The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 156: The luck of a prodigy

Chapter 156: The luck of a prodigy


Corvus was lying in his bed and staring at the ceiling while his bedroom was getting darker and darker as the setting sun has almost completely hidden behind the horizon.

The bloodied papers that Lord Wrath had thrown in his face got picked up and delivered to Corvus by another servant a few minutes after he got locked in his bedroom.

Said papers were all neatly stacked on top of the nightstand after the white-haired young man had read through them countless times during two days that he had already spent locked in.

As for the content, it was a real report on Cranberry's action prepared and delivered by a spy from the branch of the Envy family that had worked exclusively for the crown for generations.

It had been prepared by gathering the valuable intel after they realized that the young prince Roan had been acting strange - and it turned out that he got hit by a powerful charm skill.

The report had been nothing but dry facts written down with no emotion whatsoever, but it was impossible for Corvus not to see it as proof of Wraths' lacking competence.

Well, truth to be told it was proof of his, Corvus's, lack of competence, but as someone referred to as the best pupil of the avatar of wrath, his failures reflected on the whole family.

"How was I supposed to know that after three and a half years that pompous lazy girl would turn into a violent monster?"

Corvus sighed, doing his best to dissociate himself from the problem as if it was Cranberry's fault that he had not been doing his job and submitting false reports for three months while loafing around in the Wraths mansion.

This whole situation was his first major setback.

Corvus's problem was, he was too good at everything and never had a chance to learn from his mistakes.

That also included his childhood on the streets.

Although he had no parents to support him, all of his skims and plans to get food and a place to sleep had worked flawlessly.

He had never gone hungry even for a single day nor was he ever bullied by the thugs because he quickly became one of them with no struggle or anything.

It was all working out for him as if it was simply how it was supposed to be.

He only had to follow his quests and everything would go smoothly.

Even betraying the street thugs that took care of him, in the middle of a robbery, came to him easily as he simply received a lucrative-looking quest and follow it through.

Completing that quest was how he ended up in a Wrath family too.

As it turned out the skills he got from stalking and stealing from his targets as well as blending in the crowd while running from the guards were a good match for the beginner bodyguard, and soon enough - with a head start like that - Corvus was hailed as a prodigy.

No struggle, no problems, the only thing he had ever heard was the praise pouring on him by everyone in his surroundings.

Then, the man who adopted him or whatever - died.

That also had proven to not be problematic in any way shape or form since he instantly got taken in by the little brother of the said man - an avatar of wrath to boot!

Just like that Corvus had ridden the easy life all the way to the top of the Wrath family.

Even when the global event started and he received the peculiar role of Wrathful protector / Capture target, it didn't bother him at all.

Once again, he had to just follow the quests and everything would turn out fine.

Some quests mentioned a heroine of some sort but since he hasn't met someone with such a role, it didn't bother him that much.

But, a thing that he did found interesting, was that some of the quests were instructing him to spend a lot of time with the little love-struck kitten that was the daughter of the current avatar of wrath, Mika Wrath.

Her affection was so obvious that it was almost pitiful.

Corvus didn't think much about her, but since it looked like catering to that kid's childish desires would turn out profitable, he went all-in on that.

And that's when he started skipping on observing Cranberry Pride, the noble girl that the avatar of pride himself had been keeping an eye out as a favor for her father.

Honestly, with a life like that, why WOULDN'T Corvus thought that he could get away with ditching the job, no matter how important for his benefactor it was, and instead attend some silly tea parties or whatever.

From his experience, he could get away with anything.

If he played his cards right and hold himself back to not outright stomp the budging affection that the young girl harbored for him - in a few years he could even become the husband of the next avatar of wrath - talk about the upgrade of social status!

But then the luck seemed to have left him, in the form of a punch that almost blew his head off and a slap that almost snuffed the life out of him - and he ended up under a house arrest, stuck in a family with a broken reputation where basically everyone had rightfully hated him.

"It's just a single mistake, what is their deal...?"

Corvus scoffed while carefully inspecting his jaw and nose.

Every injury got healed while he was being carried back to his room two days prior, accompanied by the panicking and crying Mika.


The memory of her snotty nose made Corvus click his tongue.

If she was so worried about him, she should have tried harder to protect him in the first place!

As the sun had set and the room became dark, the white-haired young man shook his head and turned on his side, now staring at the wall.

Since things got to where they got, there was nothing else for him to do than to wait for a quest that would open a way for him to arrive or something.

/Player received a quest

Regaining the honor

The Wrath family has lost its honor because of your actions, escape the mansion and search for the villainess and her servant to make up for your mistakes.

Reward: unique title: Reclaimer of the honor

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Corvus...! Are you still awake...?"

Apparently, Corvus's luck had already returned since within less than a single minute not only an exact quest that he wanted has popped up, but it was immediately followed by a silent knocking and a conspicuous voice that could only belong to Mika.

"Yeah, I am."

The white-haired capture target smirked and got up.

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