The Divine Hunter

Chapter 540: Calanthe’s Plan

"So you're keeping the news of your survival a secret on purpose?" Yennefer asked, a little surprised. She pulled her hair back and massaged her temples. "Because you're pregnant?"

Calanthe leaned back in the spacious chair, caressing her belly. She fell silent, a little nervous from the questioning, but her silence was answer enough for the sorceress.

Everyone else enjoyed their food in silence.

Bran was chomping on the roasted piglet on his plate, tearing it apart like a warrior digging his fingers into an enemy’s throat. His queen stood behind him, placing a peeled lobster into young Svanrige's plate. The boy looked resigned, and he put the lobster back into his mother's plate defiantly.

Crach an Craite looked outside the window, his profile filled with frustration. Ciri was seated across from the crowd, munching down on the seafood. She stared around the room, the conversations everyone was having moments ago making no sense to her young mind.

Mousesack, consultant of magic to the king, stroked his long beard, and he broke the awkward silence. "That was not a decision Calanthe made alone. Her Majesty wishes to cleanse her home of those invading curs even now. She yearns to rebuild Cintra to glory." Mousesack's voice boomed across the room. Patiently, he explained everything to Yennefer. Evelyn had told him everything. This sorceress had the backing of a brotherhood of witchers, making her a force to be reckoned with.

"She wishes to destroy the dark soldiers and avenge her fallen home. Her people. Her family. And the men of Skellige. All who have valiantly fallen in battle." The druid looked at the queen, whose face was ashen and dim. He had spoken loudly of the queen's intentions. "When she first arrived on our shores, she was beside herself. Oftentimes she would be found crying before the grave of the late King Eist, and she lost sleep, day after day. The torment took a toll on her health. She came down with a cold, a fever, and even anemia. Her Majesty almost lost her child."

"What?" Ciri put her cutlery down and looked at her grandmother with concern. "Are you alright, Grandmother?"

Calanthe had a smile dancing on her lips.

"It might have missed you, Ciri, but I've nourished myself back to full health and then some."

"We got news from Evelyn back during the war. The witchers didn't find Ciri. She escaped the castle and went missing," Svanrige interrupted.

Ciri's face burned up a little. She was a little uneasy about the mention of her cheekier past.

"We thought she might have died, so that means Calanthe's child was her only living family left in the world. The only child her husband, Eist, had left for her before he so valiantly fell in battle. Should the news of Calanthe's survival make it to the Continent, she will be buffeted with a slew of troubles. The refugees of Cintra, the sorcerers of Nilfgaard, and the spies of the northern kingdoms will all come to her. It would prove nigh impossible for her to keep her child if she were to shoulder that much stress. We had to create an environment where she could carry the child to term without worry."

Yennefer was beginning to put herself in Calanthe's shoes. If she was stuck between avenging her fallen country and keeping her unborn child safe, she would choose the latter without any hesitation. That was her maternal instinct speaking to her. Something a lot of women had.

"And that's why we convinced her to stay." Crach shook his head, his frustration turning to lamentation. "To set aside her vengeance. Plans can wait until her child is born. Ain't gonna let those dogs run free, though, that's for sure. We ain't lettin' our brethren die for no reason. Drakkars 'ave been waitin' to taste blood too."

"He is right." Bran wiped the grease off his beard. "Calanthe carries the future of the Cintran bloodline. I must keep her and her child safe. Can't face my fallen brethren otherwise."

Birna agreed with her husband, and she speared a piece of pig's hoof for him.

Yennefer, however, saw Birna's eyes glint with a hint of cunning. The queen is up to something.


"Surely that is not your only concern?" Yennefer asked.

"Hm, you are a representative of the esteemed witchers. Ciri loves and trusts you as well. Very well, if I’m being frank." Bran stroked his beard. Coldly, he said, "Cintra has been overrun and completely taken over by the south. We cannot change the situation, at least not for now. The south has begun constructing defenses in Cintra's vicinity, all the while spreading the religion of the Great Sun and the culture of Nilfgaard. They have also changed the local currency into floren, admittedly a coin with higher gold content. They are also sparing no expense in garnering support from the people left behind in the local towns and villages.

"According to our sources, the tradesmen and farmers who stayed in the occupied Cintra assimilated and are leading better lives than ever. They enjoy more freedom and wealth. The merchants now have more privileges as well. At the empire's behest, the people of the south are trekking across Amell to settle in the north and pioneer expansion efforts. Soon, their resources, labor, and production chains will be used to create more items so they can take over our market share."

Wariness flared in Bran's eyes. "This might sound like a tall tale, but in a mere six months, Nilfgaard, with their cultural and economical strength, has overwhelmed Cintra and Upper Sodden, conquering them effectively. Even if Calanthe were to appear and rally the people against Nilfgaard, will they, who have submitted to the empire and are reaping the benefits, risk their lives to join Calanthe's cause?"

The night was falling, and it brought darkness with it. Cold winds howled, shivering the hearts of those in the dining room.

No. Yennefer shook her head. Nilfgaard knows how to conquer a nation. They're experienced. They've been experimenting with the philosophy of conquest since the days of invading minor kingdoms like Ebbing, Maecht, and Nazair, and they know how to take over kingdoms.

"Which gives us this conclusion: There is no need for Calanthe to make her appearance and risk exposing herself to the kingdoms," said Bran.

"Most of the northern kingdom's kings are having a peace talk with Menno Coehoorn, governor of the province of Cintra and representative of the Nilfgaard emperor. As well as the hieronymus of the Eternal Fire. The conference is taking place at a castle in the center of Sodden, north of Yaruga. Vilgefortz, who performed outstandingly during the Battle of Sodden Hill, is leading the negotiations."

Bran gave Svanrige a look of encouragement, and the young prince added, "The agenda is simple: to bring this war to a stop. It has cost both sides a lot of men. And to talk about who gets which land after the war. It might seem that the North has emerged triumphant, but they've also sustained heavy losses. Redania, Temeria, Kaedwen, Aedirn, and Lyria and Rivia are reluctant to wage war for much longer. The one who goes first in battle stands to lose the most men, after all."

Yennefer nodded. The northern kingdoms had always been fractured. Eventually, they would fight among themselves, and Nilfgaard would be there to reap the rewards.

"On the other hand, Nilfgaard's high-speed expansion might have come to a halt, but they still possess a great army, and they all have the same goal in mind. They know what they want. With Emhyr, the uncontested emperor, leading them, they can do battle again and again. They have the upper hand in this negotiation. Should they come to a ceasefire…"

Svanrige scanned the room. "The most likely outcome is that the alliance will give away Cintra so they can rest and heal."

Silence swooped down on the room.

"Calanthe has lost her kingdom and army, and our drakkars cannot sail deep into land. Should Calanthe join the conference, she will only be taken hostage by the northern kingdoms, forced to be their puppet. Or the south might keep her imprisoned. Even if her lambasting of Nilfgaard's atrocities could tilt the scales in the North's favor and help her gain Cintra back, it would only make Cintra a vassal state of the North instead of the South. It is still at someone else's mercy. It can never return to its former self. Not much difference from getting conquered by Nilfgaard. Hiding is a much better choice. She can bide her time."

Yennefer looked at Calanthe. Even under this much pressure, Calanthe is still as ambitious as ever. To raise Cintra back to glory and never be any kingdom's vassal. How?

Svanrige's analysis came to an end, and Bran gave him a nod of approval.

"Still, it’s not all bad news. Once Nilfgaard sets up Cintra as the base of operations for their expansion to the north, they will develop it aggressively and shift their military there, which means they'll 'ave fewer soldiers guardin' the South. Ain't no way around that. The defenses for the City of Golden Towers' coastline will be weakened. The moment Nilfgaard and the Northern Kingdoms resume war, the drakkars of Skellige will strike."

A vicious sneer curled Crach's face. "Our drakkars will be strikin' Nilfgaardian waters and cuttin' off their trade routes. Oh, they'll feel the heat, I'm sure."

Ah, so that's why Skellige has been silent even though their sister kingdom is felled. They're setting up a gambit of their own as well.


Calanthe clasped her hands over her stomach and stared at the crimson tapestry hanging on the pillar. The tapestry depicted a scene of a hundred warriors standing on two drakkars, spreading a net that covered even the skies. It was just like the scene of the plan they came up with.

A hint of resolve slipped into Calanthe's gentle voice. "Aside from Bran and Crach, my family and closest comrades, we had also established contact with Vissegerd a few years ago. He is creating an army in Brugge in secret as we speak."

Yennefer asked, "Ah, the general who commanded the army in the Battle of Marnadal?"

"Yes." Calanthe was getting red, and she gushed, "Praise Freya. He survived the war and moved to Brugge. King Venzlav, in all his generosity, accepted him and took in the refugees who ran from Cintra."

"Venzlav is an honorable man," said Yennefer. "He is just, accepting, and a peace-loving king. Two years ago, he sent Geralt into Brokilon and signed a peace treaty with the queen of the dryads. Verden and Kerack, however, still see the dryads as their enemies."

"Vissegerd is doing well in Brugge. When we exchanged news last month, I was told that the army was at four thousand strong, and they were still expanding at a blistering rate."

Everyone had smiles on their faces. Yennefer was a little surprised to hear that. Four thousand soldiers was nothing to be sneezed at. The fact they joined the army even though there was no hope of reclaiming their kingdom given the speed Nilfgaard took them down meant their will was stronger than iron.

"So Vissegerd knows where you are?"

"He has always been a loyal minister to the kingdom. We're like siblings. There is no need to hide anything from him. We exchange news and information every month." Calanthe looked at Ciri, who was wolfing down a grilled squid. "He too spared no efforts in the search for Ciri. Once my child is born, I will have nothing holding me back anymore. I can once more give myself to the work of reclaiming my kingdom. Once the North and South start their war once again, my chance will show itself. The army Vissegerd is rallying in Brugge and Skellige's men will strike the soldiers that have taken over Nilfgaard. We will stop at nothing to reclaim what is rightfully ours."

Calanthe had a captivating smile on her lips, and her eyes twinkled a bright emerald. "When I escaped Cintra with my tail between my legs, I made an oath to those who had fallen in the war. The people of Cintra, the warriors of Skellige, and Eist. One day, I will reclaim our lost land, and the dark soldiers will pay the price. Just you wait."

Gusts of gale slammed upon the windows. Everyone around the table had light shining in their eyes. For a moment, the fires of ambition flared in Yennefer's eyes. Should she succeed in helping a queen reclaim her lost kingdom, she would gain an unimaginable amount of wealth. She then looked at innocent little Ciri, and she shook her head, smiling.

To hell with ambition. I have to take care of Ciri.


"So, Yennefer, ya mentioned someone chasin' Ciri? Took her to Skellige to stay outta the hunter's sight?" Crach wiped his greasy hands on his deerskin coat.

"Yes. Rience, a sorcerer and a spy," said Yennefer. "I suspect that he works for the king of Kaedwen."

Calanthe pursed her lips. Her mind was conjuring the image of a white-haired witcher and his younger, heterochromatic-eyed companion. She still hadn't thanked them for all their help. With her kingdom taken over, she could never give Roy the reward she promised. "If he's noticed Ciri, then the witchers might be at risk."

Ciri looked at Yennefer. The sorceress shook her head and confidently said, "Danger is part of their lives, and they can handle it."

"The Novigrad witchers are more than meets the eye." Mousesack stopped fiddling with his antler headpiece. He praised, "Evelyn, a member of the Isle's circle, is now in service to them. She has nothing but compliments for the witchers, especially one named Kiyan." Felt like a wife praising her husband too, if you ask me.

"She claims that the witchers brought back seeds of plants she had never seen before. They claim that the seeds were prizes from their exploration of an unknown territory. I do not know how they procured those items, but with such power at their disposal, a spy is nothing to be afraid of."

Bran turned to his side so Birna could wipe his beard better. "In any case, the witchers have protected Ciri, keeping her out of the kingdoms' grubby hands. That makes them our friends. Our brethren."

He looked at Yennefer. "Should they need help, ask. We can always spare a few hundred Skellige men for them."

Yennefer gave him a grateful nod.

"Yennefer, there is another pressing matter at hand." Calanthe stared at her granddaughter. "What do you mean Ciri and my unborn child possess an ancient bloodline? Does that mean I can't even kiss my dear little Ciri before the child is born?"



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