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22 days ago
Imagination is always pleasant, but reality is cruel. I just wanted a simple life but why am I... Read more Imagination is always pleasant, but reality is cruel. I just wanted a simple life but why am I always getting into trouble? Collapse Alternate World, Demons, Dense Protagonist, Dragons, Hot-blooded Protagonist, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Magic, Male Protagonist, Naive Protagonist, Polygamy, Righteous Protagonist, Romantic Subplot, Slow Growth at Start, Spirits, Transported to Another World, Tsundere, Weak to Strong Hot-blooded,Dense and naive MC Fu#k this shit i'm out The tags scream "Don't read this shit!' I will just copy review from novelupdates that can majorly describe how I feel about this novel:If I were to sum it up with one sentence, it isn't as bad as it first seems, but it also doesn't work hard to get good.It's basically a Chinese novel written like a Japanese would (but obviously with Chinese flavor, you know, face slapping and the like). It's basically a beta male + harem + fantasy + transmigration.In general, the protagonist is so dense that it's funny. Yes, just funny. At first you get annoyed with him, but if you endure it for 2-3 volumes, you just laugh at the ret*rd. Well, at some point the narration alluded to some past events that made him subconsciously reject all possibilities that someone may like him, etc., but he's still so very dense he should be capable of using black hole attacks. The explanation doesn't fully cover this, so the protagonist isn't really excused all that much.Other than that, the protagonist is okay at first glance, but annoying in the long run. He's a goody-two-shoes, and it's especially annoying when he interacts with some female characters: they're gonna act like a stuck-up b*tch, and he's going to laugh foolishly and let them step all over him or something. There's literally only one chick that's excused for acting like this because she's mental (literally, schizophrenia and more), but the rest is just annoying together with the even more annoying protagonist Dense AND Naive protagonist? Any reviews fellow daoists ? I'd like to be enlightened please