The Fallen Gamer

Chapter 261

Chapter 261

A/N: I’ve always wanted to do one of these. It turned out to be a lot more technical than I thought going in though. 

Chapter 261: Interlude

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Topic: Layla’s Newest Girlfriend!

Stargazer83 (Original Poster) (Veteran Fangirl) Posted: 11:15 am

That’s right everybody, this topic is not clickbait. Our Divine Goddess Layla has been spotted out and about on a date with a new woman! I was just walking down the street and I saw the two of them land in front of a small cafe. I almost had a Fangasm on the spot! Pictures of Layla and her beautiful date can be seen here!


Layla4lifer (Rookie Fanboy) Posted 11:16 am

This is the way! The harem must be fed! How many confirmed girls does this make now? I've lost count. All I know is that every single one is drop dead gorgeous. I speak for all of us when I say I wish I had Layla’s life!

Wings_are_life (Rookie Fanboy) Posted 11:16 am

@Layla4lifer: This is the way! I think it's been confirmed by one of Layla’s lovers that she has 7 confirmed girlfriends at the moment. This beautiful blonde woman should be number 8. Or maybe number 9 in case she has another one waiting in the wings somewhere. 

@Stargazer83: What the hell is a fangasm!?

Stargazer83 (Original Poster) (Veteran Fangirl) Posted 11:17 am

@Wings_are_life: Idk lol, but I almost had one. I can't believe I was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of her in person! She is so incredibly beautiful! She is truly Divine. I happily converted to her religion and I’ve never regretted it!

Automod (Verified Bot) Posted 11:17 am

@Stargazer83: While it has been confirmed that Layla of the Fallen has technically ascended to Godhood, she asks you to not convert to any religions that openly worship her at this time. She has not endorsed any churches in her name at this time.

Beep Boop, I am a bot. This is an automated message. 

Stargazer83 (Original Poster) (Veteran Fangirl) 11:18 am

@Automod: You can’t tell me what to do, bot! I do what I want!

Wolf_fang_fister (Veteran Fanboy) 11:19 am

@Automod: Bad bot! 

Also, Anyone that can blatantly revive the dead and someone literal meteors out of the sky is worthy of worship. Plus, it’s not like the church has told people not to start worshiping her! 

Xxx_Snipe_ur_heart_xxX (Veteran Fanboy) 11:20 am

@Wolf_fang_fister: Actually, they have. The pope himself put out a statement months ago condemning people for worshiping a Fallen Angel. According to the Bible, Fallen Angels are supposed to be incredibly evil, they’re basically one step above demons.

Edit: I'm not saying that’s what I believe people! That’s just what’s written in the book. Please stop sending me hate messages in my DMs! I love Layla. Screw the church, they’re nothing but a bunch of out of touch old dudes anyway!

Layla4lifer (Rookie Fanboy) Posted 11:22 am

Why did Layla even fall from Heaven? Was it for lust? I bet it was for lust… Totally worth it in my opinion. I’d fall for any one of her girlfriends any day of the week. 

Ruin_Princess (Verified Harem Member) Posted 11:23 am

Layla did not fall from Heaven due to lust. She fell because she killed a bunch of evil humans in Africa who were trying murder and enslave innocent people. She’s talked about this in a few interviews before.

Layla4lifer (Rookie Fanboy) (Temporary Banned) Posted 11:24 am

@Ruin_Princess: Holy shit! I didn’t think a member of Layla’s harem would actually reply to me! This is the best day of my life! I have to know, how is Layla in bed!? Is she amazing? God, what I wouldn’t give to hop into bed with her! Do you think she would be down for a potential threesome? 

Iron_Queen (Verified Moderator) (Verified Avenger) Posted 11:25 am

@Layla4lifer: Don’t ask personal questions like that. It is against the rules. Enjoy a one week ban.

Stargazer83 (Original Poster) (Veteran Fangirl) Posted 11:25 am

@Layla4lifer: How dare you try to sully Layla’s name with your disgusting request! You are unworthy of even looking at her! 

@Iron_Queen: you should have given him a permanent ban.

Ruin_Princess (Verified Harem Member) Posted 11:25 am

Thanks, Andrea! That guy kept sending me a bunch of DMs after you banned him so I ended up blocking him as well.

Iron_Queen (Verified Moderator) (Verified Avenger) Posted 11:26 am

I’ve got you, Rias. So, who's the new blonde girl? Layla sure knows how to pick her women, is this new girl also a Goddess?

I_Love_Kitty_UwU (Veteran Fangirl) Posted 11:26 am

@Ruin_Princess: Yes, please tell us! Layla’s fans need to know! The sooner we know the new girl's name, the sooner the community can start pumping out the spicy fanfiction! I love all of the fics with Layla and Hela, but this new girl is something special. The way she holds herself… Yes please mommy!

Ruin_Princess (Verified Harem Member) Posted 11:27 am

Her name is Carol. She’s a Superhero… From outer space. I don’t really know a lot about her beyond that. I know that’s she’s really powerful though. 

Stargazer83 (Original Poster) (Veteran Fangirl) Posted: 11:28 am

Yay! We have a name! Now we only need to wait an hour or two before all the steamy fics start to appear online! I can’t wait to read some of them!

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Topic: New York City Invaded by Demon Army!

Manic_55 (Original Poster) (Veteran Fanboy) Posted at 11:45 am

Holy shit, everybody! Is it the end of days!? Demons are invading our world! There’s a giant freaking portal to Hell above Central Park!

Look at these pictures! Shit is going down out here! This is not a joke people!

I am in danger…


Skyward_Slasher (Rookie Fangirl) Posted at 11:47 am

Oh my god, this isn’t a troll post! This is real! Demons are actually invading! I hope the people of New York are ok…

Fly_me_away_ 87 (Rookie Fanboy) Posted at 11:47 am

Where the hell is the army!? The sky is packed with these monsters! I can hardly see any blue at all. I'm currently hiding in a building downtown with a bunch of other people that quickly got off the streets. Some people here are wounded. The attack came out of nowhere!

Spoonlicker45 (Veteran Fanboy) Posted at 11:48 am

@Fly_me_away_ 87 Oh shit! I hope you’re okay, man. Don’t try to be a hero, just wait for our Goddess to come and save the day like she always does!

Fly_me_away_ 87 (Rookie Fanboy) Posted at 11:48 am

@Spoonlicker45: No way am I going to fight these monsters. I watched them skewer three people with those black pitchforks! These Demons are not playing around! They’re killing people!

The_Best_Bot_Around (Verified Moderator) (Verified AI) Posted at 11:49 am

If you are in the city, please evacuate or seek shelter immediately. Help is on the way. Mister Stark and Miss Stark are currently on their way to the City. It will take them approximately 20 minutes to fly across the Country. Help is on the way. 

The_Blacksmith (Verified Avenger) (Verified Genius Astronaut) 11:50 am

Listen to Jarvis people! Don’t be a hero, just get inside and let the professionals deal with… the demonic invasion. 

My life has been so weird ever since I met Layla…

I'm currently flying over the Midwest. It shouldn’t be long before I make it to the East Coast.

Green_Machine (Verified Strongest Avenger) 11:51 am

Is this a Code Green? I'm currently in New York, but I'm pretty far away from the action.

Wolf_fang_fister (Veteran Fanboy) 11:51 am

What’s a Code Green?

The_Blacksmith (Verified Avenger) (Verified Genius Astronaut) 11:51 am

@Green_Machine: No! This is NOT a Code Green! Almost every building is full of people in hiding. The damage would be catastrophic! Also, in the future, maybe just ask that in a DM message instead. 

@Wolf_fang_fister: Code Green is classified.

Green_Machine (Verified Strongest Avenger) 11:52 am

I’ll just lay low then… 

Flower_PWR_44 (Rookie Fangirl) Posted 11:53 am

I hope help arrives soon. More and more Demons keep coming. They’re coming from a portal directly above the Baxter building. My apartment is directly across from them. I saw the top three floors of the building explode. It scared the shit out of me. 

I'm currently hiding in my bathroom with the door locked. 

The_Blacksmith (Verified Avenger) (Verified Genius Astronaut) 11:51 am

There’s a portal directly over the Baxter building? Of course Reed Richards had something to do with this! He couldn’t settle for almost killing himself and his friends, now he has to try and accidentally kill a whole city!

Edit: Everything is fine people! That was a poor choice of words on my part. I promise will save the city! 

Stargazer83 (Veteran Fangirl) Posted 11:52 am

Layla is on her way to stop the Demon army! 

It was amazing, she stepped out of the cafe, with her date, and then she opened a portal directly to Heaven! 

How do I know it was Heaven?

Gabriel and Michael–The Freaking Archangels–just descended into the city! They both killed thousands of Demons in the blink of an eye! I got it all on video people! 

I think I’m having another Fangasm! SquuuuueeeeeeeEEEEE!

Here’s some picks of Gabriel and Michael:


Michael is so amazingly dreamy!

Gossip_Girl_69 (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 11:53 am

OMG! That’s Michael!? What an absolute hunk! Does anyone know if he is single?

Xxx_Snipe_ur_heart_xxX (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 11:53 am

@Gossip_Girl_69: Demon’s are literally invading and you’re seriously asking if Michael is single…? This is not the time for that!

Gossip_Girl_69 (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 11:54 am

@Xxx_Snipe_ur_heart_xxX: Of course it is! We could all be dead in a few hours for all we know. We need to love while we can!

Spread the love people! Only the power of love will drive the demon army away! I’m going to run outside and start singing all of my favorite love songs as loud as possible! 

The_Best_Bot_Around (Verified Moderator) (Verified AI) Posted at 11:55 am

Please do not “spread the love.” Love will not drive the Demon army away. Please do not run outside and start singing…

Stargazer83 (Veteran Fangirl) Posted 11:56 am

You can’t tell us what to do, bot!

The_Best_Bot_Around (Verified Moderator) (Verified AI) Posted 11:56 am

@Stargazer83: My name might have “bot” in it, but I assure you, I am not a bot. I am the world’s most advanced AI. Also, I can tell you what to do because I have been granted that authority by SHIELD. 

Do not go outside and start singing… 

Stargazer83 (Veteran Fangirl) Posted 11:56 am

Well played, bot… 

Well played…

Wolf_fang_fister (Veteran Fanboy) 11:57 am

Bad bot!

The_Blacksmith (Verified Avenger) (Verified Genius Astronaut) 11:58 am

Layla’s fanbase is kind of made up of idiots isn’t it…?

Iron_Queen (Verified Moderator) (Verified Avenger) Posted 11:58 am

@The_Blacksmith: And yet, we’re both here as well…

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Topic: The Invasion is Over!

The_Best_Bot_Around (Verified Moderator) (Verified AI) Posted 12:35 pm

The Invasion is over! The leaders of the Demon army have been dealt with. The Archangels Gabriel and Michael are currently mopping up any Demon stragglers. The city will be safe in  about 15 minutes. Please wait for the all clear before leaving your shelters.

Layla_Is_Amazing_9000 (Rookie Fangirl) Posted 12:35

That’s amazing news! Layla is the greatest, there was never a doubt in my mind that she would save the city!

Wolf_fang_fister (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:36 pm

Good bot!

Is_it_herotime57 (Rookie Fanboy) Posted 12:36 pm

Good bot +1

The_Best_Bot_Around (Verified Moderator) (Verified AI) Posted 12:36 pm

I don’t even have lungs, and yet… *sigh*

I regret letting Mister Stark pick out my username for me…

Ruin_Princess (Verified Harem Member) Posted 12:36 pm

I’m so glad that Layla is ok! Whatever Devil she was fighting felt almost as powerful as my older brother! I'm glad she was able to beat the bad guy so quickly. 

Sadi_Queen_69 (Verified Nephilim) Posted 12:37 pm

Ufufufu… That’s my aunt Layla for you. She’s on another level. I'm upset that I missed out on all the fighting. I would have loved to hear those naughty Devil’s screaming in agony from a little lightning. ;)

Burning_Wings (Verified Superhero) 12:37 pm

Wait what!> Did we miss out on an entire invasion!? How is that possible!? 

Sadi_Queen_69 (Verified Nephilim) Posted 12:37 pm

@Burning_Wings: Well, we were a bit “busy” and we had to soundproof our entire apartment after our neighbors kept complaining about all the noise we were making.

Wolf_fang_fister (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:38 pm

Damn, that’s hot…

Burning_Wings (Verified Superhero) 12:37 pm

OMG! Please don’t tell everyone all that, Akeno! They’re going to think we’re nymphos now! 

Sadi_Queen_69 (Verified Nephilim) Posted 12:38 pm

But… we are?

The_Blacksmith (Verified Avenger) (Verified Genius Astronaut) 12:38 pm

Iron Woman and I have officially arrived in the city. We’re a bit late to the party, but we’ll help mop up any remaining Demons. 

The_Steel_Army (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:39 pm

You’re the best Iron Man!

Stargazer83 (Veteran Fangirl) Posted 12:40 pm

@The-Steel_Army: No he’s not! Layla is! She’s the one who saved the day!

The_Steel_Army (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:41 pm

@Stargazer83: It was just a figure of speech. Also, I know this is technically a Layla fan site, but you need to tone down the fangirling a bit. 

Stargazer83 (Veteran Fangirl) Posted 12:42 pm

@The_Steel_Army: Never! 

Xxx_Snipe_ur_heart_xxX (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:43 pm

Does anyone know who the leader of the invasion was? Ruin_Princess said something about them being incredibly powerful? How powerful are we talking.

I just want to know how close the world was to ending. Maybe ill be able to skip work tomorrow :) 

Flower_PWR_44 (Rookie Fangirl) Posted 12:44 pm

Holy shit, everybody! Layla killed THE freaking Devil! No, I'm not exaggerating. 

There’s a bunch of people posting videos of the fight to Youtube and Reddit. Here are all the links.

[Link] [Link] [Link]

Xxx_Snipe_ur_heart_xxX (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:45 pm

Was that the actual Devil!? I’m definitely not going to work tomorrow…

Gossip_Girl_69 (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:46 pm

I'm upset that the invasion couldn't be solved with the power of love, but I'm glad that it's over at least. 

Xxx_Snipe_ur_heart_xxX (Veteran Fanboy) 12:47 pm

@Gossip_Girl_69: Holy crap, you’re alive? I thought for sure you would have gotten skewered when you told everyone you were going to try and sing to the Demons.

Gossip_Girl_69 (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:48 pm

I did try to sing to the demons. Unfortunately, they must have been deaf because my beautiful voice didn’t stop them. A few of the miscreants actually tried to attack me!

Thankfully, the Archangel Gabriel ended up saving me.

I'm grateful to her of course…but I'm kind of bummed it wasn’t Michael.

Xxx_Snipe_ur_heart_xxX (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:49 pm

@Gossip_Girl_69: Bruh…

Spoonlicker45 (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:50 pm

Hey, if the Devil is dead now… Is there any reason for us to even attend church anymore?

Like, mission accomplished, am I right…?

Stargazer83 (Veteran Fangirl) Posted 12:51 pm

Of course there’s a reason to attend church! You’ve just been attending the wrong church. I recommend you immediately convert to the correct religion and join the First Church of Layla!

Here's our official website:


Automod (Verified Bot) Posted 12: 51 pm

@Stargazer83: While it has been confirmed that Layla of the Fallen has technically ascended to Godhood, she asks you to not convert to any religions that openly worship her at this time. She has not endorsed any churches in her name at this time.

Beep Boop, I am a bot. This is an automated message. 

Stargazer83 (Original Poster) (Veteran Fangirl) 12:52 pm

@Automod: You can’t tell me what to do, bot! I do what I want!

Wait…? I feel like we already did this earlier…

Bad bot! Stop trying to mess with me!

Wolf_fang_fister (Veteran Fanboy) Posted 12:53 pm

Bad bot +1

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You have been logged out, Ruin_Princess!

Rias decided that was enough internet for the rest of the day. She still had to feed her daughter and she was expecting Layla to be home soon as well now that the battle was over. After everything that had happened, it was definitely going to be an incredibly busy week for everyone going forward. And then there was the fact that both Rias and Sona had already invited their older siblings to visit them next week as well…


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