Supreme Monarch

Chapter 225 C225. Limitations And Results

"Hmm... Fascinating."

After what felt like hours of nerve-racking discussions, Tyler finally got to what he had wanted to do all along. And that was simply to use Potential Break on more than 200 people in a single day.

While this was meant to strengthen his forces significantly, it was also meant to push him to his limits. He wanted to know the full capabilities of his innate Ability that had to undergo a massive change over the course of a millennium.

The first person to volunteer for his test was unsurprisingly Albert and Rain. Given their resolves and determination to never fail him again, Tyler theorized his ability might have a greater effect on them so he decided to honor their request to start with them.

Since both of them are one of his strongest subordinates, he decided it was best he fully focused his attention on increasing their strength while not bothering with the other test. He would also do the same for Liz and Z before conducting his various experiments with the others.

"Very well. I'll start with Albert. Step forward."

Albert swiftly moved towards the throne at his request and before Tyler could even say anything, he had elegantly knelt before the throne as though awaiting a knighthood or something.

His movements had been so elegant and fluid that Tyler had completely forgotten to stop him. His demeanor and disposition were those befitting the title of a Demon Lord but there was no arrogance in his eyes.

Regaining his senses after everyone's eyes rested on him once again. Tyler then Cooley stretched out an arm towards Albert. He then closed his eyes and focused on the energy that stirred within him. Making full use of his now incredible amount of mana control, he poured in as much mana as he could and forced it into Albert's body until he felt a snap.

His mana was then absorbed into Albert's mana body, reconstructing his new Magic potential while strengthening his physical boy and soul.

Unlike with Nadine, energy suddenly gusted out of Abert and his aura and presence rapidly began to increase and Albert was Igor to control his own mana for a moment. However, he was not at the same level as Nadine had been and his experiences and training far surpassed hers. It didn't take him long to regain control of his own energy again.

His aura then began to subside but his presence still loomed heavily over the massive hall.

Tyler was just about to ask Albert how he felt when Uriel gave him the result of her analysis.

[Master has successfully used Potential Break on the individual known as Albert. Energy absorption was high (55%). Albert's new Magic potential is estimated to be at the peak of the sixth tier.]

'Oh wow, that worked better than I imagined. To think he jumped up by more than a full tier. Nadine had only gone up by a level so I was a bit worried he would only end up moving from Advance Tier 5 to Peak Tier 5. Still, what does energy absorption 70% mean?'

[Answer: This refers to the rates at which the targeted mana body absorbs master's energy to strengthen the physical body without breaking down or being damaged.]

'I see. It's a shame 45 percent was lost but this means it would be dangerous if I try to force a better result.'

With Uriel's explanation, Tyler confirmed something, the amount at which he could increase someone's potential was not fixed and it both depended on him and how much of his mana his target could effectively absorb.

Of course, having one's potential destroyed and reconstructed even if it's only for a second takes a toll on someone and Tyler could see visible sweat form on Albert's head. It may have taken more out of him than it had done with Nadine who had only gone up by one level.

Sensing the gazes of everyone suddenly on him, Tyler's mind returned to his body as he looked at them. Most of them didn't seem to have fully understood what had happened but they could all sense the sudden boost to Albert's strength.

*Cough *cough... "Congratulations Albert, your immerse desire to improve yourself and your hard work in training your body, soul, and mind have allowed you to effectively absorb enough of my power to reach the peak of the sixth tier. That pleases me."

Getting back into character, Tyler made an emphasis on Albert's hard work as he didn't want his ability to be seen as a shortcut to strength. Of course, he was right, to gain so much from his ability relied on a strong mind and soul otherwise his ability could cause damage to one's mana body.

This told him that he may not be able to use his ability on the same person more than once but that was yet to be confirmed. Perhaps he would be able to do it in the future, as long as their bodies had fully recovered from the first time.

Scanning Albert with his eyes, Tyler decided to appraise him and see what skills he gained from him out of curiosity but Uriel had passed complied the information and showed it to him before he could even ask.


Name: Albert T. Cronoff.

Title: Demon King's Butler, Demon Lord, Demon King's General.

Race: Demon Noble.

Class: Magic Swordsman.

Tier: Tier 6 (Peak Stage)

Potential: 7th Tier.

Innate Ability: Supreme Martial Artist.

Magic Type: Wind; Lightning.

Racial Skills: True Demon Form; Diamond Skin; Demon Aura.

Skills: Battle Lord; Skill Breaker; Magic Sense; Multilayer Barrier; Spatial Movements; Keen Eyes of a Demon; Spatial Perception; Energy Manipulation; Thought Acceleration; Foresight; Thought Communication; Spatial Slash; Probability Correction.

Resistances: Physical Damage Resistance High; Fire Magic Resistance Mid; Magic Resistance Mid; Pain Nullification; Degeneration Magic Resistance Low; Darkness Magic Resistance Mid; Conceptual Attack Resistance Low; Mind Influence Resistance Mid; Astral/Spiritual Attack Resistance Low.


'Wow... That's impressive. Ummm... but this is unexpected. I thought you said his potential was only at the peak of Tier 6 but he has a potential of tier 7. Hold on, what's going on there.'

[Answe: It is as Master has deduced. Albert had a high physical and mental constitution, to begin with, and thus, he was able to handle more of master's energy without breaking down. However, he could only absorb half of that energy and reach Tier 6 but his potential was reformed at the Tier 7 stage. He should be able to attain godhood by himself.]

'Seriously. Not to mention he got a ton of skills from me instead of just one. Well, his magic didn't seem to have received any boost though. I guess even my ability can't change his class.'

[Answer: It is impossible to affect ones magic affinity with external means.]

'You didn't have to spell it out for me you know. Well, thanks anyway. Given that his original magic potential was 5, that means it went up by two full tiers. I also never thought of the differences between the actual potential and the current Tier.'

As it turns out, his ability didn't just increase the maximum potential of his target but by infusing his mana into them, their current strength would grow to match the increase in potential as much as their body could handle. However, the gap between Tier 6 and 7 was too large and even after putting a lot of mana into it, he couldn't force Albert into Tier 7 with an absorption rate of 55 percent.

Still, this was way better than he had expected. Going through his stats once more, Tyler noticed something strange.

'I guess appraisal can't quantify secret techniques Huh.'

Secret Techniques were methods for someone to achieve certain powerful effects by manipulating the ambient mana in the environment. This was why one did not lose mana when using a powerful technique but stamina as it takes a lot to move ambient mana much less use them in a precise and complicated pattern.

Albert was considered a battle genius that had mastered tens of secret techniques over the years which were a big part of his strength but it didn't seem like appraisal could read those as they were missing from the compiled data he was looking at.

[Answer: An analysis of Albert's secret techniques has already been made. The information was retracted as it wasn't deemed relevant. Would you like to see it?]

'Oh, I guess I was wrong then, never mind.'

Next was Albert's innate ability which Tyler hadn't been aware of. Supreme Martial Artist, was a Powerful ability that boosted his physical abilities and allows him to learn martial moves and secret techniques faster than most. It was why he was able to master so many secret techniques, to begin with.

Battle Lord was a berserk skill that increases his resistance and gave him a temporary boost to all attributes. He had gained energy manipulation from Tyler who should allow him better utilize his secret techniques without consuming as much stamina as before.

Probability Correction was a sub-skill from the advanced skill Tyler had learned called Fate Manipulation. It wouldn't work on a large scale at such a low level but in a one-on-one fight, it would give someone like Albert a higher advantage against those that couldn't resist or counter the influence of fate.

Having congratulated Albert, Tyler saw him evaluate himself in astonishment. His eyes seem to water as he was rendered speechless. For more than a hundred years he had been confined to the lowest tier of demon lords and yet, in only a matter of seconds, everything changed as he could now feel near-limitless energy surging within him.

His connection with his master had grown significantly as he now felt like their souls had been linked. With far greater reverence than one would even give a god, Albert raised his head and reswore his existence to Tyler which almost made him break character.

Tyler's emotions were forcibly calmed before he knew it so he took a deep breath and turned to the next person on his list. Rain.

Rain who felt a bit hesitant after witnessing Albert's improvements moved forward. Tyler could tell she was feeling somewhat unworthy or something similar. He thought about leaving her like that to test the difference her mental state would make for his ability but changed his mind.

She was one of his strongest subordinates so such a thing would be a waste. He was about to say something when she suddenly balled a tight fist and the look on her face changed. He could tell she had made a firm decision about something and had resolved herself to prove her usefulness. Or so Uriel said.

Of course, Tyler didn't know if that was true or not. While he had the ability of Mind Control, he couldn't read someone's mind from a distance because he thought that ability would become annoying so he didn't actually know what she was thinking.

"Are you ready Rain?"

"I am my Lord."

Without wasting time, Tyler repeated what he had done with Albert and obtained similar results. Using Divine Appraisal, he obtain detailed information about Rain. However, the information was something he couldn't have had predicted.


Name: No Name.

,m Title: Demon King's General, Thunder Goddess, Demigod, Rain.

Race: Dark Elf.

Class: Mage Assassin.

Tier: Tier 7 (Basic Stage.)

Potential: 7th Tier

Innate Ability: Rain Domain. (Incomplete.)

Magic Type: Lightning; Chaos; Fire; Water; Wind; Darkness.

Racial Skill: DarkVision; Weapon Mastery; Dark Magic.

Skills: Wisdom; Eviscerate, Misty steps; Shadow Walker; Absolute Rend; Gravity Manipulation; ForeSight; Fate Manipulation; Perfect Invisibility; Ultraspeed; Thought Acceleration; Keen Insight; Silent Magic; Hyperspeed Regeneration; Thought Communication.

Resistances: Physical Damage Resistance Mid; Fire Magic Resistance Mid; Magic Resistance High; Pain Nullification; Degeneration Magic Resistance Low; Darkness Magic Resistance Mid; Conceptual Attack Resistance Low; Mind Influence Resistance High; Astral/Spiritual Attack Resistance Low.


'What the meaning of this Uriel. Why on earth will she be considered unarmed!?"

[Answer: There are no records that the individual known as "Rain" has ever been named. She seems to only answer to her decimated Title. This is mostly due to the code assigned to her after meeting certain criteria.]

'I'm sorry, What!'

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