Supreme Monarch

Chapter 75 C75. Maddening

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"Ray Of Enfeeblement."

Rekaz raised his shield up in an attempt to block the ray of dark energy that came at him before he had a chance to react. However, his shield did not deflect the energy as he hoped.

Instead, the energy wraps itself around him and he felt his energy slowly being sapped away from him. His knees buckled and hit the ground, his vision became a bit blurry and he slowly felt faint before the effect of the spell suddenly ran out.

Rekaz raised his head, the spell had lasted no more than three seconds. Yet, when he looked up, he saw the smile on the girl's face grow wilder as she was almost on the verge of laughing at him. It was almost like she was only looking at a pig rolling in the mud.

His anger skyrocketed and immediately hit its limit. The girl stuck her little tongue out at him and once the rangers had gotten far enough away that she no longer had to worry, she cutely waved at him before flying away.

Rekaz vision went blood red, there was nothing else he saw but his targets. Even the gray trolls that had just arrive again behind him and were still hurling rocks at the rangers didn't register in his mind.

One of the trolls offered him another bone spears and he snatched it. His dark grey skin was rapidly changing to bloodred and the same colored aura as thick and as dense as smoke escaped his pores.

He charged forward like a raging bull, determined to kill every single one of those that had continuously mocked him and were still looking down on him.

Being ostracized by his kind for so long had made him overly sensitive and gave him a short fuse and could be considered his greatest weakness. But, it could also be considered his greatest strength.

Rekaz leaped up several feet into the air and thrust his spear at the flying figure of the cloaked girl. She turned around and then smiled at him, before weaving in the air and narrowly avoiding his full-powered thrust. He then crashed back down into the ground after gliding in the air for as long as a 1,600 pounds troll could. Rekaz didn't waste any time in the ground and just shook off the fall and tried again.

While a troll could almost instantly heal all injuries and even regenerate missing limbs, that didn't mean they did not feel pain. However, Rekaz was now recklessly taking damage from his antics and shrugging it off like it was nothing. Every time he jumped, he would narrowly miss and then crash back down, breaking his legs or arm by the impact.

Still, he shrugged them off like they were nothing and kept trying. Despite his failures, his injuries were now healing faster, but he still wasn't getting faster or any closer to hitting her. He didn't know why his body wasn't reacting the exact way it should.

He was a war troll and had an unmatched mastery of the troll's innate trait of adaptation. The more he fought, the better he becomes and the more his fighting style adapts to match and surpass that of his opponent.

With this, he became the strongest troll in the Labyrinth and was sure he would've surpassed Kadiz if it's wasn't for that magic weapon that would soon be his. However, right now, that wasn't happening.

He was sure the effect of the spell she had used on him had worn off but now he wasn't so sure. Rekaz gritted his teeth and shook the thoughts off his head. There was nothing he could do but forge ahead and smash his way through. Right now. His mind was only focused on one thing, to kill her.

He ran ferociously, the other trolls and goblin riders were behind him struggling to keep up, but he disregarded their presents and kept chase. He did not care who was behind him, all his soul was focused on the ones in front of him. Arrows came flying in from the other rangers that were far ahead of him but he blocked them all with his shield.

His attacks were finally getting faster but his attempts at hitting the cloaked girl were now getting wilder and wilder and he couldn't understand why. Was she really getting faster or had she been holding back all this while.

As he jumped up into the air in a bid to launch one more attack the girl turned around mid-flight and cast a spell, "Mist Cyclone." A Misty tornado appeared in the air around him and threw him off course and he was sent flying in another direction and slammed straight into three goblin riders that had kept chasing the rangers ahead and occasionally shot their crossbows at them but so far they had all missed.

Rekaz soon stood up and tried to shake the pain away. His left arm was broken and bent out of shape but it was rapidly degenerating. However, it didn't look natural, his now blood-red skin was getting shriveled up the more he was in this state. His tusk got larger and his eyes got wilder and he no longer looked like he was in his right state of mind.

He suddenly took off running and leaped forward, throwing a spear at one of the rangers. The cloaked girl cast the same spell again and it redirected the spear but he did not halt there and with a smooth motion, he threw the shield at the girl and she was forced to take the attack head-on.

She then cast a defensive spell that created a three-fold barrier in front of her but the shield was too large and it shattered the barrier and sent her tumbling back. However, her flight spell was still active and she was able to stop before hitting the ground. She stabilized herself and took flight once more, the smile on her face gone. She immediately double-cast two more spells 'Wind Blade,' and another 'Ray of Enfeeblement.'

Rekaz tried avoiding the Windblade but he played right into her hands and the Ray of Enfeeblement struck him once more. His body felt weaker and he was losing more of his strength the boost from his berserk skill was losing its effects and it was starting to run the risk of threatening his life.

Not wanting to be outdone, he finally decided to try something else. He kicked a tree and the tree fell right off, his strong massive legs were like an ax that could not be stopped. The tree fell back in his direction and he caught it. With one fell swoop, he hurled the tree at every single figure he could see. Horizontally, the tree flew far and wide and Kazko held on to one of the vines still attached to the tree and took flight.

No longer possessing his spear or shield, he let go of the branch when he was right above his targets and like a falling star, he crashed back down to earth.

The rangers tried to change the direction the moment he landed but he would not let them. Picking up several Rocks, he hurled them in their direction, shattering all the branches they could run on. So now the only path they could go was right through him.

Having finally halted their momentum, he deactivated his berserk skill before it took his life. He balled up his fist and glared at the insect that had given him so much trouble. He was ready to attack but he still waited. The goblin riders have already surrounded them and the Gray trolls were gaining in on them. Very soon, he would have them surrounded and with no way for them to escape. A smile finally crept its way into his face and the bloodlust he exuded could almost be smelt in the air.

The rangers knew they had to get by him in order to survive but they still hesitated. For some reason, it felt as if they had no intentions of killing him and were just leading him somewhere but that only served to infuriate him more. He wouldn't be controlled and pulled around by mere insects.

As he waited for his troll minions to arrive, the beastgirl suddenly flew straight at him with the previous same annoying smile on her face. 'Does she think she could win against me with brute strength? hehe... What a joke.' He tightened his fist and immediately threw a forceful punch the moment she had gotten within his reach. The force was so great that it created a wind pressured attack that tore through the ground as it went further.

However, she did not seem discouraged by the attack, instead, she just sorted and charged forth anyway.

Her flight speed suddenly boosted as a light orange aura surrounded her. The sudden change in speed surprised him but he could not adjust in time. She then took out two halves of what looked like an ornamented Bo staff from behind her cloak and put them together. Rekaz could not stop his attack so he proceeded to intensify the strike. However, just like before, she swirled and narrowly avoided his attack and with continuous momentum, she forcefully swung the Bo staff at him.


The force of the weapon felt like a mountain had crashed on him and he was forcibly sent back a few paces. He had tried to block the strike using his left arm since he no longer had his shield but his bones had shattered upon impact and he could not believe that such a tiny little girl could wield that much raw strength.

Rekaz was confused. What was going on, he should not be in this state so why? No matter how angry he got he couldn't keep up with this girl. It didn't make sense. Just who was she?

He glared daggers at the girl and his body soon emitted a grayish-black aura as thick as smoke. He directed the aura to his fist just as he had done with his spear and used the technique with just his fist.

With a roar, he threw out a punch and the aura shot forth like a gust of dark wind. In response to his attack, she quickly cast a spell "Wind Blast." A blast of wind countered his attack and they canceled out each other. Feeling angry at another failure, he roar and lunged at her wildly.

He threw another fist at her but she sharply twisted her body to the side and avoided it. With a swirl, she whipped her Bo staff at his waist and Rekaz wasn't fast enough to dodge it. A forceful blow was landed and Rekaz swore he heard a snap.

Ignoring the pain, he threw his left fist out as well as he knew she was too close to avoid it this time. However, she quickly cast a defensive spell, "Magic Barrier." Although the spell had protected her from taking damage, she was still sent flying. But unlike Rekaz she could use the flight spell and was able to stop herself just short of hitting a large tree

Not wanting to give her any time to regain her bearing, Rekaz lunged forward and threw out a barrage of punches. He used a combo attack because he didn't want to give her any space to avoid it again. However, she no longer needed to.

With a wave of her hand, she cast another spell, "Mirror Image." Three illusory duplicates of the beastgirl appeared in front of him. They move in sync with her and matched her actions perfectly. Rekaz couldn't tell which one was the real one so he aimed this attack at the one in the middle hoping she hadn't switched.

However, that turned out to be an illusion instead, and the two by the side cast a spell, "Entangled." Vines sprung out from within the snow and lashed at him. Binding him firmly in one spot

He flexed his arms and continuously broke through them, trying to set himself free, but it just kept coming faster and faster. He felt like he would be there all day but luckily for him, his troll companions had finally gotten closer and so did the goblin riders who aimed their bow at her.

However, that had only given the cloaked rangers the space to escape as the goblin riders could not stop them on their own. With his men getting closer he had thought she would try to quickly land the finishing blow and was prepared to counter in a way that would give his trolls the time to surround her, but she had broken his expectations and immediately flew north.

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