The Legacy System

514 Chapter 514

Every person on Earth would be the biggest kindhearted person, and the most charitable one as long as what he was trying to share, and spread didn't belong to him.

The moment that it changed, and it became a matter of his own possession, then his character would change fundamentally, and he would turn into a selfish and stingy man.

After all, each and every one of them could only have eyes for their own efforts and hard work, no one cares about the other's.

Furthermore, even if they did see other people's hard work and efforts, what did it have to do with them. They only knew that they wanted the guy's wealth.

This was a dog eats dog world! If that guy wasn't capable of safekeeping his own wealth, then it wasn't their fault.

For that reason, the moment that Cui Xie said those words, the 17th Elder's face went dark and ugly while his voice immediately vanished.

It was just like suddenly pushing one button and making everything disappear, but of course, there wasn't just one 17th Elder in that room, and in that meeting.

Cui Xie might have kicked one of the dogs, but the rest would still come jumping on his head if he left them alone, so he needed to kick them all at the same time.

With those thoughts in his mind, he quickly expanded his range as he said,

"Of course, these words aren't valuable for the 17th Elder alone, whoever else thinks that I should give the remaining shares, can show me the way by gifting everything to the family, and I will do the same.

Just to make sure though, this includes all of your side and private secret businesses as well! After all, you have to show me how you can give everything, so I can follow your example and do the same!"

The whole place went dead silent, most probably each and every one of them would be able to hear a pin drop at the farthest corner of the room, without needing to use their sharp senses.

"Xie'er don't pressure your uncles too much, they were just thinking about the family's greater good, it was just that they hadn't thought things from your point of view!"

Cui Xie had left the elders of the family without a path of retreat or advance, as none of them dared to take him up on his offer.

Even though they were part of the Cui family, what Cui Xie was asking for was their hard work for many years, and their insurance should something happen in the future.

Just like that expression claimed, a smart rabbit would always build his home in 3 burrows, they were doing the same.

If one day they were unable to live under the shadow of the Cui family, they would still have a path of retreat and hope in their lives. Not only for themselves but also for their families and descendants.

If they did as Cui Xie challenged them to do, it was the same as cutting those escape routes for themselves, something that none of them was willing to do, no matter what.

Especially when they didn't have the confidence, and security of taking over the Cui family for themselves, and with the old man still in charge, none of them was.

For that reason, at such a moment, it was the old Cui Patriarch's turn to come forward and offer them a salvation point.

As Cui Xie was the youngest, and also the one with the least influence he could only choose to start with him, despite not wanting to.

After all, just hearing those claims, made him remind himself and his old past. As he couldn't help but think of making Cui Xie his successor, something that would turn the whole family against him.

In such a complicated time and environment even he as the one in charge of the Cui Family couldn't help but be fearful of the reaction of the rest.

Cui Xie just heard those words, and showed a dazzling smile, as he said,

"Of course, Patriarch Cui, this junior just spoke his mind in rush due to my young age, I hope that you and my uncles don't get offense in my words!"

For the current him it would be a death wish to continue with his conduct and attitude, which would serve only to make him even more estranged from the family.

Right now, the most important thing for him was to actually make sure that he kept and used the Cui family's standing and position to the best of his interests.

There were some things that couldn't be done through sheer force, as deterrence was needed!"


It was at this moment, that his phone vibrated in his pocket, and a message from an unknown number appeared in front of his eyes.

The moment he saw that message his eyes sparked a bit, as he just sat on his seat and heard everything that was said around him with a cold countenance.

There were many things that were discussed in there, but he didn't pay attention to every single one of them, as many of them were just hypocritical views about different matters.

It was only when the situation between the Li and Ye families came to light that he finally took the right to speak, as he said,

"You guys must forgive me as I am a junior and don't understand much, but I think that this matter can't be considered lightly.

While the Li family has tried to approach us with many gifts and promises, there is something wrong with them, that doesn't convince this Young Master!"

"Hmph~! What would a junior like you understand! They are just too afraid of our Cui family and are trying their best to stop us from helping the Ye family!"

Of course, to someone born and raised inside the Cui family, used to their usual arrogance and overbearingness, how could these Elders think differently.

"You say some interesting things Xie, can you elaborate on those words?"

Fortunately, there was someone who had his eyes open, and mind focused at the helm of the Cui Family otherwise, they would have sunk long ago.

"As everyone knows this junior was somewhat present on the day of the Gao Family incident, and he saw noticed something that put him in doubt.

The Li Saint of the Li Family seemed weird that day! I understand that defending that young man was something dangerous for the Li family to do, but seeing his character, countenance, and skills I can't help but think it was a mistake.

Not to mention that he even went as far as to save Young Master Gao's life and create such a miraculous medicine comparable to the formulae I stumbled upon."

"What are you trying to say brat!? Make it short!"

Of course, Cui Xie didn't appreciate the interruption, but this wasn't the place to throw a fit of rage, he forcefully controlled his temper, and continued,

"What I am trying to say is that the Li Saint of the Li family most probably has a plan of his own!"

It was impossible for the Elders to not be shocked by his words, as they all looked at him with surprise and startle for a moment.

"Do you understand what you are trying to say, Cui Xie? Do you know what meaning and weight your words carry?

Do you know what troubles will come up if these words fall on the Li family's ears?"

"What does that have to do with me, or with the Cui Family!?"

"What!? You don't consider yourself a Cui Family member anymore? You revealed your true colors this soon?"

"First Uncle don't try to twist my words however you like, what I meant to say is that I am voicing these words and thoughts in a meeting of the Cui Family, talking about the interests of the Family.

Why would the Li Family get news of what happens in our Cui Family? Could it be that we aren't even able to speak freely in our own home, about the interests of our family?

Is our Cui Family so weak and feeble as to have other people spying on our meetings?

Furthermore, even if they did, what can they do about it? Aren't they trying their best to get on our good side, so we don't help the Ye Family?

They surely can't afford to offend us now!

Not to mention that there are two possibilities of the events after these words become public. First, there will be an early disturbance in the Li family and secondly will make the second force approach us.

There can only be benefits for my Cui family and not losses!"

Cui Xie's logical and fluent explanation made even the potbelly First Uncle stop and think about the current situation deeply.

The old Patriarch who had been watching everything from the side, couldn't help but think deeply about this as well before he finally said,

"Then what do you think we should do Xie?"

"This junior proposes to use the latest proposal of the Li Family, to allow this junior to go there and witness the situation with a few other elders of the family.

At the same time, we send some other people to the Ye Family and check upon their intentions as well!

Only upon making sure of the situation, should we make a decision about which side to back up! With the importance and strength of my Cui Family, shouldn't be difficult to smooth things over after that."

Everyone was in contemplation…

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