The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 136: A Discovery

Chapter 136: A Discovery

“Sh*t” Victor cursed as he sat in the car, making Lily who sat in the driver’s seat feel strange. 

“Is there a problem young master?” She asked with concern.

She didn’t like the fact that he had a new concubine, but she didn’t expect her young master to be this upset about it. He even declined his father’s invitation for a meal.

“A big problem my dear Lily,” He replied, “Drive slowly, I need to think.” He told her and closed his eyes as the car started moving.

He remembers hearing the name Nova Von Astrom. Wasn’t she the girl Tom asked him about when he started acting as a system?

Too bad he does remember who Tom dated in his past life. This guy was a womanizer.

If she was the same person, that means, the person whom she cheated on her fiance with was Tom. And the situation would be really troublesome. Taking her would not be as easy as taking the twins, who only had a crush on Tom back then.

Taking her was like grabbing food not from Tom’s mouth but from his stomach…. It was both troublesome and disgusting. Maybe he should find a method to get rid of her.

Was it fate? Probably. This may also be a kind of a world backlash as this engagement is really troublesome. If Tom knew about it, and Victor tried to stop him from meeting Nova, the world would probably find a way to help him out of his enslavement….. If that was even possible.

But desperate scions do crazy things…. He heard of many impossible stories about them in his previous life.

The other problem was Nova… As Tom’s lover, would she approve of Victor? Probably not.

What should he do?..... For now, he should make sure this was the same girl….

Victor quickly contacted Tom… Sh*t…. He quickly canceled the connection. That pervert was spending the time of his life with two wild girls. That piece of sh*t was enjoying himself while his lover was being stolen. Victor didn’t like to watch…. It was not good for his health….. Nor his sanity.

Victor dejectedly decided to postpone Tom’s conversation to a later time. It would be a long conversation as he also needed Tom to explain what happened when he was in a coma.

He should focus on his other main problem now, Linda.

Hopefully, the plan he left for Kai was executed, or his plans would become really messy.

After taking out his phone, he quickly dialed Kai’s number.

“This is Kai, Is it you young master?” Kai replied with a question,

“Yes,” Victor said,

“Miss Hilda has informed me of your recovery, congratulations young master,” Kai said respectfully.

“Yeah, whatever…..What is going on in the family?” Victor asked.

“I…. I don’t have the full picture, but something wrong happened in the awakening hall. That’s all I can say. The entire family is on a spy hunt. So the young master should not do anything out of order as some people might try to use it against you.” Kai said nervously as if he was saying something taboo.

“I see…,” Victor replied, Kai, telling him this much, proved that he was really loyal. “Did you complete the mission?”

“Concerning Miss Linda?” Kai asked,


“It went all according to plan,... but…. We had to use her blood due to the time constraints … The doctor was able to inject the fertilized egg, but… she killed him with his assistant after the operation, so we don’t have a complete report.” Kai replied.

This was Victor’s plan to get rid of Linda…. He would make her pregnant with Titus’s son artificially.

This would make a perfect excuse to change the groom. The family could force him to marry a cheating wife, but marrying someone with his cousin's baby was going overboard.

Even his father would not keep silent.

“Did the family suspect anything?” Victor asked.

“Not at all. It was all done in secret. Titus’s semen was easily collected after gifting him a movie featuring the new star Kiwiko to watch in his confinement. The lab operation was done using false data And the doctor was paid using untraceable money.” Kai replied, making Victor nod in approval.

The problem now was how to make the family discover Linda’s pregnancy without his interference….. The time frame was too short… and the fetus's age would be a problem if it were examined thoroughly.…. Should he knock Linda out and make her go into pregnancy in a coma? That might work….

“But.. Young master…., I found something strange.” Kai suddenly said,

“What?” Victor asked absentmindedly,

“Miss Linda’s blood sample, when we ran it in the family’s database…. It didn’t match any samples we had from the Von Rosen family.” He said making Victor frown and go silent for a few minutes.

“Yeah…..What?.....Are you sure?” Victor asked,

“I repeated the test three times….” Kai replied.

“Impossible.....Do you know what that means?” Victor asked as he opened his eyes wide in shock

“I know…. It could be a coincidence, or the samples might have got corrupted. But..… We need new DNA samples from her and Amelie just to be sure. I heard the young master has a new assassin's team, they may be able to get a hair or something that he could use to sample the DNA from.” Kai said,

“I will send someone tonight,” Victor said as he hung up while thinking deeply. This changes everything…

Could it be that Linda was not Amelia’s daughter? No… Impossible. The Von Rosen is a Matriarchal family and they pay great attention to their daughters' lineage. But….. Remembering Linda's name when he appraised her, it had a question mark next to it.

“Lily, I will leave for a bit, you drive to the mansion. And forbid anyone from leaving tonight. ” He said and to Lily’s surprise, he jumped from the convertible car into the night.

“Young master….” She screamed and looked back, to find that her young master had already disappeared. What’s wrong with him?

Scrubbing the floor was not very hard for Margaret and Alex who were players. But despite that, they were still on their knees scrubbing. The problem was with Victor’s request. He wanted it to shine like a mirror.

They didn’t know how to do it. Neither did Theta who was watching with interest.

“Use polish then wax.” Hilda scolded them when she passed by and saw what they were doing then went to get them the stuff they needed. Those two had never done such a thing before.

Margret and Alex were trying to figure out how to start when Lily entered the mansion,

“Where is the young master ?” Theta, who was cutely dressed as a boy and was trying hard to learn how to be a man like Alex, asked.

“Went on a mission,” Lily said dejectedly as she sat down on a couch beside Theta.

“You seem upset?” Margaret asked as she looked at Lily, they have gotten to know each other better during the last two weeks.

“Yeah…. The young master is getting married in a couple of days.” Lily said as she raised her legs and then buried her face in her knees. She was really upset.

Hearing the news the girls looked at each other in surprise.

“Is it that Linda?” Margret asked while Alex, who acted as if she didn’t care, listened carefully.

“Yes, and another slutty girl whom her family wanted to get rid of… They seem to think that our young master is some kind of breeding stead.” Lily said with annoyance.

“Don’t worry. The last time Victor met Linda at the party he humiliated her in public. So even if he married her, he would probably lock her up in the basement.” Margret said, reassuring Lily.

“Maybe….. But….” Lily didn’t know what to say.

“Didn’t you tell me that the young master can’t touch women?” Margret interrupted.

“Yes… Not until he awakens his bloodline anyway.” Lily replied as Theta listened carefully. So that’s why he didn’t touch her that day.

“Then there is nothing to fear. We just need to get rid of her before that. Maybe we should bully her a little.” Margret proposed.

“If the young master knew about this he would punish us for sure,” Alex said.

“And what does this have anything to do with you? As if the young master would marry you someday….” Margret scolded, making Alex quickly turn around to hide her blushed face. What’s wrong with her? Why would she care about Victor’s marriage? She was just his butler…

Victor used the cover of the night to head to the Cross mansion, where Linda and her Mother Amelia lived.

The assassin girls would never be able to infiltrate that place, as Victor knew how scary Amelia was. She was a master summoner. And must have placed some crazy things to guard her mansion.

So he had to do this by himself. He had nothing to fear now with his level. If it were not for concerns about his family, he might kill this b*tch and finish his troubles.

After an hour, he reached the Cross mansion. It was big, yet simple, hidden in a lush forest and surrounded by a tall fence with a lot of security. This was the governor’s mansion after all.

After giving the parameter an initial scan and then hiding himself, he used the levitation necklace to fly over the fence and head toward the main building.

He was here in his previous life, where he was humiliated and then kicked out like a dog by Linda.

Looking at the mansion with complex eyes, he soon found a suitable point of entry in an upper floor window. He also noticed several shadows floating around. Guardian Demons.

Those things were mostly formless and harmless. But they would alert their master if they spotted an intruder.

Maybe some other crazy things were hiding around. So Victor wanted to finish this quickly.

After scanning what appeared to be an empty guest room, he floated right in.

The mansion was very clean. As if the servants here were scared if one speck of dust left uncleaned.

Victor moved silently from one move to another, but this damn place was too clean. He couldn’t find a single strand of hair.

Going downstairs he spotted some servants. But they were busy doing their jobs and didn’t notice him. He really wanted to ask about Linda’s or Amelia’s location though… but couldn't.

After some searching, he was able to eavesdrop on some servants who were secretly talking about Amelia. She was not in the mansion at the moment and seemed to be going out a lot these days.

Was it because they were preparing to attack his family? Probably.

Without Amelia here, he decided that he could move more freely. So he began to explore the mansion and soon found Amelia's office. It was locked and the servants seemed to be avoiding the room. They didn’t even dare to look at the door.

Victor used his shadow shifter ring to go inside.

It was dark, but being a player, Victor didn’t need much light to see. So he proceeded to carefully check the office and take pictures of any documents he found interesting.

He even found a few strands of hair on the chair and desk.

He wanted to search the drawers and the safe too but didn’t dare to, as they may have alarms.

After finishing with the office, he returned upstairs to search Linda’s room for some of her strands.

When he entered her room, Linda was not asleep, she was dressed in her nightgown gown and sitting on her dresser combing her hair while sighing. She seemed really distressed. He had the urge to snap her neck at that very moment, but he was able hold himself back. This b*tch can’t be killed yet.

Victor was going to wait for her to sleep, before taking the liberty to search around and take some samples. But the B*tch had other thoughts.

First, she called her friends one by one and began to rant about how her family was going to make her marry a serial rapist. And then begged them not to tell anyone. Like they would ever keep a secret.

After hanging up, she was still angry it seemed. So she left the room and headed downstairs, scolding some poor maids in the way.

Victor was tempted to use the opportunity to search the room, but looking around at the pink decorated princess bedroom, he decided to follow Linda instead. This room probably had nothing of importance.

Linda headed to the ground floor first where she headed to the kitchen and drank a glass of high-quality bottled water. After that, using an obscure stair she headed to the basement as Victor followed her silently while wondering where the hell was she going.

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