The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 74 The Fast-handed Wang

Chapter 74 The Fast-handed Wang

Going far away, was not an easy task for an otaku, who had not been out of the province for four or five years after university graduation. Especially when Zhou Yu did not even know how to use a subway. He did not know how to drive, would get car sickness when taking a coach. He had never even bought a train ticket before, let alone knowing the difference between a train and a high-speed rail. The time he spent at home, made him cannot keep up with the ever-changing world, and the blank social experience could not be filled in a short period of time.

In order to determine the distance of the map, the first stop he chose was a bus stop. He then went to the neighboring city by bus. But when he got off the bus, he was completely lost. All kinds of cars and people were moving everywhere, and the irritating noises were endless. A group of aunts came to him, giving him small flyers or asking him if he needed any cars. There were even some with kids crying for food in their arms.

It was obvious that it was just a scam, but Zhou Yu still gave the aunt who held a child two hundred Chinese Yuan, to get rid of these people’s constant harassments. Looking at the small map, he found that the distance to the red dot was only a little shorter. It seemed like he needed to travel long distances.

Continuing heading north.

In the ticket hall of the train station, Zhou Yu stood there stupidly not moving for a long time. Only until he was asked by a staff member on duty, did he finally learn the process of buying tickets, and then finally successfully bought the ticket to the north. However, he didn’t expect that animals were not allowed on the train. Even if it was a pigeon. He could only ask Bubu, “What do we do, do you still remember the way home? Or I send you home first and then do the quest later? ”

In fact, he could also take a coach, but then he would have car sickness. Sitting on a coach for a long time, would be a torture for him. However, Bubu said that it could fly along the railway line. There wouldn’t be a problem at all, it would just take some time. After I found the fast-handed Wang, it would probably arrive as well. As for how to find Zhou Yu, it said that there would be no problem at all. It was a veteran adventurer. Finding a person was as easy as a piece of cake.

Since it said so, he could only choose to believe. Therefore he waved his hands to temporarily say goodbye to Sir Black and Bubu.

It turned out that in every city, Zhou Yu could see many citizens of the ACG world. They had their own social circles, but their social circles partially depended on the real world. In a restaurant, Zhou Yu could see pretty waiting staff trying to get customers inside. There were also strange chefs making meals. However, apart from him, no one else was able to see them.

Many times, Zhou Yu couldn’t help but want to use the skill ‘the strongest talker’ to secretly abduct one or two citizens of the ACG world to his mini Luhua village. After all, his village still needed all kinds of people. But whenever he thought that this skill could only be used twice, and it should be used with caution, he eventually suppressed his urge.

The people of the ACG world were extremely shocked when they realized that Zhou Yu could see them. Because it was the first time for them to see someone from the real world, that could actually notice them. Compared with the people from the real world, Zhou Yu felt much more comfortable to communicate with these people. So along the way, he met with many new citizens of the ACG world.

Especially on the train, there were many kinds of mini people. Many of them were constantly praising the wisdom of the people from the real world, and they were all amazed that the people from the real world could invent such a fast transportation tool. However, looking out the window, Zhou Yu could see the airships of the ACG world flying the air. So he didn’t know which side had more advanced technologies.

There were also mini waitresses on the train. Sitting on top of the trolley that was pushed by the real train attendant, they were selling the food of the ACG world. Fortunately, Bubu was not there. Otherwise, he would definitely be asked to buy a lot of snacks for it. There were also some entertainers, who lived on the train, performing a variety of magic and juggling shows. So the entire journey was not boring for Zhou Yu.

When would his mini Luhua become as bustling as this train...

After the red dot touched the green dot, the map began to zoom in and display more detailed information. Zhou Yu could even see the layout of the streets, which made it easier for him to do the quest. He then just randomly found himself a restaurant to eat, and a hotel to sleep. When going on an important trip, one shouldn’t focus on having an extravagant lifestyle, but instead, they should focus on getting the things, that needed to be done, done, as soon as possible.

The next morning, Bubu and Sir black were already waiting outside the window. But no one knew when they arrived.

After cleaning himself, the searching quest was officially started.

Having a pigeon on his shoulder when walking on the bustling street was a bit eye-catching. If it was an old man carrying a birdcage, then it would be normal. But a young man with a pigeon? Then it was really something else. Besides, this was the high street, not a park. It was not the right place to walk his bird.

It was not that Zhou Yu wanted to come to the high street, but that damn fast-handed Wang was here. The quest description said that it was a dangerous jungle. Originally, he thought that it was a real jungle. However, he didn’t expect that it was a high street that was bustling with people.

The small high street of Luhua Village was completely incomparable with this place. The flow of people here was hundreds of times more. And the shops here were much more gorgeous. It was so many that Zhou Yu couldn’t even see the end of it. These were all city people’s favorite. However, although Zhou Yu used to be a city man, he didn’t have any feelings towards those shops. In contrast, he liked grandma Guihua’s small convenience store, which was located at the entrance of Luhua village, much more. Although it didn’t have many things over there.

Gradually getting close, it turned out to be in a high-end Western restaurant. Zhou Yu was not fussy about food. Whether it was Chinese or Western food, he could eat both. It was just that he didn’t particularly like the atmosphere of the high-end restaurants. He felt like people, who ate here, often wanted to show off more than actually enjoy the food. Moreover, he always felt that there were too many restrictions here.

But for the best manga artist, he could only endure it.

Elegant music, graceful environment, however, nothing would make Zhou Yu feel like eating here. Bubu was very interested in this kind of environment, perhaps because of its western fantasy style décor, but unfortunately, it couldn’t eat the food of the real world, so it could only drool over the dishes that were displayed on the menu in resentment.

Waiters did not refuse Zhou Yu’s entry. Originally, Zhou Yu feared that they would say that pets were not allowed. Moreover, the clothes he was wearing were cheap knock-offs. Everyone could tell It easily, by just looking at him. But waiters didn’t seem to mind it. They were still providing all kinds of services to Zhou Yu. It seemed like the classic face-slapping tropes that existed in web novels would not appear here.

The environment was good, the service was great, but Zhou Yu still didn’t like this kind of place. Fortunately, he didn’t come here for the food. So he just randomly ordered something. While waiting for his order, his eyes were staring at a little man – the top-notch manga artist: the fast-handed Wang, who was on the next table.

When recruiting artists, it usually only showed the information or their special effects. If a name appeared, it meant that the artist was definitely not an ordinary person. It was just that this guy looked like a queer uncle. He had a long ancient styled goatee, a Taoist styled topknot, and an ancient-Chinese-clothing-like dress.

Dressing up like this, but eating in a western restaurant, it was indeed a bit different. There was a small table on the table in the real world. Drinking a small alcoholic beverage and eating a small side dish, he was shaking his heads while sniffing the smells of the western food on the next table. It made Zhou Yu wonder why he shook his head. Was it because he was disappointed that he couldn’t eat western food or was it because he didn’t like the western food.

The owner of the Western restaurant in the ACG world was a fat man, and it seemed like he was very respectful towards the fast-handed Wang. Instead of asking his staff to serve, he was serving him personally.

“Chivalrous hero Wang, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t found the spirit beast. You can stay in this small shop as long as you like.”

‘Holy shit, who is this Fast-handed Wang exactly? Why can he get a free meal and free accommodation here?’

‘I’m kind of envious right now.’

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