The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Chapter Fifty-One: Primrose, The Woodland Spirit – Part Two

Chapter Fifty-One: Primrose, The Woodland Spirit – Part Two

“That’s your past, huh?”  

“Yes, Mistress,” Niva whispered, raising an arm and allowing the hot water to sprinkle down through her fingers. “I still do not know who kidnapped me after that entity left.”  

We were outside in the bathroom, taking a nice dip in the pond. Since Niva was healed, I didn’t have to worry about making one part cooler for her, yet she and Primrose remained far away from Sekh and me. Tilde just floated on her back without any worry about her destination.  

“The Spirit Realm probably got pissed off. So many of their kind instantly died moments after being summoned. And you can’t blame them,” Tilde said. “But Mesalitos? That’s a fancy name.”  

“My liege, nobles are the only ones with last names. A commoner can be bestowed one should they achieve some feat that impresses someone socially powerful.”  

“...” Primrose glared at Sekh, who found it comfortable to rest her head against my shoulder while refusing to look away from Primrose. Once I threw her in the pond, she quickly began to heal because the entire area was slammed full of nature mana. She huffed angry bubbles through her nose, but we didn’t even give her the time of day.  

“Then I better take full advantage of the Vredi name. Do you hate your last name?” The cyclops nodded. I told her I’d get rid of it with [Status Cloak], and the AI did my bidding. Niva confirmed the name removal, and she thanked me.  

She’s blind, so how did she... 

Information transmitted via the Status Menu and activity log is transmitted directly to the brain, so those who cannot see can still use the systems of this world, my lord. 

Good to know. Thanks for the answer. 

“What the hell happened to you?” Primrose asked.  

“You don’t deserve to know. Remain in line, or you’ll become our firewood.”  

“What makes you so special? You’re a damn chimera?” 

“A damn chimera that had you at death’s edge.” I stretched my arms and asked Sekh if she could hold my hand, which she did with a smile and a lovely kiss on my lips. Primrose looked disgusted, but I didn’t care. She asked me why I would do something so ugly in front of her master, but I just said it was a simple kiss, and it wasn’t like I was about to fuck Sekh. Primrose turned to Niva and asked if she permitted me to have sex in front of her, and she nodded before describing her life with Noelia. She hadn’t covered that part, and it was just sad enough for Primrose to hug her summoner. 

“Primrose, my—our Mistress is the only reason I’m here right now. That you’re here right now. She didn’t have to save me, but she did anyway. I could’ve died... She could’ve assimilated me... A hundred things could’ve happened, but they didn’t.”  

“You can hate me all you want,” I told the spirit. “You can curse me from dusk until dawn, and I won’t care. Hell, I can’t get angry unless I turn a little dial to raise my wrath. You’re lucky it was only at 5. Any higher, and I’d have Sekh burn this place to the ground. For your safety, I’ll keep it at 0, but don’t piss me off.”   

“That fool shouldn’t sully your name because of her own issues,” Sekh said, rubbing her cheeks against mine. “Had I been in your shoes, she’d have gone the way of that volcanic flame spirit.”  

“Like I’m afraid of some slave. Why don’t you purr for your master like the good bitch you are.”  

“PRIM! Stop doing that! You don’t know Lady Sekh. Or her past.”  

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! Well, it’s been nice knowing you.” Tilde exploded into another fit of laughter.  

Sekh stood up and wrapped her right arm in [Black Fire]. Primrose skittered to her feet. Before Sekh moved, I grabbed her tail and fluffed it. She cutely yelped and sat back down, then she looked at me with a playful smile and extinguished the flames before they vaporized the entire pond. 

“What the hell are you?! You two are a bunch of goddamn monsters!” Primrose sat back down. 

“I’m of the same opinion as my liege. You aren’t worthy to hear it.”  

“I’ll just say this, Primmy. Don’t be a traitorous bitch. It’s as simple as that. You never know what kind of foes are waiting around the corner,” Tilde said. She flipped over to her stomach and doggy paddled around the hot spring. 

And don’t think I can’t see you when I’m not looking at you. I used that keyboard the AI made for me to type out a message to be displayed via waypoints. Primrose’s eyes went big and wide at the unknown power at my helm. The words disappeared, and she sunk more into the hot springs while staring at Niva’s face. Her eyes soon narrowed. 

“Wait, what’s that?” Primrose wooden horns twitched. Out of nowhere, she got to her knees and touched Niva’s cheeks with her hands.  

As a cyclops, Niva had just one eye—a large red one— located in the middle of her head. But why didn’t she flinch when Primrose rubbed it? It didn’t make sense...  

“Master, there’s an illusion on your face. Its source is...under your skin. Here, let me dispel it.” The spirit closed her eyes and focused, and suddenly...  

“Holy shit!” Tilde exclaimed when Primrose took a step away.  

Niva’s face...  

She still had one eye, but it was positioned on her face as if she had two. Her left eye was still red, and a check of [Analysis] confirmed her blindness was still there, but the spot where her right eye should have been was the rest of her face. It was like she wasn’t born with a second eye socket.  

At her core, she was still a cyclops and Lizardfolk half-breed, with a touch of elf to explain her penis. 

As it turned out, Niva was born with a genetic mutation—one common in her family and village. And even more surprising, it appeared Niva didn’t know about the illusion. But she added she overheard Noelia groaning about how disgusting her eye was. When Niva went to bed that night, she woke with a slight pain in her face. “She probably complained to Gloria, and she... Wait, under the skin? Fuck. Okay, let me think... Gloria could’ve implanted a small artifact to absorb mana from the atmosphere. If she used that to fuel the illusion... Then that’s the only thing I can think of. Doing that isn’t cheap, but I doubt that would break the bank of a Holy Lord.”  

"But that means there’s something where her second eye would be?”  


“Should I extract it?” I asked.  

“You could, but I’m totally sure it’s harmless. We know Gloria tracked Niva through that compass and tracking facility.”  

“Unless that’s a front. Would Gloria lie to her bodyguard?”  

“If that artifact transmitted Niva’s location, would Gloria not come for her? It doesn’t make sense, so I think we’re good. Unless she’s even more of an idiot than I thought and occupied the dungeon for the hell of it. I mean, that’s always an option. Even if it is unlikely.”  

“Why didn’t [Status Cloak] erase the illusion?” 

“The mana sustaining the illusion comes from the artifact. You can’t exactly get loyalty from an object that’s not alive. As for [Analysis] not detecting it? Remember what I said? How your skills learn and grow from using them? You gotta experience different things, too, and use [Analysis] on a lot of things. You haven’t encountered any illusions. And the AI doesn’t know how to identify them. But now it does, and it’s learning from this. When you and Kokan put the eye drops in, I assume the illusion was responsible for tricking your mind into thinking it was going in that false eye. In reality? You were putting them in the real one. And before you ask about Chax and Ginnie’s goblin larvae, you knew ahead of time that they were raped. So [Analysis] knew to look for something. It’s a different situation.” 

It is as the Conduit says, my lord. There is no record of encountering any illusions in the past, therefore, it was not detected. After reanalyzing Niva’s data, missing information regarding the illusion and artifact were found and added to [Analysis]’s capabilities for future use.  

Highlight it under Niva’s skin. 

Suddenly, I saw a glowing, red orb where Niva’s other eye would’ve been. It was about an inch deep in her head.  

“Your eye is beautiful, my summoner. Do not heed the words of those foolish enough to not see your beauty,” Primrose whispered, holding Niva’s hand.   

“Your eye is pretty, Niva. It’s a wonderful color,” I added. Her expression softened. Perhaps she was worried we’d find it gross? I asked if she wanted me to remove the artifact, but before getting into how painlessly it would’ve been, Primrose erupted into a flash of anger.  

“Look, I don’t have time for this shit. Niva, it’s up to you. I promise you’re just going to feel a little bit of pressure but no pain. It’ll be done in a few seconds.”  

“Master, you don’t have to—” Niva nodded, silencing Primrose. The spirit argued, but her arguments consisted of trashing me and everything I stood for. A piercing stare shut her up for the next ten minutes. Sekh walked with me to Niva, standing in front of the spirit while I knelt.   

“My thumb’s going to transform into a sharp needle. I know exactly where the artifact is, and I just need to touch it—even brushing it will work. And see? I’m already done,” I said, performing the short operation and returning my finger to normal.  

“It’s...done? That fast?”  

“Yep.” I retrieved the artifact from [Storage] and looked it over. Really, it was a black, eye-shaped orb with white computer-like circuit lines. Primrose huffed and puffed and used a leaf she grew from her arms to stop the bleeding...  

But the little hole was already healed. 

  • Tiny Mana Generator (1/10) 
  • Atmospheric Mana Recycling 

Yep. It was a generator. With ten enchantment slots, I could probably get a decent chunk of money for it. But for the time being, it would reside in my storage. 

But wait... That means Gloria drilled a divot into Niva’s skull to fit this orb. Then made it so the rest of her skull healed around it. How fucking horrifying... That bitch is going to die... I swear it... 

When it was time to get out, I was partly surprised at Primrose’s ability to manufacture clothing from her skin. It took seconds for her to create an odd bra of green vines connected to yet another waist cloth. Only this time, it had a piece to cover her ass. Brown mana collected around her feet as a pair of wooden high heels appeared.  

The atmosphere was tense when I left to get the AI some new books because they had read them all. Thanks to stuffing my storage full, it now had a capacity of 450 pounds, enough to stash what I hadn’t read. I also had some space left over, so I went around to the different wardrobes and stored clothing that fit myself and Niva. Sekh refused to wear them, and Primrose could dress herself. 

Huh, I’d have expected her to say something about my cock. Like how big or ugly or disgusting it is, but she kept her mouth shut. Probably because Niva has one. Sure, she’s much smaller than I am, but I guess she doesn’t want to hurt her master’s feelings. Better get some for Erin. 

I returned to the room with Sekh and Primrose arguing again, but my presence quieted the troubling spirit. With a huff, she sat beside Niva, comfortably under the covers, and crossed her legs. I joined Sekh at the foot of ours, and we talked about the plan.  

“Surely you aren’t serious. Even for a trashy monster like yourself, that’s too much of a risk for my master. I refuse to permit you to do it.”  

“Like you even have a choice, firewood,” Sekh replied, barring her teeth. She and Primrose went together like oil and water.   

“It’s going to take us about three days to get back. Maybe even one more. There are thirteen people in Oswell’s group, including the leader himself. I know it won’t be easy, but that’s a lot of power. And they’d never suspect me because I have my clones. They can cause some chaos to provide me opportunities. If I can slip inside their mouth as a slime, I can pump their whole body full of poison. Or I can expand outwards and burst from their stomach. And even if it comes to it, I will demand your assistance.”  

“Excuse me?” Primrose stomped and stood up, then shook her head while glancing towards the door.  

“You’re from the Eagle Yew. That's a yew tree, and I know those are poisonous. You grow branches from your body while leaving behind primrose flowers. Logic dictates you can grow yew berries or manufacture their sap.” 

“Like hell I will. I won’t participate in your sick murder games so you can get your disgusting thrill.”  

“Primrose! Mistress needs our help. We must help her. They say they aren’t slavers, but that’s what they’re doing. One of the girls was falsely accused of stealing.”  

“And that girl is going to help me rob her mother,” I added. “I’m broke as hell until Amos’s clothing sells. And Karen Barclay is a total bitch. In fact, I might even kill her. But the money comes first. But no, Primrose, I won’t force you to help me.” 

“Bullshit. You almost--”  

“That’s because your actions were in danger of sabotaging the group. Betrayal equals death. I can’t be soft on this path I’m walking down. I’ve already killed a handful of fools, so what's another thirteen? Or even a spirit? Anyway, that’s the end of that.” I walked over to Niva and grabbed her hand. “Primrose is your responsibility, so keep in her line. I’d rather you have no spirit if the one you do have will cause the death of us. And you, this is your one and only warning, Primrose. If you screw up, and I decide you must die, then you will die. I’ve been betrayed too many times to have it happen again. I will not tolerate it from anyone. Not again. Not ever again...” 

Primrose fumed so hard the tiny flowers blooming on her branches died before she reverted to a small brown, circular crystal about the size of a baseball. A spirit didn’t have to stay out all the time. In fact, sometimes it was better for them to turn back into their crystal because, to materialize, it required a chunk of their summoner’s mana. Primrose, for example, drained 15% of Niva’s mana if she was out walking around. And that would not regenerate until she was back in her crystal.  

Niva was left whimpering alone, and I sighed and hit the hay myself. 

What the fuck was that back there? I sounded so much like Meruria... I didn’t like it... But I need power. Niva was saved for that reason. If Primrose doesn’t change her attitude and tries this stupid stunt one more time, she’s dead. I’d rather have a useless spirit than a traitor. I refuse to be betrayed again. 

I’m no hero. I’m a villain. My goal won’t end with fewer than a million deaths. 

I must remain steadfast. 

I must keep in mind what’s important. 

The opportunity to gain a shit ton of SP and power fell to my feet, and I will see it through. 

If I can’t even do this...why the fuck did I swear revenge? Damn it, I can’t focus feeling like this. 

Rolling out of bed, Sekh quietly stared as I approached Niva. She heard my footsteps and leaned up, her eye slick, wet, and reddened by her tears. 

I gotta get used to her eye placement. 


“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare or frighten you. You’re a close ally, not someone I need to pick a fight with.” I sat beside her, took her real hand, and held it between mine. “I promise I’ll never hurt you. I hope you can forgive me, and I hope you can believe me.”  

“Mistress...” repeated Niva. She shifted and hugged me the best she could. I sat there with her against my chest while rubbing her back. 

Shit... I feel like an abuser. Goddamn it, 

“I know you wouldn’t hurt me. I really do. I’m...glad you’re here. I’m only alive because of you... And you took that thing from my head. I want to live up to your standards—to travel with you on your journey. Mistress, thank you for saving me...” Niva whispered. I doubt she even knew she was talking, to be honest. She was drifting in and out of a slumber.   

I didn’t know what it was...perhaps maternal instincts from Beccy? But I lifted Niva and sat her sideways in my lap, my arms around her waist and gently rubbed her back, brushing my fingers against a few of her purple scales. She still wore the white wig until her hair grew back, but I softly massaged that, too.  

The poor girl had gone through a lot. And she was tiny—petite, possibly underweight. Almost like a fragile stick that would break if pushed slightly beyond its nonexistent limit. She was supposed to be in my care. She was supposed to find a new life with me, not relive the old fear she used to harbor. Her powder blue skin trembled nearly non-stop.  

And I did the one thing I said I wouldn’t do... Primrose’s potential betrayal wasn’t an excuse for making it seem like I wanted to kill Niva. 

I just saw red, but that was no excuse. 

I wasn't like Meruria. I'd never be someone as vile or repulsive as that bitch.  

A promise left my mouth. Tilde said a spirit could hear and see from their crystal, so this message was for Primrose. It wasn’t a threat, but it was a promise. One I made to reassure her I had her summoner's best interest in my mind. I wanted to be the woman who, once she accepted someone into her extremely tiny circle of trust, did all she could to help and protect them. And Niva was someone I wanted in that circle.  

“Sekh, I’m---”  

“I understand, my liege. There is no need to say it,” she replied with a cute smile.   

“I love you. Goodnight.”  

“I love you too.” Sekh laid her head on the pillow and drifted asleep while I held Niva close to my chest. This was my apology. I was a woman of my word, so for tonight...I’d use my actions to prove what I told her. It wouldn’t make up for the fear she felt during those tense moments, but... 

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