Terror Infinity

Vol 20 15-3

The scene changed over to that of the other side a fewminutes ago. Zheng and Julian confronted each other. Although Julian hadalready sealed off Zheng’s three most important senses in battle amongst thefive senses, he still seemed unwilling to get nearer to Zheng. Because althoughit was only just Zheng standing there quietly, his power was already sufficientto make Julian unwilling to face it. Even with the protection of the sheath,facing Zheng was simply too dangerous.

(His strength and speed have already reached the limits ofan ordinary organism’s body. Assuming he was that traitor Cultivator of teamCelestial that would still be slightly better. But he’s not. To reach thislevel relying only on the body is truly... unimaginable.)

Julian stood at his original position rubbing his injuries.He shook his head, laughing bitterly, before pondering inwardly again.

(I made the same mistake as Lionheart. I underestimated the power of team China’s leader. Although I still haven’t used the Arayashiki,it’s still unknown if it can have any use against someone who overcame theheart’s devil. I definitely can’t let any other members of team China come overat this time, or else I can only flee...)

Julian immediately laughed bitterly again. Originally, hehad wanted to let the other members of team China rush over. But based on thecurrent situation, they wouldn’t rush over to be killed, but instead surroundhim. That situation definitely couldn’t be permitted to happen. Also, Lionhearton the other side seemed to have absorbed the power of two of team China. Toavoid him continuing to become even more powerful, Julian had no choice but tochange his original objective and planned to use psyche force to draw theremaining members of team China over to Lionheart.

To send a made-up situation, especially through the methodof a psyche force scan to send it to the remaining people, was of course of nodifficulty to Julian with his high level of psyche force. After easily sendingout the fake scene, he then lured Honglu and the rest to where Lionheart was.It was just that they were very far from where the pair of Wangxia was, andthey would be late by several minutes even if they rushed over...

When this was done, Julian finally put all his focus onZheng. Until now, this man was quietly standing there, as if he was a normalperson who had lost his sight, touch and hearing. No, strictly speaking apartfrom his calmness being unlike normal people, all other aspects seemed to belike a normal person, and he just stood there unmoving.

(Something’s wrong. He’s too overly quiet... Whatever the casehe’s still Zheng Zha. Was he so easily made useless with his three sensessealed? I have some uneasiness in my heart...)

Julian inhaled deeply. He slowly walked towards Zheng,walking straight until he reached about twenty metres from him before stopping.Julian then waved his hand, and that middle-aged Caucasian walked towards Zhengwithout even thinking about it. At the same time that sheath in his handreleased a faint white light.

That middle-aged Caucasian walked until he was ten metresaway from Zheng. But just as he was about to take another step, a pressure thatwas dangerous to the utmost directly attacked. Zheng who was originallystanding there quietly abruptly turned around to face him. It could only beseen that Zheng lightly kicked out. An invisible wind blade sliced towards thatmiddle-aged Caucasian. This was Zheng’s ‘Rankyaku’ of the six styles. Althoughits strength wasn’t considered to be too great, its attack speed was firstrate.

Before the middle-aged Caucasian had recovered from hisshock, that wind blade had already sliced at the white light surrounding half ametre around his body. This white light had real toughness and durability. Eventhough it collided with the white light all of a sudden, the white lightactually didn’t seem to be exhausted in the slightest, and that middle-agedCaucasian had been knocked back over ten metres by the force of the wind blade.Even though the white light had blocked the might of the wind blade, itcouldn’t completely offset the force of that strike. It was clear that thepower of that wind blade was very great.

(He can sense it? Why? Without sight or hearing, he simplyshouldn’t be able to see or hear anything in his surroundings. Similarly, evenhis sense of touch has been sealed. He can’t even feel the flow of the wind...the sixth sense? Even though the higher the genetic constraint unlocked, thehigher the chances of the triggering of instincts and the sixth sense, thosetwo feelings aren’t standard sensory organs. There’s an element of luck tothem. He can’t just suddenly explode when you get ten metres near him. Thatattack just now definitely had had energy being stored for very long. Unlessthere’s internal sensory organs? Psyche force scanning?)

Julian wasn’t a boor. Upon seeing that Zheng hadpreparations, he didn’t intend to immediately attack. In any case his Ring ofHeaven’s Treasure could seal the senses for at least over ten minutes. Even ifZheng broke out of the sealing, he would at least not be in any danger. WithAvalon, the Everdistant Utopia, he could be at ease as he fearlessly searchedfor an opportunity to completely defeat Zheng.

(It’s not psyche force. I can’t sense any leaking of hispsyche force. But that’s of course. No matter how strong he is, first of allhe’s not a psyche force user. Secondly, he didn’t go to the deep layers of theconsciousness while overcoming the heart’s devil, so of course he can’t usepsyche force to fight... In that case, it seems that his battle style has alwaysbeen to use his body? It’s just that when a body is strong to a certain level,they no longer belong to those who use energy to battle. (Note: This seemscontextually wrong, or am I misinterpreting this sentence? Considering the nextsentence as well, shouldn’t it be that people of a certain body strength use energyto battle?) That’s right. Simply relying on the stamina stored in the bodyisn’t enough to sustain that intensive consumption of his. He definitely hasenergy enhancements, only that I don’t know whether it’s only Blood Energy...)

Julian thought about it. Then he directly picked up a pieceof metal block of rubble the size of a hand from the ground. He casually threwit at Zheng. That metal block suffered an attack when it was ten metres fromZheng. All that could be seen was him suddenly turning around, and his fistpunching out. The speed of the fist was difficult to catch with the naked eye,and the wind from the punch easily reduced the metal block to dust, and all themetal fragments were all sent flying at Julian.

Julian stood at his position unmoving. He allowed the whitelight to flash past and block the attack. Only then did he slightly frown. Hehad actually placed a psyche force imprint on the metal block just now. Thispsyche force imprint was also a type of energy, formed from psyche force. Itwas an ability he used specially to test out the energy enhancements of others.And in the test just now, he had indeed discovered the existence of a strangeenergy around Zheng. The most important part was that it possessed a strongenergy corrosion property. Within an instant, his psyche force imprint hadactually become completely corroded. It seemed that Zheng was indeed relying onthis energy to sense his surroundings.

Zheng was indeed using energy to sense his surroundings.This was an ability he had discovered in the past. For example, when Qi andBlood Energy were released outside of the body, they could be used to scan thesurroundings. It was only that the energy had the characteristics ofdissipating faster the further it was from the body. Even with the energystorage mithril rings, he couldn’t squander energy this way. Thus, after hemade a few tests, he changed the energy source of this type of technique toRefined Qi and Magic.

Refined Qi and Magic were the products of the condensationof Qi and Blood Energy. Once these two energies were formed, it usuallywouldn’t dissipate by itself unless it was used up completely or depletedcompletely. It was the same even if it left the body, as if the energy hadcondensed into matter. Otherwise, the Refined Qi and Magic on cultivationtreasures couldn’t have lasted the passage of countless years intact.

Zheng himself didn’t have any Cultivation techniques orMagic techniques. He was also unable to use these two powerful energies as thefoundational energies for battle. In accordance with the principles of makinguse of wasted materials, after several tests he discover of method of usage.The purpose was only to use it as an energy probe.

(It’s truly lucky. Ijust wanted to test it for fun at that time. I didn’t expect it would actuallysave my life at this time....)

Zheng secretly considered nonstop. After being deprived ofthe three senses, the most important senses to him as a combatant werecompletely gone. The remaining taste and smell were basically unrelated tobattle for him. At the very least he hadn’t learnt to rely on on his taste todistinguish and seek out his opponents. In this situation, although it was onlya bit of Magic spread out over an area of ten metres, this was more than enoughfor him.

“It’s really unimaginable. This ability to seal the fivesenses is actually this scary...”

Zheng silently sighed. He then appeared within an instantnot far from where Julian was. He punched out with several fists that couldn’tbe caught with the naked eye. Although the white light of the sheath blockedthe destructive power of these punches, but the force of the punches still sentJulian flying far off, crashing to the ground over ten metres away. But Zhengdidn’t even pause, vanishing in a flash again. However, the direction he headedin was wrong this time, and he directly crashed into a wall over ten metresaway from Julian, actually leaving a human shaped impression in the wall.

Julian was flabbergasted seeing this. Only when Zheng cameout from that wall and stand at his original position in a daze as if nothinghad happened did he bitterly laugh.

(I understand, he’s completely guessing. He’ll use anextreme speed to charge towards whatever direction an attack comes from. Usingthe sensing of the surrounding ten metres around him, he’ll then attack anyonein that area. Although his attacks can’t break open the defense of the sheath,being pushed away by his force still hurts...)

After he laughed bitterly for a long while, Julian stillcouldn’t come up with any methods. This Zheng Zha was even more terrifying thana tortoise with thorns on it. He couldn’t be beaten and couldn’t be hit. Inshort, he felt difficult to deal with. If he had known earlier on it would belike this, he should have had long since exchanged for a sci-fi weapon. Afterhe turned Zheng blind and deaf, he could directly attack him from a distanceusing the sci-fi weapon.

(There’s no choice. It’s time to use the Arayashiki!)

Julian’s expression became serious. He suddenly opened hiseyes completely. In the instant he opened his eyes, the originally quiet andunmoving Zheng suddenly turned towards his direction. Although there was noattack yet, Zheng’s entire attention was focused towards that direction.

“Noticed it? Although it’s not being used yet, you can still feel this pressure, right? That’s right, this is my final trump card, Arayashiki. It’s also known as the Six Paths of Samsara. This is power I obtainedfrom entering deep into the depths of the heart and the consciousness afterusing the ‘Shaka’ enhancement that I exchanged...” Julian laughed coldly. At thesame time, he charged towards Zheng, snapping his finger.

The fingers let out a sound, and at the same time, Zheng feltthe Qi and Blood Energy in his body rumble and churn. Zheng almost couldn’tprevent his energy from going berserk. Even then he received some smallinternal injuries, and a small amount of blood leaked out of a corner of hislips.

(That’s right, this is... Light of the Soul!)

Light of the Soul, telekinesis, force of the soul, A.T.Field. These terms all referred to the same thing, where one would comprehend acertain power after unlocking the fourth stage of the genetic constraint andovercoming the heart’s devil. For example, Zheng’s Light of the Soul was theDragon Transformation. Although it was the change of a material body, thiswas how his Light of the Soul manifested itself. Another example, the Light ofthe Soul of Zhao Yingkong’s main personality was energy absorption. That blacklight could cut open energy. And there was also that psyche force user Zhengsaw in Zhao Yingkong’s memories, Zhao Ruikong. Her Light of the Soul washypnotism of a deep layer of the consciousness.

The so-called Arayashiki by that Julian before him was an ability of that type. Not only could it hypnotise and control living organisms, it could also hypnotise and control the genes, thus causing the collapse and destruction of the human body. This was an overbearing and terrifying power. If one hadn’t unlocked the fourth stage of the genetic constraint or above, it could be said that there was basically nothing one could do to counterattack. Of course, the price to possess this kind of Light of the Soul was also very great. Apart from being a psyche force user, one also had to completely sink to the deepest depths of the consciousness and transform into a devil there...

“I didn’t think... you’ll actually have this level ofstrength.”

Zheng exhaled. He then suddenly roared, and his geneticconstraint began to unlock at high speed. It rose nonstop from the second stageof the genetic constraint. When it reached the fourth stage, Julian’sexpression finally changed. Zheng seemed to not care. He continued to unlockthe genetic constraint, and finally... the mid fourth stage of the geneticconstraint! The product of his Light of the Soul, the Dragon Transformationappeared!

With a crash, that pair of dragon wings of Zheng’s abruptlyspread out, tearing his clothes to shreds. At the same time, his figure andappearance continuously changed. By the final change, Julian had long sinceretreated a hundred metres away. It wasn’t that he was scared, but that themighty pressure around Zheng at that moment was too extreme. Staying next toZheng was like having Mt.Tai bearing down.

“You’re too dangerous. This level of strength isn’t suitableto appear in the real world. I originally thought you only knew how to do somesealing of the senses and some simple hypnotism. But you actually can use thismove... You’re too dangerous for my comrades. I can’t let you get near them. Ineed to get rid of you here... We’ll cancel the bet from before. I’m giving up onthe plans to use you...”

Julian laughed coldly. He was confident of not being killed with the protection of the ‘Everdistant Utopia’. He thus wasn’t worried of dying at this point, only using his consciousness to speak, “You’re aware of the existence of the Arayashiki? This is an ability that I can’t completely control at my current rank. But did you know the edge it gives me is already extremely obvious? I also call the Arayashiki a seed. I bury the psyche force imprint of the Arayashiki into a person’s consciousness. Before long that person’s consciousness will be completely eroded by my seed. That person will then become my puppet, like this sheath user... Perhaps you don’t know? I have already implanted seeds into your comrade’s consciousness. Only yours is too strong. Those who’ve overcome the heart’s devil really aren’t ordinary. But I just need to defeat you, and I’ll take over your comrades from you... That’s right. Perhaps your clone has the complete Arayashiki. Otherwise, how couldeven ‘God’ be unable to repair them? One day, I’ll reach that level as wellhahaha...”

Zheng ignored him, and suddenly changed the Magic outsidehis body into the shape of a long whip. It transformed from an area of tenmetres to a long whip extending to a hundred metres. Then with him as thecentre it begun to revolve. The first to be touched by this whip was the middle-agedCaucasian standing not far off. After feeling where the middle-aged Caucasianwas, Zheng suddenly rushed towards that direction, kicking him right in thechest and sending that middle-aged Caucasian over a hundred metres away.

When Zheng kicked that middle-aged Caucasian, that whitelight flashed past as before, and completely offset the destructive power ofthat kick. But it couldn’t dispel the force, and that middle-aged Caucasianstill flew over a hundred metres away before standing up safe and sound.

Julian laughed coldly upon seeing this, before saying, “Apart from the attack of the Arayashiki you know of, there’s another attacking method. A pity that I definitely won’t use this move on myself...” Finished speaking, he snapped his fingers again.

When the snapping sounded, all the muscles on that middle-agedCaucasian suddenly started to swell violently. Those muscles seemed to have alife of their own as it wriggled nonstop, and actually tore themselves out ofthe body within a short time, chaotically moving nonstop as if they weretentacles. The man’s body also swelled, only stopping when it reached threemetres tall. The person combined with those tentacle like muscles lookeddisgusting and terrifying. The only curious thing was that despite thisperson’s muscles and skin having already been torn to this extent, he had yetto bleed, as if his body had already been like this originally.

Zheng actually hadn’t seen all this. In the instant hismagic whip came into contact with the middle-aged Caucasian, he rushed overagain. This time when he punched out, the destructive power of his fists wasstill offset by that white light. The middle-aged Caucasian only faintly shookthis time and didn’t even retreat in the slightest. Then, multiple thickmuscles coiled up, violently lashing out at Zheng.

There was a loud slapping sound, and those strips of musclewere blocked by Zheng’s arm. Although Zheng didn’t even shake, the steel floorbeneath their feet was torn open. The enormous force could only flow into theground from their legs. At this time Zheng singlehandedly held those strips ofmeat. That white light suddenly appeared, making it such that he couldn’tdamage those strips of muscles no matter how he pinched.

Julian laughed coldly. “Don’t try any longer, you’re just asandbag now. Only we can hit you. You simply cannot hurt us...”

Just as these words fell, a giant crimson blade suddenlyappeared in Zheng’s hand. When the Magic surrounding Zheng’s body suddenlygathered, in the next second, that thick band of muscles were evenly cut off,and that white light... seemed to be unable to block the Tiger’s Soul that hadgathered Magic!

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