The Divine Hunter

Chapter 523 - 523: The Blacksmiths Join Up

Chapter 523: The Blacksmiths Join Up

[TL: Asuka]

[PR: Ash]

The golden sun hung high in the sky, shining brightly on the land. For once, the ever-busy smithy was closed for a day, giving its members time to say goodbye.

“Chamir, Farik, the clan’s in your hands now. Remember to work together and stay fit. Don’t push yourself at work, and don’t ever cross another troll. There won’t be anyone like Auckes to save the day next time.” Klaf held his brothers’ shoulders, the rim of his eyes red. “Come to Novigrad when you have time. We can catch up.”

Farik clenched his teeth and balled his fists. He looked at the silent witcher and raised his chin in solemn resolution. “My brother, if you do not wish to leave this isle, then I can take your place.”

“I made the promise, and our clan does not go back on our word,” Klaf refused, but the subtle twitch of his lips said he was actually willing to go. He’d been dying to spice up his dull life a little, and now he had the perfect excuse to hoist the family’s business onto his brothers while he was going on an adventure.

“Can Yoana stay?” Chamir looked at the excited girl outside the window. “Your aunt has found you an excellent husband. The greatest fisherman of this town. Comes back with a spectacular haul of fish every time.”

“No. I remember that guy. Last time we talked, his breath almost killed me.” Yoana shook her head violently. She adamantly refused the arrangement. “From that day onward, I swore to devote myself to the god of blacksmithing, so I’ll have to travel around the world to gain more experience. I don’t care even if I have to become someone’s apprentice. This adventure is very much needed.”

“You’re a big girl now. Guess you won’t listen to anyone anymore.”

Roy said mysteriously, “Worry not, people. This isn’t farewell. You can always come to Novigrad. My organization is always open to those with talent. That includes everyone here.”


Klaf and Yoana valued efficiency. Once they said their goodbyes, they quickly packed up their things. They only brought a few sets of clothes and their blacksmithing tools. They then left the town and entered a remote forest. Roy placed Gwyhyr and Gabriel in their hands, while he hid Aerondight in the bushes.

“I thought we’d be boarding a ship at Marlin Coast. That’s the only way to Novigrad, isn’t it?” Klaf brushed his hand across the blade curiously. “So why are you heading south? And why are you giving us these weapons? So we can defend ourselves?”

“Is this a present?” Yoana was in a yellow dress, and a big pack hung from her back. She rubbed her finger across the beautifully crimson Gabriel, her eyes twinkling with surprise.

“Ship’s too slow. We’ll be charging right to Novigrad.” Roy told them seriously, “I’m lending these to you just in case. Do not lose them.”

Skellige Isles were a few hundred miles away from Novigrad. The journey alone would take more than a month if they went with a ship and carriage. Roy didn’t have that much patience.

“What do you mean we’re charging right to Novigrad?” Klaf asked.

Roy smiled, and he whipped out two cables, tying their front ends around his wrists. “Stay close to me. To be honest, you guys are my first passengers. This might be a bumpy ride, so hang tight.”

Roy did a few experiments before. Teleport and Blink were limited in scope. He couldn’t bring anything too big with him. Humans, for example, couldn’t be brought along for the ride.

Worldgate, however, was different. That portal could linger for a few moments, which meant people aside from Roy could follow him through the Worldgate.

Klaf looked grim, and sweat drenched his palms. Yoana, however, was red with excitement.

“Calm down. Hey, Klaf, ever heard of any stories about the ice giant?” Roy tied the other ends of the rope on Klaf’s and Yoana’s hands.

“Why do you ask? There was a children’s tale back in my grandfather’s days. ‘The ice-blue beast sharpens its teeth, first with flesh and then with ice. Its breath is icy, its eyes are red. The beast awaits the warrior with a big, gaping maw,’” Klaf enunciated. “‘An icy-blue giant sleeps on top of the mountains. One day it shall awaken and turn this isle into damnation.’ Honestly, if there’s an ice giant somewhere in the mountains, it’s going to be a bigger threat than any ice troll or bear.”

“Did the prophecy tell you where the ice giant is hiding?”

“Not sure. No one has seen that monster before. It only exists in legends and children’s tales. Why do you ask? Are you…”

“Auckes, I’ve heard the elders speak of this before when I was a child.” Yoana twirled her hair, interrupting, “Deeper in the mines of our family lies a path leading to the cave on the topmost peak. The path stands between the ravines and cliffs of the mountains. No one knows who or what resides in the cave. My ancestors along with a few warriors ventured into that cave before, but none came back.”

“I see.” Something glinted in Roy’s eyes, and he hatched a plan. “It’s almost time. Hold your breath, you two. On the count of three.”




The witcher pulled at the air, and something unbelievable happened. Klaf and Yoana stopped breathing for a moment, for they saw the witcher tearing a gash in space with his bare finger, and the gash turned into a black, diamond-shaped door big enough to allow one person to fit.

Roy leapt into the door, and the blacksmiths felt a surge of great strength pulling at the rope. Confused, the two of them were yanked ahead, and they followed the rope into what lay behind the door.

It was a long and narrow corridor. There was no air or sound within. There was only the void and darkness. Around the path was a sky of stars, shining and glittering beautifully. The stars seemed to be waving at the blacksmiths, asking them to come over for a visit.

Somehow, Klaf and Yoana had a feeling those stars meant grave danger. They looked up and stiffly followed the witcher ahead. He was towering and dark as a shadow, his cloak billowing in the wind. He was like a lone god charging ahead on the path of stars, heading to the end of time itself.

The bizarre journey lasted for no more than a moment. At the edge of darkness, the witcher leapt, bringing the blacksmiths back into a world of light. The both of them gasped for air.

“What happened back there? And where are we?” Klaf looked around. The alder trees were swaying at the beckon of the breeze. The land underneath him squelched, and roots poked through the soil. The air was filled with the scent of land and greenery, and birds trilled on the branches.

“We’re at the outskirts of Novigrad.”

Roy crouched and patted a big, furry head. It belonged to a fierce beast, yet the beast was rolling around at the witcher’s feet, revealing its belly for him like it was a cat asking for some pats.

Even though the beast was trying to be cute, its deadly sharp beak, gigantic wings, and glinting claws still scared the blacksmiths.

Klaf nervously stood in front of his daughter, and Yoana clung to her father’s back, holding her breath. There was fear and curiosity in her eyes.

“Do not be afraid. Gryphon’s a good girl.” Roy smiled at the blacksmith and unraveled the rope, then he took back his weapons. “She might be a griffin, but she never hurts her friends, and you’re guests here.”

The griffin had her orders. She got up and raised her head high, nodding at the blacksmiths arrogantly, her eyes twinkling with something akin to human emotions, and she gurgled, as if saying, ‘Hi, I’m Gryphon.’

“Auckes, are you really a witcher and not some sort of spellcaster or druid or some saint living amongst humans?” Klaf followed Roy deeper into the woods, staring at the flying griffin curiously. The leaves and branches spun around in the air, and the griffin let out a happy roar.

“If it helps, you can think of me as a beastmaster.” Roy shook his head and looked ahead. Deep in the woods, Serrit was already waiting for him. His hair was tied, and his eyes shone brightly. “I believe introductions are in order. This is the witcher brotherhood’s financial officer—Serrit.”

“Lytta said you were on a search for some blacksmiths, kid. You came back fast. Who are these people?” Serrit shot Klaf a sharp look, and the blacksmith stood straighter.

“Hey, I’m not the seer for nothing. I came back fast because the matter was dealt with.” Roy smiled proudly. “Feast your eyes on our guests. This is Klaf, a master blacksmith from Skellige Isles’ Clan Tordarroch. He’s an expert weaponsmith and armorer, and this lovely lady here is his daughter, Yoana. She’s an outstanding armorer as well. For the next ten years, they shall be providing their services exclusively to the brotherhood.”

Roy handed the contract over the Serrit. Serrit skimmed through them, nodding with approval. A smile curled his brooding lips, and he shook the blacksmiths’ hands. “Welcome to the House of Gawain. I assure you, you will be most pleased with the decision you’ve made.”

“I do hope so. We’re already part of the brotherhood, and I don’t intend on leaving just yet.” Klaf touched his stubble and exchanged a look of relief with Yoana.

“Vesemir’s going to be really happy when he knows of this,” Serrit said. “He’s been wracking his brains for the blueprints and dragon scale modification. Guy’s not exactly as young as he was. Overworking isn’t the best thing to do, and now he finally has someone helping him out.”

“He went to Oxenfurt again?”

“Oh, no, kid. Mignole herself came to Novigrad, and Vesemir threw a welcoming party for her at the ballroom. They’re probably dancing right now.”

“And Geralt?”

“No idea where he is. Probably contacting his mother without anyone knowing.”

Roy smiled, glad for the White Wolf.

“Everyone else is either keeping an eye on the kids or feasting away at the ballroom.”

“How’s C… Falka? Getting used to her new life? Any suspicious figures prowling Novigrad lately?”

The blacksmiths listened to the conversation quietly. It sounded like a warm and regular chat. The witchers were quite different from the ones they had in mind.

“She can protest all she wants, but Yennefer has her nailed. Aiden, Lambert, and Gawain’s men are keeping a close eye on the goings-on in the city. If anyone tries anything funny, they’re done for.”

“I knew you guys would keep the place running well.” Roy nodded. “You’re dealing with the blacksmiths now.”

“You’re not coming with us?” Klaf looked befuddled.

“I have unfinished business back on the isles.” Roy looked at the blacksmith. “Don’t worry. The brotherhood will take care of you.” He whipped out the loot he gained from his trip to Skellige Isles, including but not limited to ekhidna mutagen, troll mutagen, a mountain of organs and teeth and claws.

“Take these to Letho and Kiyan. They’ll put these to good use.”

Serrit’s lips twitched. Did he strike down a whole monster den?

“Oh, almost forgot. Present for the kids.” A mischievous smirk curled Roy’s lips. He whipped out a sopping wet sack, yellow liquid dripping from the edges. A rancid stench quickly filled the air.

Serrit covered his nose and turned around, disgust filling his eyes. Even though he’d seen his fair share of horror throughout his life, the stench of whatever Roy whipped out still almost suffocated him. “What is in that sack? A shark’s excrement?”

“What? No. It’s good stuff. Pickled shark meat, whale meat, and pickled auk.” Roy grinned toothily, his brows wriggling. Mimicking the trolls, he said, “It smells bad and good.”

The smirk Roy wore made the blacksmiths shudder. Do not cross this guy no matter what.

“Make sure every kid gets a piece, especially the new apprentices and backups.” Roy handed the sack over to Serrit, who was already twitching. “Two pounds each. Tell them it’s a witcher trial, understand?”

Serrit shot Roy a glare. “This is going to kill them.”

“Still better than taking a dip in a shithole. Just do it. Oh, get me a bottle of ogroid oil and our school’s pufferfish toxin. I need them for something important.”


Yoana came into the House of Gawain. This was the first time in her life leaving the isles. Curious about everything, she looked around the wooden houses, her ponytail swaying. Some were reading and writing, some were fiddling with vials and vessels of a lab, and outside the fence, a few boys with soil-covered faces were tending to the tomatoes and eggplants in the fields. On the right side of the yard, twelve half-naked boys were eyeing their new guests curiously.

Then a lean man with sunglasses showed up and barked at them. The boys quickly crouched. A girl with silver-grey hair stood in the center of the yard, tersely ordering a dog around like she was a beastmaster. The wiener dog rolled around, spun, ran, sauntered, and did everything it was told. Eventually, exhaustion got the better of it, and it barked.

“What is this place, Serrit?”

“Roy didn’t tell you? The House of Gawain is an orphanage run by witchers.”

“Wait, who’s Roy?” Klaf’s heart sank, and he had a weird look on his face. “Do you mean Auckes? The guy who left?”

Serrit massaged his temples. Gods, what am I supposed to do with that lad? The damned brat goes around raising hell using my brother’s name. One of these days, Auckes is going to pay for some of Roy’s shenanigans. “That lad’s name is Roy. He’s in his rebellious phase and loves to pull pranks. The name of Auckes belongs to someone else.”

“Is that a joke? He’s not even a full-fledged witcher, and he managed to kill two ice trolls?” Klaf was in utter disbelief.

Serrit smiled and shook his head, then he led the blacksmiths to the smithy outside the fence. It was a small building made of rock and mud.

Yoana and Klaf were disappointed. The smithy’s equipment was lackluster, to say the least. The forge, its flames, and even the anvil seemed haphazardly slapped together, as if the witchers only needed something good enough for them. This was a far cry from the smithy back in Undvik.

However, it wasn’t totally useless. Serrit showed them a pile of diagrams that recorded the steps involved in making many incredible armor and weapons. There were even mentions of special alloy too. Even a veteran like Klaf was impressed.

“We have Wolf, Griffin, Viper, Bear, and Manticore gear diagrams. You can start on whichever you want,” said Serrit. “Make one set of each school’s gear. We have most of the components ready. If you have anything else you need, tell Vesemir. He’ll be back at night.”

“These diagrams contain a few types of metalcasting I’ve never seen before.” Klaf mused for a moment. “It’ll take at least three months to figure it out.”

“You have the freedom to push the progress as fast or as slow as you like. I have faith in your skills. Vesemir will tell you more about the research on dragon bones and scales.”

Klaf clenched his fists, excitement filling his eyes. He’d stayed in Undvik for decades, and rarely did he ever run into any challenge that could excite him. This was one of them. He had the privilege to research the mysterious witcher diagrams, but more than that, he was also privy to the development of gear made out of dragon parts.

“If you are less than happy with our smithy, we can go around Novigrad in the afternoon to make some purchases. It’s time to fix this place up. After all, this is going to be your workplace for quite some time.”


“A-Are they learning how to read and write?” Yoana glanced at the classroom, where the children were writing away. She looked a little envious, yearning to be in a classroom as well. She had never been to school her whole life. Her late mother was the one who taught her how to read, but it was only basic northern language.

“Yeah. General class. My colleague’s teaching them a bit of this world’s culture. Yoana, correct?” Serrit fell silent for a moment. “If you’d like, you can join the class every morning. Aside from blacksmithing, alchemy, and hunting, you may do as you please.”

“But this isn’t in the contract. I’m here to work, not to play.” Yoana shook her head nervously.

“Didn’t you see what Roy wrote at the end of the contract? Just think of this place as your home.”

The blacksmiths exchanged a look, and their tension melted away. The witcher was more approachable than they thought. They had a feeling this trip would be more vibrant and lively than they first thought.

“Get to know this place for a bit. I’ll introduce you guys to everyone else at lunchtime. They’re more than happy to make new friends.”


Roy teleported back to Undvik and made his way to the northern mountains. He passed through the mines occupied by the dead trolls and climbed up a ravine, eventually coming to a triangular cave entrance. The slope led downward, and the stench of blood formed ribbons in the air that led deep into the cave.

The witcher stood before the entrance, knocking on the air, excitement flaring in his eyes. “Hope you had a good sleep, ice giant. You’re about to have a rude awakening.”

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