The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 665

Chapter 665: He Might Not be a Corrupt Lord

The Corrupt Lord is being restrained by Wendy. But as she was about to wrap a Magic Restricting Collar around his neck, Albert stopped her.

“No need for that. He won’t fight back anymore knowing that he won’t be able to win. And I know you’re a healer as well. Heal your hand so we can talk,” Albert said.

What? Albert knows the Corrupt Lord personally? Well, they’re a king and a lord. I suppose that’s natural.

But is it fine to let him able to use magic? I’ll just trust Albert’s decision.

Oh, the suspicious woman is down there. Is it time for her to make her move?

Well, that’s fine. I’m confident that I can block her move before she can do anything. But let’s watch a bit longer.

“So this is the end, huh?” the woman said.


“Huh? Who are you?” Albert asked the woman.

“Nice to meet you, your majesty. You’re a big hindrance for our plan, so please die,” the woman said.

Wait, seriously? She’s just coming out there and said that so casually? Attempting to assassinate Albert?

There’s no way I would let that be.

The woman grabbed the collars on her neck with both of her hands and rip them off. Now she can use her magic again. And it also proves that she is a master level mage. That’s obvious since the muscle in her body looks just like a normal untrained body but she has that much strength.

I guess slave collar also won’t work on master level. But that’s to be expected.

She then quickly pointed her arms toward Albert. Trying to use magic to kill him. But she finally realizes something.

She realizes that I am above her and standing on Spot’s back. Now she knows how Albert suddenly appears. It’s stupid of her to keep the Magic Restricting Collar on her neck all the time.

“...Fuck,” the woman said as she quickly trying to escape after she looks at the supposedly empty sky.

Why is she trying to escape just after seeing me? It’s not like she’s not confident that she can’t defeat us, right? Usually master level mages would be too proud to back down from a fight. But she’s trying to escape right away and even forgetting to kill Albert.

If she’s being careful, that makes her the most dangerous enemy we encounter so far. I need to get rid of her. Killing her is fine, but that’s impossible.

Albert noticed that the woman ripped her collars off and realized that his life is at stake. But he knows that I will be protecting him. And he must be thinking that I’m strong enough to face her as he whispered an order to me.

“Capture her.”

That’s what Albert whispered in a volume that only I can hear. That’s why killing her is impossible.

Capturing a smart master level mage. It’s not that hard if she’s just at the same level as Patricia. But she’s smart. She might not say anything during the interrogation.

Well, just like usual. I’ll let Albert be the one interrogating her.

The woman turns around and with her feet wrapped in fire, she used fire magic to boost her speed as she fly to the sky. That’s the first time I see something like that.

For explosive speed, she’s much faster than even Patricia who is a master level wind mage. But I’m still faster than her.

And more importantly, the serpent that I ride is faster than me. And we caught up with her before she could go far.

“Damn it!”

She changes her direction to avoid me. But she is still slower than Spot. Her magic is not strong enough. She’s just like other master level mages from the cult who waste their potentials.

Back then, even Spot who was the fastest before I had Ray as my familiar, he couldn’t surpass the speed of ancient master level wind mage ghost. But all the master level mages we faced from the cult is not strong enough.

The enemies we encountered so far ,we haven’t seen anyone using their full potential. And while they don’t recognize it, it’s best to defeat them. That’s why I hope we can destroy the cult as soon as possible.

And she’s not trained as well. Even though she’s strong physically, she has never trained her body. I guess just one hit and she will get knocked out.

I jumped from Spot’s head toward the woman and knocked her out with a strong punch on her head. She must have never thought that I would punch her. And she fell down toward a building and destroyed the rooftop. The house owner was so surprised to see a woman falls down from the sky.

Let’s ignore him. I went down to grab her without forgetting to put a Magic Restricting Collar on her, and fly back to where Albert is before throwing her in front of him.

I also don’t need to hide myself anymore so I landed in front of Albert as well. Right next to the unconscious woman.

“That was quick. Is she a master level mage?” Albert asked. Loud enough for everyone here including the angry mob to hear.

“Yes. It’s not that hard with my familiars,” I said.

Though I didn’t summon my familiars at all. But because we’re in public, I can’t say that I’m an Aura user. Who knows how many cult members are here? Maybe this woman is also a cult member as well.

Albert then running toward Randy whose hand is healed already. What the hell?

“Your majesty! Please don’t come closer to him!” Burnes warned Albert to stop approaching the Corrupt Lord.

“He won’t fight anymore!”

On the Corrupt Lord sitting on the ground, Albert approached him and talk in whisper. Why is he love whispering so bad?

“Randy, someone I can trust with my life is listening. Tell me. Is there any more enemies in this city? Even your slaves?” Albert said in whisper.

Wait, it’s as if Albert knows about the Corrupt Lord. Maybe what he said is right. He’s not really a corrupt lord. But I’ll decide after listening. I’m the one Albert trusts with his life after all.


The corrupt lord who might not be corrupt didn’t say anything at first. But Albert continued.

“Just the ones here first. We need to make sure that no information get out,” Albert said.

Wait, is the corrupt lord a spy? A spy lord? This is confusing.

“...the guy in red, the slave with tattoo on his neck, the short haired woman on the left, the...”

For now, I’ll just call him lord before I could remember his name. I think I need to remember it. And let’s not assume that someone is extremely corrupt by giving them names without actually knowing them.

...Though if it’s his job given by Albert to be corrupt, calling him Corrupt Lord should be a compliment for doing his job well.

Let’s capture all the people he’s talking about. He’s just saying the people who are here, right? Some of them were even slaves.

“Wendy, arrest them all. That’s what Roy said.”

I asked Sonia to deliver a message to Wendy to capture all of them. Though Wendy didn’t know who she should arrest, it didn’t take more than two seconds before she realized the meaning of the message.

While the angry mob is paying attention to the lord and the king, I sneaked among them, grabbed the people that the lord is saying, and throw them high to the sky. And those are the people that I told Wendy to arrest.

Wendy is not alone. Spot is also helping her. Just in case some of them are wind mage who can move freely in the sky.

Oh, wait. Now fire mage can also do the same. Though I think they need to get to master level first.

In the sky, Wendy and Spot knocked the people I threw unconscious. I wonder who they are? Cult members?

The lord was shocked to see that the people he’s saying suddenly disappeared into the sky. But he continued calling out some people that I need to throw.

“...Lastly, the man wearing sunglasses on the third floor of the building on the right. That’s all of them that I can see here. There are more of them. Inside the mansion, under the ground in the place we imprison the slaves, and even some working as the gatekeeper,” the lord said.

“Okay. Let’s talk again later,” Albert said before he turns his body and face the citizens.

“Everyone! I will take care of the lord here and make sure that all the slaves will be freed! For now, you can go back! I’ll make sure that this man will receive heavy punishment!” Albert said.

One by one, the citizens left. Though some were confused by the people who suddenly went missing.

I made sure that no one other than the lord and the agents can see me threw those people. I’m sure no one sees me. they will think that I’m a summoner who has a familiar strong enough to be a threat to a master level mage.

Albert then told the agents to get all the other slaves from the prison to the mansion where we will stay. And on the way, we encounter the lord’s slaves. The lord then called out the people that I need to capture among them.

As for the people I threw, they are all on Spot’s back now. Wendy will take care of them until I can go there.

Now, let’s hear some explanation.

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