The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 153: Slaying The Snake

Chapter 153: Slaying The Snake


Nebmaat, the brother of the old Pharaoh who was the father of the current one, was unable to win the succession games; he was shunned to the side, even when he was able to kill his brother. Despite him thinking he was the most cunning man in the family, he met his match and eventually was surpassed by the current pharaoh.

“That damn kid… Not only has he completely forgotten of his uncle, but he even sent me on this chase towards his unruly daughter, as if I could ever care about this damn brat!”

Although he was Merneith’s great uncle, the man had never interacted with the girl a single day and couldn’t care less if she died or not.

“I’ll have to just survive on my own then…”

His cunning eyes glared at the wolf girls, Urbosa and Merkite, Bing Xue’s first wives, and her most loyal fighters. They were also her strongest, surpassing any other retainer she had in this world. Perhaps their only match was Yanisse and her Void Elemental Powers.

Using their spears and elemental powers, the two wolf girls didn’t wait for the robots to even come out, tearing through the pyramid and making sure to destroy several parts of it. They were merciless, not even wanting to leave some time for their enemies to prepare.

However, even though they dealt great damage to the fleet and many of the Divine Machines were stopped or outright destroyed as the pyramid collapsed, Nebmaat was able to escape, under the protection of his Mechanical God, Nehebkau.

“I’ll tear you to shreds, aliens!” he roared. “{Venomous Viper Fangs}!”

And then Urbosa and Merkite were surprised as the Mechanical God’s arms turned into long, monstrous snakes, rushing towards them! The Snakes metallic bodies extended endlessly, opening their jaws and trying to bite through their bodies.

A mere bite wouldn’t just fill them with deadly venom but would most likely tear their small bodies to shreds with ease! They simply couldn’t afford to get hit, despite how strong they had grown.

“Merkite! You to the left, and I to the right!” Urbosa said.

“Got it!” Merkite nodded.

The two sisters rushed to the left and right, Urbosa unleashing her lightning and Merkite her spiraling emerald winds, the two resembling natural disasters as they moved forward, evading the deadly snake jaws as they made their way to the Pharaoh’s uncle.

“{Spiritual Thunderstorm Spear Arts}: {Lightning Strike}!”

“{Spiritual Windstorm Spear Arts}: {Emerald Tornado}!”

Thunder and winds erupted as Nebmaat panicked, gritting his teeth as he stepped back with his Mechanical God, yet the snake heads were quickly struck down.


Thunder and winds merged together, and the Egyptian gasped as he saw the natural elements rapidly destroy his Mechanical God’s arms!



As he gasped, the two girls were already above his head, pointing down their spears towards the Mechanical God’s snake head and aiming to destroy it with a single, combined attack!

“Don’t think you’ve got it all figured out! {Renenutet’s Snake Birth}!”

With a furious and frustrated scream, the old man activated his Golden Bloodline Ability as a purple and crimson aura surged from his Mechanical God.




Urbosa and Merkite were quickly attacked as the machine transformed instantly, growing new mechanical parts within mere seconds and materializing dozens of snake heads at the same time!

The massive snake heads, each of these heads being at least four meters big, opened their jaws, constantly trying to bite and tear the girls to shreds.

“{Spiritual Windstorm Spear Arts}: {Explosive Tornado Strike}!”


Merkite swung her spear up and down, blocking the incoming blows as she released powerful tornadoes of emerald winds with each thrust.

“{Spiritual Thunderstorm Spear Arts}: {One-Thousand Thunderbolts}!”


At the same time, Urbosa gathered her lightning and released it all at once, generating several explosive blows that blew the metal out of the snake heads.

“I won’t let you get through me so easily! {Renenutet Blazing Snakes}!”

Nebmaat conjured a powerful ability, transforming the snakes within the Mechanical God into blazing snakes that spit flames everywhere, unleashing an inferno towards the sisters.

However, they didn’t falter against this challenge!

“Urbosa, together!”


Their sharp canine eyes reached a high level of concentration and focus, and as their elemental auras merged together and swirled around, suddenly, their spiritual and divine powers became one.

“{Divine Spiritual Storm Catastrophe}!”


The massive storm of thunder and winds engulfed the flames of the Mechanical God, temporarily erasing them from existence and then rapidly devouring them all, destroying the snake heads once more.


“No…! I won’t fall here!”

Nebmaat grew furious and desperate, quickly unleashing more and more techniques. His Golden Bloodline was excellent with his Mechanical God. The combined power of the two Snake Gods of Ancient Egypt created an incredible synergy.

Thinking about all of his life having been frustrated so far, he quickly gathered his powers and dug into the sands, transforming his Mechanical God into its awakening form!

“Don’t think this is over, fools!”


As he swam into the sands below, Urbosa and Merkite persecuted him, unleashing thunder and winds whenever they saw him appear from the sands.

“Is it planning to escape?!” Merkite wondered.

“If it does, we’ll have to tell Bing Xue, and she might get disappointed in us…” sighed Urbosa.

“Dammit! We have to find it then!” Merkite roared angrily, gathering her winds and shooting several tornadoes everywhere, making sure to splatter the sands as much as she could. “Where are you!?”


And then, the sands trembled as dozens—no, hundreds—of mechanical snake heads emerged endlessly, opening their jaws.

Merkite, who was conjuring her magic constantly, was caught off-guard as enormously sharp metallic fangs reached her shoulder, piercing through her skin and flesh.



Urbosa panicked, rushing towards her and releasing a storm of thunderbolts against the snakes, blowing them up into pieces one after another.

However, dozens more came from the ground again, stopping her from reaching her sister as she saw her suddenly growing paler and as her wound started leaking a purple liquid, venom.


Urbosa roared as the thunder within her erupted with tremendous force and power, turning completely white and immediately electrocuting and vaporizing the internal circuits of all the snakes within her vicinity, as the lightning gathered around her like a sphere of pure plasma.


With that explosion, the snakes were reduced to melted pieces of metal falling into the sands. She reached Merkite, who was fighting the snakes even after she was bitten and became poisoned.

More snakes started coming from the sands once more, attacking Urbosa as she finally reached her sister, making the elder sister roar angrily, showing her sharp teeth.

“That damn bastard, he’s quite the cunning viper, staying under the sands and simply using his extensions to attack us from afar…!” Urbosa said. “Like this, we only have two options: we either escape and let him do whatever he wants, or we continue fighting relentlessly and eventually get killed through a battle of attrition!”

“Sister…” Merkite muttered. “Ugh, make sure to not get bitten; that venom is horrendously painful... I’ve used {Death Stagnation} to slow it down, but I don’t know if I can keep it up for much longer! Can’t you heal it?”

Death Stagnation is an ability Merkite developed, derived from the Spiritual Divinity of {The Black Wolf of Death and Withering} she had inherited and which she was still understanding and trying to master.

It helped someone slow down their deaths by a hundred times. Or anything that “could cause death” it even made people age slower and work slower. However, it usually doesn’t work well with large wounds.

“I’ll try!” Urbosa said as she noticed over fifty snake heads reaching her and her sister again. “Dammit, we have to fight! Merkite, hang in there! {Life Infusion}! {Body Cleansing}!”

Urbosa conjured the powers of the Spiritual Divinity of the {The White Wolf of Life and Harvest} that she had also inherited, allowing her to infuse new life force into someone, keeping them alive and healing them greatly, and Body Cleansing, which let her clean a body from impurities.



Within the second Merkite was successfully healed, the snakes were already about to chomp them down instantly into pieces.

“Hahahah! You spent too much time healing, fools!”

The laughter of Nebmaat echoed from under the sands as the two sisters saw the snakes reach them, their hands tightly held.

“We wanted to do this on our own, but I guess that’s impossible after the Spiritual Beast Gods left…”

“Yeah, we have a lot to learn, so for now…”

“Let’s fuse!”


Their bodies melded into one, combining their Spiritual Divinities and flesh and blood. Fusion was an incredibly complex and hard technique that not many people could even attempt without dying.

However, twins such as Urbosa and Merkite were incredibly compatible with such techniques; Urbosa was merely “older” than Merkite because she was the one who was born first before her sister.

However, indeed, both had always been twins; aside from a few little patterns, the girls dyed their hair different colors so they could be identified much more easily.

And after Urbosa had Hekita, her appearance naturally changed as she became a mother; with wider hips and a larger chest, her body matured much more, giving the impression her sister was years younger than her.

But indeed, they were twins, incredibly compatible with Spiritual Fusion!

“No stupid tricks will help you!”

Nebmaat didn’t have the damn time to see them fuse, though; his snakes attacked instantly, releasing countless tornadoes of poisonous fog and fiery flames from hell against them from all fifty snake heads at once.


“Hahaha! You must have died from that, surely!”

The old man’s cunning plan worked! He celebrated as he hoped to see their shredded bodies, blood, and organs splatter into the sands below.

Yet, as the smoke dissipated, it revealed his snakes were completely torn to shreds, their metallic fangs fractured and destroyed, as they were still trying to bite through their target.


As the smoke dissipated, the figure of the entity that was born from the fusion of Urbosa and Merkite emerged: a tall wolf woman whose fur had become black, white, and gold; half of her was black and the other white; with the center of her fur, their chest was golden colored, resembling a Yin and Yang symbol merging their white and black fur together.

She was over five meters tall, with a mighty, muscular frame and a feminine beauty akin to that of a beast goddess. With four large arms covered with glistening black and white fur and sharp, black claws, her long tail waved by the wind produced by her body, long and fluffy, ending on a golden-colored tip.

The armor the twins were wearing didn’t disappear, fusing together as they merged, as Bing Xue had modified their weapons to possess Spiritual Power as well, fusing together once they used Spiritual Fusion, just like it happened before, but now absorbing their Divinities.

A golden armor covered several parts of their body, resembling giant dragon scales emanating thunder, winds, light, and darkness, and even their spears fused into a single, enormous spear with two sharp blades at each end, a bident.

Not only has their fusion improved from before, but it has also reached a completely new level of ridiculousness as Death and Life Divinities merged into their bodies.

“T-This is ridiculous, they truly merged?!”

Nebmaat couldn’t believe it.

“How tough are they? No, that doesn’t matter!”

He quickly decided to dig deeper into the sand and simply escape!

“I’ll get out of here; I don’t want to even fight that thing-”


However, before he could even escape properly, the beast goddess’ bident pierced through the mechanical god, and by raising her hands, the enormous snake-shaped machine was lifted into the skies.



Nebmaat wasn’t even believing what he saw, but the entirety of Nehebkau was lifted into the skies by the bident piercing it!

“No…! This can’t be!”

As he screamed in disbelief, the monstrous form of Nehebkau shapeshifted, becoming a mechanical hydra of hundreds of snake heads.

The snake heads attempted to bite through Urbosa and Merkite’s merged forms.



The only thing they did was destroy themselves; their fused bodies were incredibly tough, to the point they couldn’t even harm her.

Even more than before, by fusing Death and Life Elements, they created a barrier of “Between Life and Death” that negated most damage within a certain threshold.

“No damage?!”

Nebmaat screamed, yet the only thing he saw afterwards was the bident spinning within his mechanical god’s body.

And the jaws of the beast goddess opened, charging thunder and winds of death and life elements together.

“We can’t keep this fusion for much longer…! So just die already!”

“Wait! WAIT! WAIT!”

Nebmaat panicked, but it was too late; a beam of thunder and winds and death and life consumed his machine and him.

For a moment, it felt like he suddenly started becoming younger; he felt in bliss, but then death came, consuming his youthfulness as he aged once more.


As he aged, thunder and winds destroyed his mechanical god, while his entire body aged until he became a dried mummy and then fell apart into ashes.



The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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