The 31st Piece Turns the Tables

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

The 31st Piece Turns the Tables

Chapter 290

In the Library of All Knowledge, there was a being its patrons rarely encountered—the old gentleman.

No one knew the old gentleman’s true identity, but the effects of encountering him were well-known—though this only applied to the Gods who had long enjoyed The World of Eternity.

Anyway, Seol was now facing someone who had a striking resemblance to that being.

'No, he's definitely the old gentleman.'

Seol became convinced of it the moment the mysterious old man asked him a question.

"My favorite books?"

He didn't directly reply.

"Yes, didn't you hear? Do you have a favorite book?"

There was a piece that had refused, and all who missed the golden opportunity came to regret it deeply.

"Of course."

"Oh… What genre is it?"

A list of options appeared before him.

[[The mysterious old gentleman has talked to you. He didn't do anything unusual but just asked you what kind of books you like.]

1. You like technical books related to engineering and manufacturing.

2. You like magic books.

3. You like religious books related to divinity.

4. You like encyclopedias filled with vast knowledge.


There were so many options that none stood out to him at first.

"Eek… Who?"

Upon hearing a voice, Jin Ryeo approached Seol but was startled to see the old gentleman.

"Who's the grandpa…"

"Haha… You must wait. Hmm… Let's go over there."


A desk and chairs were arranged, and Seol, Jin Ryeo, and the old gentleman all sat down.


The old gentleman crossed his legs, "So, your answer?"

Seol glanced at his notepad, pondering his reply.

'The books I need are technical books, encyclopedias, and biographies… If I want to get them…'

He stared at the list Hamun had given him and recalled the question.

- Do you have a favorite book?

The old man's eyes were still gleaming with curiosity.

'A favorite book…'

He needed to find the books written in the notepad, but they weren't the books he liked.


Seol had countless anecdotes related to books.

From ancient books he found in the lairs of monsters to records that contained histories of unknown continents.

He had found joy in every single one of them. If Seol were to answer the old man, he could probably say that he loved all those he had collected and read over such a long period of time.

However, if he had to choose just one book, one that he truly loved…

'It's probably that book.'

He would probably pick the book he had written himself.

Despite him being its author, he didn't know all of its contents, which made him even more curious.



"I like grimoires."

"A grimoire… An object of someone who seeks the truth. I see… Grimoires…"

As the old man continued to mumble to himself, Jin Ryeo clung closely to Seol and whispered, "He's definitely a ghost of the library. Should I call Kunna and get him from behind so we can run away?"

- Jin Ryeo, the true romanticist of this era.

- Umigwan* belongs to me.

*PR/N: The Umigwan was a historic movie theater in Seoul.

Seol chuckled and whispered back, "Don't be like that. Why don't you try talking to him?"

"Eek… But I always have a hard time talking to the elderly…"

"Still, give it a try."

The old gentleman turned to Jin Ryeo and asked, "What about you, young lady? Do you have a favorite book?"

"Y-young lady…"

"Why? Is there something wrong? If you don't like being called that…"

"I-It's fine… As for me, I like Shamanic Spell books related to the Djinns."

Jin Ryeo tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing her nape and exposing her flushed skin.

- The Umigwan has gone up for auction.

- Jin Ryeo is weak to compliments!

The old man turned back to Seol and asked, "Try recalling the specific book you desire, whether it be the author, its value, or even parts of its content."

"Eh, why?"

"Jin Ryeo."

"Ah, it wasn't a question for me! I'll be quiet now."

Seol scratched his chin and replied. "Hmm… There's a phrase from it I remember."

"Oh! That's good. Whether it's a memorable phrase or not, anything will do."


The tip of Seol's mouth rose as he said, "Azran says."

Sitting beside Seol, Jin Ryeo confusedly tilted her head as she looked at him.

"Azran…" and then she asked him, "Isn't that the Grand Duke of Frost’s name?"

Translator - SCM

Proofreader - Karane

* * *

A long time ago, in the Heavens…

"I-It's the old gentleman of the Library of All Knowledge…"

"No way! He was with me just a few moments ago!"

"The spaces are independent, remember? Anyway… It's the old gentleman! What should I do?"

"Everyone, come here! Eltrick found the old gentleman!"

"Oh my gosh!"

"Where? Where is he?"

Seol didn't realize it at the time, but looking back, it was funny how the Gods had swarmed together just because of one being—the old gentleman.

"He's right in front of me! No—I mean—he's in front of Eltrick. Anyway… I finally got the chance too!"

"So he really does appear…"

"How lucky…"

"Eltrick has always been lucky with his dice rolls. This is unfair…"

"Anyway! Save the envy for later, and let's strategize. He asked if I had a favorite book. What should I answer?"

"Didn't someone organize a list of choices last time?"

"Hmm, I should just follow that sequence, right?"

"I guess it depends on what book you want."

The Gods huddled together, debating which book Eltrick should pursue. It was a bizarre sight, with others showing more passion than the person involved.

"There's a time limit for answering…"

"Pick carefully! The questions are different each time, and the answer he wants changes too!"

"So that means the reward changes as well!"

"Okay, so what is it you want?"

"The ultimate book. Eltrick has a talent for reading! There's a high chance he will gain enlightenment from books!"

"The ultimate book? Something like that doesn't exist!"

"Yes… I hate to ruin it for you, but a book isn’t going to change a person fundamentally."

Eltrick's master was frowning from behind the mask. He thought the other Gods were jealous of him.

"No… But a Magician can. Instead of having the ultimate teacher, he can just learn from the ultimate book!"

"So that’s what this ultimate book is?"

"There's a limit to how strong one can get just from reading. If Eltrick could absorb all the wisdom from books, he would be an Archmage by now. But he isn’t, is he? Your piece is just an ordinary talent."

"Shh! Silence! Stop with the jealousy…"

"Who's jealous?! You're being ridiculous… You complain even though we're trying to help… Are we really going to argue among ourselves about something that may not even exist?"

The conversation was becoming increasingly heated.

After some contemplation, Eltrick's master finally said, "No, it exists… Wouldn't the book left by the greatest Magician be the ultimate book?"


"Isn't that right? Snowman?"



The Gods' gazes all turned to Seol, who had been standing off at a distance.

Seol replied with an awkward smile, "You may not be wrong…"

"Yes! Your piece! The Zodiac's founder! He left behind his enlightenment before he attempted ascension, right? He left it somewhere in Pandea."

"He did. In the Library of All Knowledge."

The Gods gasped.

He had left that book in the Library of All Knowledge. As long as no one had claimed it yet, the book would neither be lost nor destroyed.

"The Library of All Knowledge!"

"See! I told you! He left the book in the Library of All Knowledge so future pieces could obtain it."

"That wasn't exactly his intention, but… Hmm…"

With greedy eyes, Eltrick's master pressed Seol, "If I could just get my hands on that book, Eltrick could become just like the Grand Duke of Frost!"

"I know why you want it… but that book belongs to Snowman; it isn't yours."

"What do you mean ‘belongs’? No one owns the things left in the Library of All Knowledge! Its author failed to ascend, and now his legacy drifts through the world. What's the issue? Do I need permission? Fine, I’ll just have to ask the rightful owner, Snowman, right? Snowman, can I aim for that book in the Library of All Knowledge?"

It was a book that was no longer in his possession. It no longer had an owner.

There was nothing inherently wrong with what Eltrick's master was saying. Moreover, Seol wasn't particularly attached to that book.

But still, that didn't mean he could just hand it over.

"Of course, but…"

"But what? You want to refuse?"

"That's not it…"

"Then what is it?!"

"Will Eltrick be able to recall any of that book's contents?"


Upon hearing Seol's words, the Gods began murmuring as if they had just recalled something important.

"W-wait! That's right! Ultimately, the piece has to know about the book’s existence or at least part of it so the gentleman can help them find it."

"C-can't Snowman just tell Eltrick?"

"You want me to tell Eltrick? How?"

"Uh… Damn…"

While wearing the Snowman mask, the Seol from the past had told Eltrick's master, "Unless I turn into a piece and convey the contents of Azran's book to him… No piece will be capable of retrieving that book from the old gentleman."

* * *

Looking back, it felt like those words had become seeds and flourished.

- Unless I turn into a piece and convey the contents of Azran's book to him…

Seol reminisced about the past and then let the memory scatter like smoke.

The old gentleman kept asking Seol what he liked about that book, its contents, themes, and so on. It wasn't until ten minutes of back-and-forth that the old man finally stopped.

"Ah! Follow me this way."

"What about me?"

"Young lady, you too."

"You don't need to call me that…"


"But if it's more comfortable for you, then I guess I have no choice."

The old man strode ahead confidently.

He had taken out a wooden ladder from somewhere.

While standing between two towering bookshelves, the old gentleman smiled.

"I can't reach it with my height. Could you fetch the book from up there?"

"Of course."


While Seol climbed the ladder, Jin Ryeo asked, "Should I just stay here?"

"No, look to the left."

"The left…? Huh?"

While Jin Ryeo turned her head to inspect the bookshelf, Seol continued climbing, searching for the book the old gentleman had pointed out.

"What book should I retrieve for you?"




As Seol turned around, he saw Jin Ryeo trembling.

"The old man disappeared…"


"And he handed me this…"

Seol didn't recognize the book Jin Ryeo was holding. But judging by her shocked expression, it didn't seem ordinary.

'So the old gentleman activated on Jin Ryeo. Then…'

Seol's eyes quickly scanned the bookshelves, soon spotting a book that stood out from others.

It was a book with a black leather cover that didn't have a title.


Seol sighed.

It wasn't the book he wanted.

'What was I expecting…? But anyway, what kind of book is this?'


Without coming down the ladder, Seol opened the book.



"It's nothing…"

The first pages of the book were blank.

Sensing something amiss, he quickly flipped through the pages until he reached the last one.

At the very end of the book, something was written.

'8 - ㅁ - 901.'

Seol's eyes widened in surprise.

He checked the bookshelf from where he had pulled the book from.

3 - ㅁ - 153.

The first number referred to the floor, and the last number seemed to indicate the position of the book on the shelf.

'Could the book be… on the eighth floor?'

[A Wonderful discovery! You have encountered the old gentleman of the Library of All Knowledge.]

[The old gentleman of the Library of All Knowledge has gifted you a book.]

Based on the message, it seemed the old gentleman had activated.

However, the value of the book Seol desired seemed to be far beyond what could be found on the third floor.

'If that's the case…'

Although the issue with Yaksha was concerning, he couldn’t pass up the chance now that he knew a treasure was hidden in the Library of All Knowledge.

'I'll have to get to the 8th floor.'

Perhaps he would be able to find the book left behind by the Grand Duke of Frost, Azran, on that floor.

"Jin Ryeo."


"Jin Ryeo?"

"Ah… Yes!"

"Did you get what you wanted?"

A smile appeared on Jin Ryeo's face, "Yes!"

"Then, let's head upstairs. It seems we've gathered everything we can from this floor."

"Sounds good!"

With a beaming smile, Jin Ryeo held the ladder for Seol.



The two walked toward the door from where light was seeping through.


They were greeted by a staircase with a signboard at the entrance.

"There's a signboard… There's one this time!"

"And there's something else as well…"

"Yes? Huh? That's…"



A Large Soldier was at the center of the library, toppling bookshelves.



Seol and Jin Ryeo exchanged confused glances. Then they heard a voice from somewhere.

"Hey! You two!"

"Joneh! Keep your voice down. The Large Soldier will hear us."

"But, how am I supposed to call them?"

"That's… Hmm? That young man seems familiar."

"There's no way we've seen him before… Huh?"

They were voices Seol had heard before.

"Frannan? He's that one-eyed guy's apprentice!"

"It really is… To think we would run into each other here."

Seol tilted his head and asked, "Sir… Scorpio?"

"It's Joneh and Santio! I'm glad you recognized us!"

On the 4th floor of the Library of All Knowledge, he had encountered the Scorpio's Magic Tower's Master, Joneh, and Aries' Magic Tower Master, Santio.

To top it off, a Large Soldier was destroying an entire floor of the library.

As Seol shot Joneh suspicious looks, he quickly responded, "I'm not a ghost!"

Just then.

Seol realized that the only way to understand and make sense of the situation was to read the signboard in front of him.


Seol frowned while reading through the sign.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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