Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 575: Dumpy's Training (1)

Chapter 575: Dumpy's Training (1)

Chapter 575: Dumpy’s Training (1)

After just one session with the marrow meditation manual, Leo gained significant insight into the technique.

Although it wasn’t as mentally demanding as the mind meditation manual, it was incredibly strenuous in other ways.

The practice of the manual demanded immense patience, precise mana control, and unwavering consistency and while these factors didn’t actively tax his mind as much, they still posed a considerable challenge to maintain over time.

After just one session, Leo realized that it was going to take him several years at minimum to fully master the marrow meditation manual, as even if he could generate enough cells to meet his body’s replacement rate today, it would still take another year of rigorous practice to perfect the method.

Moreover, reaching the cellular replacement rate itself was a long and arduous process and for now at least it was a goal way out of his current reach.

“Unless I have some sudden enlightenment which increases the speed of my practice significantly…. The chances of me mastering this method before we land on planet Terra Nova is 0%” Leo muttered to himself as he realized that hoping to master the method before they landed on planet Terra Nova was not going to be possible.

Secretly, he was hoping to become a Grandmaster warrior before they reached planet Terra Nova, however, after practicing the marrow meditation manual once, reaching this goal seemed easier said than done.

Nonetheless, having an impossible target to work towards was a rewarding experience in its own right, as if it was easy to become a Grandmaster, there would be many warriors in the universe reaching that threshold, but the fact that Grandmasters were rare meant that reaching that stage was undoubtedly a very difficult endeavor.

“Whatever happens happens…. I’ll just work consistently on this manual, 6 hours everyday from now onwards” Leo decided, as he closed the meditation manual for today and decided to log into the game, to carry on with his mandatory frog training session.


( Terra Nova Online )


As Leo logged back into the game, he found dumpy sitting in the same spot on his work desk where he left him as if it had not even moved a single inch in his absence.

The only reaction that the frog had to seeing Leo come back was to croak once, after which it went back to staring at him in complete silence.

For a moment Leo blinked looking at the frog, wondering if he was seriously going to tell it stories of his own valor? But then after spending a few moments of awkward silence staring into the frogs eyes, Leo let out a deep sigh and decided to go ahead with the frogs training no matter how ridiculous it seemed.

“Alright Dumpy….today is the first day of your training, so let me make things crystal clear for you–” Leo began, as he pointed his finger towards the frog, who kept staring at it with no other reaction.

“You have to gain my acknowledgement to take you seriously. Because until you do, you’re nothing to me.

You are lucky enough to be born in my house, so I’ll always feed you and put a roof over your head, but for me to love you like a pet, you must show potential! Do you understand?” Leo asked, as Dumpy simply kept staring towards him silently.

“You know, my very first day in this world…. As a new adventurer, I walked in alone into a den of wolves.

Everyone else began teaming up together, looking for weapons, looking for ways to increase their stats, but nobody had the balls to fight them wolves.

But not your old man here…. Because I had the balls to face the ferocious wolf pack!” Leo said, as he decided to tell Dumpy the tale of his first day in the game as his first adventure story.

“I killed a few scouting wolves and rushed into the den, sliding down the dangerous air shaft in pitch black darkness.

It was a very dangerous mission, one where I could have died at any point, but I never let such problems stop me.

I created light in the darkness and used all the strength in my body to find a way to kill dozens of wolves.

I must be no older than you. Just a few hours in this world and I was already strong enough to kill dozens of wolves.

Can you kill dozens of wolves, Dumpy? Can you? Can you even kill a fly?” Leo asked aggressively, as he exaggerated his past accomplishments and portrayed them in a way that was not objectively true, but not completely false either.

He had indeed used all the strength in his body to break rocks and seal the oxygen airway to the main chamber killing dozens of wolves, however, the way he said it made it seems like he had defeated them in a physical fight, which was untrue.

Nonetheless, Leo did not care for such details as he kept boasting in front of Dumpy while also berating it for being useless.

“You’re lucky you were born in my house and not in a wild swamp.

Because I was born with a life threatening condition hanging over my head.

If anyone else proved to be better than me, they would have killed me on day1, but I never let it happen.

I was always number 1 Dumpy, I was always the strongest.

What are you compared to me?

What can you do?

Come on? Have the balls to say something!” Leo demanded, as Dumpy kept blinking as he listened to his story but said nothing.

” ”

“Nothing? You have nothing to say? Well alright, that’s what I thought kid. Better keep your mouth shut before ‘TheBoss’, because he ain’t taking shit from a newborn.

You haven’t earned the right to speak before me, and hence you will remain silent, get it?

You will earn the right to speak only after you kill a bunch of wolves for me–” Leo said, as he set unrealistic expectations for Dumpy to achieve.

“We will go down now, and I will match you up against a newborn snake.

Don’t disappoint me dumpy. Kill that fucking snake.

It’s a dog eat dog world here and you’re the big dog.

You understand? You’re the big dog here you stupid frog” Leo said, as he stared deep into Dumpy’s unblinking eyes with aggression evident in his gaze.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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