The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 104: Alpha vs Baron

Chapter 104: Alpha vs Baron

Alex and the girls made sure to hide their faces as they entered a certain bus station. Victor instructed them to find a storage locker there. It was where he hid the things he took from Nick’s storage.

It had some money and fake IDs that could be useful later. So Alpha packed them in her backpack.

After that, they “borrowed” a parked bus and headed out of town, to the suburbs where a lonely three-story mansion stood alone surrounded by abandoned farmlands. It was already 11.00 PM, and a few expensive but low-key cars were parked near it.

Alex parked the bus in a hidden corner behind a grove a little far away, then set it up as if it had broken down.

“Is it the place?” Margret asked with a frown.

“Yes, this is a brothel that only the most privileged and perverted people know about.” She said as she used her military-grade binoculars to survey the area.

“There are no traffic cameras. Only private ones, they hid them well. They don’t want anyone to know what is happening here.” She said, “In addition to that I can spot some guards, but I would need to be close to be sure.”

“Then what should we do now?” Margret asked nervously.

“Wait for me, I will go check on the situation.” Alpha slowly sneaked while using Horas’s Jewel to hide her aura. As she was sure there would be a detection formation placed here. Especially after what happened in Titus’s manor.

It took her another hour to circle the perimeters and then return.

“I found a suitable place for the vaporizer. I will connect it to the Air conditioner compressor at the back of the building. But it would be very troublesome. There are about 3 guard patrols around the building.” She explained, “Alex, I want you to act as a decoy and make trouble at the door.” She said,

“What should I do? We shouldn’t make them suspicious.” Alex said.

“I have an idea….” Margret said, quickly explaining her plan. After that, she changed her clothes with Alex then took her hand and headed to the brothel, while Alpha chuckled and grabbed her gear and then started to sneak behind the building.

“Do you have an invitation?” The burly guard at the door asked Alex, as he approached the Mansion with Margret who was sobbing.

“No, I am not here for that. I want to sell this girl.” She said with an evil tone.

“No, you can’t. You promised to be my only one. How could you?” Margret struggled hard trying to get out of Alex’s grip and shouted in distress as she activated her enchantress skills.

Alex slapped Margaret's face then tore her dress, exposing a lot of skin, making the guard who was about to shoo them away decide to watch a little.

“Shut up bitch. I spent so much money on you, it’s your turn to pay me back.” He said as he greeted her with another slap while she grabbed hard on his pants and began to cry, making sure that her body got more exposed.

The guards on patrol quickly responded professionally and headed to the front door to lose all their professionalism there. They just stood there watching the show while drooling.

It lasted about 15 minutes. In which Alex had to be more creative. He even had to spank Margret a little. In the end, one of the older guards decided to step in but was surprised to notice that his head was no longer attached to his body.

The guards fell one by one, as Margret stopped her act and stood slowly while rubbing her butt. She just watched Alpha behead the last guard and then lick the blood on her blade.

She was a little scared and totally forgot to take revenge on Alex for spanking her.

“Consider them goblins.” She told herself, as she resisted the urge to puke.

“It’s ok. It will pass.” Alex told her as he took her sneaking suit from his backpack and gave it back to her. “Focus on the mission.” He said.

“Everyone inside should be already asleep, and everyone on the parameter was killed.” Alpha said, “ Alex you quickly hide the guards, then change into one of their uniforms and guard the door. Margret, If you are ok with it, go and start killing the guards inside. While I will go hunting.” Alpha said as she entered the building.

“I can do it,” Margret nodded then quickly followed.

This place didn’t look like a brothel but like some aristocratic manor. With oil paintings on the walls and wool carpets on the ground. They quickly encountered the first guard. He was dozing on the ground behind the front door while holding his baton.

“You do it,” Alpha told Margret, who nodded then as Victor told her about beheading a goblin she slit his throat. She thought that she would be disturbed like earlier, but she felt nothing, just a little annoyance.

“It’s ok. After someone becomes a player they would become stronger, not only physically, but also mentally. The Intelligence attribute is not for show.” Alpha said, explaining to the wondering Margret, who nodded then took the baton from the guard.

“I will go up, you take care of everything here. Just clean the guards on the hallways, we will explore the rooms together later. If you encounter something unexpected just yell as loud as you can.” Alpha said as she headed upstairs to Baron’s office.

She has been here before, this is where they brought her first after they kidnapped her, but after they confirmed her bloodline, she was sent to Titus.

Baron’s office was not lit, but Alpha could smell his disgusting breath from the cracked door.

She got herself ready then opened the door slowly, to be attacked by a strike from a mace that she was expecting. If another player was in her place, that guy might have been turned into paste. But her Attributes were 4 times those of Barons. His attack was just like some kid jabbing an adult with a twig.

Baron was not asleep, he didn’t look good though. No…Surprisingly, He looked good, despite the black circles around his eyes. He seemed to have lost some weight, he looked like a normal fat man now. Alpha didn’t want to admit it but he was somewhat handsome.

“It’s you!” He yelled as he screamed at Alpha. “What kind of evil poison is this?” He shouted as he sweated heavily. He was losing weight at a visible rate.

“Oh, you have the fat sacrifice skill. I didn’t think that it would be the reason behind your unique shape.” Alpha replied with a chuckle. This skill is at least S-ranked. It sacrificed body fat in place of damage or adverse effects. No wonder he was not affected by the poison. But she could see that the fat on his body was diminishing at an accelerated rate. He was poisoned after all.

“Damn you. How do you know that?” The surprised Baron screamed as he attacked Alpha with his mace making her respond by parrying with her sword then followed by an attack that struck hard at Baron's mace. That was a mistake. His attack was well aimed. And her counter strike pushed him flying toward the window. Breaking it, he hurled down to the backyard, after a flip that didn’t suit his body shape, he stood up and began to run intending to escape.

He wanted to surprise the assailant and kill him, but this b*tch was much stronger than he expected. He was well experienced and could tell that from just one strike. Her legs didn’t budge at all when he hit her. So he decided that escape was the best strategy.

Alpha cursed as she jumped after him. If he escaped today, killing him later would be very troublesome.

She used the ledges of the building as steps for her Quick Steps Skill, making her reach the ground pretty quickly then ran after Baron.

Thankfully the poison was really effective, and Baron was slowed down enough for her to catch up with him and attack him from behind, making him turn around and block. The fight ensued after that. Although she had learned sword fighting since she was a child, Baron was not an easy opponent. So she resorted to overpowering him wanting to end this quickly by letting go of fancy techniques that didn’t work. But still, she couldn’t land a clean hit as his moving skill was very advanced.

They were approaching the highway, If this was delayed any further he would probably get a chance to slip.

So she quickly slashed her hand and then threw her sword at him to delay him as she activated her skill the blood sword, making blood from her bloodied hand grow and solidify into an ominous sword.

“F*ck,” Yelled Baron as he attacked her, but this time it was different. Her blood sword was stronger than the one she was using, and it would bend on its own, making Baron’s dodging useless.

With every jab of her sword, she could see that the fat on his body was decreasing until he was left looking like a living skeleton.

“Who is behind you?” He asked, while skillfully putting his hand behind his back. She responded with a howl that made him freeze for just a second. Enough for her to let her sword pass through his once thick now shivering neck.

His head fell to the ground like a dried piece of wood. Followed by his body. And the golden dagger he was planning to throw at her. This thing is an artifact. It looks high leveled.

Alpha quickly searched him to get his keys, his IDs, and the pen Victor told her about. It seemed to be just a normal pen. This is not an artifact. Why would Victor want it?

She didn’t know. After a thorough search, she didn’t find the seal. It must be at the office.

but her mission here was still not over yet. She took out a vial from her pocket and emptied its contents on Baron’s corpse, making his skeletal body disintegrate.

Now, no one would be able to tell if this scum was dead or alive.

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