The Divine Hunter

Chapter 146

The cool lakewater slowly brushed across his ankles, and the world around him started to change. Mist suddenly appeared over the surface of the lake, and the waters turned as murky as the grey sky above. The water brushed across his skin, cleansing his whole body, and Roy felt as if he were reborn. Then, he heard a gentle voice speaking to him within his mind. It sounded so far, yet so close at the same time. “Come here, Roy…”

It was as if he were back to when he was still a young boy, and his mother was patting his back, telling him to come home, but at the same time, it sounded like the whisper of his lover after they made passionate love together. The voice allured him, and he went deeper into the lake.

The water washed over his thighs, then his waist, and it eventually climbed up to his torso. Suddenly, he saw a gorgeous silhouette hiding in the fog. It was too thick for Roy to see the silhouette’s face, but she was waving her hand at him, telling him to come closer.

Roy hastened over to her, but unbeknownst to him, the water had already reached his chest. Just when he was about to approach the mysterious figure, the world spun again, and he could taste the scent of flowers hanging in the air. He looked around him, but there was no one there. Suddenly, he felt something cold brushing against his back. When he turned around, the scent in the air seemed to turn even more pronounced.

“Roy…” The voice called his name, and the silhouette plunged into the lake and frolicked in it, not unlike a mermaid.

Roy could feel a chill running up his spine, and he got goosebumps all over his body, but it was not from the cold. “Is that the Lady of the Lake?”

After he had a glimpse of Melitele, Roy had always thought of gods as mythical and sacred beings who brooked no blasphemy. However, this ‘goddess’ changed his opinion. She was alluring, seductive, passionate, and open. However, Roy managed to break free of her grasp thanks to his iron will.

The entity giggled, and a moment later, she revealed her true self to the young witcher. Her blackish-green hair tumbled down her shoulder, and she had a petite, adorable face. Her nose was small, but it gleamed like a precious stone, and her eyes seemed to have the twinkle of the very stars within them. Her lips were like the petals of a blooming flower, as if they were taken from the heavens itself. Her skin was as smooth as silk, and as tender as a newborn infant’s. The entity smelled like fresh lilies, but despite her adorable look, she had a slender neck and generous bosom. Her hair tumbled down her chest, and the fog covered her lower body, as if it were a veil. The entity was adorable and seductive at the same time, but it only made her more beautiful.

A goddess? More like a succubus. Roy took a deep breath, and as he admired the Lady of the Lake’s beauty from a safe distance, he cast Observe on her.


Age: 353


Lady of the Lake (Nymph)

(The legendary Lady of the Lake is not a single individual. Instead, they are a group of nymphs created by nature itself. They have control over the element of water. They will not fall sick or grow old, but they can and will die. They are kind, and they are the ones who came up with the creed of the knights. The Lady of the Lake are always happy to help those who are kind, and they value freedom greatly. They will choose the knight they love to stay by their side, but said knight must have passed a strict trial.)

?? (Increase your Perception to reveal more details)’


Roy calmed his pounding heart. The Lady of the Lake is no god. They’re a bunch of powerful magical creatures. Back when he had a glimpse of Melitele, he felt like he was nothing but a mere ant facing a stormy ocean. The Lady of the Lake felt powerful, but they didn’t make him feel like he was a helpless insect in the ocean. They could control the waters and grant their believers strength, but they didn’t have the kind of power that would rob anyone of their courage.

“Lady of the Lake.” Roy pushed his curiosity down and bowed to the Lady of the Lake as politely as he could. “Why was I summoned here?”

The Lady of the Lake seemed surprised that Roy managed to compose himself in such a short time. “Roy of Lower Posada.” Her voice changed again, and this time, she sounded like a girl next door. “You may call me Vivienne. I am the daughter of the Lake of Vizima. Through my eyes, I see the conviction flowing in your body, and I have seen the justice you and your companion carried out.”

Vivienne extended her hand to him, and Roy hesitated for a while before he held the outstretched hand. The moment he did that, he jolted, and all the experiences he had ever since he came to this world were shown before his eyes. Out of all the things he had done, five were marked with Elder Speech.

“Squaess (Sympathy). You used the dwarf’s favor and helped Casiga escape her wardens so she could join Aretuza.”

“Ymladda (Courage). You came face to face with a resurrected leshen and vanquished it.”

“Gloir (Glory). You stood by your injured comrade and went through Smiack together.”

“Mire (Wisdom). You found the truth behind the ritual of the seven deadly sins and caught the real perpetrator.”

“Generose (Generosity). You deducted the money Huckle had to pay for your services, and his bakery remains because of your deed.”

Roy was surprised about that, and he lamented. I’ve gone through a lot, huh?

“You possess all five virtues. I, Vivienne, shall now represent all creatures in the Lake of Vizima, and I ask you…” The Lady of the Lake’s voice started booming, and she had a serious look on her face. “Will you take my sword and carry out justice once more? Will you venture into Black Tern Island again and take out Dagon, the evil creature who resides there?”

Vivienne’s voice reverberated throughout the fog, and Roy felt an invisible power lifting him and Vivienne out of the water. Vivienne’s naked body was revealed fully to him, but Roy didn’t even look panicked. He had matured after going through so much, and he was no longer the young man who would do anything for anyone just because they asked. He wouldn’t go on a suicide mission just because Vivienne asked him to. “Goddess Vivienne, allow me to ask you a few questions. Is Dagon the master of all fallen vodyanoi?”

“That is correct. Dagon whispered in the ears of the vodyanoi and led them to corruption. He built a dark and evil altar on the island that twisted the bodies and wills of the lake’s creatures so he could absorb their strength and turn it into his power.”

What the hell kind of monster is that? Roy was starting to get concerned about the eventual encounter. “Where did it come from? What kind of creature is it?”

“Very well then. I shall tell you the truth.” Fear flashed through Vivienne’s eyes. “Dagon is not of this world. It comes from a chaotic and twisted dimension. Many years ago, it stumbled upon the lakebed by chance, and through the cracks between dimensions, it projected a sliver of itself into our world, but that act exhausted all its strength. Now its projection is corrupting the lake itself. If it is not stopped, Dagon will have accumulated enough strength in decades or centuries at most. Once that happens, he can descend upon our world itself.” Vivienne’s voice became somber. “By then, it will be too late. The world shall tremble beneath Dagon’s tentacles.”

Dimensions? World? “Lady of the Lake, pardon my honesty, but…” Roy looked at the ground and answered honestly, “If you are no match for Dagon, then how do you expect me to stop its plan? My power is nothing compared to yours. You should search for a more powerful hero for this mission.” I am just a young witcher. How am I supposed to fight an evil creature who’s from another dimension?

“Power is of no importance if they cannot pass the trial. No matter how powerful someone may be, they are not to be trusted if they fail the trial. However, you passed, and all the five virtues are shining brightly within you. I trust you, but I also understand your worries.” Vivienne smiled brightly, and a gentle breeze brushed across the lake, causing ripples to blossom on its surface. “I will not send you marching into certain doom. However, I cannot do this myself, for most of my strength is used to suppress Dagon. This creature is not that more powerful than you are, excluding its bizarre conversion spell. But I can handle that.

“But of course, Dagon is keeping me in line as well, barring me from going onto the island. And more creatures are getting corrupted with each passing year, while the number of my believers keeps dwindling. The delicate balance will soon be broken.” Vivienne’s voice became weaker and weaker, until it was nothing but a whisper. “Dagon will eventually take over the lake and absorb me as well.” She looked at Roy with an unspoken plea in her eyes. “Roy, you, like other humans, are flawed, but that does not hide your virtues. You passed all five trials in a single year. That is proof that you have conviction, even if you do not admit it. Now, will you lend your strength for the creatures of the lake?”

“If it is possible…” Roy stared down. Since Vivienne was already pleading, he stopped arguing. “I shall kill Dagon myself.”

Vivienne extended her right arm, and a ripple appeared on the surface of the lake, but a moment later, it started bubbling, as if it were boiling water. Then, a deep red blade pierced the surface and rose into the air. Vivienne grasped its hilt with both hands and held it up straight before her chest. Roy recalled what he did in the original game, and he knelt on one knee.

“Roy from the School of the Viper, will you accept my sword and hold true to the virtues of courage, sympathy, glory, wisdom, and generosity? Will you vanquish the evil residing on the island for the creatures of the Lake of Vizima?”

“I accept the request.”

The moment he said that, he felt Vivienne tapping the blade on his shoulders three times, then she announced, “Witcher from an unnamed land, I, the daughter of the lake, ruler of water, Vivienne, hereby grant you the status of knight. I bequeath you the title—Roy of the Lake of Vizima.”

Roy started hyperventilating and took the sword he had been waiting for. The Lady of the Lake’s sword.



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