The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 129: What the….

Chapter 129: What the….

Rita didn’t understand what was going on, the pain in her body was intolerable. That bastard Levi didn’t even try to be nice. The moment she entered the mansion she was arrested by two guards who took her to some underground lab, where Levi was waiting.

It was full of glass containers with hideous creatures inside, and many people were chained to the wall. Many of them seemed to be rotting. As some scientists took samples.

Levi didn’t even look at her when they brought her in and stripped her of all her clothes then after strapping her to a metal table. After that, he ordered his men to begin the operation without even batting an eye for her.

They started to inject her with all kinds of nasty medicines. Making her feel many kinds of pain she had never experienced before.

No matter how she begged him he didn’t respond, He just kept looking at her with cold eyes. As if she was some insect.

She kept screaming until Levi gagged her mouth himself. Ignoring her pleading eyes.

He didn’t even talk to her. Just giving commands to the people in lab coats around him to hurry up.

Wasn’t he supposed to be nice? Wasn’t he supposed to be her future husband? Didn’t her father tell her that Levi would take care of her and treat her like a princess?

She didn’t know what was going on,

Why? She was obedient all her life, she did what her grandfather told her to do. So Why? Why treat her like this?.

The last thing she thought of before passing out was Victor’s smug face. Did they know that she was kissed by him? Did they know that she was unfaithful? Would he save her?

She felt despair as she fell into darkness while wondering why she was abandoned, even the system didn't respond to her anymore.

Levi entered the grand office after politely knocking on the door and hearing his father’s response.

“All Finished?” Martin Von Zwei asked his son who sat on an opposing chair.

“Yes. The initial state was complete.” Levi answered.

“What rank did you use?”

“The SS ranked one. It would need to cultivate the corpse's energy for the next two months.”

“When do you plan to send it back?” Martin asked.

“Ann’s birthday is in four months, it would be a good date for a funeral,” Levi answered in an evil tone, just as a man materialized out of thin air.

“Master,... Young Master….” He greeted, “I have very important news.” He said.

“Speak,” Martin said coldly.

“The Von Weise family…. A few days ago a rumor had spread that an accident happened in the awakening hall… After a thorough investigation and after confirming the news from all of our sources we concluded that their Awakening Artifact, the Blue Orb was destroyed.”

“What?” Levi, who was surprised stood up from his chair

Martin was also surprised, but he didn’t show it.

“Is the news credible? Or is it a trap?” Martin asked while squinting his eyes.

“Our spy had seen the broken Orb. He said that it had a long crack across it as if she was split with a sword.” The spy said.

“What do you think Levi?” Martin asked his son.

“If it is a trap, what would be their purpose? To make the spies act? It doesn’t make any sense. But if this was true, then the Von Weise family would start to do two things.” He said, “First, They would start fighting for dungeons like crazy, wanting to find another awakening artifact. Second, they would try to make as many marriages with the other families as possible to gain allies and maybe try to steal another Artifact.” He added, “But it doesn’t matter, as our plan had already started. We just have to time our attack well.” He concluded.


Windy felt strange when she sat at the table surrounded by all the pretty girls who claimed to be Tom’s girlfriends.

“Just how many girls did this Tom have?” She wondered as a girl handed her a dish.

“Did you get used to living here? Tomtom is really the best.” She said, making Windy frown. Why does it seem like those girls are brainwashed?

Even the two who were rescued with her were now all over Tom. Yesterday she heard them whispering that they did it in turns all night the day before.

She had been here for two weeks now, and although they were very nice to her, she felt very strange. She was from a very conservative family. It was forbidden to marry more than one wife in her village. In fact, She was even forbidden from touching a man. As in her village, women were the leaders while men were of a lower status.

Tom was nice, really nice. And she liked his smile… She might even be falling in love with him…. But…. She kept having this strange feeling that something was wrong.

She tried to ask him about the treasures he got, but he refused to tell her anything, saying that a young girl shouldn’t concern herself with random stuff.

What young girl? She was older than him.

Should she tell him about her being a player? No. She would never trust a man ever again. Not after what that bastard did.

Should she leave this place and try finding a dungeon to conquer to become stronger? She wondered while looking at her stats screen that felt wrong, why does it differ from the memories she inherited from her family?

When Linda entered the house, she was greeted by a smiling maid.

“Young mistress,” She greeted as she bowed, “How was your Vacation?” She asked politely.

“Great,” Linda said, “Where is my mother?” she asked,

“Ah... Yesterday the mistress got a call then hurried somewhere,“ The maid replied.

“And the one downstairs?” Linda asked,

“Ah… The medicines are not working efficiently anymore. We had to increase the doses.” The maid answered.

“Oh… Too bad.” Linda said with a sad expression, but the maid didn’t feel sadness in her voice.

Suddenly the door behind them opened.

“What are the two of you doing here blocking the hallway?” Amelia who had just arrived said,

“Ah… Mother… Welcome back.” Linda said as she greeted her Mother with the maid who moved to the side...

“You’re back? Good. Follow me to the study.” Amelia said heading inside as Linda followed while wondering if her mother found something out. No impossible. The doctor is already sleeping with the fish with all of his staff.

“Is everything fine?” Linda asked after she closed the study door and watched her mother relax on her leather chair.

“Our plans must be hastened. The family has ordered that you must marry Victor as soon as possible.” She said,

“Ah… But… Bill is waiting for me….” Linda wanted to say.

“No excuses. Remember your position.” Amelia said, making Linda shut up and nod.

“School will start the day after tomorrow. Make sure to use it as a chance to propose. If you ruin our plans you would be punished, not only by me. But also by the family.” Amelia said, making Linda shiver in fear.

Jane Armstrong was furious. That bastard Victor stood her up. When she went to his company to meet him, that crazy secretary Susan ordered the guard to kick her out.

But, she was going to do her report with or without his help. She has already discovered that Nick had bought an old factory out of town using a fake name. But he could not escape her nose. So she sent her partner to keep an eye on the mansion while she came here.

Some might call her reckless, but that’s the way she always worked. She didn’t become a famous journalist by being a coward.

When she reached the factory she was expecting some illegal stuff, sex trafficking, or drug manufacturing. But what she discovered there didn’t make sense at all.

Peeking through a break in the fence, she saw more than thirty sweaty naked men, doing push-ups with boulders on their back, as their leader, who had long hair, screamed at them.

“Tell me what’s our name?” He asked loudly.

“We are the Chicks.” They yelled back.

“What do we do.”

“We act as Chicks.” They yelled back.

“Who is our Master?”

“The lord of Chicks.” They yelled back.

Jane was losing her mind, what was going on. She wanted to go forward and take a picture, but she happened to step on a plastic bottle that made some noise. That startled her and made her yelp in surprise.

The next moment she was surrounded by those men… Chicks.

Damn, they even had the Name Chick tattooed on their chests with a number.

What kind of sick cult is this?


Charlotte was biting her fingernails while looking at the disgraceful auction results. The auction was an utter failure.

Her father had just called and yelled at her for being incompetent.

Thankfully she was given one more chance. She must prove her power or she would be kicked out of the competition to be the next patriarch, and end up getting married off to some other family.

Just as Charlotte was planning to call for some servants to vent her anger, An old woman knocked on the door then entered and saluted respectfully. She was her new servant. Hopefully, this one would be more useful than that old man.

“Is there anything?” Charlotte asked with an annoyed Voice.

“We have news.” The old woman reported.


“Apparently, most of the world's countries are creating special units in their Army to face incidents like the dungeon outbreak. The family has ordered us to supply them with dungeon monsters' blood. Someone had leaked to them the recipe of the lower power-enhancing serum. They plan to create super soldiers with it.” The old woman said.

“Oh. We do have some blood barrels in stock. See to it.” Charlotte said. “Anything else?”

“The Von Weise family seems to be in some kind of trouble, but we don’t know what's wrong yet. But their recent actions are strange.” She said as he handed Charlotte a report.

Mentioning the Von Weise family made her remember that hateful guy, Victor. He didn’t attend the auction, and that made her annoyed as she was prepared to disgrace him. But

“Let’s see,” Charlotte replied. Who hesitated a little then opened it and read what was inside.

The report was about how they were sending their men to conquer dungeons all over the world, they were even preparing to raid a very dangerous dungeon that had been left untouched for many years.

In addition to that, Marcos, the patriarch of the Von Weise family, was asking all interested families if they could offer brides to the elites of his family. Saying that he wanted to diversify the family's bloodline and form new alliances.

What kind of bullshit is this? He was clearly trying to make ties with as many families as possible. Those lower powers who had some girls laying around would throw them to be married.

Getting to marry someone from a high noble family like the Von Weise was not something they were going to miss. Even if the girl ended up being mistreated.

The appeal of power was very tempting. Especially to those fallen families.

“Mistress, there is something else.” The old woman said hesitantly.

“What?” Charlotte, who was full of thoughts, asked.

“There was a man that came with some treasures to sell.” She said,

“And?” Charlotte asked dismissively.

“We investigated him and found out that all of the things he brought were bought from stalls. He seemed to have some kind of a unique identification skill.” The old woman said.

“Ahhh. Who is he?” Charlotte asked as she looked at the old woman. She was interested.

“He used to be some delivery man, but after an accident, he became a eunuch. And that seemed to have awakened something in him. So he became a player.” The old woman answered.

“Ohh, interesting. Let’s go meet him.” Charlotte said, “A new player would not say no to a sponsor. Especially one with a disability. Those guys are easier to control if you promise to cure them.” She said,

“Yes, mistress.”

“What was his name again?” Charlotte asked.

“Oliver. His name is Oliver.”

Jerry chose to resign, he no longer wanted to be a simple door guard. He felt that he must do some important things in his life, but being born in a poor family and being a school dropout he didn't have many choices.

He joined the army.

He didn’t know if this was due to his good luck or bad luck, but he was drafted into a new unit that the army has created, the Monsters Elimination unit.

He had heard of those, the news was full of them. Apparently, a secret army Biolab to produce super soldiers was infiltrated by a terrorist, who released the test subjects there. Those damn terrorists keep ruining everyone's life.

The army sent a super soldier to hunt them. And that was what the recordings showed.

Jerry was scared, but after remembering how that guy battled the giant mantis he renewed his resolve. He too wants to be like that. To hunt monsters and woo all the girls.

And apparently, the pay for this unit was quite high.

He will be the strongest and show all those slutty women who mocked him who is the real boss. He will return and claim that slut Mira and Aria to be his bed warming maids after snapping that arrogant Victor’s neck.

“Move on men. Come on you pussies. My grandmother could run faster than you.” The sergeant yelled as the platoon moved.

Alpha was away for about two weeks now. When she parked her car next to the mansion, she was surprised by the two bald men at the door.

The girls she got at the brothel were now settled, more obedient and they knew what to do. So she decided to return to ask Victor to send some instructors to help with their training. She was planning to use them to start an information-gathering network.

Alpha introduced herself to the men, who let her in after calling Hilda.

When she entered through the front door, she was surprised by the gloomy atmosphere. The twins were busy sweeping the floor with gloomy faces.

She wanted to ask what happened but was interrupted by Beta who hugged her hard as soon as she entered, saying that she missed her.

After asking what was wrong in the mansion, she was informed of what happened.

So she asked Beta to get Theta to meet her at Victor’s room then hurried upstairs to check on him.

That bastard was her blood master, if he died, she would perish with him.

In the room, Victor was lying unconscious on his bed with an IV saline bag connected to his wrist, while the haggard Lily was lying to his side looking at his face.

“Ahh, Alpha. Nice to meet you again.” Lily said as she sat up when she noticed the arrival of Alpha, who was stunned for a moment, This is the first time she saw Lily’s face without a veil. She was surprised by Lily’s beauty, but more importantly, there was a person in her memory that looked exactly like that…. Could it be? This is not the time for that conversation.

“How is he?” Alpha asked after a few seconds,

“Stable… We don’t know what happened to him. His body is completely healthy.” Lily said not noticing anything strange, as she wiped the tear marks on her puffed cheeks.

“Let me see,” Alpha said as she approached him and began to look at his body. Nothing strange.

“Did you try any healing pills and skills?” she asked.

“Yes…” Lily told her the proceeds to inform her of the many things they tried this past week.

“Ah, big sister Alpha… I missed you.” Theta who entered the room ran to Alpha and hugged her then began to weep.

“Big sister, the young master…. Can you heal him…. It is all my fault.” She said as tears filled her swollen eyes, she must have been crying a lot.

“Tell me exactly what happened,” Alpha replied as she patted Theta’s silky hair, she didn’t expect that Victor’s clutches would reach her little sister so fast.

Theta nodded then repeated what happened to Alpha, bit by bit. Answering every question Alpha raised.

“If my guess was correct, this should be a soul attack,” Alpha said with a grim face.

“Soul attack?” Lily and Theta asked?

“Yes. I don’t know why it happened, but if what you told me was true. And the fact that Victor took the attack willingly, then he should have been assured of his survival.” Alpha said. She didn’t know Victor for a long time, but from what she observed, this guy would never take a loss. His action might appear random, but every move he makes seems calculated.

“Probably,” Lily replied, her young master was not that stupid. “Then why did Theta become a player?” Lily suddenly asked,

“I don’t know either.” She said as she observed her downcast little sister.

“Did you get familiar with being a player?” Alpha asked her with a sigh.

“Ah yes, Aunt Hilda explained many things, she knows a lot. And Miss Lily gave me a book that had everything explained,” she said making Alpha become a little jealous. She wanted to show off in front of her little sister.

“… But…..” Theta suddenly said.

“But what?” Alpha asked eagerly, she wanted to answer her little sister’s tough question and show her knowledge.

“What is this….. Mana Bar on my status screen… It was not mentioned in the book.” She asked with a frown,

“What Mana bar?” Lily and Alpha asked at the same time.

“The blue one beneath the Health and Stamina bars.” She answered innocently, making Alpha and Lily look at each other in shock. “What The F*ck?”

The next chapter.... Probably.


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