The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 139: Trouble in the company

Chapter 139: Trouble in the company

After taking care of Lin’s problem, Victor silently left the Cross mansion and headed back home.

What happened was a big surprise for him. He didn’t expect that Linda was fake. No wonder her family didn’t give her any important role and didn’t tell her about the parasite beforehand. They never truly trusted her.

Lin on the other hand surprised him more, he never expected her to be that cooperative, but considering her situation… It could be understood. That girl is too smart and didn’t need convincing. He was her knight in shining armor after all. but with Lin’s powers, she is one of the strongest Players before the reckoning. He must use her well.

He really didn’t care about Amelia, he didn’t mind leaving her. Sooner or later the Von Rosen would suffer that catastrophe. And he would be able to make use of the mother and daughter after he kills all of the elders to take control of the family and all its assets.

Putting this problem at the back of his mind, he tried to contact Tom again on the road. But that piece of sh*it hasn't finished yet. He was abusing his powers as a player to the limit.

Victor sighed, quickening his steps.

When he entered the mansion it was already 12.00 Am. He was surprised by the shiny floor. It seemed like Alex and Margaret really put their hearts into it.

“Welcome back young master.” Mina, who seemed to be waiting for him, greeted.

“Where are the girls?” He asked,

“They went to sleep… Chick something…17… arrived an hour ago, Lily escorted her to the study.” She said,

“Oh…She is a he….., now go get some sleep, I will take you shopping tomorrow.” He said as he approached her and then kissed her forehead before heading to the study.

Mina, who didn’t expect the sudden kiss, blushed a little, then bowed and ran to his room to brag in front of her sister who was also there.

Entering the Study, Victor gave Lily a nod and then gestured to Chick 17 who stood up in respect to sit back down.

He sat on his chair behind the desk with Lily’s help and then patted his lap for her to sit on it before looking at chick 17.

“Is everything ok?” He asked.

“Congratulations on your recovery young master.” Chick 17 said respectfully. “And…As I have been telling Miss Lily, We might have a problem.” He added as he avoided looking at Lily who relaxed on her young master’s lap.

“What problem?” Victor asked.

“We caught a rat a few days ago, and another one yesterday. They were journalists… Jane Armstrong and her assistant John smith. They have been sniffing around the factory.” He said.

“Oh… It was probably my fault for missing the appointment with her. Did any of you meet her?” He turned to Lily and asked.

“I told Aria to take care of the problem. But we didn’t know what to tell her, so she must have found a way to delay the interview.” She said with a frown,

“Did Aria return yet?” He asked.

“Not yet. There seemed to be some trouble in the company, so she was staying late. She should be on her way back.” Lily answered.

“I see…. Where did you keep them?” He asked Chick 17.

“At the factory, we have a holding room there…. Master Nick used to keep kidnapped girls…” Chick 17 answered,

“Ah… Don’t Call him master….” Victor scolded, “I will go see them tomorrow. Treat them well.” He said,

“Understood,” Chick 17 Replied.

“Did you do anything regarding the construction I asked you about?” He asked.

“Not on the ground…. But we were able to purchase the entire mountain. The seller needed some convincing… but Miss Lily and Miss Margret somehow did it.” He replied then Looked at Lily with a questioning gaze.

“Margaret did it… I don’t know-how. I spend most of my time next to the young master.” Lily said, puffing her cheek. She seemed a little jealous that Margaret was more useful than her.

“Ohhhh. That’s good.” Victor said while wondering what Margaret did. Her charming ability is very useful in such situations.

“Start buying construction material… and do it silently. I want you to dig into the mountain to build a base there.” He said,

“But that would require some more hands… and equipment.” Chick 17 said.

“I will get you the equipment… as for the hands… recruit some people from far away villages. Pay them well, but scare them a little so that they would never talk and transport them there blindfolded. Keep the location a secret as much as possible.” Victor said, knowing well that no secret could be kept forever. Especially regarding such a grand project But he could delay people finding out about it.

“Understood.” Chick 17 replied.

“If there is nothing else you can leave,” Victor said,

“That’s all young master.” Chick 17 said as he stood up and bowed then left the room while giving Lily who was putting her head peacefully on Victor’s shoulder a weird look.

“Is this the same demon girl who grilled them for three days because one of them asked her what was behind the veil?”

After Chick 17 left, Victor put his head on Lily’s head brushing her hair.

“You seem upset.” He said.

“I…. I feel useless. Everyone has a mission to do…. Except me. And when the young master needs something to be done, you are doing it yourself.” She complained.

“Did your sisters recover?” He asked.

“Yes, they regained their health, and are ready for any mission.” She replied firmly.

“Good, I want you to send them to find suitable children to be trained as assassins. I want them to create an assassination organization..” He said,

Lily opened her eyes in excitement. She was getting jealous of Alpha who was building her own team lately.

“I understand, but I need a base and the families have already taken all the promising children from the orphanages around the country. If we found any they would be useless.” Lily said.

“I don’t want those. And my Idea is different. You won’t create a fixed organization. But think of it more like an assassins guild. It has base members and outside members who would take missions. To build the base team, search shanty towns and juvenile prisons for suitable candidates. It doesn’t matter if they were a little weak or a little evil, I have ways to strengthen and fix them. But they must have a loyal character, have good management skills… and they must agree to this by themselves. I don’t want to force anyone who might betray me down the line.” He said copying the formula of many guilds that would rise after the reckoning.

“Understood…. But even so, how can we be sure of their loyalty?” She asked, does he want to use the slavery ring on them?

“I can’t be sure… but they wouldn’t know who their real boss is. They shouldn’t even know about you…… I will leave it to you how to implement this.” He said, “In addition to that, I will implement nano-chips in their body. I have a good design that I will give to Kai later. He should be able to manufacture some of them silently.” He added. The nanotechnology he knew of, was just a little more advanced than the current one used by the family, but not by much, so Kai should be able to manufacture them. Although they would be useless after the Reckoning, but by that time he should have got some good control artifacts.

Lily nodded as her eyes shone with determination. At last, something for her to do.

“I would prefer that you just stay by my side and be my hug pillow though,” Victor said suddenly as he hugged her tightly and buried his nose in her hair, making the blush on her face reach her ears just as the study’s room opened, and Aria walked in.

“Victor, I …… Am I interrupting something?” She asked with a blush after seeing Lily’s ambiguous position on her young master’s lap.

“No, not at all… Sit down.” Victor said as he caught Lily, who wanted to run away.

“Are you feeling ok now? What happened? Why were you in a coma?” Aria asked him while trying hard to ignore Lily on his lap,

“Yes, I just overexerted myself a little with all the girls around,” Ha answered, making her want to kick him. At least tell a good lie.

“That’s good then, make sure to take care of your health..” She mumbled as she gave Lily a jealous look.

“I wanted to ask you, what did you tell Jane Armstrong that day?” He asked,

“I didn’t speak with her, I just told Susan to schedule another appointment for her….. But I didn’t ask what she did after that. We have some trouble in the company and I was really busy” Aria said

“What’s wrong?” Victor asked, with the money his family was pumping into their companies, it was rare for something like this to happen.

“I don’t know…. Suddenly all of our contracted actors stopped working with us… They even paid their contractual fines with a smile. And I can’t find any A list or B list actors who were willing to work with us lately.” She said with a sigh, “Thankfully Mr. Silberberg and John Sigma are still on board… They told me someone approached them with a few million, asking them to leave the company.” She added,

“Oh…. It must be that slut Charlotte…. I will allow you to use all the family resources and money… First, we must teach those sh*theads what it means to betray us… Call Kai and tell him their names, I will make them get arrested… I bet most of them did some stupid mistakes in the past… make sure that they would spend a few months in prison at least… It might fix their character.`` He said, making Aria look at him with a frown.

“That would raise public anger…. And no one would work for us after that,” She said.

“No, they would, if we paid them well…. And… I will not accept most of them anyway.” He said arrogantly, “Create a new recruitment campaign. We will also start a movie star competition. And do some recruitment and audition in film schools.” He said, “If they don’t want to work for us, we will get new ones.” He said coldly.

“But…. We would need good actors.” Aria protested.

“Not really… Just one or two stars in a movie are sufficient. We just need good scripts and directors… I will write you the names of a few obscure writers later, you go recruit them.” He said while thinking about a few names in his past life. He could write the scripts of future blockbusters from memory… but he was too lazy to do that. He can just hire the original writer and director.

“Fine….” Aria said, sounding unconvinced.

“When you do the auditions make sure to invite me, I want to look at all the pretty promising actresses there.” He added with a grin.

“I will….” She said with a sigh while brushing her purple hair with her fingers. It had a strange shimmer that made Victor open his eyes wide…..

“If there is nothing else I will go to sleep.” She said she was now a little relieved after Victor’s recovery. Tonight, she could sleep without worrying about him.

“Wait,” Victor yelled suddenly with a strange look on his face, that made Aria and Lily frown.

“Come here and drop your blood on this book,” Victor, who took out the blood book from his ring, told Aria, as he wondered why the hell did he forget about her? Even now, he almost forgot again…… Could it be that her purple hair is the result of her having some strange bloodline? Wait… why didn't he think of that earlier…

Aria frowned when she looked at the strange leather-bound book, but she quickly used a pin to cut her finger and marked the book with her blood.

; ;

BLOOD ID 15248794411154671989899454641124





; ;

BLOOD ID 15248794411154671989899454641124































Victor frowned… This one was also a spirit like Mira… But Aria was of a higher rank. They must have come from the same world… And What is a spirit hunter? And why does her bloodline contain memories and constraints? Would she be an enemy? He should find a way to control her before he awakens her bloodline… And he should probably search for her parents. Should he try using the book of wished knowledge? Maybe later tonight.

He never expected that there were these many otherworldly bloodlines in this world…. Is it really just a coincidence? From the memories of the demon he devoured, he only got that this world was really rich in energy, and many otherworldly beings coveted it… but was it really this tempting, or was there something else?

“Is everything ok?” Aria asked nervously, as she and Lily looked at the book not being able to understand even one character.

“Yes… You are very special.” Victor said casually, making her blush a little.

“That’s good… What does it say?” She inquired.

“That you are very special.” He repeated.

“You already told me that…” She said with a pout,

“I know.” He said with a wide grin, making her understand that he didn’t want to talk about it.

“Fine then, I will go get some sleep.” She said turning around with annoyance and heading to the door.

“I will tell you when the time is right.” He suddenly told her as she was about to close the door.

“You better do…” She said as she shut the door.

Victor chucked then looked at Lily, “Go sleep in your room, I have something to do.” He said,

“I will wait for you in your room.” She said timidly.

“Margret and the girls would be there, and I want to be alone with you tonight,” He said with a smile that made Lily blink in surprise and then blush as she jumped from his lap.

“I might be a little late though..” He said,

“I will be waiting.” She said as she left the room while wondering who the new girl was. The smell on Victor’s clothes was very distinct.

Victor sighed as he relaxed in his chair and closed his eyes. It was time to see what That pervert Tom did in his absence.

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