The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 110: Exhausted

Chapter 110: Exhausted

Victor accompanied Lara to her room, which was on the second floor. The room was classically decorated without any flavor. If Victor didn’t know he would never believe that this is a little girl’s room. 

He sighed as he looked at his blushing sister, who was strictly taught since childhood. He would have never noticed anything before, He was too naive. 

“Sit beside me.” He asked her. And she complied.

“Why aren’t there any teddy bears here?” He asked, “I remember I brought you one last year.” He said.

“Ah…. I…” She hesitated.

“Come on, tell me. And don’t lie.” He said after noticing her habit of pinching her palm when she wants to lie.

“Ahh… The first mother said that a true Von Weise didn’t need such things. She punished me when she saw any toys in the room..” She said while lowering her head.

“Ah, so that’s it.” He said, “Didn't mother question you about this?” He asked.

“She did, but I just told her that this is the way I like it... I… I didn’t want her to have a fight with the first mother. Whenever that happens our brothers would start bullying me. And mother would be sad.” She said with a few teardrops falling on her clenched fists, making Lily who was standing respectfully by the door show a murderous look. 

“You should have told mother anyway.” He said he is very familiar with his stepmother's and brother's bullying techniques. They didn’t appear to be bullying, just a random harsh word every once in a while, and maybe asking the servants to ignore Lara’s commands. Nothing major. But to a delicate girl like Lara, it was a huge deal.

Victor sighed. After his father sent him to boarding school, his half-brothers and stepmothers must have used the opportunity to bully his sister. This girl has never left the island before and was too pure and naive. 

“It’s OK. don’t listen to anyone. You should have all the toys you want.” He said as he petted her hair. “Now tell me, when did you start having pain when you were training?” He asked to make Lara flinch and then lower her head more.

“It was about a year ago,” she answered meekly.

“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” He asked.

“I… When brother Rex explained the art to me, he told me that if I felt any pain that means I am a loser and not a true Von Weise. Esteemed father has tasked him with supervising my training.” She said with hesitation, making Victor get really angry. “So… I was afraid……. The pain is barely noticeable now, I am getting better.” She said as she raised her small fist.

“Run the family art you use.” He said with a frown while trying very hard to hide the murderous look in his eyes.

The embarrassed Lara stood up and started making random stances beautifully flowing from one to another under Victor’s inspecting gaze, after five minutes she began to sweat a little.

“You can stop.” He said, making her stop and take a deep breath. 

No wonder no one noticed anything wrong. The technique was modified. Victor thought as he watched the blood flow in her veins through his inspection skill. Making him clench his fists hard.

“Did anyone other than Rex guide your training?” He asked.

“Esteemed father sometimes would supervise me, and he would praise my movements. Aunt Adele would do that too.” She said proudly making Victor smack her head.

“Who told you to focus on the nape of your neck when practicing the art?” He asked.

“Ah… I can’t remember… Oh. It was brother Luke, he said that it would make the training easier, and it did. I was not able to complete the moves at first, but after I listened to him and tried his technique I got better. Esteemed father praised me after that.” she said with a smile.

“Did anyone touch your neck while you trained?” Victor asked her.

“No, Why would they......... Ah yes. Sometimes Brother Rex would wipe away my sweat when I needed to keep a stance for a long period of time.” She said while tilting her head, feeling something was wrong. She would have never believed that her brother wanted her dead. Not only did they make her modify the technique, but they also did it in stages and by random comments and movements. Rex must have used some kind of technique to attract pure blood to that area.

Victor was really angry. Whoever modified this art was a supreme expert. The art was created to increase the purity of the Dragon blood by helping it burn the normal blood. Then using the energy to nurture the body. It only increased the percentage by about 1~5% each year and it got harder the more the blood became purer. 

The problem with the modified technique is that instead of focusing on the whole body.  It focused on the nape of the neck where the purest blood essence was being attracted, making the training easier because burning essence blood would grant the Heir a huge boost of energy and intelligence, but it exhausted it in the process. And after a year or so it would cause pain in the body. As the decreased dragon blood volume would starve the dragon cells that she was born with. The pain will subside and then vanish when all of those cells die. Rendering Lara weaker than a mortal.

“From now on, forget all about what Luke and Rex told you. It was all wrong. They are idiots. It was harming you. Didn’t you notice that you get tired very easily lately?” He said, making Lara gasp and then nod. Indeed, she could only do 20~30 sword swings lately, while she used to do about 100 easily. She thought it was just some sickness.

“What shall I do?” She asked with tears in her eyes. She completely believed her brother.

“First stop practicing the art.” He said while wondering how to fix this. And if he should confront Rex directly.

No, Rex was not the mastermind, he must find who it is. It may be his older half-brother Max. But he is not sure and he must not startle the snake.

 Victor decided to hide the fact that they were trying to kill her. She was not ready to hear the truth yet. And she would definitely reveal something if she knew.

“I have a solution, But don’t tell anyone what I am about to teach you. It is a secret, if anyone knew, the family would punish me. And both Rex and Luke would also be punished severely for being incompetent.” He said, making his sister nod repeatedly. Although her brothers were harsh, she wouldn’t want them to be hurt. The family’s punishment is brutal. A few days ago a cousin named Titus was pinned on a stick naked and then drained of his blood in public. They said he would have to serve as a blood bag for a few years.

Victor didn’t know what Lara was thinking about, he just began to explain a set of moves to her. They were similar to the family's art yet different. But She was able to learn them very quickly. This technique was developed by him to restore his dragon blood. But it failed, as he had not even one drop left. But Lara was in better shape. This technique would let the dragon blood eat the normal blood instead of burning it. It will rapidly increase her blood purity.

“If Father asked you to perform the family art, just use the regular one and stop focusing on your neck. It is harming you.” Victor said, then after giving it a thought he purchased a dispelling talisman from the system store and then took it out of his pocket.

“Ah, this is the same thing esteemed brother Rex used to wipe my sweat with,” Lara exclaimed, making Victor frown, so it is some kind of talisman.

“He didn’t know what he was doing. Close your eyes.” Victor said as he inspected her neck but found nothing unusual by sight alone. Just that the area seemed to attract special blood. Even the blood in his hand started acting strangely when he touched her neck. When he activated his appraisal he quickly saw what was wrong.

A hidden Mark was drawn on her neck.

It spelled the word Blood and was surrounded by some otherworldly symbols. This thing was not a product of this world. It must have been found in a dungeon. Just like the reduction rune.

He quickly put the talisman on her neck and activated it. 

; ;

Blood Attraction Phantom Mark found…

Attempting Dispelling….

Required authority F -> 10.

Sufficient Authority found.

Dispelling Mark…..

Mark Dispelled

After that Victor proceeded to guide her technique movements while telling her how he met Lily and fell in love with her, making Lily who was standing near the door blush deeply.

Lara was a little skeptical at first, but after finishing a complete set of movements she felt amazing, and a little hungry at the same time, as her tummy rumbled. 

It really worked. She noticed the difference immediately. The dull pain in her joints has faded a little. And she felt more energetic.

Victor wanted to smile but he couldn’t. Although his art would increase the volume of the dragon blood. The essential blood would still be exhausted for at least 10 years. And Lara didn’t have that time. Her ceremony would be in two years. The system did have a blood replenishing pill but sadly it only replenished normal blood, not the dragon one.

Wait! He can use the blood he got from Dick. But that would have to wait, as brewing a blood pill was a tiresome job, and Lara’s body was too exhausted to handle it right now.

“From now on if anyone is bullied you just give me a phone call.” He told her as he rubbed her hair then stood up just as a maid knocked on the door and then entered while looking around. She has been here for a while spying on them. but heard nothing because he was using his disguise skill. She thought that they might have fallen asleep or sneaked out.

“The breakfast is ready. And the master requests your attendance.”She flusteredly said as she bowed down.

“Go ahead, I have to tell the maid something,” Victor told Lara, who nodded obediently and then went downstairs. She would never dare be late after her esteemed father summoned her.

Victor stood up and approached the nervous maid. Then slapped her face hard. Making her hit the wall and begin bleeding from her mouth and nose.

“The next time I ever catch you spying on me or my sister again, I will make sure to send you to the prison island.” He said, making the poor maid shiver.

Victor knew that she was just following her mistress’s orders but he had to make the servants fear him, or they would bully his sister.

He held Lily’s hand after that and went downstairs for the second breakfast with the family since his return. This time he will not be timid, on the contrary, he would be an arrogant young master.


He felt strange as if he was floating on the clouds. But the yelling sound made him wake up and look at the fluorescent lamp over his head. 

"Confess what gang you belong to. Where is your area of activity? Who is your boss." A woman was yelling, 

"Officer Lea, I told you before, I was set up. You can view the security tapes. I am the victim here!" Some guy's argued.

Where am I? The hospital? He wondered as he looked around.

He was in a room with another guy who was being pestered by a female officer. Is this a cosplay? He wanted to inspect her butt, but a dull pain made him grimace.

Why does his crotch hurt? Was that little girl too rough with him? He couldn't remember. He did pay a premium for her though. Was he too exhausted after that? Did they need to hospitalize him or was this place a part of the brothel? No, this was definitely a hospital. He confirmed that when he looked through the opened door onto the hallway, where many nurses and doctors were walking in a hurry. Well, This is a VIP treatment, it is worth every penny I paid. Wait! The money! He thought as he looked around not finding his back, He wanted to sit up but that made his crotch hurt badly.

"Ah," he yelled, making the police officer notice that he was awake.

"I will be back for you later, Mr. Oliver. We will need your statement. The governor has ordered that all cases about perverts need to be reviewed after some pervert attacked his daughter. " Lea said as she went to the other bed.

"Name?" She asked him.

"....Abe," he replied after some hesitation. Did his mother report the missing money? Or was the brothel raided?

"Did you see who did that to you?" She asked with a disgusted look.

"Did what? I don’t remember anything and I am just a little exhausted." He asked while wondering if she was baiting him. He didn’t even know that girl’s name. She called herself Ruby.

"Ah, it must be the morphine affecting your judgment. They didn't tell you yet, did they!" She turned around looking for a doctor or a nurse but found none, while Abe frowned.

"Well, yesterday someone assaulted the brothel you were.... visiting. And castrated all the men there, after killing all the guards." She said,

"What?!, Officer, you are wrong! I don't visit such places and have nothing to do with this." He said while sweating. That girl was too young. He knew it. But he will not fall for the police trap.

"Oh, well. You would never go there again in this lifetime anyway. I will return to take your statement when your head is clearer. My condolences." She said as she left the room just as a doctor entered with two hot nurses. They gave Abe and the guy on the other Bed a sorrowful look.

"You are awake!" The doctor said as he looked at a report with a frown. “Decrease the morphine dose a little. It’s too high.” He told the nurse.

"When will I be discharged, doctor?" he asked. He wanted to go back to the brothel to ask about the money bag. They wouldn't steal it in such a highly reputed establishment, would they?

"Ah... Sir, I am sorry to inform you that you would be staying here for a few more days. The damage was so extensive that we had to cut it off completely" the doctor said with a sigh.

"Cut what?" Abe asked, making the doctor approach him and whisper the answer in his ear.

Abe Needed a few seconds to comprehend it. The........

"Noooooooo," A savage howl rocked the hospital’s hallways, it was the 9th scream this morning.

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