The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 79: The Reveal

Chapter 79: The Reveal

Sheila felt her guilt sweep away the more she spoke. She was just an unimportant person, a maid. What could she have done? That was why she suggested it to Mrs. Malin. She was just trying to protect herself and her mistress. She hadnt done anything wrong! She hadnt done anything wrong!

Ha? Cant see the mayor? Then you should have gone to the Sacred Temple for help. If you couldnt go in person then you could have sent an anonymous letter. Even if you are just a maid, the empire ensures that every citizen has a certain amount of education, so dont even try to say you cant read or write.

I I I couldnt! I couldnt risk exposing myself. It would have put my mistress in danger! Sheila was pale and obviously frightened, but it was also just as obvious she used other people for her own selfish ends.

Jier interrupted her before she could say anything more. You deliberately egged Mrs. Malin into a confrontation with Mr. Wenda by telling her he was an imposter didnt you?

No! No! Shelia shook her head furiously. Mrs. Malin didnt confront him about anything. She only came to speak to Mr. Wenda about Miss Clara. Maybe she discovered something while she was talking to him. All I know is that Master Wenda went out that night. Then the next day, news of Mrs. Malins murder made the headlines.

Mr. Wenda accused Miss Clara of the murder because he was afraid she would recognize he was a fake. He had to get rid of her somehow. Mrs. Malins death gave him the chance to strike first!

So thats why he dismissed all the original servants. He didnt want any of them becoming suspicious, murmured Jier. In order to maintain his disguise the imposter Wenda had to get rid of those familiar with the original Mr. Wenda. He used marital discord to drive Mrs. Malin away, but it was more complicated with Miss Clara. The only way to push her out of the estate and out of his life was to marry her off. But he found another option when he murdered Mrs. Malin. If Miss Clara was charged with the crime and sentenced to prison, then he wouldnt have to interact with her anymore. The chances of her discovering he was an imposter would have dropped to practically zero.

Sheila didnt deny anything Jier said. All she said was, Please dont hurt Mistress Dusha. She is innocent in all this. She has no idea Master Wenda is an imposter. She really doesnt know anything!

Wolf looked at Sheila as she spoke. He didnt want to admit it, but even though she was incredibly selfish, he couldnt deny her dedication to her mistress.

It was just that her methods were horrible. So many people suffered because of her. If she hadnt suggested Ms. Dusha was in love with someone to Marlon, then Wenda would not have been murdered. If she hadnt meddled with Mrs. Malins visit, Mrs. Malin would still be alive and Miss Clara wouldnt be accused of murder. Not to mention there was that maid that died in her place.

There was no denying her blind loyalty played a role in everyones tragedy. This kind of person, the kind who courted disaster and pushed others to take the fall disgusted him.

You really believe your mistress doesnt know anything? Shes been in love with Mr. Wenda for twelve years but she couldnt tell there was something off about him? Jier doubted Dusha was as innocent as her maid claimed.

His words stunned Sheila. The point never occurred to her. How was it possible that she could detect something off about Mr. Wenda but the person in love with him for twelve years couldnt? Was her mistress really as clueless as she believed? Did her mistress know about Mr. Wenda? Had she been an accomplice to Mr. Wenda this entire time?

Sheila was shocked. She had thought she was the only one who knew, but it sounded like her mistress knew about it too!

Take us to the imposter. Its time he paid for the pain hes caused. A vengeful light flashed through Wolfs eyes as he spoke.

Sheila led the way. She knew this was it; there was no turning back. If they failed to defeat the imposter, then he would know she knew his secret and he would kill her the same way he killed the other maid: sucking her body dry of blood.

They finally reached Wendas study. He was ostensibly reading inside, but who knew if he was just pretending.

Sheila ran away the moment they reached the door. She planned to escape with her mistress while they distracted the imposter Wenda.

It wasnt like her departure escaped Jiers notice. He knew, but he didnt care. They were there to capture the asura.

Before opening the door Jier exchanged a glance with Feng Wu. The message was clear: run away if its too dangerous. Feng Wu nodded so he knew she understand his message.

When Wolf opened the door, they saw Wenda sitting at the desk with a book in one hand. Wendas face turned cold and mean at the sight of them.

Who are you? How dare you break into my estate!

Wolf laughed. Your estate? I didnt know the asura could own property in the human world.

What?! Wenda was shocked. Hed successfully hid among humans for so long, how was his identity discovered?

You havent gone to your cave in a while so you dont know this, but your blood pool was discovered. You need to bathe in blood at regular intervals if you want to stay in the human world. The blood of virgins is particularly potent. It goes a long way in extending your stay.

Wenda knew he was exposed when they mentioned the cave. Hed been so careful of the municipal authorities by only hunting girls from rural villages. Now in retrospect he should have hunted farther away from Rime-Frost.

It was a good thing Wolf didnt know what Wenda was thinking otherwise he would have dispensed with talking and gotten down to business.

Wendas face paled. I know youre investigators investigating Claras case. How much did Clara give you? Ill give you ten times as much. Money is not a problem.

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