The First Great Game (A Litrpg/Harem Series)

Chapter 363: Old but still unwise

Chapter 363: Old but still unwise

Mason's decision to solo the two man competition didn't go over particularly well.

"But ain't that the best reward?" Becky said, obviously not actually worried about the reward. "And why would you go in alone? That's just…well that’s just stupid."

Mason sighed and gave her a quick warning look. Disagreement was one thing, disrespect was another. She seemed to realize what she'd said and backed off.

"I just mean...I don't understand is all."

"We're one player down," Phuong said, obviously understanding. "Though the loss might be less felt on the six team, Patron. Or we could put Rebecca and Carl in the twos, put you in the threes with John, someone else. The best players are likely to be in the two man teams."

"I know," Mason said, meeting a few eyes. "That's why it needs to be me. I want every player in the world watching as I beat down the best players in a two on one. Because maybe then they'll act right."

"Ah." Phuong nodded, looking thoughtful. "You mean to frighten. To demoralize them."

Mason nodded, getting a few other nods and players blowing air or whistling low. Becky glanced around and scowled.

"This some kind of macho man shit? We don't need to 'demoralize' the whole world. We just need to win. It's a game, and we get rewards."

"It's not a game," Mason snapped, tone harsh enough Becky looked like she'd been slapped.

Good, he thought, maybe she'll understand.

"The system is putting us all on display in the only way that matters, Becky. Who's the strongest? And if these people in the east, or anyone else, starts thinking they've got a chance at taking us down, then sooner or later we’ll have to kill them. And I don't want to do that. Not if I can do it when it isn’t ‘real’. And maybe avoid it."

Mason felt the same annoyance he always did when he had to explain violence. It was like listening to the soft politicians and civilians back in the old world discussing 'proportional' response, or 'de-escalation'. Such fancy words for such ignorant minds.

There were only two ways to end violence.

One: convince your enemies war with you was to lose. Completely, utterly, biblically.

Two: to kill their warriors until they gave up, or were totally obliterated.

"Carl," he said, "you good for another round? Maybe we need to see if I'm crazy. I'll take you and Becky. Now."

Carl winked and cracked his neck, walking back towards the court. Becky looked genuinely upset.

Mason knew he was going to be paying for this later, but at the end of the day, Becky's love and affection were nice to haves. She was a warrior, and he was her leader. His job was to harden her, to teach her to fight and survive, to obey orders and understand their new world of violence.

Becky's life, and the lives of everyone in Nassau mattered more than if his girlfriend was happy with him. Whether she was his girlfriend at all. He wanted her to live, wanted them all to live, no matter what it cost. And he really did need a test.

"Go peacock with Phuong or Alex," Becky said, gesturing, "I ain't in the mood."

With that she stormed off, slamming the training hall door on her way out. Mason sighed and felt the stares of some of his players.

If they were in the army he sure as hell couldn't allow anyone to get away with it. But she wasn't really an insubordinate soldier. She was a pissed off girlfriend. And it would have been pointless to go drag her back. He took a deep breath and gestured at Phuong and Carl.

"Looks like it's just the old but still unwise, gentlemen. I'm ready when you are. I'll do my best not to hurt you too bad."

Phuong grinned with entirely too much pleasure.

"Things have changed since the last time we dueled, Patron. I have several new abilities."

Mason smiled at the man's expression, feeling his own competitive spirit rise up to drown out any concerns of his upcoming argument with Rebecca. He honestly didn't know if he could take Carl and Phuong at the same time in a relatively small space. They both had prestige classes now, secondary classes, and had fought in the real world many times.

He also had no idea how the training hall would actually interact with his regenerative ability. Would it work? Somehow simulate enough damage he even activated Transformation? Not that he really wanted either of them to catch him...

"I look forward to seeing them."

* * *

Mason realized his ‘officers’ Carl and Phuong may not appreciate losing in front of the others, so he asked them quietly if he should send the watchers away.

"No, Patron," Phuong said instantly. "They should watch and learn. There should be no ego amongst brother soldiers."

Carl nodded in agreement, and Mason put a hand on both men's shoulders.

"Alright," he said. "Now do I bring Streak or not?"

"If you can take him to the tournament, then yes." Carl winced as he glanced at the wolf. "Though I feel bad hurting the big, cuddly boy."

Mason did his best to stop from laughing.

"Once he bites you, it'll be the last thing on your mind." He whistled for Streak and walked to the court, running through the list of his powers.

Both Phuong and Carl were actually very bad opponents for him. The swordsman's improved 'soulblade' and Carl's frightening Mirrorshard would likely hurt him so badly he wouldn't heal fast enough. If his healing even worked in here.

So he couldn't just rely on Transformation and Duality of Strength to make him unstoppable. He was going to have to try and take them down without taking too many hits.

Except actually hitting either of them was no easy feat.

"Challenge mode," he called, as the older men stepped to the court and started whispering, probably about their strategy. Mason hummed quietly to avoid overhearing.

He also realized the training program could change the 'terrain', giving the court all kinds of obstacles and so on, and actually changing the 'theme' to something that would count as natural.

But Mason decided the tournament likely wouldn't. Or at least not regularly. He expected he'd have to fight without his natural bonuses most of the time. Which meant pretty much everything he did was going to take mana, and he would be slightly slower, weaker. But so be it. Better to practice the real thing now when the stakes were low.

Streak stuck out his tongue and panted in excitement, looking at Carl and Phuong with a feeling of hunger. As Mason realized he laughed and called to them.

"Your sweet, cuddly boy already considers you porkchops, gentlemen. So I'd stop worrying about hurting him."

Carl winced in obvious concern and cleared his throat, which just made Mason laugh harder. He crouched down and scratched Streak's neck and ears.

"I want you hunting Carl. Sniff him out. Don't let him near me. When he jumps around, chase him. Never stop. Got it?"

Streak growled a yes and Mason pat his side.

"Good boy. And for the love of God, could you avoid getting stabbed? These guys have weapons you can't ignore. You really do need to try and keep away from them. Alright?"

The wolf made an entirely less committed noise, and Mason slumped.

"God damnit, Streak. You know what? This is going to be good for you. I hope Carl stabs you in the face. Yes I do mean it."

He stood and opened his Trapmaking power as the room flashed red, ticking down as the shield went up. He hadn't even used half his powers since the tier 2 upgrades, but apparently he could now lay four traps.

He saw no reason to wait, and dropped four of the deadliest looking explosions he could see in a diamond shaped pattern behind him. It would be his fall back point if things got rough. And possibly a Carl Surprise.

The players outside the shield were already cheering, as close to the shield as they could get. Mason saw at least one run off, probably to tell everyone in the damn settlement.

Mason sighed and blocked them out, focusing his mind. The familiar anticipation of danger sparked through his limbs, filling him with a kind of enhanced life he'd hardly known in the old world.

"Don't go easy," he called. "I'll heal. So don't hold back. And uh, do you want some...terrain, or something? Phuong has no way to hide from arrows.

"I will do my best, Patron," Phuong said, raising his sword and rolling his shoulders.

"Well we don't heal," Carl called, vanishing from sight entirely before yelling from a good twelve feet away. "Maybe just let us win?"

Mason grinned and summoned his bow as the blue light of the shield appeared.

"You're a brave man, Carl. I don't care what the others say."

"What? What's that supposed to..."

Mason raised his bow with obvious intent, loosing a basic arrow with half draw at the invisible rogue. He heard the man grunt and saw a small outline as the silhouette obviously hit the ground and rolled.

That should get him in the right mindset, he thought with a grin. Come and get me.

Then he turned and loosed a Power Shot at the charging Phuong.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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