The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 153: Oliver (2)

Chapter 153: Oliver (2)

” ***** f*** her ****** piece of **** ” El was cursing as she walked toward the warehouse to get a toothbrush. She needed a new one to continue to clean the pool with... Her arm really hurt. But she didn't dare to slack off.

Suddenly she heard a noise.

She shivered as ducked behind a table, thinking it was Hilda who heard her curses... It was not.

Two chicks were leisurely walking around,

“So on Thursday night, you have to drive me with the other guys back to the base. We have our annual test... ” The first one said,

“Yeah… But can we really leave the basement unguarded? The young master’s treasures are stored there…” The second complained.

“ Don’t worry, the maids will keep an eye on it… And it’s not like someone is planning a heist that very night… “ The first said, “ Ms. Hilda said that she would guard it by herself…” he added.

“Fine then…. How is your rash……”

Their sound faded.

El left her hiding with a very thoughtful look in her eyes… This was her chance… But….

She quickly got the toothbrush and returned to the pool… where after making sure no one was around, she sneaked toward the phone.

“Who is it?” A young man’s voice asked.

“Mr. Kline…. It’s me El.” She said,

“Didn’t I tell you not to call me again? You are too young to join me… I am busy..” He said with a sigh

“Wait… I am not at the village, I have some news.” She said.

“I know… About the mountain deal... I am finding someone to help.” He said with an annoyed voice.

“It’s not that. I am at the new owner’s house… I know where he is keeping the deed. There would be a chance to get it….” She said, then proceeded to tell him everything about Victor, including how he can fly.

“Some kind of a personal jet…. This guy must be filthy rich.” Mr. Kline said in shock.

“Yes…” She replied.

“ Next Thursday is it?. I will see what I can do. You keep following their orders, and tell me if anything has changed.” He said then hung up.

El smiled wickedly as she returned the phone’s handset to its place quietly.

Damn Witch Hilda, Just you wait for this young miss’s revenge.

Following the yelling sound, Victor quickly reached the Ladies' room, where a few students were grouping at the door to watch the drama inside.

Victor intended to push them aside, but suddenly they all stepped back in horror, giving Victor a chance to slip in.

A young man was standing there, aiming a gun at Lily and the girls who stood there in shock.

His eyes were red in anger. as if he was about to lose his mind.

; ;

Oliver Goodman



CLASS: Gunslinger


Strength: 20

Intelligence: 20

Agility: 20

Luck: 9

Charm: 20

Order: 10


Firearm Scan and Materialize S ( SCANNED: TOY PISTOL, PISTOL, AK-99)

Piercing Shot A

Homing Bullet A

Bullet Storm A

Shadow Steps C

Gun Arts C

Driving D

Swimming E

Quick-draw F


Protection Talisman B

Protection Necklace C ( add. Berserk Curse A )

Storage Ring D ( add. Tracking device A )






Victor frowned when he saw this guy’s info, A typical overpowered Scion. What was his relationship with Lily? And what's going on with his equipment? Was he being tricked into something?

“Who are you?” Lily said with a frown as she put her hand behind her back, grabbing the dagger hidden there.

“Oh…, You b*tch forgot what you did to me…You…….” He froze a little and regained his mind when he saw that an audience was slowly forming around the door. Some things are better kept a secret… Just now, he just pulled his gun on an impulse… realizing that he made a mistake, Oliver decided to retreat and take revenge later.

“Ah… You are the pervert I castrated... It was your fault for attacking me that day.” Lily said in shock, stopping the retreating Oliver in his tracks and causing the people who heard the scream and came to see what’s wrong to look at the man… then down at his crotch.

“Ahhh, you b*tch. “ Oliver screamed. “Now get on your knees and beg for forgiveness. And maybe I will grant you a swift death.” He yelled, losing his mind again as His secret had been exposed.

Victor didn’t like how this guy pointed his gun at Lily… He wanted to do something, But assaulting a scion was dangerous... Even someone as weak as this one.

Wait, where are the security guards? Victor frowned as he looked around. That’s weird… This place should be heavily guarded as many important people would be attending this ceremony.

This was definitely a trap.

Victor didn't know what to do, but after some thought, he decided to put the needle he had taken out away. Lily was powerful enough to deal with this weak guy.

Whoever planned this trap, must have wanted them to kill Oliver or get hurt in the process. But sadly they miscalculated. Even if he wanted to kill this eunuch he couldn't. Scions can’t be killed. It was a tested and proven fact.

“Just wait for it,” he told himself as he watched nervously.

Indeed, at the moment when Lily had enough of this idiot’s rambling and was preparing to throw her dagger at him. A girl shouted.

“Stop…Oliver‽ What are you doing here?” A girl pushed the spectators to the side as she made her way toward them.

“Zoe!?” Oliver slowly lowered his gun and looked at the pretty girl. “When… How… Why…?” He had many questions. He had not met her for the last 5 years… ever since he left the village.

“You ask me why? I should be the one asking you? Since when did you become a thug?” Zoe asked, with some disappointment.

“Ah... Sorry. I lost my nerves there.” He said as he looked at Lily with a clear hatred. “A while ago I was very hurt, and that girl took advantage of that and …. Injured me.” He said as he had some difficulty controlling himself. He should probably leave this place to keep his sanity and dignity… what's left of it.

“Oh… I…” Zoe wanted to say something just as a team of guards surrounded the room, headed by a fat captain with a balding head.

They quickly pushed the students away.

“Drop your gun.” The captain said as he raised his gun and aimed it at Oliver who frowned, then slowly put the gun down on the floor, passing it behind his pants in the process. Never make trouble with the officers of the law. That was one of the player council’s rules.

“This is just a toy. I was joking with them.” Oliver said in a confident voice as he kicked it toward the nervous guard.

“Oh…” The guard said as one of his men quickly grabbed it and checked it.

“It’s a toy, sir.” He said, making the captain relax… This was just a prank.

“What are you doing here? The ceremony is about to start… Go to the auditorium.” The captain said, intending to defuse the situation. There are many important people here. If anything went wrong, it would be his responsibility. ”And you, I will tell the vice principal to issue you a warning.… This better not happen again, Now get going.” The captain added,

Oliver shot Lily a murderous look, then turned around and headed to Zoe near the door, pushing Victor who purposely stood in his way to the side.

But after taking a few steps Oliver heard a shout.

“Stop!” A commanding voice stopped the students and guards from leaving.

Everyone turned around and looked at Victor who pointed at Oliver who turned around to look at him with a frown.

“Is this how you run this school? A pervert tries to assault the girls in the ladies' room with a fake gun. And all you do is let him go with a warning? Maybe I should get all my friends to come and assault the girls here since you guys are this forgiving.” Victor said. It’s not that he wanted to make Oliver his enemy. But this guy already wants Lily dead. Victor felt it in his eyes. How can he let him leave this easily? And wouldn’t this idiot be a perfect practice target for him?

In the worst-case scenario, he can get Zoe to mediate the situation, she seems to know this guy well.

“What do you mean assault? This is just a prank….” The captain asked.

“Captain, this young man is a known sex offender, you can check with the police. That girl castrated him in self-defense before when he tried to assault her. She didn’t press charges back then because she thought that he was pitiful, and ….. Now he is doing it again, maybe for revenge. I'm just saying… Why was he loitering here in the ladies' room anyway.” Victor said. Making Oliver get angry again, but knowing that Zoe was watching him he cooled down immediately.

“True… “ The guard said, “Why are you here? ” One dutiful guard asked.

“I…. I saw her entering here and followed her.” Oliver confessed to making the girls in the back gasp… “This is not a crime. I just wanted an apology from her.” He said, making the guards hesitate… They should end this quickly.

“Then how do you explain that panty poking out of your right pocket?” A girl’s voice suddenly came out of nowhere, making everyone look at Oliver’s pocket…

“There is no….” Oliver took out a red sexy panty from his pocket in shock… When did this thing spear in his pocket?…

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… It is mine.” Margret said as she pointed at Oliver in shock, then ran to him and took her panty before slapping his face making him fall to the ground.

“Bastard…. How did you take it? I didn’t feel a thing?” She said as she ran into an open cubicle in shame… Not forgetting to stumble a little, so that everyone could see that she was not wearing anything below her short skirt.

Victor nodded, this girl got his intentions right, as always. Her mind was as corrupt as his… Wait… Why is she not wearing any underwear?

Everyone in the room was shocked. Men were cursing in anger, as girls touched their panties, making sure they were in their places… Including Zoe. This guy might have become a eunuch but he was still a pervert.

“You will come with us.” The captain told Oliver as the guards surrounded him.

He wanted to resist as his eyes turned red in anger. But even with his powers, he could not push away 7 burly guards, who handcuffed him and then dragged him away while gagging his mouth. He was biting.

“Everyone, Head immediately to the auditorium. I will punish everyone who stays here.” The captain said as sweat fell from his brows… This was a scandal and a big mess. He shouldn’t have listened to that b*tch, Charlot.

Zoe frowned as she watched Oliver being taken away. She wanted to talk to him a little more. He was her childhood friend in the mountain village after all… Who did he become like this?

When did he get so perverted… Was city life this evil? She must ask Lily for some info later…She must fix him.

Victor was secretly chuckling as he watched Oliver being dragged away when he noticed a change in Oliver’s fate.

; ;





What? Can this be done?

Victor had no idea that a scion’s fate could be changed… The power was still an S, But the Direction and Destination have changed. From a scion to a dark scion.

What caused it? The repeated failures? Or was it his destiny?

And what about his Revenge? Would this guy bug Lily from now on…. That’s unforgivable.

Was this a destiny arrangement because Lily avoided death at the family grounds? Maybe… He should have seen this coming.

Victor was a little disturbed, but a little excited as well… How far can he manipulate this guy's fate? That was the question he was asking, and it was worth investigating. And he had the perfect test subject for that.

Maybe he can also fix Alex's fate… that would be dangerous.

He should ask the Book Of Knowledge when it cools down. Hopefully, the cost would be reasonable.

Now, he had to know who set this trap… that was easy, as he knew who to ask.

“Go reserve a good seat in the back for me, This young master has to use the restroom,” Victor said as he ran away, under the girls' frowns. Wasn't the men's room in the other direction?

The guard’s captain returned to his office after handing Oliver to the police, the better keep out of this mess. He just checked the girl, she was registered under the Von Weise name… He was probably in deep sh*t.

Throwing his fat ass on his chair, he felt a needle prick his ass. He jerked immediately, but couldn’t stand up, as a hand pushed him down making the needle drill itself into his buttocks.

“Ahhhh….” He wanted to turn, but couldn’t, it was as if the hand on his head was made of steel. And he could feel a sharp dagger almost slitting his throat... On it's reflection, he could see the face of an old ugly man.

“Who told you to ignore the trouble at the auditorium ladies' room?” An old ghastly voice asked.

“I don’t know.” the man wanted to say but couldn’t … As his mouth told the truth involuntarily.

“It was lady Charlot… She got me the job here.” He said against his will.

“Good,” The voice said as the fat man lost his consciousness.

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