The Last Primal

Chapter 206 - 206 - Fierce Warrior

"Yeah, let's go! Maybe it's an adventurer or a hunter from the city and he could be in trouble!" Sarah spoke, as she turned towards the direction Aiden was focusing at. "How far? Is he okay?"

Sending out another empowered mental energy pulse with the use of his [Dark Sense] ability, Aiden took a look at his System's map. The previously spotted 3 circular dots, one colored in green and the two situated in front of it, colored red, were still there. Also, from the empowered pulse he felt strong life essences oozing out from them, meaning that all three creatures should still be fine.

With this information in his mind, Aiden, while not averting his eyes from the 'scene' ahead, nodded lightly. His voice, usual to his demeanor was calm and collected.

"Yes, all three presences are currently alive. Although…" The strange feeling he had earlier, hit him again as if he met one of the beings currently in combat previously. Unsure who could it be, without any warning, he began to slowly march forward, towards the battle.

Understanding that something was probably amiss as Aiden's voice suddenly trailed off, and how he abruptly began to get closer, quickly unsheathed her sword and followed closely behind the youth.

As they approached closer, soon the first muffled sounds of the battle ahead hit their ears. Surprisingly, or as if to confirm Aiden's vague suspicion, one of the groans were distinctly feminine in nature. The other two were hoarse, throaty animalistic battle cries. Both of them were clear that these were coming from two orcs, getting more and more engorged in the battle.

"I-it's a woman!" Realizing that one of the sounds was coming from a female, Sarah shook in a mixture of shock and fright. She knew what fate awaits those females that get defeated by these monsters… "We have to hurry, we have no time to waste!" 

Immediately, she increased her speed, and rushed ahead, leaving the safety of Aiden's back. She had no time to waste, if a human was to face two brutes of this caliber there were little chance of winning, and defeat was much worse than death for their sex! No, she can't let that happen, no matter what!

Increasing her speed even further, she cared for nothing, just to get to the source of the gradually clearing but still muffled sounds of combat coming from a decreasing distance away.

'I have to give her time to escape!' Sarah gritted her teeth, as she activated her full power. Raising the blade of her sword vertically in front of her face, she whispered a few ancient-sounding words as she continued her heightened pace.

In the next instant, her entire figure began to faintly glow in a purplish, thin layer of energy, further increasing the possible output of her muscles at the cost of increased stamina cost. Her speed increased by another margin, but beads of sweat began to glisten upon her pretty forehead, slithering to the side, acquiescing to the force of the headwind.

Although she didn't pay attention, she didn't leave Aiden too far behind. Without much effort, he increased his speed to match Sarah's as he kept following slightly behind with an interested smirk stretching wide on his face as he looked at the woman. 

Although he wasn't too shocked that she could use magic, he was surprised when the system greeted him with a notification that he hadn't heard for quite some time.

[Wind Magic Discovered! Analyzing information… 10%]

'Wind Magic? Huh, I almost forgot… Though I still don't understand why the progress on these is so incredibly slow…' he thought, focusing on the effects of the spell. Seeing how it enhanced her physical capabilities and gave her another slight boost in speed, his smile turned slightly wider, as he kept the pace with ease. To him, this speed did not even require the use of any abilities, his natural attributes could easily match it up.

Not too soon after, the sounds of battle became clear, as they stopped and hid behind the large trunk of a nearby tree. Carefully peeking out, the scene in front of them became clear, stunning them once again, and causing them to be unable to react for a few brief moments.

In front of them, in the midst of the woods, a tall, large, robust-looking feminine figure was widely swinging a humongous war ax. The weapon was quite a sight to behold as well. At the end of its long and thick handle, there was an ornate circular saw-like metallic head, that was already smeared with the now-familiar black, oily substance.

The woman was garbed in barely any real clothing, apart from covering her delicate parts with leather straps, she was almost naked. Her, long, blonde hair that was tied into a ponytail behind her head was swinging wildly, flailing against the wind as the woman kept jumping to the left and right evading the incoming blows of her two combatants. Despite the dangerous situation she was in, she had a wide grin stretching across her face, she kept shouting unintelligible garbled shouts. Still, despite not understanding the meaning behind her words, it was clear from the tone that she was greatly enjoying herself. Her tone carried her almost euphoric happiness.

"Naybeah?" Leaving their cover as she recognized the woman, Aiden stepped out, acting oblivious to the current situation. "What are you doing here?" He asked curiously as he slowly walked forward.

Seeing how he was acting, Sarah could only grit her teeth in frustration, squeeze the handle of her weapon even tighter, and follow her partner along. What was he thinking? 

"Aiden... What are you…" She muttered as she got to his left side, keeping a close watch at the movements of the two crazed orcs. Unlike Aiden, she was very much aware of the severity of the situation.

Noticing the familiar-looking long, black-haired, exotic golden-eyed youth coming from behind the trees, Naybeah gave him a wide grin, as she swung her weapon horizontally, aiming at her enemies' chests'.

"Oh hey boy! Whatcha' doin' here? Give me a moment to deal with these pigs!" She grinned, already midway in her second swing, not giving the opponent any time to attack at all.

Stopping a dozen steps away from them, Aiden glanced at the two orcs briefly. As if looking at two insects, he returned his attention to the amazon, ignoring the danger that these orcs represented completely. 

"You need any help?" He asked with a friendly, casual manner as if they were still talking in the guild's hall.

"Nah, I can handle them!" She grinned at her own response, before letting out another garbled war cry, swinging her blade even more wildly than before. Her ferocity could actually match up to the brutal creatures, maybe even surpass it, as the two orcs could only try to block the blows without any hope of counterattacking at all. 

Soon their situation turned quite desperate, going from bad to worse, as with another wide-arched sideways swing of her fearsome weapon, she crushed one of the crude axe-like weapons the orc on the left was holding, causing wooden splinters to fly all around, whilst the large stone-made sharpened head flew far away at the side.

However, instead of turning around to escape, the humanoid monstrosity's eyes turned bloodshot, as he let out a loud battle cry and launched itself on the woman, aiming to grab and hold her down not caring about her weapon anymore. 

The other orc, seeing his partner's situation, jumped to the right, arriving at the amazon's left side, and raised his weapon, a similar-looking crude war axe to the air. With a loud, ferocious roar, he swung it down, aiming at the amazon's right arm whilst his partner was ready to tackle the woman to the ground.

Seeing their sudden shift in tactic, Sarah turned slightly worried, turned her attention at Aiden, who looked just as calm and smiling as before, not showing any signs of assisting the woman at all.

"Shouldn't we help her? She could get in serious trouble!" She warned, ready to jump and attack the unarmed orc closest to them.

However, Aiden continued to smile and silently shook his head. He did not talk but pointed back at the situation for the girl to just continue watching. It was as if he already knew the outcome…


A bit further away, in a now-peaceful clearing, a small black egg-shaped object was laying amidst the tall, lush healthy-green grass. Not far away from it at the edges of the clearing, under the cover of a bush, a female hare has just finished giving birth to its baby, a quiet and already furred leveret. Unlike many other species, it's newborn was already sporting a short, but adorable white fur, its large black eyes were looking back and forth as it tried to process its surroundings. 

Soon, however, the leveret's attention returned to its mother, it released a tired yelp as it snuggled back into its mother's embrace, completely oblivious to the fact that its father was just a couple hops away, currently undergoing a massive change not just in its physique, but in its spirit as well…

A moment later, as if noticing its newborn child's arrival to this world, the black cocoon pulsated, releasing a colorless shockwave of energy...

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