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The Ascension Age

The Ascension Age

The Ascension Age

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6 months ago
The Big Bang! It’s the phenomenon known for being responsible for the Universe’s birth.... Read more The Big Bang!It’s the phenomenon known for being responsible for the Universe’s birth. Except for those who were religious fanatics, most people had already come to at least partially accept this theory.As years passed, more proof that the Big Bang was the phenomenon that gave birth to the Universe continued to appear. At some point, religions ceased to exist as the claims of science simply couldn’t be refuted anymore. Humanity had finally accepted as a whole that in this Universe, such a thing as gods didn’t exist… or did they?However, humanity would soon find out that the Big Bang was just part one. That infinitesimally small point where the Big Bang originated… was still there! The Second Big Bang, which had a purpose unlike the first one, was about to begin. Collapse Not Harem, Evolution, Cultivation Why dropped?? boi what the hell boi. I checked this out because I read this book in webnovel and thought about writing a suggestion here, and I find people arguing about the Big Bang. On another note, I need to start loving myself. I was wondering the same thing Really good imo, the MC is tolerable, the power system is well done and the exposition isn't boring at all. However, the story is on hiatus bc the author has 2 other books, so don't start if you don't see any chapters past 66 4.5/5 someone read it? worth it? what is it about? the description doesn't tell me anything TLDR: Sci-fi type tech universe with a cultivation-esque power system.In this book, a new form of energy is added into the universe by beings outside of it to see if someone can "break the limits" and escape the universe(how? idk)The MC just wants to run a store in his small town, but gets bestowed with amazing aptitude for this universe's form of cultivation by a energy lifeform type creature that was sent in by the ones outside the universe bc it's been 1k years since they introduced it and no one's done it. Does it ever say why he just wants to run a store? I reached chapter 23 so far and it just feels like he's unmotivated to do anything and is secretly suffering from depression or something. So far, the plot feels forced only to lead into bad jokes. Aire didn't have many ambitions. Until Aire found out that he had the minimal aptitude to become a Stellar Riser, he always thought that he would inherit his mother's shop. It wasn't anything big, let alone something that could make him rich. His hometown didn't have more than twenty thousand inhabitants, so the business was basically a little better than being an employee for some other company.It's not relevant except for giving more context about why the MC is so unmotivated. Although yeah, I think he is a bit depressed. Your introduction reeks of banality.The Big Bang isn't science. Science is what can be tested and/or observed. How can you test and observe a purported meson sized singularity that had hundreds of universal masses that self created from no where without being crushed by its universal sized gravity well?Even further it is purported that the singularity expanded 32 trillion times faster than light 14.5 billion years ago. How can you call that science? What have you observed (scientifically) that moved faster than light 32 trillion times? The Big Bang purports matter self created from no where for no reason. Prove scientifically why another singularity hasn't appeared in all this time seeing as how the first instantiation of the purported meson sized singularity self created for no reason at all.Lastly, theoretical science isn't science. M Brane theory is theoretical science. String theory is theoretical science. By the way, self creating life is a theory for we cannot test it or observe it. Evolution is also theoretical science because we cannot test it or observe it. And no, hot hot back ground radiation isn't proof of the big bang anymore than growth observed in life in our day is proof of evolution. Bro, it's just a summary dog second he's not reading your comment the site he uses to post his book is webnovel. Oh_that_sucks.jpg Woah!! Big Brain It's the novel world not our Earth that is saying the Big Bang Is the cause for the creation of the universe How is evolution not a science when we can watch it happen ourselves? Bacteria evolves. There's an E. Coli long term evolution experiment that's very famous within the scientific community. You can find more about it on YouTube. Along with that, there are smaller groups that also study bacterial evolution by constantly having the bacteria fight for more space, supremacy and power, so that strong ones remain and pass on their genes. That is evolution. You're not watching evolution. Evolution is said to be a process that made water life become all alive today, unless of course you can show bacteria becoming all alive today. You make a statement and purport beliefs. These beliefs needs to be observed scientifically else, they're forever theoretical. To prove what you're observing in bacteria is in actuality evolution, compare it to the first and every instantaneous mechanisms of Evolution from a billion years ago. I... my guy.....birth of life on planet earth and evolution of species on it is like the egg and a chicks growth to maturity.beginning do signify the end but the journey/process i more important Scientific As It happened Data, test and observations. Otherwise it remains Theoretical. What your taking about is the adaptation that bacteria go tru to keep living its a process of adaptation but in the end, they are still the same organism, that is not evolution. evolution is when the bacteria transform into something that can be categorized as a totally new organism or a new life form entirely. It is purported single celled became all alive today. Provide as it happened scientific data(observations and test) of single celled sea animal becoming all alive today. I'm not sure how long , but it does say that some years passed tho Well I would like to add that so far we haven't found a particle that can exceed the speed of light. This doesn't mean that light speed is the fastest in the whole of existence. It is the known fastest. Moreover the Big Bang theorem doesn't talk about the origins of the universe and "existence". It is about the event that resulted in the creation of space with matter inside. The laws of nature and similar concepts aren't mentioned in this theorem. It is purported that the big bang expanded 32 trillion times greater than light or just incidentally fast enough to avoid becoming a black hole; funny how that works. Exactly, which is what makes it retarded to use it as a point of challenge to the idea of a creator And for a hypothetical science, it has some credibility. The Big Bang, that is."Two major scientific discoveries provide strong support for the Big Bang theory:• Hubble’s discovery in the 1920s of a relationship between a galaxy’s distance from Earth and its speed; and• the discovery in the 1960s of cosmic microwave background radiation."Also, it was Edwin Hubble that discovered the Universe was expanding. It's generally accepted that this is the truth, and the expansion would've had to start at a focal point, much like the shockwaves from a bomb, radiating out from the point of origin. The big bang theory has some plausible explanations and evidence, unlike what you describe as "hypothetical science." Yes, in a way, it is hypothetical but it's one of the best answers we have based on common understanding.Furthermore, this is a novel. You're really complaining about "banality" (which I don't why you used, since it means "the fact or condition of being banal; unoriginality." Unless of course you're calling a story unoriginal for including a basic comprehension of the world based on modern human understanding of science??) which makes no sense. If you're going criticise a novel, don't act like you know it all. Please. There is nothing plausible about a self creating meson sized several universal masses singularity self creating from no where that expands 32 trillion times faster than light. Do provide the as it happened observable testable scientific data, thanks. My guy, tell me how nothing made something. By definition, nothing is the absence of everything so where did said things come from? The introduction reeks of banality? This is a FICTION. And the things in fiction can not be explained by science. The author just put whatever shit he could think. Don't mind theses things so much, or you would just keep getting confused.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Only an insane person would insist on nothingness spontaneously making something. Worse is how the author asserted that the first Big Bang was purposeless lol