The Divine Hunter

Chapter 546: Return

A gentle breeze ambled across the alder woods. The alder branches swayed in the wind, dancing along with its blustery paramour.

A burly man with not a strand of hair on his head was walking alongside a black-haired lad in the woods' clearing, a hyperactive griffin following them. The beast was scraping away at its master's trousers.

"This is sudden. I assume you've found the grandmasters' whereabouts?

"Maribor. They're in Maribor. They won't be coming to Novigrad anytime soon, so I'm safe for the moment." Roy's recent escapade proved that he had been too cautious. If the grandmasters could sense his presence wherever he was, they would've hunted him down. Now that he knew where their base of operations were, he could feel more at ease on his own turf.

Roy whirled and patted Gryphon. She's a little touchy. What's going on? "What happened to her?"

"The griffin's three years old." Letho grinned. "About time for her to get in heat. You know what to do."

Roy scratched Gryphon's chin, and he started musing over the matter. I can't actually get her a mate, can I?

"So when are we starting?"

"We'll have to deal with the orphanage's problem first. I can't believe you didn't tell me Rience is after the orphanage. If Yennefer hadn't told me, you guys would've dealt with it yourself, wouldn't you?"

Letho scratched his nose and retorted, "There are a dozen of us. We can do just fine without you. Besides, you're the lone wolf among us."

"Someone sounds confident. I'd like to see your defenses."

Branches and leaves crunched underneath their feet. Birds and cicadas chirped in the air. The witchers walked down the path briskly. Roy scanned the surroundings and saw a dozen traps lying about.

Deep holes hidden under piles of branches, wooden stakes tied to the trees, and bear traps. The last one was Auckes and Serrit's specialty. "Auckes had too much time on his hands, so he and his boys set up all kinds of traps around the woods. Two hundred and fifteen of them to be exact."

Letho carefully skirted around the traps, and he led Roy to a pond. A sliver of icy breeze slithered across the cracks between the trees, and ripples swam across the pond, making the lotus leaves sitting on the surface shiver.

A circle of wooden fence stood nearby, guarding a botanical garden. More than two acres of land sat within the compound. Bamboo fences split the land into more than a hundred squares, each housing a different herb. Mistletoe, ribeye, and raven's leaf were some of them. Some spaces had a few different species of plants housed together.

Heliophytes like ivy grew on the top layer, and underneath them were plants that did not need as much sunlight to grow. Dappled light was enough to sustain them.

Roy scanned the garden and counted more than forty types of plants living in it. They were blooming beautifully, painted in rich shades of colors, the air tinged with their refreshing scent. The plants he took from the world of Skyrim were thriving as well, and some were already used for potionmaking.

A wooden house sat in the center of the garden. Evelyn was working outside. She was wearing a dress made of flowers, mistletoes, and tree barks. The druid nodded coolly at the witchers and went back to her herbs.

Roy had his attention caught by the guards standing sentinel around Evelyn. They had the shape of oak. Big oaks. Their skin was made of thick bark, and burls grew on it. A pair of greyish-green eyes were embedded in the upper part of the tree, rolling around. There were no blind spots for these eyes. A small beak protruded right underneath their eyes, and the beaks were snapping, producing sounds like wooden boards slapping each other.

The antler-like branches were these creatures' arms. They swayed with the wind as if they were dancing to a slow tune.


Age: 158 years old

HP: 240

Mana: 50

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 18

Constitution: 24

Perception: 8

Will: 12

Charisma: 12

Spirit: 15


Whip Level 3: Treants can swing their arms and lash at their targets as if they're using whips. They can immobilize their targets and keep them from escaping.

Camouflage Level 3: Treants can blend in with the greenery around them and hide themselves completely.

Nature Sense Level 4: Treants can sense everything happening in the woods in a 500-yard radius around them.

Child of the Woods: (Passive) Treants are guardians of forests all around the world. They are blessed by nature. For their services to nature, they are blessed by the green itself. They can heal their wounds and regenerate their stamina and Mana at twice the speed whenever they are in a forest.'


"Evelyn went through a lot just to get those treants from Skellige." Letho crossed his arms, his eyes flickering. "They'll know if anyone steps into the woods. And they're decent fighters too." A stiff smile cracked Letho's lips. "Carl and the brats tried to challenge them, and they hanged the idiots on their arms. Took them for a run around the woods."

"The traps are laid out, the tree treants are keeping an eye on the woods, and Auckes and Serrit are patrolling the grounds." With determination in his voice, Letho said, "Our defenses are perfect. If anyone tries to invade our turf, they won't be going back alive."


The witchers came out of the woods and were met with an idyllic scene. The fields were home to cabbage and beets this time, and before it was the courtyard where everyone was gathered.

The witchers, the apprentices, the bards, Igsena, the Tordarroch blacksmiths, Moore, Susie, and Mino were there. The students in the classroom were leaning on the windowsills, watching around curiously.

The unkempt Kalkstein joined in the fun as well, which was a rare sight. Still, he looked cadaverous, and the dark circles under his eyes looked baggy. He could fall asleep any given moment.

A black dog was circling everyone, happily barking. Its tail was spinning around like a rotor blade. Ebony had gained a few pounds since Roy brought it back to the orphanage. It looked more like a log of wood than a wiener dog at this point.

Everyone had their eyes on the fighters sparring in the clearing. One of them was a woman with a Mohican hairstyle. She was swarthy, her body beautifully sculpted, her features exotic and pronounced. The woman was holding a scimitar.

Standing before her was Carl, one of the new witchers. He was in a light blue leather jacket. The young witcher was a little bent, holding his wooden sword by his waist. The sword's tip was pointed at the woman's neck.

The young witcher remained in this position as he circled the woman. A gust of breeze hurtled out of the woods and swayed the fighters' hair.

The fighters clashed, the scimitar drawing a thin line of light as it charged toward Carl's side.

Carl twirled his wrist, his wooden sword drawing an arc and deflecting the scimitar's impact. The muscles on his arms were taut, and veins popped as he unleashed a great force. He put his left foot forward and raised his sword, pointing it straight at the woman's chest, and he thrust his weapon forward.

The woman could barely parry the attack, then she bent her knees and pirouetted, going around the young witcher. She was now behind the witcher, and Carl, in a panic, tried to turn around.

But before he could, the woman held her scimitar level against herself and sliced the air open. The back of her blade hit Carl's lower blade.

The young witcher grunted and fell forward, his head buried in the ground. Before he could get up, the scimitar was already touching his nape.

"That's far enough!" Lambert crossed his arms and looked around. Raring for a little mischief, he announced, "Kantilla wins. That brings the total score to nine wins and one loss for Carl!"

Kantilla swung her scimitar around and sheathed it. A smile cracked her lips. After nine defeats at the hands of this young witcher, the Zerrikanian bladeswoman finally snagged a win.

Everyone erupted into discussion.

"Yay, Kantilla!" The young apprentices huddled around Kantilla, cheering for her. They were more than happy to see someone breaking Carl's victory streak. They had enough of him lording them around just because he was the first one to be a witcher among them.

Carl stood up in defeated silence. He held his blade tightly, his face ashen.

Acamuthorm grinned. "I'm no match for you, Carl, but I'd never lose to a regular human. I wouldn't even give her a chance to spar with me."

"Yeah, right." Monti shook his head and held Carl's shoulder consolingly. "Of course he wouldn't. He'd be suffering all the losses if he did."

Felix took his sunglasses off, his eyes twinkling. He finally had the chance to impart more wisdom to his protégé. "That's the price you pay for your arrogance."

"I'm sorry, Felix. That was embarrassing." Carl couldn't bring himself to turn around. He could imagine his friends' mockery and Vicki's disappointment. Carl couldn't believe he lost to a regular human.

"Apologies are useless. Just because you gained more strength and speed from the Trial doesn't mean skills aren't important. You need more experience in battle. It's better to lose a sparring session than to die in a real battle from a lack of experience."

"Yes, Felix." Carl turned to Kantilla and clenched his fists. "I won't let my guard down next time."

"You better not."

Vesemir stroked his beard and announced, "Resume your training. Monti, Charname, you two show these boys what a real battle looks like. Everyone else, leave the clearing and begin your second drill."

The blond girl in the classroom tensed up and ordered loudly, "Everyone, gather round!"

The children in the classroom, alchemy lab, and smithy quickly gathered in the courtyard and went into formation.

The beautifully dressed Dandelion rolled his eyes and stood beside the children, forming the ninth row. Priscilla stood behind him, holding her lute. Moore, Susie, Igsena, and the Tordarroch blacksmiths followed suit.

"We're not running away!" The apprentices looked at the witchers pleadingly.

"You can stay if you can beat Acamuthorm." Serrit looked at them tersely. "If you can't, you're going to escape as you're told."

Aside from the witchers, only the apprentices who'd passed their Trial could stay and fight. That was the plan.


A snotty boy in the escaping team looked at the alder woods, and he shouted, "Roy's back!"

"Hey, everyone. Been a while. Miss me?" Roy walked into the courtyard with his arms open like a leader walking into his own welcome party.

Monti let out a howl. In the split second he was distracted, Charname smacked his face with his wooden sword, leaving a mark. Monti, however, ignored the pain and muscled through the throng, holding his cheek as he rushed toward the witcher who came back.

The children had broken their formation and came to the witcher, surrounding him like adoring fans.


"It's the kid!"

"He's come home?"

The witchers stood in a line like a wall, and they were smirking.

"Where'd you go, Roy? It's been months! We've missed you!" Vicki held Roy's hand and grinned, then she swung his hand quickly.

Two of the boys hugged Roy's legs, their snot and drool sticking to the witcher's new pants. A few of the kids held his arm and squeezed their heads under his armpits, and they grinned.

Acamuthorm, the bravest of them all, held down Roy's shoulder and leapt onto his neck.

"Get off me, you brat!"

"I will not!"

Acamuthorm cheekily ruffled Roy's hair until it was unkempt.

Ebony ran up to its master and licked his boots.

Roy was like a tree, and the children were leaves hanging off his branches. Fine, they can have this.

He looked around and saw his parents approaching him, their eyes tearful.

"Hey, who's biting my hand? Let go! I'm trying to hold Mino here!" Roy managed to fling off one of the kids hanging from his arm and took Mino from Susie's arms. He pinched the infant's cheek and stuck his thumb into little Mino's mouth.

And Mino cried.

Roy scratched his nose awkwardly.

"You've been away for too long. Mino can't recognize you anymore." Moore smacked Roy's arm. "You're more muscly than ever. That's my boy."

"You have to stay for more than a few days this time." Susie held Roy's hand and looked at him lovingly.

Roy felt a little bad about leaving them alone for so long.

"Hey, Roy." Kantilla squeezed through the children and came up to the witcher, her eyes shining. "You owe me a hunt. So when are we leaving?"

"Once we get through this crisis."

"I can't believe you lied to us, Roy." Klaf and Yoana complained to the witcher. "Why'd you say you were Auckes?"

Auckes slammed his fists together and glared at Roy. "You're abusing my name again?"

"I'm making you famous!"

Reminded of something else, Roy whipped out the necklace he got from Einar and handed it to the yawning Kalkstein. The alchemist got red with excitement, and his eyes started to shine.

"A reunion is a beautiful occasion. It deserves a poem." Dandelion took Priscilla's lute and played away, then a soothing tune fluttered across the courtyard's cacophony. "Roy, my bosom friend. I shine for you to see me better. I sing for you to hear me better."

He had a smile on his face. "And my hands are big so I can hold you better. And my hands aren't the only big thing I have. It's true, and soon you'll see."

Everyone shot Dandelion weird looks. Priscilla looked at the stupid bard and sighed. She then glanced at Roy, her eyes flickering.

"Why are you looking at me like that, Roy? Say something."

Dandelion stopped playing.

Roy sneered at the bard. "I'd rather stitch your big mouth up."

Geralt covered Dandelion's mouth. "Let's talk business. The fact you're here means you've settled matters on your end. As for the orphanage…"

"Yennefer told me everything." Roy looked around. His friends and family are all around, and he smiled. "If Rience tries anything funny, he'll be paying with his head. Now, get back to your drills, everyone."

"Everyone, gather round!" Vicki raised her hand as she shouted at everyone. The children quickly went back to her as if they were put under a spell, and they stood in a formation once more.

The bards and Roy's parents joined in as well. The apprentices stood around the formation to keep things in order, then the children walked into the conference room. An archway drawn with purple paint stood in the corner, and a diamond-shaped teleportation crystal hung on the leaf beside the archway.

Carl took a deep breath and fired a blast of Aard at the crystal. A surge of mana swam into the dim crystal, and a flash of light burst from within.

The archway shone with magic, turning into a portal with a black whirlpool in the center. Little Koritz tensed up and mustered up all the courage he could muster, then he stepped into the portal.

The kids were queued in the order of age from youngest to oldest. Once all of them had gone to safety, it was the adults' turn, and Dandelion was up first.


The portal led to a spacious hall underneath the Temple Island, and braziers stood in all corners, illuminating the space with a warm ambience. This space could house a hundred people.

Bedrolls lined the flanks of the hall, and the kids went to their own spots without any hassle. This was not their first drill, after all.

Vicki then told the adults where they would be sleeping.

A big store room stood beside the hall. Fifteen shelves stood within, and they were filled with food that could be kept for a long time. Turnips, smoked meat, salted fish, pickled greens, black bread, water, and more. It was enough to last everyone a month.

"So, Roy…" Serrit said, "Why don't you use your third eye and see if we've prepared enough for the crisis?"

Roy knew better than everyone that Rience was working with Vilgefortz. The simplest way to deal with this would be storming Vilgefortz's stronghold and taking him out, but it wasn't as easy as that.

Vilgefortz was the most powerful sorcerer in the world, but more than that, he was smart, cunning, and cautious as a fox. Roy tried to have Yennefer and Coral request a meeting with him, but Vilgefortz would never accept any communication requests from anyone other than his trusted lieutenants.

His stronghold, Stygga Castle, was located in the empire of Nilfgaard, a place as vast as the North. It was nigh impossible to find the castle while keeping the orphanage safe at the same time. Roy would deal with Vilgefortz after they got through this crisis.

"Now that our friends and family are safe, we have nothing to worry about." Roy turned around and faced his comrades. He gave them a nod and smiled. "Let's give them all we have. And Coral's coming back soon. Take me to the lab and show me the modified potions. And I suggest everyone take a few dimeritium bombs with them.

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