when you were about to throw your dagger at him?” Victor asked Lily, making her nod. He was right. A second later, and that Oliver would have lost his life.

“But… I castrated him earlier…. Nothing happened.” Lily said

“That was his destiny… He couldn’t escape it. If you didn’t do it, someone else would have done it.” Victor said with a frown. He never heard of Oliver in his past life. “Let me tell you something else, Every Scion has a destiny. Something the world gave him all that fate to accomplish… No one knows what it is. But as long as you do not stand between them and their destiny, we would only suffer minor consequences by confronting him… that’s as long as he doesn’t target us. ” Victor explained. That was his understanding.

“Then… What should we do about him?” She asked. An enemy that can’t be killed… Lock him up? No, that may stop him from accomplishing his destiny… And he was already targeting them.

“Well… Usually, we would be in a mess… But I might have caused his fate to change a little after framing him today… I didn’t even know that this could be done…. But in the end, he became a dark scion… That means that the world has decided that he was a loser that can’t accomplish anything by himself, so his fate will not be able to influence the world anymore, on the contrary, it would turn everything against him, pushing him toward his destiny… So hurting him would be … We just have to make sure not to maim him too bad or kill him.” Victor said, making Lily frown and then nod… She can leave him with an arm and a leg.

“What does that have to do with our destinies…. What did you change?” Alpha who didn’t care about Oliver asked nervously.

“Oh…. Well, you see, the world will always give the scion the tools he needs to fulfill his destiny… and that includes “followers” with high fates… Like you.” Victor told the truth.

“I was destined to be a scion’s follower…. His lover maybe?” Alpha asked…

“Yes… Both you and Alex were supposed to be Sebastian's faithful ‘followers’…” Victor said.

He hid Alex’s Scion status on purpose, he doesn’t want it to affect her at all, as he wants to change it. IF he told her she was a scion, she would probably be so happy that they would suffer a disaster, and on the contrary, if she knew she was a dark scion, that might make her so sad, that her fate would solidify. So for her, ignorance was a blessing.

” Ahhhhh… That’s why you were acting like a b*tch in heat back then!” Alpha yelled rudely as she stood up and pointed at Victor, “You made him hate us so that his fate would exclude us!” She had just understood what happened back then… This young master has outsmarted all of them!

“Yup. Don’t get me wrong, you don’t have to like the scion, he is the one who has the initiative, if he doesn’t like you, the world would find him a better girl to … befriend.” Victor said, making Alpha bite hard on her teeth as Alex frowned… She didn’t like Sebastian at all… She can't even imagine spending time with him, Thankfully her destiny had changed.

“What about us young masters?” Mina asked, as her sister held her hand.

“Maybe because we are compatible… I could easily see your fate the minute we met…. “ He lied, “You were also supposed to be a scion’s lovers… Your destiny was to give your life voluntarily to save his stupid life.” This time he told the truth, he heard of their heroic demise, Tom published it in an Autobiography that became a bestseller and earned him a lot of COINs that he spent to build a brothel in their name.

“Does the young master know who was our destined one?” Mana asked… Curious.

“Yes… It was Tom.” Victor said, making Margret who was thinking about some random things turn to look at him with her mouth open wide in shock.

“Ahhh…. Are you sure ?…. He doesn’t seem all that impressive?” Margret asked.

“He is… Don’t you think that his rise from a poor boy to a rich player is a little unbelievable… Even if you wanted to be rich as a player today. Without my support, it would take you 10 years at least.” Victor explained, making her nod. She was convinced.

“Then… does a scion know he is one… Does Tom know?” She asked.

“No… I can only tell because of my skill. But normally, it would be discovered through observation… But most people didn’t even hear of this term.....” Victor said.

“Is that why the young master asked us to choose only one of us to date Tom… you knew all along! You …” Mina said, interrupting him….. She wanted to say you were scamming us… But she didn't say it.

“Yes, I told you, Tom’s destiny would have hurt you badly. I didn’t want you to die. And that was the first time I tried something like that.” He said truthfully. Making them ponder.

“But… We might not have dated him anyway…. Only one of us…..” Mana complained.

“No, you were destined to be both in his bed sooner or later… I want you to remember how you felt about him before you met me…. You liked him very much didn’t you?” Victor said, making her blush a little… “Now tell me, when was the moment you stopped liking him?” Victor asked, making them ponder.

“It was when we watched that movie of his on the balcony.….” Mana replied with a blush.

“No… It was earlier.” Victor corrected her, making her pause and then look at her sister for an answer….

“It was after we left the dungeon… He was acting strangely… At that time I thought that maybe he was not really the one for us…” Mina said after thinking for a minute or so.

“Exactly. At that time, I tricked him into thinking that you were sleeping with me.” Victor confessed proudly.

“Is that why he called them B*tches?” Margret asked as she got excited.

“Yes… and he hated them, so they were no longer being brainwashed by his fate… Their true feelings prevailed, they never liked him in the first place.” Victor explained, making the twins, who were disturbed by the truth, calm down a little. They need time to comprehend all of this.

“Can’t we let Tom get rid of Oliver? Maybe I can trick him..” Margret suddenly proposed.

“No… Because if their destinies got damaged, we would be the ones suffering the backlash.” Victor explained…” And, Oliver is being protected by another Scion, who is much more powerful..” Victor explained.

“Who?” Lily asked.

“Zoe…” Victor said, making the girls gasp…

“You girls might never have heard… But Zoe, my cousin, grew up in a mountain village. That Oliver must be her childhood friend.” Victor guessed correctly.

“Then… What should we do?” Margret asked nervously.

“Stay alert, and respond to every move with caution… I will find a way to get rid of him sooner or later… In the worst-case scenario, we would have Lily play dead.” Victor said, with a smirk… He doubts that the von Krone would let someone who tried to kill their princess roam free… So that Oliver’s happy days were numbered… and that snake Charlotte too… She messed with the wrong target.

“Then… What was my destiny? Is it Sebastian’s… follower …. ? Is that all you could see?” Alpha asked, ignoring the girls, She only wanted to know about her family's problem.

“Yes… But, isn’t everything else obvious, Sebastian would have helped you out of the dungeon with the jewel of Horas, then helped you avenge your family… Talking all of your riches as his own property.” Victor said,

“The same as you did?” She asked with annoyance.

“Exactly… Didn’t you also have some goodwill toward him when you first saw him… You thought he was cute maybe?" He asked making her look away, hiding her embarrassment. "Didn’t all of that change when I told him that you are a bully?” Victor said, making her nod… He was right… Those Scions are simply scary… Her memories had some incidents like that from her family's archive… He was absolutely telling the truth. But she was still a little annoyed because he fooled her.

“What about me, young master?” Theta asked… was she destined to marry a scion too?

“Your destiny is a C rank… If my guess is correct you should have been killed and got your body taken by that painting… Meeting me, you survived. This was probably because of your luck, not fate. Those two can usually interact in some crazy ways…” Victor explained, making her a little disappointed… She wanted something more dramatic… But being with the young master was not bad. If only she could spend more time with him.

“Young master…. What about me? ” Alex asked lastly, after some hesitation… Was her secret discovered?

“It is too foggy… But there is something about getting raped by a goblin army to help Sebastian escape…about 100? No more than that…. I don’t even know where such a gay goblin army can be found…” Victor lied with a frown making her shiver… She knew it in her heart...That army should not be gay at all.

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