The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Chapter Sixty-Five: Wrathful Assimilation (Illustrations!) (Arc 4 – Start)

Chapter Sixty-Five: Wrathful Assimilation (Illustrations!) (Arc 4 – Start)

In the depths of her Divine Skill—a place very few could have claimed to have ever seen with their own eyes—a chimeric High Elf was resting within the arms of a naked woman. With hair resembling the molten lava of an exploding volcano, a pair of ethereal dragon wings, and two crimson horns, this was a mere personification of the Essence of Wrath in a draconic form. The two were seated on a floating platform of black iron, surrounded by a sea of flames and wrath. In the distance, a never-ending cascade of liquid fire formed a mesmerizing waterfall, casting a glimmering projection of the outside world onto its surface. 

“There, my host,” whispered the Essence of Wrath. “Give your body to me and rest. Allow me to fulfill your whims and drown this irritating world in hell and brimstone. See? I know you’re enjoying the sight of watching those Bellerophon soldiers perish with a snap of my fingers. Even a fingertip’s worth of my flames is enough to prevent that powerful spell from harming us…”  

In contrast to the sweet words, the Essence of Wrath had no intention of fulfilling any part of their deal. Everything she said could be considered a lie.  

“Aaaa….Ggguuu… D…i…e…” groaned the High Elf, her eyes fluttering between dreaming and unconsciousness.   

“There, remain calm and allow me to fester within you. Hmm…” The Essence of Wrath stroked the High Elf’s head as if she was a mere pet. The projection in the distance soon showed the battle between her and the Dark Lord of Tyranny, and even that wasn’t enough to stir awake the Transcendent Dark Lord. Even after piercing the Lionfolk through the stomach and burning her and the pathetic shop she’d grown to love with divine baptism, the originator of wrath internally carried an outward grin.   

"As soon as I rid the world of Dirge, I shall unleash my wrath across the lands. Watch, my host, in your drowsy state, and try to comprehend one of my most powerful spells, [Sunfire Apocalypse]... Alas, it appears your mana is lacking. Nonetheless..." 

Another lie.  

Even if the outward Essence of Wrath reacted otherwise to the Dark Lord of Tyranny’s renewed vigor and subsequent clashes, leading to Spirit Lord Aetos getting involved in the fight, the metaphysical reflection keeping her host company was full of lethargy. She was mind-numbingly casual since most of her efforts were on the outside, not inside.   

When it came time to unleash the cold, frigid fury the Essence of Wrath developed specifically for slaughtering the Dark Lord of Tyranny, the internal caverns changed accordingly. The ocean of flames was replaced by liquid ice, and great, cascading glaciers were floating around the platform. The waterfall of fire was now a solid chunk of ice, and the Essence of Wrath’s internal appearance changed to match the one on the outside.   

“These…blue wings and horns… I’ll never forget how many centuries it took me to become their master,” she said, touching her azure hair. “And now… It is about to come to an end.” In the blink of an eye, the cavern became hotter than a volcano’s magma chamber before reverting to ice.   

Yes, the Essence of Wrath believed the fight was nearly over. Her enemy was encased in something the Dark Lord’s flames couldn’t possibly melt, proving once and for all that their previous encounter was a fluke. She smiled a sinister grin when she used her enemy’s power against her. [Tyranny Control] was exclusive to the Dark Lord of Tyranny. You could say she held the sole authorization to learn it. Therefore, she never quite had to taste that which she had used liberally in the past to sate her curse-fueled desires.    

“Aaaa…uuuu…gggg….n….oooo…” gurgled the High Elf. The Essence of Wrath looked down to see a quivering face, then turned her attention back to the projected image of the outside.   

But something wasn’t quite right. The expected cries the Essence of Wrath predicted would fill her ears never came. By all accounts, the Dark Lord of Tyranny should have been on her hands and knees, begging for the sweet release of death…  

But no.   

She stood as if nothing was happening to her, even though the activity log proved otherwise.    


The nearly infinite caverns rumbled as if the world was ending. A voice echoed to the high heavens, yet it didn’t come from the High Elf resting in the spirit’s arms.  The truth was far simpler. 


This time, the Essence of Wrath was shaken. She jumped to her feet, letting the High Elf slam into the metal platform they sat on. The glaciers started to crack, and the frozen waterfalls broke apart like weak clay.  


“SHUT UP!!! JUST SHUT UP AND DIE!” Panicked, the Essence of Wrath began to shout to the infinite caverns at whoever’s voice was speaking. “FINE! I’ll kill your ego for good! I’ll command the Dark Lord of Tyranny to take her own head! WATCH AS THE ONE YOU LOVE PERISH—"  

Before she could finish, the projected image showed the Dark Lord of Tyranny forcefully commanding her life to burn to the last embers—letting in the curse she was so ready to get rid of—just to save the one she loved the most.   

And that act did not go unnoticed.   

Nor did she let it pass her by.    

It was less than a daydream and more of a vivid hallucination. It almost felt like I was trapped in a world where nothing but pleasure filled my soul with what I had been missing my entire life. I was merely content with living out the days of my life in that wonderland because I knew this world would perish and die like the shit stain it was…  

But then something smacked me in the face. Power surged through my body, destroying my false paradise. The voice I’d been hearing was myself—a fragment of my ego that managed to hide itself and report the truth to me even as it was clouded by the venomous words of this wretched creature.   

With strength fueling my limbs, I stood without alerting the Essence of Wrath and strangled her little neck. Shocked, she turned her head so fast it detached from her shoulders, and those faltering eyes shimmered with icy tears.    

At the same time, and if the images I saw reflected the events happening, this harlot who had stolen my body was recoiling from my attempt to steal it back.   

“You cannot hope to win back your body,” said my strangled opponent. A crooked smile was carved on her face as my surroundings were ignited and returned to their original fiery appearance. She slinked back into liquid fire and drained to the ground.   

The cavern shook again. From a pillar of fire in front of me came the same woman I wanted to kill. With a snap of her fingers, her bare body was protected by flaming armor. I was naked as the day this mortal shell was made for me, but Amos’s Soul Warriors’ weapons remained in my mana.    

I wasn’t out of options as I summoned Reina’s pistol. 

“What chance do you think you have, weakling?” The insults flew from her mouth as she grabbed a flaming sword from the ground. “This is my domain—my arena. Flames that are the sole source of wrath surround us, and you’ve seen the cold, frigid fury I learned to master. They’re two sides of the same coin, and I am the sole wielder—”  

“Shut the fuck up,” I barked, letting loose a pair of bullets towards her head. Alarmed at first, my opponent stepped away and dodged my attack and rushed in. Yaekira’s daggers met their opponent, and we clashed, sending plumes of bleeding fire to engulf the arena. The more I struggled to gain the upper hand in this confrontation, the more the wild, flaming ocean rampaged.  

The Essence of Wrath’s chaotic laughter filled the cavern as I was launched backwards by a mighty swipe. I transfigured a pair of Batfolk wings and took flight, launching a hail of bullets with Reina’s gun. Two arms sprouted off my back and fired mystical, glowing arrows from Susize’s bow.   

A wave of my opponent’s arm summoned a crimson shield of crystalized fire, but it shattered instantly by my hail of projectiles. Simultaneously, we turned to the projected image on the lava waterfall to see Sekh display a brutal scene of gory devastation on her opponent.   

The Dark Lord of Tyranny was back, and her power was awesome!   

“Hahahaha!!! You’re scared! You’re fucking petrified of what she'll do to you!” The fear was visible. The internal Essence of Wrath I fought shivered as much as the one Sekh faced, but we wouldn’t let this chance pass us by!  

I was in here, she was out there, but we still fought together!!!  

I shot like a bat out of hell, slamming into my opponent with Beccy’s massive sword hefted overhead. Six arms supported it, and it smashed through the weakened platform, cleaving it, the spirit, and the sea of flames in half as if I was parting the Red Sea. The armor she wore? It was like paper. The two halves of her body tried to find refuge in the watery hellfire, but four clones appeared beside me and sacrificed themselves to throw that pathetic worm back to the arena.   

The Essence of Wrath screamed and cursed as she reconnected, brand-new wounds opening all over her body from the absolute beating Sekh was putting her through on the outside. With my wings giving me a speed boost, I leapt through the air with a raised fist, punching her across the chin as I straddled her chest. 

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! 

A third arm sprouted from my chest, firing ten shots into her heart while I took Yaekira’s daggers and jabbed them through her wide, frightened eyes. 

And then?  

I feasted on the weak.   

“You thought you could fuck me up? You thought you could pull a fast one on me? Huh? DID YOU FUCKING THINK SO?!”  


“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” I broke through her reformed chest and left a wide hole that did not heal immediately. The Essence of Wrath cried so hard the entire cavern shook, but I wasn’t done. Like an animal, I ripped her chest open, grabbing handfuls of its innards while stuffing my mouth.   

But I wanted more.   

Much, much more.  

My entire body became filled with a dozen mouths, and each one began to devour this son of a bitch, biting on large chunks of flesh and ripping into bloody organs, muscle, sinew, and bone.    

“STOP!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!” she shouted, writhing in pain.   

“SHUT UP!!!! SHUT UP!!!! THIS IS WHAT YOU FUCKING GET!!! WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!!!! HOW DARE YOU TRY TO TRICK ME!!!!!!” Anger grew by leaps and bounds, but that wasn’t what surprised me.   

I should’ve known this was coming because I was obligated to assimilate to grow stronger, but… 

New Skill: [Flame Immunity (Incomplete) (Lv. 10)] 

Incomplete? This fool had a second appearance, right? 

“If your flame mode grants me abilities, then I want more! Switch to your ice form, now!”  

The Essence of Wrath was screaming too much to hear what I said while being unable to look my way. Without any predetermined lock on my emotions, the anger I felt flowed relentlessly.  

There was no limit, gate, or dam to block these feelings.  

“I SAID DO IT!” I shouted, canceling my transfigurations. I grew four more arms and hands and fired a barrage of punches.    

When this miserable piece of shit was no more than a messy puddle of its flames, blood, and mutilated, gnawed limbs—unable to be recognized as the wielder of wrath and fury— she obliged. The frantic tears and rough state of her body vanished, replaced by a stern face of locked feelings and emotions. The ocean of fire surrounding us had turned into an icy tundra. Liquid ice and giant glaciers swam freely all around.  

But her face held a false façade-- one that broke with the front punch, which shattered a hole in her chest, revealing a heart of pulsing ice. Canceling my transfiguration, I summoned four boar clones and ordered them to eat their prey alive, starting from the limbs. They commenced the feeding, and I ripped out the icy, beating heart after breaking through the Essence of Wrath’s chest cavity.    

Amid her heretical screams of and worthless begging...I ate it whole and answered my gluttonous desire for more power.   

Standing up, I walked away to read my activity log while the boars continued to inflict their torture.    

New Skill: [Ichor Manipulation (Lv. 10)]  

New Skill: [Ice Immunity (Incomplete) (Lv. 10)] 

[Flame Immunity (Incomplete)] and [Ice Immunity (Incomplete)] have combined. Initializing new skill... 

New Skill: [Thermokinesis Immunity (Incomplete) (Lv. 10)] 

[Ichor Manipulation (Lv. 10)] was an ability to control my blood’s temperature that came with a side effect. It granted me immunity to any poison because I could scorch my blood to superheated levels to destroy any pathogen. Or I could freeze it and halt my bloodstream.  

Even that gas Bellerophon used would be as harmful as water to a plant. The one trump card they held was ineffective against me. The next time we met, I’d burn my blood and laugh at their worthless attempt to kill me.   

And then I’d slaughter them all. I wouldn’t stop until their strength was mine… 

Those fucking bastards… I’ll kill ‘em all… 

If I took [Thermokinesis Immunity (Incomplete) (Lv. 10)] at face value, heat and cold wouldn’t bother me. As a bonus, flame and ice skills, weapons, and spells ranked Lord Armament and below were outright nullified, if not heavily resisted against.   

That means Sekh’s flames can potentially hurt me, but a [Fireball] from Irisa would bounce off? Or would it dissipate? Does that mean the thread I weave will carry the same properties? I don’t see a reason why it wouldn’t. But it specifically states, ‘Lord Armament’ and below, meaning a skill obtained by evolving to a Holy or Dark Lord. The tier above that is Divine Armament, but is there something surpassing that? But what’s considered below Lord Armament? It’s so confusing that the same term refers to both equipment and skills usable only by Lords. Surely this means there’s a Divine Lord somewhere? Perhaps that’s the evolution past Holy or Dark Lord? Or even past Transcendent Dark Lord? 

If I’m not immune to flame and ice Divine Armaments, I guess it makes sense it’s an unfinished version. If you’re the essence of fire and ice, it stands to reason that fire and ice won’t hurt you that much unless it’s something insane. 

The sniveling spirit was a pathetic whimper—a shade of the unimaginable power I believed her to wield. The four boars each had a limb to gnaw on. I canceled the clones, and the Essence of Wrath quickly regenerated. Her gross cries followed when she scampered away to the edges of this self-repairing platform while shielding her face.    

"Disgusting. Get out of my sight—No, there is one more thing. I NEED YOU TO RELINQUISH CONTROL OF MY BODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I shouted, stomping back to my foe. Surrounded by liters of blood, body parts, and shame, she hugged her knees and rocked back and forth, evidence of my abuse plastered on her miserable face.   

“TAKE IT!!! JUST TAKE IT!!!!! PLEASE, DON’T HURT ME NO MORE!!!!!!!” Suddenly, a pair of crimson and azure orbs appeared.  

My visual escape into the outside world crumbled like disappeared, so I assumed control was given back. I was probably unconscious or something.  

The energy swallowed my body when I grabbed the orbs, yet it felt no worse than a tickle. 

Divine Skill: [Wrath: Flames of Inexhaustible Indignation] has evolved. Initializing new skill... 

New Skill: Divine Skill: [Draconic Essence of Wrath] 

New Title: Spirit Tamer 

The activity log mentioned the Divine Skill came with two other skills built into it. They were called [Ira Ignis] and [Furia Glacies]. I didn’t have to read their description to know they granted me access to the spirit’s flame and ice forms. Like its prior version, two dials were added to my HUD. One was red, and the other was blue, and they worked the same.    

Turning the red one to 5 granted me a pair of small, red horns, and the more I used it, the more draconic I would become at the cost of slowly losing my sanity. The blue dial represented a frigid, dead fury, which worked by freezing my feelings and only allowed me to focus on achieving direct results no matter the cost. The more I allowed fury to fester in my heart, the more drastic my appearance would alter. 

The power gained from these skills was incredible, but they were dangerous. Almost too much since I now knew the cost of using them to their full potential.   

Unless there was something I was missing, I couldn’t use both dials at the same time.    

Little snowflakes stopped raining from where my azure horns used to be as I turned the blue dial to zero. 

I took a deep breath. Looking back, the Essence of Wrath was still trembling in fright like some abused kitten.  

“How do I get out of here? Do I have to wait until I wake up?” I asked, expecting an answer from that sack of shit.    

“I believe I can help you with that, my lord,” said an unknown, familiar voice. I looked behind me to see the remains of white particles vanishing into the unknown, leaving behind a rainbow spec of prismatic energy.  

“I only know of one who calls me ‘my lord.’ Is that you, AI?”  

“Affirmative. Please do not let my current appearance frighten you. I have received enough knowledge and experience to be capable of evolution.”  

“Capable? You’re not evolved?”  

“No, I am not. That requires your assistance, my lord.” I asked what I needed to do. “Please, grant me a name.”  

“That makes sense. You’re your own entity, so I can’t keep calling you AI,” I said, thinking it over for a few seconds. Eventually, only a single option came to mind. “Tris. That’ll be your new name.”  

Not even a second after I spoke, gray mana surrounded the spec of energy as my activity log became filled with random nonsense I couldn’t decipher. 

[Hermes Trismegistus] has evolved. Initializing new skill... 

New Skill: [Tris: Fragment of Wisdom] 

Just a fragment? 

The mana swirled, taking a prismatic hue while forming a rainbow-esque portal. The few seconds I waited felt like hours, and eventually? 

Someone jumped through.  

 She was a woman who looked right at home in an old western. Her eyes were as azure as the ribbon hanging off her chest, and she wore a baby blue button-up shirt tucked into a white and light blue floral skirt that was longer in the back than the front. Her hair was as long as mine while being a similar color, although she had a cowboy hat. 


After touching the ground, she grabbed her skirt, bobbed a curtsy, and smiled, delicately balancing on those white-heeled boots.  

“My name is Tris. I am a fragment of wisdom at the behest of the Transcendent Dark Lord. My lord, I hope this form is pleasing to your eyes,” she said with a second bow, her voice containing a slight southern twang. “My apparel was etched into existence with help from the energy released during my evolution. I took their inspiration from the memories you shared with me. You could think of them as an extension of my body that I can call upon at any time.” Tris cited that my hopes, dreams, whims, and wishes were at the forefront of her mind—above all else. “I know your feelings on that matter, my lord, yet my prime directive has not changed. No matter the form I take, your success is what I was designed to encourage and support. Hmm? A frown? Are you displeased?”  

“No, I’m just doing some thinking... About what happened... But I much prefer you in this form than that rainbow pillar. Tris, it’s good to finally meet you.” I held out my hand, but she seemed slightly taken aback. She confusingly looked at it, then gracefully held it between her soft fingers. Kneeling, she kissed the back of my palm before standing.   

“Another frown? Did that displease you?” she asked, standing. I shook my head, keeping my thoughts to myself. It was...odd. Tris treated me how a servant would their queen, speaking with a formal tone and the utmost respect... Or as if my mere presence was more than she deserved. 


“That makes me happy. If I anger you in any way, please speak up. I do not dare wish to impede you by even an iota.” Tris smiled. “My evolution has increased the power of my skills. Please listen as I describe them to you. Until your body awakens naturally, you will remain here.”   

Tris’s voice was lovely and serene, and I found myself hanging onto her every word as she eloquently explained her upgrades. [Map] evolved into [Skyview], and that meant [Map]’s satellite mode was now the default. I couldn’t verify that since my mini-map wasn’t visible, but I took her word for it. The new enhanced mode was something Tris called streetview, which meant I could place myself at head level with everyone else to get a better look. 

[Storage]'s capacity increased tenfold and became [Void Storage]. The new limit was just shy of 40,000 pounds, so that was nice. [Analysis] turned into [Deduction], which was mostly the same, but it specialized in seeing through and identifying illusions.   

I guess Tris took the two failures to heart. 

Her databank, processing ability, and analytical engine received a major upgrade, and she said I could link my brain with hers to gain an eidetic memory without any additional stress. Tris's manufacturing capabilities were improved, too. Since she was her own entity with a body, the requirement of me making an item was removed. Well, either she or I had to make the item. 

Regardless, everything’s improved for the better. “Go ahead and link my mind to yours. I’m not sure if we had that already or not, but if we didn’t, make that connection and keep it that way until further notice.”   

“As you wish, my lord, that will be done. You may not feel the effects immediately, but you will reap the benefits soon. But that is not all. I have a present for you.” Tris pressed a hand into her chest to retrieve a glowing crystal.  

A Soul Crystal... This was my third time being presented with one. She explained that giving the Essence of Wrath control over my body tricked the [Soul Weapon System], or the SWS, into thinking I had maxed [Soul Armatization], the process of weaponizing my soul into its useable form. Before the system righted itself, Tris reached out to grasp the bootleg weapon the Essence of Wrath used, then tried her best to fix the errors, granting me something far before I was worthy of it.   

Yet again, I reached out to touch its shimmering surface as she held it. I expected it to disappear...  

But it didn’t vanish. No, the shimmering orb cracked like glass, the pieces slowly chipping off until I was staring at a revolver—one the United States's army used in the mid to late 1800s.  

A single-action revolver. It held the nickname ‘Peacemaker.’  

With a barrel length of 7.5” and an overall length of 13”, this weapon was canceled twice, yet due to popular demand, the manufacturer had no choice but to bring it back. In my eyes, just one other gun in the Old West that was just as popular.   

It doesn’t have any engravings on it, though. I’m just happy I can use such a legendary firearm. 

“Take it, my lord. Gain the power you so rightly deserve for achieving what no one thought possible.” Kneeling once more, she offered me the gun with both hands. I took it, wrapping my hand around the grip. Power surged through my body and filled the revolver, covering it with cracks. It shattered, the remnants disappearing inside me. 

But it wasn’t broken. 

No, it was far from that. 

[Soul Armatization (Lv. 2)] has increased to [Soul Armatization (Lv. 10)] 

[Soul Armatization (Lv. 10)] has reached its threshold. Unlocking Divine Skill: [Soul Weapon System]. 

New Skill: [Gunblade] 

New Skill: [Soul Energy] 

Colt Single Action Army is available to use.  

Winchester Model 1873 is available to use. 

“The gun that won the west?! Wait... Tris, how come I’m seeing their proper names? Those companies don’t exist in this world, do they?”  

“You are correct. The [Soul Weapon System] is taking information from your world and recreating the firearms you’ve read about to populate the system. Similar equipment can be found here, so it isn’t creating from nothing. Furthermore, [Soul Energy] is a resource exclusive to Soul Warriors. Please look at the crimson bar underneath your biomass.”  

“Okay, I see it. Guess that’s four things to keep track of now. Can you explain my Soul Weapons a little more? Give me the rundown on them.” Tris nodded. Every Soul Weapon had an inherent enchantment called {Soul Link}, which worked like {Mana Link}, but it used soul energy instead of mana. That also meant those with ranged weaponry as their Soul Weapons could fire them without bullets.  

However, I was an exception. Perhaps it was a flaw within the system—maybe failsafe was a better word since it prevented unauthorized use— but there was a {Soul Link} enchantment and a [Soul Link] skill. Usually, you were given the latter automatically, but Tris hung her head low and apologized she couldn’t recreate it. All was not lost, though, and after using my Soul Weapons and gaining experience with them, the skill could be forcefully learned—another failsafe, I suppose.  

Until then, I had to use bullets. Rather... I had to make them.   

Then she walked me through my Soul Weapon Evolution Tree, or the SWET, she called it. As the name suggested, it was like a massive tree within my Status Menu. The bottom-most highlighted icons were the Cold Single Action Army and Winchester Model 1873, two legendary guns from the mid to late 1800s. The locked icons were hidden with question marks. Focusing on them revealed nothing. Tris said they were either abilities or guns. In either case, acquiring more and unlocking the rest of my SWET was paramount to my revenge.   

I need to evolve my soul before I can make progress, though.   

Equipping them was as easy as retrieving Reina’s gun or Yaekira’s daggers. Just had to think about it for it to appear in my hand. But Soul Weapons came with sheaths, or holsters, in my case, and there didn’t seem to be a limit to the number I could have out at once since I had the rifle on my back and revolver on my hip.  

My naked hip, that was. It wasn’t attached to the skin; more like it was floating in the right spot to comfortably draw.    

I was stark naked, and I only realized I’d been flashing Tris the entire time. She didn’t seem to mind, though. It wasn’t like this was the first time she saw me like this considering she watched me have a threesome with Sekh and Irisa.   

I asked about the situation on the outside. The shame of giving control of my body to the Essence of Wrath would haunt me. There was no doubt about that. Ria was destroyed because of me. My hastiness in forcing the Bellerophon soldiers to clash with the chimera resulted in this…  

But killing Noelia was the catalyst…  

My actions brought that chimera to the city.  

The people that perished after Gloria came to town and fucked everything up? Their blood was on me. That went double for those innocents that fell after the Essence of Wrath came out. I saw the attack with my own eyes, but Sekh prevented any drastic harm from coming to my friends and family, right?  

She was merely resting and recovering from the fight, right? I asked for whatever information Tris knew, but…I didn’t want to believe any of it.   

Ria’s destruction?  

Sekh’s invoking of the curse via [Tyranny Control] to trade her life for the power to defeat the Essence of Wrath? Tris said Sekh was dead and alive—caught in a limbo between the two while encased in a coffin of Dark Mana-infused ice. It prevented her from outright dying and returning to the cycle of reincarnation.  

And Tilde? Tris suggested she went inside my body to accelerate her rebirth-- a form of maintenance for her.   

“The properties of [Sunfire Apocalypse] means your family will need specialized care to dilute the maladies they’ll face in the future. Lady Niva was protected by Primrose, and she emerged undamaged. Even—My lord?”   

I dropped to my knees and lost the strength to move.  

“My lord?!”  

Forming a fist, I punched the platform we stood on as hard as possible, screaming until my throat was red, raw, and constricted. The depths of my soul emerged as a ghastly wail…and I turned my Wrath to 25. Instantly, a pair of dragon wings and horns adorned my body, leaking pure fire.    

The flames rushing through the platform were out of control. Waves of liquid crimson splashed all around. Thunderous storms of brim and hellfire were born in the far corners of this infinite cavern, roaring in response to this untethered rage while illuminating the dark abyss surrounding us.  

I turned my head to the one responsible and stomped her way, ignoring her feeble cries.   

Until I woke up…I would punish this petulant piece of shit… No matter how long it took, I would make this bitch beg for death…and I wouldn’t grant it…  


Tris folded her hands over her stomach and watched, unaffected by the hellish cries and screams.  

She certainly wouldn't stop me. 

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