Supreme Monarch

Chapter 242 C242. Moloc’s Vessel.

Having somehow gotten the troublesome Devil to swear loyalty to him. Tyler was at a loss for words as he didn't know what else to do. He had thought of the various ways this could've gone and just to be safe, he had even considered countless ways to destroy the Devil if he failed. Yet, everything had fallen into place without him needing to do anything extra.

He quietly stared at the large head of the two horned Devil with a vaguely disappointed expression on his face as a tired sigh unknowingly left his mouth.

[Is there something wrong Master? Do you not accept Moloc's pledge? A Devil's pact is timeless and cannot be broken even by gods."

"Hmm... no that's not it."

Tyler was a little surprised by how fast the Devil's tone had changed but he just decided to accept the fact and move on. He still had to punish him for destroying the training hall even though he also had something to do with that. He would simply push the blame to Moloc.

'What a drag.'

Tyler thought lazily as he stood back up. He then heard rapid footsteps approaching him and turned around to confirm his suspicion. Rain had jump at him seemingly pleased with she believe to be the expected outcome of the battle.

"Lord Ty, you did it! As expected of my beloved. You put that ugly thing in its place."

"I suppose I did, and you seem to be in a rather good mood."

Tyler was half surprised and half relieved to see her acting like herself again even if only a little. Still, she was just as clingy as ever.

"How could I not be in a good mood after watching your magnificent figure easily defeating a Devil Lord in such a cool way. You were totally amazing just now."

'That's a lot of praise for just fighting a weakened Devil.'

"Well thanks, I couldn't have done it without all your helps."

"Your honor us by your words Lord Ty, but there's no way such a lowly Devil would. Be able to stand up to your might without using a lowly trick like that. I'm sure everything had gone as Lord Ty had planned it to."

'What the hell does this guy take me for a robot?'

Tyler's brows twitched repeatedly after hearing Z's words but he reigned in any Involuntary reaction before anyone could votive it. Things seems to be escalating ever since Z joined him. He seems to have only good intentions but kept overestimating his abilities.

"Hmm, as Master planned. What do you mean by that?"

Puzzled by Z's words of choice, Albert asked what he meant curiously and Tyler felt thing were only going to get worse with an explanation.

"Hmm, isn't obvious. Summoning a Devil Lord is almost impossible. It is a ritual that takes days even weeks to perform. Even when using an item or tool to shorten the process, one mus make necessary preparations to prevent the Devil Lord from attacking its summoner."

"No one capable of summoning such a divine class beast is unaware of this fact so for Lord Ty to purposely ignore those preparations, what do you think that means?"

"Oh, so that's it."

"Hmm, what's it?"

"Rain asked with her curiosity piqued and Z explained.

"It means Lord Ty had done this for us. In order to provide us with the adequate opportunity to master our new abilities before the word. This was a first hand experience with a superior beast that has surely boosted control over our new found powers."

"Oh wow!"

'Oh wow what? I did no such thing, I just made a rookie mistake what tye hell are you talking about.'

Although Tyler was screaming at the top of his lungs inside his head making Uriel practically rolling her eyes at him. He somehow managed to control him self and nodded gently when everyone turned to face him.

"You're truly amazing Lord Ty. To think of us to such an extent. We will surely make you proud."

[Hey, If that's the case then Moloc helped too, Moloc deserve some praises as well.]

"Please be quite."

Liz ice cold words almost didn't seem like herself as even the fiery Moloc could feel the chill and laughed dryly as he rolled his head a few paces back.

Although Tyler hadn't planned this as Z had said, he was still very impressed with performance earlier. Even though only Liz and Rain were the demigods amongst them, the four of them had been able to fight on par with a God Class creatire that was capable of using 9th tier spells.

There was a possibility they would've even been able to defeat him if Erin had been helping from the start.

"Such a thing is only natural for my beloved Lord Ty. There's no need to be surprised."

Rain who had been clinging to Tyler from the start tighten her grip further as she rested her head on his chest. Tyler was about to say something when he was suddenly interested by the distant Moloc.

[Umm, Master... Moloc regrets ruining your love time but in Moloc's current state, Moloc cannot remain in the Physical plane for very long unless Moloc gets a vessel or devour a soul. Please forgive this foolish one.]

'Oh right. Uriel did mention something like that.'

"Very well, Z!"

"Yes my lord."

Tyler struggled to pull himself away from Rain as Z moved forward and knelt before him.

"The female general in the cell, is she still alive?"

"I believe so sire."

"Alright. You know what to do."


Z nodded and immediately teleported to the cell to retrieve the female General of greed that was currently on m a vegetative state and was now nothing more than a living doll as even Tyler didn't know what was done to her neither did he think he should ask.

Z appeared back at the hall a beat later, he seems to have completely master spatial teleportation which was something that did not surprise him. He then moved the body forward and tossed it in front of Moloc's head like a rag doll.

While this was a distasteful scene to Tyler, he choose not to speak of it as she had been responsible for a lot of deaths that couldn't be revived.

"You may use that body as your vessel. Do with the soul as you wish. Think of it as gift."

[As you command master. Moloc shall not let your generosity be wasted on me.]

Immediately after saying that, Moloc's head melted and turned into a thick read gas along with the remaining pieces of his body that were scattered all over the place.

The red gas then hovered above the bodacious lady and began to absorb a white ethereal aura from within her body which seems to increase his aura and the mass of the red gas.

The moment all of her soul was consumed, Tyler sensed the lady die and immediately, the red gas that was Moloc, entered through the pores of the lady until her fair skin began a change into a pale red color, sightly similar to the red ogres.

Horns protruded out the side of her head but the rest of her body did not change. The next moment, Ab oppressive amounts of aura exploded out of her pores and her body slowly began to moved and she stood up struggling a bit before finally getting used to her new limbs.

"This is quite the fragile vessel Master, I feel most of my power being restricted for some reason. I suppose I'll have to slowly awakened the rest of my strength so this vessel doesn't break down."

Moloc spoke in a voice that wasn't his, a femine voice that sounded lovely but strangely gave Tyler the chills.

"Be quiet Devil. Just be grateful our master had graciously allowed you to live and even gone as far as providing you a vessel."

"My apologies if Moloc sounded rude Master. I'll surely hasten up this process so Moloc can be of use to Master."

"That's fine, ju—"

"But Master surely has a type doesn't he, does Master prefer females with such large breasts."

Moloc cupped his or rather her breasts while lifting them up at Tyler with a knowing smile on her face when a fist was suddenly planted on her face, sending her figure flying accross the hall and slamming into the wall behind, completely shattering it this time.

"You bastard. Don't you dare tempt Lord Ty in front of me."

Rain had suddenly punched Moloc off his feet before anyone could react. Frankly they all supported her actions as they felt Moloc was being a bit rude. Tyler just sighed and waited for Moloc to get back up.

"Everyone here is quite busy so I'd like you to fix up this place as soon as possible."

"Moloc is a destroyer, not really a fixer."

"Well you better learn. I want this place fixed in less than 24 hours. Failure is not permitted."

Scraping her cheeks, Moloc gently hooded her head with a complicated expression.

Tyler then went to the side to retrieve Nessi and Zelda who had been freed from Moloc's stasis beam a while back. Everyone then left the hall along side Tyler as they returned to their training.

Even Rain and left without making a fuss after testing her strength against a superior monster. She probably felt she had a long way to go an was eager to improve. If this fight had been planned by him, then it would be considered a success.

Tyler also retrieved Cora who was passed out on the ground and had luckily been protected by Erin from the shockwave of his fight. They then went over to another training hall to begin his training.

Time went by quickly this time due to Moloc's appearance and before he knew it. It was the middle of the night. Tyler then walked back to check up on Moloc who he planned on changing his name due to the weirdness of the situation.

Although he wasn't sure if devils had genders to begin with. Entering the hall with Cora trailing behind him. He was surprised to see that everything had been fixed almost as though the earlier fight hadn't happened.

He then saw Moloc floating in the air with her eyes closed as she subconsciously played around with her boobs.

'Is this guy a pervert or just curious?'

[I believe the former.]

Tyler chuckled as he moved forward. It was clear Moloc hadn't sensed him even though his perception should've been better than his own.

Making a better observation of the situation, it seems Moloc was concentrating on absorbing energy from the atmosphere to improve the body of the witch so the vessel to handle his immsersw powers.

Currently he would be limited to the strength of Tier 6 but at the rate he was going, he would attain the strength of a demigod in a week and regain his full power in only a month. That should give Tyler a little time to relax after the war.

Tyler decided to ignore the pervert and head back to his chambers. There was a lot of things he had to consider and take note of before thing got out of control.

He had managed to inprove his swordsmanship but couldn't be confident in it until he sparred with Albert at an equal level.

There was a way he could achieve that and that was to create an Avatar of himself. An artificial body he could project his consciousness onto and use as a substitute or as a means of fighting at various levels.

However, he had no idea how to do this and had to wait three months to research it in the Void Library.

During the fight with Moloc, most of the castle had been affected by his aura and a few of them had lost consciousness just as Cora had. But everything was now under control so there was nothing for Tyler to do other than a sign Nessi to assist them if needed.

Upon getting to his chambers, Tyler made some notes on his various plans and everything that had gone array wanting to stay ahead of the curve. After spending some time on this, he decided to go to bed.

Having almost turned undead earlier, it felt a bit of fatigue and wanted to rest. He quickly fell asleep but was suddenly woken up by Uriel who informed him that Jarret was requesting communications with him.

Apparently, he had arrived with the Raven settlement and after taking them to the starter town in the Greyad plains, he wanted to bring the leaders of the settlement over to see him.

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