The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 37: Polar Ice Birds

Chapter 37: Polar Ice Birds

Alan Duo and her group chased after Feng Wu but were unable to catch a single glimpse of her back even after several minutes. They couldnt help but scowl at her speed. How was she so fast?

It didnt matter if they lost sight of her because they had Ai Lu[notes] in their group. Although she wasnt a magician, she had a pseudo innate magic ability that allowed her to smell much more strongly than normal people. It wasnt something to brag about, in fact Alan Duo was embarrassed her subordinate had such a gross sounding skill, but it was this skill that allowed them to track Feng Wu as far as they had despite not being able to see her.

These kinds of abilities were congenital. It was like a sensory bonus that some people were born with, like power or speed. For example taste, the ability to discern the composition of foodstuffs and medicinal plants just by eating, was a rare ability often found in pharmacists or their apprentices. Another ability commonly found in pharmacists was the ability to increase hand sensitivity. Touch was important for distinguishing different plants and in preparing prescriptions. Someone with this ability would be able to sense an imbalance in a mixture while mixing it, allowing the mixture to be calibrated before completion. This kind of ability was even more important than taste.

As abilities went, smell wasnt very important. Apart from being able to find things, it didnt have a use for any of the professions. There was nothing great to be gained from such a lame ability, so although Ai Lus ability was incredibly strong, she did not receive praise or recognition for it.

Several hours later the group still couldnt caught up to Feng Wu. Suddenly Ai Lu made a face and stopped.

Whats wrong? Whyd you stop? Alan Duo asked while secretly blaming Ai Lu for being too slow. The blame was partly fueled by her embarrassment about Ai Lus ability. Even though it was a tacky ability it was still an innate magic power. Alan Duo, though she was superior to Ai Lu, didnt have one. This made her feel uncomfortable every time she saw Ai Lu using hers.

The expression on Ai Lus face also made the group feel uncomfortable. She was making such an ugly face. Of course it wasnt because she was angry with Alan Duo, it was just that something in the air made her uneasy.

Wild magical beasts. I think were in their territory.

It wasnt unusual to encounter a beast or two in a forest. Because of this, Alan Duo and the others werent worried about her comment, instead they looked at her in annoyance.

Ai Lu, you act as though you havent seen a wild magical beast before. Youre so useless! Mi Li didnt hesitate to scold Ai Lu, snorting at how timid the other girl was being.

This time Ai Lu didnt snap back at Mi Li like she normally would, instead she looked at the group with a grave face as she said, I didnt say it was just one. Its a group! And theyre coming this way. Their scent is getting stronger every second. Theres a hint of ice magic in it too. I think theyre beasts that wield ice magic. Im not a hundred percent sure.

Ai Lus face lost all color. It was obvious she was afraid. The others werent able to tell but she could. The beasts coming werent ordinary beasts. They were at least third level magical beasts.

What? A group?!

One they could handle, but a group If it was as Ai Lu said, then they were in trouble. They definitely walked into magical beast territory. The thought of a group of wild magical beasts coming their way caused everyones face to change.

Come on! Lets get out of here first! Alan Duo didnt like Ai Lus ability but she knew how accurate it was. Well have to chase that hateful girl some other time.

Their hatred for Feng Wu had to take a backseat. It was more important to maintain their lives and pass the assessment. They couldnt let a group of wild magical beasts kill them.


Feng Wu was following a small bird as it led her out of the forest. Her natural affinity for plants and animals allowed her to communicate easily with the birds in the area. They had no desire to harm her, so for Feng Wu the trek was not dangerous at all. The same could not be said of other humans though.

Little Knight thank you for leading me. Goodbye! Feng Wu waved goodbye to the cute bird that led her out of the Ice Birds territory.

Little Knight had recently learned to fly, because of this his father had tasked him with leading Feng Wu out of their territory. This kind of hospitality had never been enjoyed by another human before; it was uniquely given to Feng Wu.

Earlier when she entered their territory they rushed menacingly at her, but had immediately calmed down once they got closer and smelled her. It was incredibly comfortable to breathe around her, the air was suffused with vitality and their desire to harm her completely disappeared.

Feng Wus body smelled really good and the little bird couldnt bear to leave her. He flew two circles around her in his reluctance to part. The fathers finished chasing away the humans that broke into our territory so I have to go back, but I dont want to leave you. You smell so nice! He cuddled her neck a little before flying away.

Feng Wu waved goodbye to the bird as he flew away. Then she used her internal force to leap through the forest.

It was because of this that Alan Duo and her group couldnt catch up to Feng Wu. While they were running on the ground, she was leaping through the air - of course they couldnt catch up.

After several leaps and bounds Feng Wu successfully reached the location marked on the map. The location was an incredibly high cliff. Feng Wu couldnt tell how high exactly because the area she stood was shrouded in fog.

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