The Chimeric Ascension of Lyudmila Springfield

Chapter Eighty-Five: Relationship Growths – Part Five

Chapter Eighty-Five: Relationship Growths – Part Five

Tris and Tilde were in the bath, and my fairy asked me to wait on the bed.  

“So, how’d I do?” I asked Surtr, who walked over before plopping down near my leg.    

“You’ve assuaged Erin’s worries, but they remain. But words that could’ve helped have already been spoken. The onus is on her to love herself and cast away the doubts cladding her heart.”  

“Could I have done anything else?”  

“That is neither here nor there, Lord Springfield,” said the wise lion. He licked his massive paws, and I knew what he was getting at. I said what I had to say. Maybe... My phrasing could’ve been different, but my words weren’t rehearsed. They came from the heart. And that mattered the most.   

“Do not forget about the mass grave, Lord Springfield.” Surtr reminded me that Tris convinced Lady Gretchen to dump the Atrixian corpses into a single, large grave. Surtr assisted in digging it.   

“Shit, you’re right.”  

Tris, sorry to interrupt you, but can you place a waypoint on that grave for me? The one with the Atrixian soldiers? I’m sending a clone to assimilate the bodies.   

As you wish! Shall I mark the graveyards that carry the deceased Plymoise soldiers? I estimate it will take three hours to assimilate them, and the clone can accomplish it without leaving proof of their visit.   

Yes, please. Thank you.   

Anytime, my lord!  

 I expanded my map, saw the overload of waypoints only visible to me, and created a clone. It transformed into a bird and left through the nearest window, and I only had to sit back, wait, and reap the rewards. Just like that—another few thousand SP and much-needed life force would be mine… I felt like a bank. I had so much SP, and what to spend it on? I didn’t have to be conservative—not at this point. But I could also dish it out to Niva. And Tilde, too. And I couldn’t forget about Sekh. Maybe Erin? She’d have to pledge loyalty. That left a sour note in my mouth, and I hated it. That requirement... Could I change it?  

But I could think about it later. Instead, I extended a hand to Surtr’s soft fur and scratched his chin. He purred and ‘pulsed’ his flames before flopping over. Oh, he was just so goddamn cute! He loved the attention.   

Umm… Tilde requests that you close your eyes, my lord.   


And… Forgive me, but may I block [Skyview]? For just the moment? She doesn’t want you to peek.  

That’s fine.   

I closed my eyes, heard the door open, felt Surtr return to my bracelet, and…  

“Come on, Master! Open them bad boys!”  

“Wow…” I was stunned. My lovers wore the sexy underwear I’d gotten them, and it…enhanced their beauty.   

Tris’s was all red with pink highlights around her panties. The smooth lace was thin and transparent in a few key areas, and those stockings accented her lovely thighs.   

And Tilde’s was bold. The all-black fit wonderfully with her hair and eyes. And that playful smile? She puffed out her chest to jiggle her womanly assets, then ran a slender finger along her garter belt before posing.    

They were jaw-droppingly gorgeous.  

“Eh? You know, silence is the reaction a girl can get. It means her lovey-dovey Master is too star-struck by her beauty! Ah, make that two girls, yeah?” She skipped behind Tris and hugged her, sensually rubbing her stomach. “And this brings me to something else. Master, we gotta have a little chat about something.”  

“About what?” Tilde’s voice shattered my daydream, but I wasn't upset. I'd live that fantasy in a few minutes 

She escorted Tris to the bed. The two sat beside me and took my hands. “About us. You love me, don’t ya?”   

“Yes? I thought that went without saying.”  

“It does, but play along. It’s important. And you love Tris…?” I nodded. Tris blushed and wagged her tail. “That’s good. I love you, and she loves you. So, we’re good there. But Tris and I love each other, too.”  

“I know that. I don’t know what you’re getting at.”  

“You, me, Little Miss AI… Our relationship is special. We’re all about supporting each other, not just one person.”  

And then it hit me.  And I smiled. “And because of that, it’s greater than the sum of its parts?”  

“Hehe! I knew you'd catch on. Boundaries, clarifications, and communication? They're like the cornerstones of keeping a relationship strong and healthy. We’re not just dating you. We’re dating each other. And when Little Miss Tyranny is back?”  

“Our love for each other will only grow.”  

“Yeppers! Right on the money.” Tilde flashed a cute smile. And she was right. They weren’t solely devoted to me. This wasn’t some harem.   

I would never, ever desire that.   

“I believe the word is polycule, but I might be wrong. So, imma call it a throuple. The term’s cuter.  And when Sekh’s back? Umm… A quouple? Scratch that—I’ll workshop it later. Anyway, we love each other. We care about each other. That’s the vital part.”     

“You’re right. I only care that I’m with you two. And… You know it might make me happy if you two go on cute dates.”  

“Dates, huh?”  

“Yep. A relationship is more about sex. And I’m not an expert. But dating is a part of that. I might be busy with something one day. Or I might be on an errand. Instead of waiting for me to return like some widow staring out at sea for her husband, love each other. Have some fun. And then?” I lowered my voice to a whisper for no other reason than unnecessary dramatic effect. “You have to tell me all about it. Without leaving any details.”   

“Wow…” Tilde grinned and gave me a quick kiss. “Oh, my little ‘mera grows up so fast…”   

“Only because she had the world’s cutest fairy to teach her how to be a worthy lover. I took your advice to heart. I’ll never forget it. Not even for a moment.”   

“I really mean that much to you?”  

“More than you’ll ever know. It’s hard to believe that crude little fairy I killed is sitting here.”  

“Eergh… Don’t… Please don’t remind me… You don’t know much I cringe about the brat I used to be! Why did I ever think it was okay to act like that?! Seriously?! What was going through my mind…? Okay, I did it to lower the tension, but goddamn I was ticking myself off.” Tilde shook as if she had the shivers. “You’ve got a lot of patience.”  

“Well, maybe I knew you were worth it. Good things come to those who wait, right?”  

“O—Okay… That was smooth… Like really smooth… Geez, my heart’s about to fly outta my chest.” Tilde was flustered, and her flapping wings reflected that.    

“I’m sure I can be a lot smoother. And you, Tris.”  

“Yes?” She fluttered her pretty eyes and smiled. She was just so adorable. I felt blessed to feel her love. “I’m glad you came into my life. I mean, I owe so much to you and your abilities. Over half the things I’ve accomplished? It’s because I had your support. So thank you, Tris, for supporting me all this time.”   

“My lord, I…” Tris was speechless, but she cried. The tears were elicited from happiness, not sadness, which made the difference. Those were okay to shed because it meant I was doing something right. A being who never knew love until they became a ‘monster.’  

Was it ironic?  

Did irony even matter?  

“Aww… Man, I wish I had a cellphone… This would be perfect as a background photo.”  

“What? Two almost naked girls crying?”  

“Can’t forget about their adorable Master! But geez, it’s more about snapping the happy moments, you dope.” Tilde gently poked my nose before laughing. “Anyway… It seems our sexy clothes are more effective than we thought. Don’t think we haven’t noticed your…generous friend wanting to come out. Ah, but the beast is trapped, and I believe it’s up to Tris and me to free it from its confounding prison.”  

And now she’s playing it up? Eh, this is Tilde. She’s probably rehearsed this or something.   

“You were backed up for a month, and I know last night and this morning wasn’t enough to properly relieve you.”  

She stood, grabbed Tris’s hand, and skipped a foot away before turning and posing. Yep. This was pre-planned. “It hasn’t been a day, but I think you flipped a switch in Tris’s mind. Her poor little databanks could not get your steamy moments out of her mind.”  

“How so?”   

“Let’s just say Little Miss AI, instead of washing up, selfishly did something selfish while watching a waypoint animation of when you and she went at it in the bath.”  

“Tilde! You said that would be our secret!”  

“Teehee!” She stuck out her tongue and winked.    

“Ohh...” Tris was on the verge of crying  

“I think that’s just adorable,” I said.   

“My lord?” Tris looked at me with those bright, beautiful eyes as I approached and wiped her tears.

“I said what I said. Next time you do it… I want to hear it, okay? Fill my mind with your voice.”  


“Good!” Tilde smooched Tris and apologized. “With that settled, you ought to know that your favorite fairy took it upon herself to give Tris some schooling when we were in the bath. You’ll be surprised by what the ole girl has learned.”  

“I can’t wait.”  

“Mmm... That’s the answer I was waiting for. Well, I guess Chax won’t be the only one not sleeping...”  

“I can say the same to you two.” I caressed their faces.  

“That’s what a girl likes to hear. Anyway… It’s time for the Tilde and Tris show to begin…” Tilde ‘pushed’ me to the bed, skipped back to Tris, and…  

Well, tonight…wasn’t going to end anytime soon.      

There was a commotion at breakfast. A Horsefolk messenger from the ministry showed up right as we sat down. He handed me a letter, bowed, and left.   

I scanned it over, then told my family Tris, Surtr, and myself were scheduled to depart in the morning. I asked Surtr if he could pull the carriage Gretchen was preparing for us, and he didn’t mind. I was sure she would have a horse ready, but I trusted my lion more than some random animal.   

I told Irisa that this would be the last thing. Once I returned, we could find a healer for Sekh while searching for Grandma and Grandpa.  

The letter also stated they were working on our ship. While not regularly scheduled, ships had sailed from Plymoise to Atrix and back with supplies. And that was on top of the wagons Gretchen had sent.   

Dusk arrived, and we had a farewell dinner. Delouise had told the chefs to make a feast worthy of a hero, and there were around 18 serving carts. Eight were filled with meals befitting a High Elf’s strict dietary restrictions. The others were filled with other equally succulent meals containing meat.   

Of the ones for me, my favorite was the herb-stuffed tomatoes. The ripened tomatoes were hollowed and filled with tasty herbs, breadcrumbs, and nuts, then basked in a wood fire oven. But the mushroom-roasted root vegetables were delicious. The shrooms were naturally sweet, which complimented the vegetables nicely. But the vegetable skewers were marinated in a light herb dressing before being turned over a fire. The peppers were just the right amount of spiciness without overpowering the sauce.   

Surtr and the other lions were given steaks bigger than his head. Delouise said it wouldn’t befit the inn’s astounding reputation if the valiant lions weren’t rewarded for their hard work.   

Surtr and the others gave the inn's manager a mighty roar and tore into their bloody meals.     

All in all, it was an exciting night.   

But I didn’t have a good time… On the outside, I did, but on the inside?  

I was fuming. And my target was Primrose. I had given her the past few days to come clean with her secret.  

And she knew it.   

Why else would she avoid me at every turn? Or encourage Niva to return to their room to continue their training? It wasn’t like I totally avoided Niva. We still talked. And I still helped her train throughout the day between spending time with Mom and Dad. But Primrose… She always made up an excuse to have something else to do.    

I was going to change that.    

It was after dinner… That was when I knew my death was approaching.   

On second thought, perhaps the realization came earlier.   

It wasn’t when Lord Springfield entered the room and asked to speak with me.   

It was when she returned from Atrix and stared at me with those mystical, glowing eyes that saw what even my summoner couldn’t perceive with [Mana Perception].   

My summoner seemed nervous. Niva was bright. Now that she could see, she intently focused on the small details other people would’ve missed, but she believed in her lord more than anything else.   

She would never believe that her lord was about to kill me. And I tried my best to keep things amicable.   

But the stress? The guilt? The betrayal that had wracked my body since the day that eagle decided to use me as a spy?  

It took all I had to remain composed. Even then, I never once entered a restful slumber. The fear had only increased when Lord Springfield shared a desire to train [Mana Perception] with my summoner.    

The eagle was a Spirit Lord. His mana could only be seen by the sharpest of eyes. It was a fool’s prayer to hope that Transcendent Dark Lord wouldn’t have reached that level before I had a chance to explain.    


Lord Springfield and I left the inn under the cover of darkness. After summoning her wings, she grabbed my wrist and flew away. I hung like trash—dangling from my wrist…  

We were in the middle of nowhere when Lord Springfield landed. She tossed me away like garbage and summoned a firearm.   

“Do you know why we’re here?”  

Her voice echoed… Her tone was dead—devoid of wrath, anger, excitement, or any other emotion.   

It was just…flat.   

She must’ve set her Wrath to 0.   

Since my death was imminent, did it matter if I spoke? If Lord Springfield didn’t end my life, the kill trigger held by my original creator would’ve done the job.   

Dead ends surrounded me from my inevitable fate. It didn’t matter where I looked because I was destined to perish.  

My summoner…  

She’d be sad…  

She’d be upset…  

My death would destroy her if she knew Lord Springfield was responsible. But I had a plan. The very same thread Lord Springfield wrapped around my core to protect me from fire and ice was etched with a letter detailing the false truth I wanted her to share with my summoner.   


My sweet, kind-hearted summoner… 

Forgive me… 

“You cried in my arms, Prim. We shared a moment on the boat. It was a sensitive, touching scene… Did it mean nothing to you? You still found it necessary to betray me? Why? Please, just tell me why…”  

Lord Springfield bared her feelings. Her pistol's unsteady grip hinted at more than what she showed.    

“I loved you, Primrose… You should’ve confided in me on the ship. Or after we arrived at the inn. Or you could’ve told Tris when I was in Atrix. Or when I got back. Or any time at all. So why did you lie to me? Why did you choose to remain quiet? Why are you repaying my kindness with deception?”  

Again, a crossroad awaited me. Did it matter which path I took? Death awaited me at either end. Lord Springfield couldn't do much about the remote detonation attached to my core.  Even if…I begged for her to demand my loyalty, it…wasn’t guaranteed I would live.  

Could [Status Cloak] break the link when something was already grasped?  

My death…  

It would be for the better…  

My summoner needed one final push. At this point, Niva was holding herself back. Her predetermined cognition surrounding her strength was the last hurdle she needed to clear.   

And my death would give her the encouragement. Niva would use the hatred of Aetos to further fulfill her desire to become the Transcendent Dark Lord’s spirit summoner—wielder of a draconic spirit. She wouldn’t fall to hatred. I knew Lord Springfield and Tilde would see to it.   


It was handled.   

And Lord Springfield would assimilate my corpse after she received the pleasure of killing me. With her being partially made of a spirit, a brand-new world of strength would be open.    


The gilded path was clear.   

My death was all that was necessary.    

“Why won’t you say anything? Speak. That’s an order.”  

I… My lips are quivering too much… It’s…  


A gunshot rang out, and I felt an intense heat in my shoulder. But I refused to cry from the pain. It was my just punishment.    

“Nothing? Still? Answer me, Primrose.”  


“Answer me.”  


“Answer me.”  


Two to the knees. One to the shoulder. Yet I remained kneeling while my sap-like blood oozed from the wounds.   

I once believed dying would be scary.   

But I felt calm.   

I felt…at ease…knowing my life was about to end.   

I wouldn’t be forced to be a spy anymore. The future heartache and disappointment I were sure to bring?  

It wouldn’t happen…  

“I guess… Shit… Niva probably knows, doesn’t she? Why wouldn’t she? She must’ve seen it. She must’ve known it linked you to Aetos…” 

My eyes went wide. I wanted to shout that my summoner was still too weak to see it. But would I get the words out before Aetos killed me?  

No! I must send a message! Lord Springfield, please… Understand what I’m about to do…  

I covered the bullet holes with bark and stood. Lord Springfield glanced over with a dead look. And she shared the same disappointed expression when multiple vines lashed out from my back.   

“You won’t even tell me what I did wrong? I don’t even get that much?” She sighed again. Her sharp eyes watched my vines meticulously, waiting for the moment they tried to pierce her heart.  

But then her eyes narrowed when I jabbed four forward. Lord Springfield swatted them away like nothing and fired a bullet, grazing my cheek.   

It was a back-and-forth brawl—but it had to look genuine. I had to fight as if I wanted to kill.   

That eagle would know the difference otherwise, but it didn’t matter. I was far too weak to even inflict a glancing wound. My vines struck true and failed to penetrate her skin. [Razor Wind] harmlessly bounced off after being unable to draw blood.  

I threw everything I had at her…and it was nothing. Lord Springfield's overwhelming was spectacular. 

“Just stop this. Tell me what I want to know.”  

My arms, legs, thighs, neck, and cheeks were wounded from her precise aim as Lord Springfield demanded an explanation of my actions. She didn’t fight to kill. She merely wanted to disable me.    

But then…  

I saw it…  

Her waypoints, as she called them, and they spelled a single command.  

Only I could see.    

“I’ll give you my everything, Lord Springfield!”  

Primrose shouted that sentence when Tris and I figured out what was going on. The floating words only I could see with my enhanced eyes said Niva was too weak to see the connection between Prim and Aetos. And if she couldn’t say it out loud…   

Aetos had to have had a tight grip on Primrose’s life  

Immediately, the loyalty aspect was activated. Tris configured [Status Cloak] to end all connections Primrose had to that eagle.    

“I hate Aetos! I hate him so much!” Primrose’s words echoed with a mixture of anguish and rage, her voice trembling with the weight of her emotions as she dropped to her knees, ignoring the wounds I had given her. Each syllable carried a deep-seated resentment, a burning hatred that consumed her from within. In her frustration, she lashed out, her fist colliding with an unforgiving rock, an act of defiance against her creator. The impact shattered her wood-like skin, but it was a physical manifestation of the inner turmoil that plagued her.   

She felt trapped, a pawn in a game she never asked to be a part of. The realization gnawed at her soul. Aetos had crafted her with a predetermined destiny, stripping away her autonomy and free will. No matter how hard she fought against it, the strings of her existence remained tightly entwined, pulling her towards a path she despised.  

The relentless struggle against her predetermined role had left her weary. Countless attempts to break free had proven futile, leaving her with a bitter taste of defeat. Yet, amidst her desperation, a flicker of determination burned within her. She yearned to defy her purpose, to forge her own destiny, and to reclaim her agency. She admitted Aetos couldn’t delve into her personal thoughts. It couldn’t read the letter she had imprinted on the threads protecting her core.    

Primrose… The game was rigged from the start. There was never any hope for her… He didn’t care about her…  

But she was willing to go against her creator—to even lay down her life—all for the sake of helping Niva and myself. 

There it was again... Living just for me... Just like Irisa had done... 

Tris, your thoughts?  

It doesn’t make sense. Aetos having a hold on Primrose’s core and threatening to kill her would be antithesis to his goal, which I presume would be cleansing Lady Sekh of her curse. He must be aware of it since we've discussed it near her. He realizes you hold the best chance of ending the Dark Lord of Tyranny’s eternal conquest for world destruction. The eagle wouldn’t risk your anger.   


I believe that, at one point, Aetos did what Primrose thought he had done. But not any longer. I presume her mental instability made her assume a link was still active. Furthermore, when I confirmed the mana flow, it only traveled one way. And it had amassed itself at the Eagle Yew without any signs of being utilized.   

Aetos likely canceled the link from his side out of respect. Or maybe from a mutual understanding, but Prim believes the opposite? She’s still sending, but he’s not receiving? He could be trying to return it, but she’s not accepting?  

Yes. The one truth Primrose believes is false. Yet she cannot accept it.    

What a clusterfuck.    

But what did that say about me? I trusted Prim. Ever since we shared that moment on the sinking pirate ship, she was someone I loved and cared for. Evidently, it wasn’t a strong enough bond because I immediately believed she had betrayed us.    


“Lord Springfield…”  

“No. Let me talk.” I kneeled and held her hands. Tris purchased [Healing Magic] and bought and leveled [Spirit Heal] to Lv. 10. Immediately, the damage I had inflicted vanished at a whopping 2% of my mana. I told her…I was sorry. I should’ve realized something was wrong. She had tried to inform me in her own way, but I was too inexperienced—too immature to see the truth when I desired what I wanted.  

Perhaps I wanted to kill her? It could’ve been an innate desire.   

But not anymore.   

Definitely…not anymore… after what I’d seen. Sure, it was fabricated by her mind, but even still, Prim was willing to die. 

I...didn’t want her to die...for me. I wanted her to live. I wanted her to be happy.  

Primrose eventually fell asleep in my arms, and I held her gently as we flew back to the inn. She awoke right as we landed.   

“Tell Niva what you told me, okay? Don’t hold anything back. She’s your summoner. Trust her with your feelings and worries. It’ll only make you two stronger in the long run.”  

“I will, Lord Springfield.” Primrose offered a small smile. She rubbed her arms and looked…not so uncomfortable as probably confused. She never expected to be alive at this point. She nodded when I asked if she wanted to talk. “But it’s difficult to find the words. It’s hard to think straight.”  

“Take all the time you need, okay? When I return from the Heptarchis, we'll talk then. Does that sound good?”  

“It does…” Primrose partly flinched when I hugged her, but she didn’t fight. She wrapped her arms tighter around my back and apologized in a weak, frail voice.   

She let go, and I watched her ascend the stairs, leaving me alone in the lobby with two maids who had silently watched.   

Are you coming to bed? 

I am. What’s Aetos doing? 

I don’t know. He has returned to the Eagle Yew, and I cannot see inside it. But since he has already canceled the link from his side, I predict he isn’t aware of what happened.  

Maybe that’s for the better.  I’ll be up in a sec, okay? 

I’ll be awaiting you, my lord.   

I couldn’t deny my fuck up. If I were a better woman, I’d have realized Primrose needed help long before this point. Any excuses I made were just that—excuses.  

I needed to be better.  

I had to be better.  

And I would be better.   

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