The Young Master in the Shadows

Chapter 100: A true gentleman

Chapter 100: A true gentleman

When Victor woke up in the morning, he was surrounded by girls. Other than Lily, who was snuggling in his arms, Margret was hugging him like a monkey from the back, and the twins were sulking on both sides of the bed.

Last night, he pretended to be asleep and ignored them when they sneaked in. He seemed to have dozed off when they were fighting about which one of them would hug him from the back, as Lily was occupying the front. It appears that Margret won.

He slowly sat down then pinched Margret’s arm, she was still clinging to him.

“Aww,” she said as she clung a little harder, as Lily slowly woke up and sat up yawning while stretching her delicate arms before looking around in shock. When did they get in? Last night she slept very peacefully in her young master’s embrace. How can she be so careless? She wondered not knowing that Victor hid the girls' presence so that Lily’s sleep would not be disturbed.

“Good morning,” He said to Lily, and the twins who didn’t look very happy. They didn’t get to hug the young master.

“Good Morning young master,” The girls replied, as Mina jabbed Margret’s back with her barefoot. Hateful Slut, how dare you monopolize the young master’s back.

“Good moning yuong masteaaaa” Margret replied as she yawned and let go of Victor then crawled back into the blanket while closing her eyes. She returned to sleep.

“Go wash up, prepare something for me to wear then go prepare some breakfast.” Victor smiled and said to the twins as he shook his head. Let her sleep.

“Shall we wake the others?” Mina, who was blushing a little, asked as she looked at the clock. It is still 5.00 AM.

“No need. I will go take a bath then down to the basement. Call me when you're done.” He said as he jumped out of bed, grabbed a towel then entered the bath. Followed by the barefooted Lily, who shot the sleeping Margret a nasty glare.

When Leo reached the mansion it was 7.00 AM, And Victor was hugging the girls goodbye one by one in the doorway.

“Damn it, how many girls does he have?” Leo cursed as his eyes began to take the girls’ measurements. Wow, that short one has a nice figure.

Victor didn’t care about the drooling driver, he just made sure to hug everyone, including Alex, who was a little flustered.

“I am a guy! Young master.” She said with a slight blush,

“I told you before, I don’t discriminate.” He said before he turned to Margaret.

“Go with Alex and Take my car to your aunt’s house. Be careful.” He told her, making her nod with some embarrassment. She was really sleepy in the morning.

“Oh, Alpha. I left some instructions for you in the basement, you might need to buy a few other things, but it would make your mission a lot easier.” He said, making Alpha frown a little then nod.

Finally, nodded at Hilda then took Lily’s hand, and climbed into the car.

“Go,” He told Leo, who nodded professionally and started the engine after giving the girls a final inspecting look.

“Goodbye young master,” Theta Screamed at the moving car as she waved her hand followed by the other girls.

“You really like him, don’t you?” Alpha asked her little sister with a glare.

“Yup, I think the young master is very generous and handsome. He is a true gentleman.” Theta said, making the twins nod while Alpha shook her head, brainwashed fools

The girl was cursing while driving her damaged red sports car. Yesterday was the worst day of her life.

First, she didn't get the dress she wanted at the store because some girls beat her to it. So she lost the bet with her friends and had to drive them to the party. So she got there late.

Then, just as she wanted to park her car, some naked jerk jumped from the hotel's balcony and slid his naked butt on her front window, making her lose control and hit three other cars.

The bad luck didn’t end there. No. Just as she wanted to mitigate the situation, some crazy police officer insisted that she must go with her to the station while they inspected the cars as one of them seemed to belong to some very important politician.

After spending the night at the station she just came out and got her car back.

“Damn, what bad luck.” She cursed. She really wanted to attend that party.

While driving she noticed that in the SUV in front of her there was a familiar face. Yes, it was that veiled girl from the mall. Should she bump their car? She was tempted but decided not to do that. At such speeds, such action is very dangerous.

Suddenly a black shabby car broke from her left and hurried towards the SUV. She could see that the man inside was holding a gun pointed at the girl. She wanted to honk to warn them, but she didn’t have to. As a purple-haired boy slowly appeared in the back seat. What was he doing with his head down? The boy seemed to have noticed the black car. He lowered the window and threw something out. And it just happened to fall into the black car’s half-opened window.


The next moment an explosion rocked the Highway, making the girl press the breaks as her car slid into the highway’s barrier.

“What was that?” She wondered as she looked at the burning car roll on the road. The SUV never slowed down.


When the car reached the Airport, Victor didn’t wait for the scared Leo to open the door for him. He opened it himself and jumped out, followed by a vigilant Lily.

“Take care Leo,” Victor waved to the bowing Leo, as he entered the airport and headed to the VIP section where he flashed his token and was immediately guided to the private runway.

When Victor entered the plane His father was sitting inside on a leather chair while Iris was seated on the opposing seat, with her back to the airplane's door.

“Sorry I am a late father.” Victor saluted respectfully. Making Iris look back and smile at the sight of Victor.

“It’s ok, you are on time. Sit next to me, and let Lily sit beside Iris” Theodore said as his eyes began to inspect Lily, making Iris a little curious.

“No need,” said Victor as he sat beside Iris, then Let Lily sit beside him on the same seat.

“Young master, this is against protocol.” An air attendant warned him.

“This young master is the protocol.” He retorted, making his father chuckle, and the attendant back away. Her job was just to warn him.

“Did you sleep well last night?” Victor turned to Iris and asked her.

“Ahhh. Yes. Thank you for saving me yesterday.” She said feeling a little shy. Last night, after her father went to sleep with Luna, she didn’t know what to do and wanted to go out for some fresh air, and maybe try to escape this nightmare.

But was stopped by George who invited her to drink a specially brewed cup of tea in the kitchen. Where he explained to her many things that her incompetent father didn’t.

One of those things was how dangerous that thing that attacked her was. According to George, Victor managed to do an amazing thing. As those ethereal demons are usually very persistent and like ghosts, they are nearly impossible to kill.

“It’s ok. I am your little brother anyway” Victor replied with a dazzling smile, making her blush a little more.

“That reminds me.” Said Theodore as he coughed then gestured to the air attendant to leave the cabinet before taking a tablet that was near him and giving it to Victor.

“This was in the recording you got yesterday.” He said, while Victor took the Tablet and watched the recordings with Lily and the curious Iris.

It was early morning in the recording, and a woman, Carla, was busy putting on her bright lipstick when the air shimmered and black lines began to appear in her office. Carla panicked.

“Why?” She screamed. “I did as you told me to.” She said again as she backed away while the same demon that attacked Iris materialized out of thin air.

Carla slowly backed away until she reached the office's balcony as the demon approached her and they went outside the frame. A scream was heard after that.

“Carla fell down, we don’t know if it was the demon who pushed her or she just slipped while escaping,” Theodore said.

“Was that my mother? The one who gave me away?” Iris asked with some fear.

“Yes.” Theodore nodded.

Iris didn't feel sad, maybe because she didn’t know Carla, she even felt a little ashamed for thinking that Carla was some vain woman. That was the impression she got of her.

“Will that thing haunt me again?” She asked.

Theodore didn’t know the answer, but Victor did.

“It will not. That demon was after your mother’s soul, and you were just collateral damage. If those things were that easy to summon, whoever controls them would rule the world.” Victor said, making his father and George who just entered the cabin a little surprised.

“Then how did they summon it?” Asked Theodore,

“It is a cursed contract probably, Carla approved of giving her soul to that thing if she ever failed her mission. It must have been something like that, But I am not really sure.” Victor said.

Theodore didn’t ask Victor where he learned that. He just nodded with a smile. His son has become an adult, and he has the right to keep some secrets.

“Now, I will ask my father to excuse me, as I didn’t get enough sleep last night,” Victor said as he stood up then dragged Lily to an extendable chair on the back.

Theodore chuckled and said nothing while Iris was shocked. Her brother was a real pervert. Is he going to sleep with that girl here? She wondered as Victor pulled a blind that hid what was happening on that chair.

“Are all the family members perverts?” She asked absentmindedly,

“Yes, it has something to do with our bloodline,” Theodore answered, making her feel surprised.

“That… Bloodline, I heard you talk about it repeatedly, what does it mean?” She inquired.

“We don't really know.” Said Theodore, “All we know about it is that it grants us a long life.” He added.

“Long life?” Iris asked

“Yes, a normal member of our family can easily live 300 to 350 years,” Theodore said, making Iris shocked.

“Don’t be shocked, if your ceremony was a success you would be able to live for 500 years at least.” He said.

“What is the ceremony about?” She asked him.

“Well, I have to tell you a few things first. Would you believe me if I told you that our world is like a video game?” He asked as he chuckled, He just likes it when he tells his descendants the truth about the world and watches the shocked look on their faces.

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