The Fallen Gamer

chapter 273

chapter 273

Chapter 273:

“I need volunteers to help me take down a bunch of evil supervillains!” I announced loudly from my living room. My family members stared at me awkwardly after my sudden declaration.

“Sorry, Layla. Tonight is the season finale of the show I've been watching with Frigga and Hestia,” Artemis said, shaking her head.

Frigga nodded in agreement. “Midgardians truly have the best entertainment in the nine realms. I can't wait to find out what will happen when Joseph discovers his girlfriend Irene has been sleeping with his evil twin brother!”

I sighed. I was hoping to have Artemis' help on this one, but I knew better than to come between a fan and the last episode of their favorite show.

I turned to the others in the room.

“Rip and tear…?” The Doomslayer slowly raised his hand. Yes, he still lived here. I had actually offered to move him to Asgard to join their war, but he insisted his duty was to protect Earth and humanity first and foremost. I could respect that.

“Good enthusiasm, John. Any other time I would say yes, but unfortunately, all these supervillains are currently holed up in Hogwarts, and I don’t want you traumatizing a bunch of kids,” I said. He put his hand down in disappointment.

Heather gasped. “There are supervillains at Hogwarts? I thought it was just Dumbledore!”

“What's a Dumbledore, and why are we talking about warts on a hog?” Serafall asked in confusion. Our other visiting house guests looked just as puzzled.

“Hogwarts is Britain's premier school for magic… Although technically it's located in Scotland,” I explained, then gave them the complete rundown on Heather's old school.

“Wait, so this school only taught its students magic before you took over? And not even useful magic?” Sirzechs asked, scratching his head. “What about other courses like science, writing, or just basic math?”

“Nope, none of those,” I said. “They only taught magic, and not even useful magic at that.”

“There's a reason I dropped out,” Heather added. “Honestly, there are like 10 useful combat wizarding spells, and the rest are all redundant. I didn't want to waste years of my life learning useless magic,” she added with a shrug.

That's my girl! She knows how to recognize nonsense with the best of them now!

[Dark Wizards never made sense. What's the point of learning dark magic when a simple Bombarda will literally blow a person to pieces?]

'Screw the Killing Curse,' I thought. You don't even have to aim a Bombarda spell. You can fire it at the ground, and the shrapnel from the explosion will still mess them up if it doesn't outright kill them. The only better combat spells are Fiendfyre and Protego Diabolica. Neither of which are even taught at Hogwarts.

I'm glad most Wizards and Witches are idiots; otherwise, it would have been a lot more difficult to overthrow them.

...Although, we've now learned that their stupidity works both ways. I'm pretty sure Dumbledore has basically become a puppet for Ajuka at this point. Whatever Ajuka is secretly planning at Hogwarts, it definitely isn't going to benefit the Old Goat.

“Never fear, my dear! Miracle Girl Levia-tan ♡ is here!” Serafall stepped into the middle of the room, suddenly surrounded by flashing rainbow lights. All of her clothes vanished off her body as her own theme song started to play. For the next 20 seconds, we all watched her strike numerous poses in the nude as her magical girl costume slowly started to appear on her, one piece of clothing at a time...

It was pretty hot, and all of a sudden, I had the urge to actually start watching her show...

Cecilia Sitri sighed and facepalmed. “Serafall, there are children here…” she said once Serafall’s complete magical girl outfit manifested.

Oh, right... 

I glanced over towards my daughter and niece. Heather's face was bright red, and I couldn't even see Asia’s since it was buried underneath her hands.

Serafall rubbed the back of her head. “Whoops, sorry girls. I was just trying to put on a show for my new fiancé.” Serafall shot me a flirtatious wink.

I was surprised at how close we had become so soon, but I supposed getting her in bed with Sona worked out in my favor.

“There’s such a thing as a proper time and place, daughter…” Cecilia said in a tone that only a disappointed mother could imitate. “That being said, I’m proud that you’ve volunteered to help your fiancé. You're setting up the foundations for a healthy and long relationship.”

“Yay!” Serafall bounced in place and smiled brightly. “So... Who are we fighting, Layla? I’m ready to give all the baddies a thrashing!”

“Well…” I paused for a moment. “My Universe’s Ajuka Beelzebub is there...”

The smile dropped from her face, and she immediately stopped bouncing. She spun around and quickly ran over to Sirzechs, shaking him back and forth by his shoulders. “I'm tagging out, Zexy! You're going to have to handle this one!”

“Please don't call me Zexy…” Sirzechs sighed as he was forcefully rocked back and forth.

Grayfia glared at Serafall. “Please take your hands off of my husband.”

Fake tears appeared in Serafall's eyes, and she immediately started bawling loudly. “Noooo! I don't want to fight Ajuka! Especially not an alternate evil version of him! He's so annoying to fight, and he always figures out all my attacks with that stupid formula of his!”

Sirzechs slowly pried Serafall's hands off himself and patted her on the shoulder comfortingly. “Sera… I have something important to tell you.”

Serafall wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded with a few sniffles. “What is it, Zexy?”

“...I don't like fighting Ajuka either!” 


“Good luck,” Sirzechs said as he grabbed Serafall and literally threw her in my direction.

I caught her and quickly opened a portal back to the Helicarrier. “Alright, I have my volunteer! I'll see you all later for dinner,” I called out over my shoulder while crossing over.

“Nooo! I don’t want to go anymore! I changed my mind!” Serafall whined. 

“Is she okay?” Fury glanced at Serafall, who was curled up in the corner and muttering to herself about “traitorous red-haired devils.”

“Eh, she'll be alright,” I told him. “Good to see you again, Cap. How's your girlfriend?”

Steve blushed and turned his head to the side. “Amaterasu isn't my girlfriend,” he mumbled.

“I didn't even mention her name,” I replied with a smug grin. The last time I was with Yasaka, she mentioned how Amaterasu had decided to start making herself look older. That change came right after my party where Captain America mistook her for someone's lost child. She hadn't bothered changing her appearance for over 1,000 years, but she suddenly did after one comment from Steve Rogers? That was obviously suspicious~

“Let's just move on to why we're here,” Frank Castle interrupted. “The pervert dragon girl is still in the middle of enemy territory. She's been staying in the Hufflepuff Dorms and hasn't been discovered yet. The students obviously know she's not one of them, but none of them have mentioned anything.”

“When you left for backup, I figured you would have returned with more than just one person, Layla,” Fury pointed out to me. “What happened?”

“I could have brought the Doomslayer. I still can if you think we'll need him,” I offered.

Fury blanched at my suggestion. “NO! We don't need him in a school full of children!” He immediately turned down my offer. He took a calming breath and muttered to himself, “For fuck's sake, what is this world coming to? Freaking video game characters are suddenly popping up in real life now…”

I shrugged and turned back to Frank. “What's the plan? We know who we're up against. Do we storm the place, or do you have any other ideas?” I asked him. He had run numerous missions like this throughout his military career. I didn't mind deferring to his expertise in this situation.

“We already have Isane inside, but ideally I'd like to get one more person in the castle to back her up. I just don't see how that's possible,” Frank said. “We already got lucky sneaking her past those two daft students, but I doubt we'll be able to sneak anyone else in.”

I put my hand to my chin for a second and pondered. “I might have a crazy idea,” I said before turning to the still sniffling Serafall. “This looks like a job for you, Levia-tan…”


–Ajuka Beelzebub–

He had trouble keeping the grin off his face. He always loved when his plans came together perfectly. They always did, they were his plans, after all.

The stupid wizards didn't even know what he had given them. They thought he freely gave away power when he was really giving them gilded shackles.

When he first began designing the Evil Pieces hundreds of years ago, he had a different idea for what the final result would become. He initially wanted to build his race an expendable slave army. He wanted his Evil Pieces to be his magnum opus: objects that could forcefully turn a being from any race into a Devil and brainwash them to be completely obedient to their masters.

Unfortunately, he ran into some complications. The Evil Pieces succeeded at altering the bodies and the very souls of other races. The only thing he couldn't change was the mind—not completely. He was able to engineer the Evil Pieces to subtly install loyalty, but he could never figure out absolute obedience.

At least, not until he came to the Wizarding World.

“The Imperius Curse is truly a masterpiece of magic. Although, I can't believe such a beautiful spell was crafted by worthless human magicians…” he muttered to himself in annoyance. He didn't like others succeeding where he failed. It rankled his pride. “Regardless, the incorporation of this spell into my Evil Pieces is exactly what I've been searching for after all this time!”

The human children in this school were the perfect test subjects for his plans—plans that would see his race finally reaching their rightful place as the rulers of the world.

“Hey Beel-tan, how's it going?” a familiar voice called out from behind him.

Ajuka's eyes widened in surprise. He quickly spun around. “Serafall…? What are you doing here? How did you even get here!?”

Serafall gave him a cutesy smile and stuck her tongue out. “You won't believe what happened, Beel-tan! I went to your lab to deliver some stupid paperwork, but you weren't there. I was just going to leave it on your desk, but then I saw a cool invention sitting nearby. I know you don't like me touching your stuff, but I got super duper curious and touched it anyway. Next thing I know, there was a ZAP and a BLAM and there might've even been a WHOOSH! And then I found myself in this weird world? I couldn't sense any other Devils anywhere. I've been searching for hours and finally got lucky when I sensed your familiar aura coming from this weird castle. So... Whatcha doin' here!?” she asked him excitedly.

Ajuka took a moment to simply stare at Serafall in disbelief...


‘Please believe it… Please believe it!’ Serafall thought to herself. She was pretending to be her evil counterpart from Earth DxD.

She did not like this plan. She thought it was stupid, and there was no way someone as smart as Ajuka would fall for it. They didn't have any other options, though, and Layla promised her another threesome with So-tan if Serafall could pull this off!

Ajuka hadn't spoken for a full minute. He simply stared at her in silence, making Serafall even more nervous. Finally, he let out a sigh and massaged both of his temples. “Only you, Serafall… If it were literally any other Devil, I wouldn't believe such an insane story,” he said while glaring at her.

‘Holy shit! He actually believed that garbage!?’ Serafall thought in surprise. It turned out that Layla was right! Ajuka knew about Layla being able to travel between the two Earths, but he clearly didn't know she could also travel to other Universes. There was no reason for him to suspect that she wasn't his Serafall.

“I suppose I might as well fill you in on what I'm doing here,” he told her proudly. “I've done it, Serafall! I've finally perfected the Evil Pieces!”

“Perfected?” Serafall tilted her head curiously. “What was wrong with them?”

Ajuka scoffed. “Over 50% of reincarnated Devils rebelling against their masters and mutating is what was wrong with them.”

“Didn't you add the mutation part on purpose?” Serafall pointed out. 

“Yes, I thought the threat of becoming a man-eating mutant would deter reincarnated Devils from rebelling against their masters. The statistics obviously prove otherwise,” he said derisively. “But now that's a thing of the past!” He reached into a nearby box and pulled out a pawn piece, shoving it directly into Serafall's hands.

“What does this do?”

Ajuka started cackling like the mad scientist he was. “Heh! You're holding the perfected prototype. These new Evil Pieces will make the reincarnated Devil completely obedient to us. No longer will any of them be able to rebel or resist any of our orders.”

“Wow, that's certainly something...” Serafall said. That sounded like something an evil Ajuka would come up with. “Is that all?”

He clicked his tongue in annoyance. “... obviously not. For a supposed magical girl, you sometimes lack imagination, Serafall. Is your brain full of nothing but smut and rainbows!?”

She pouted as he chastised her. He was a lot meaner than her Ajuka too! She didn't like him at all! He continued explaining his evil plan to her, because of course he was going to do that. That's like “evil villain 101.”

“I can mass produce these pawn pieces!” Ajuka declared. “We can have millions of these made in only a few months. And then, we shall begin our conquest of this world! The magical humans on this half of the Earth aren't very strong, but they are numerous and will make perfect foot soldiers for us. All we have to do is shove these pawn pieces into their torsos! We will have an army of over a million Mid-class reincarnated Devils capable of using promotion, serving under us! It'll be the most fearsome army the Supernatural world has ever seen. And that's just the magical humans! They're just the start! After them, we can start turning other species into our slaves next! We can easily conquer all the yokai of Japan. We'll go country by country, faction by faction, turning them all into reincarnated Devils and enslaving all supernatural beings to our cause! The world will be ours, and it all starts here. I've already turned the majority of the Slytherin students, and pretty soon I'll turn all the other houses as well! Then I'll turn all of their families!” There was a mad gleam in his eyes as he explained all of this to her.

‘Leave it to an evil Ajuka to discover an actual viable method of world domination…’ Serafall thought to herself. “It can't be that easy. Won't people try to stop you—er, I mean us?” She said while biting her tongue. She almost slipped up there.

“At least you're using your brain now,” Ajuka told her. “They will try to stop me, which is why I created my Generals.”

“Generals?” she asked him.

“You'll meet them soon. They're all in this castle. You just arrived in this world, so you obviously don't know that it is under the protection of a terrifyingly strong Fallen Angel. A being that could ruin all of our plans if she discovers them too soon. That's what my generals are for. Each of them has been turned into a Devil and granted a King Piece to enhance them into Ultimate Class beings. Each of them carries a significant grudge against this enemy. While she is busy dealing with them, we will implement our plans!” he exclaimed.

“You gave random humans King Pieces!?” 

“The King Pieces are valuable, and I am loath to waste them on some inferior humans, but I didn't exactly have a choice. There aren't any other Devils in this world, as you found out.” Ajuka unhappily told her.

“So they're just distractions,” she pointed out and dashed some of his enthusiasm.

“To be perfectly blunt, yes. Each of them will be commanding their own groups of reincarnated students. They will soon go out into the world and attempt to conquer sections of it for themselves,” Ajuka explained. “As you said, they are the perfect distraction. Especially considering all of them are well known enemies of the state.”

Serafall nodded her head in understanding. “This is a pretty amazing plan, Beel-tan! Levia-tan is very impressed!” Serafall lied cheerfully. “Can I meet these ‘Generals’ now?”

“Of course, they’re all assembled in a room down the hall. We’ve been drawing up plans—who attacks where and all that. We want to cause maximum devastation as quickly as possible. The eyes of the world need to be completely distracted while we subvert the magical world.”

Serafall followed Ajuka down the hallway to a large stone room. In the center was a massive table covered with maps of the world. The ‘Generals’ stood around it, marking out territories. Serafall had been briefed on all of them before Layla sent her into the castle to trick Ajuka and meet up with Isane.

“I will, of course, be retaking my precious Germany,” Grindelwald said to the others as they walked in. The Austrian man’s different colored eyes brimmed with insanity. Being locked away for decades had clearly done a number on his mental health. “The country has become an embarrassment since my defeat. A pathetic imitation of a once-great nation,” he said while glaring at one of the other men.

“I apologize, Gellert,” Dumbledore told the insane man. “I realize now that I shouldn’t have stood in your way. The Muggles have truly become too dangerous. For the Greater Good, we have to subjugate them. After I retake the Ministry, I will begin my conquest of Britain, Scotland, and Ireland. After that, we can join together and finally take over Europe! Just like we planned when we were young boys!”

Grindelwald seemed to tacitly accept Dumbledore’s proposal.

“I guess that leaves the Western Continents to Osborn and me,” Baron Von Strucker said. “With the awesome powers I have been granted, I will destroy Washington, D.C., and plunge the United States into chaos!”

The Green Goblin, as Layla called him back on the Helicarrier, cackled under his mask. “New York is mine! I will finally take back Oscorp and slaughter everyone who turned their backs on me!”

Serafall could hardly believe the audacity of these men. After being given a bit of power they didn’t earn, they all immediately assumed they could start carving out sections of the world for themselves. She knew that even without Layla, there were still beings on Earth Marvel who would eventually stop them—albeit probably not without considerable casualties. There's a reason Ultimate Class beings are usually restricted from visiting other factions' territories. No one wants a potential living nuke walking around in their backyards.

Serafall reached up and pressed the hidden communicator in her ear. “Did you get all of that, Layla?” she asked, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. “All of these men are in the same room, away from any students.”

Ajuka looked at her in shock and disbelief. “Y–You? You betrayed me, Serafall!? You betrayed our race!?”

Serafall simply winked at him. “Sorry, you’ve got the wrong Magical Girl!”

“What!? I’ll kill you for—”

Almighty Push!”

Ajuka's threat was cut off as her fiancée magically threw him through multiple stone walls. Serafall let out a sigh of relief, even though she knew a hit like that wouldn’t keep Ajuka down for long. 


The men in the room all pointed at Layla simultaneously. Their collective hatred was palpable.

Layla seemed to find their hatred of her amusing. She giggled and pointed at herself. “Yep, it’s me. Better luck with your evil plans next time—you’re all busted.”

Avada Kedavra!” Dumbledore fired a green spell that Serafall didn’t recognize directly at Layla. Her betrothed didn’t even bother dodging. It harmlessly splashed against her and did no damage at all.


“That spell couldn't even kill me when I was a four winged Fallen Angel. You think it can harm me now that I have 14 wings?” I shook my head at Dumbledore as my wings manifested behind me. To his credit, he didn’t immediately start trembling in fear like most villains do these days when they see me.

“You don’t scare me, thief! I will be taking back everything you stole from me!” The Green Goblin stepped forward. He was holding a detonator in his hand with a bright red button on top. “Unlike these fools, I anticipated you would track us down. I’ve rigged explosives in every single ‘common room’ in this castle. If I press this button, then every single student will be blown to pieces!” he threatened with a cackle.

I eyed the detonator warily. Shit, I didn’t know whether or not he was bluffing. Thankfully, I didn’t have to find out. I picked up our youngest team member on the way here.

“I will protect all the Magical Oppai! I won’t let you press that button! BOOST!” Isane came flying through the hole in the wall and pumped the Green Goblin with all of her enhanced strength. The detonator flew out of his hands as he went crashing through another set of walls. 

[The poor castle is going to take a beating by the end of the day…]

The Red Dragon Empress immediately followed after him. She had chosen her opponent it seemed.

“Number one, number two. Kill her!” Baron von Strucker pointed at me. The two Winter Soldier clones both emotionlessly started charging in my direction. They didn’t reach me.


Two energy blasts punched holes in both of their torsos. Their bodies flopped backward, unmoving, but they weren’t dead yet. The holes slowly started to seal themselves up. It seemed both clones were enhanced with Extremis, just like the original.

“That was sloppy, Layla. If the pervert didn’t take out Osborn, a bunch of kids could have died,” Frank chastised, keeping his alien gun aimed at the leader of Hydra.

“Who the hell are you!?” the Baron growled at him.

“I’m just an ex-soldier who really loves punishing bad guys,” Frank said before opening fire. The Baron dove for cover and quickly tried to escape the castle with his new Devil Wings. He didn’t get far before the Punisher clipped one of his wings. He landed with a thud but quickly scrambled to his feet.

“All Hydra forces! Mobilize on Hogwarts! Storm the castle and kill everyone!” the Baron shouted into his own communicator before taking off down the hallway. 

I was about to end him with a Lightspear before Frank stopped me.

“Leave the Hydra goons to me, Layla. I’ll take care of them,” he said confidently, putting a few more blasts into each of the Winter Soldier clones. Their regeneration didn’t seem to help once their heads were blown off.

That left Serafall and me in the room with Dumbledore and Grindelwald. “Which one do you want to fight, Levia-tan?” I asked her jokingly.

“The race traitor will be fighting me!” Ajuka finally pulled himself out of the rubble. His green hair was covered in dust, and his eyes glowed with hatred. “My plans won’t be stopped here! I'll kill you and your sister for this betrayal, Serafall!”

Serafall lost all hints of nervousness the second he threatened Sona. “Levia-tan Sparkle Blaster☆!” She pointed her heart-shaped wand at Ajuka, and a rainbow-colored beam slammed into him so hard he was blown clear out of the castle. I sensed he landed all the way in the lake. Serafall spread her wings and flew off after him.

That left me to face Dumbledore and the legendary Nazi wizard, Gellert Grindelwald.


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