Supreme Monarch

Chapter 217 C217. Reset Time

[Would you like to reestablish soul Link?]

As though hearing Uriel's explanation, Zelda finally noticed Tyler who had appeared a short distance from the entrance, and her expression changed. Tyler could see a wave of relief wash over her as she ran over to him.

As an Undead who could only live for her master. It was easy for Tyler to imagine how it must've felt for her when she lost her only purpose for existing. The restoration of the Soul Link had also confirmed this theory.

Tyler could sense the huge amount of negative emotions and hatred that was beginning to swirl around inside her. The undead were creatures that deeply hated the living but as an intelligent Undead. Zelda was sort of an exception, mostly because her master was also one of the living.

Naturally, if she were to suddenly lose that connection. A feeling of abandonment and lack of a purpose would most likely cause her deep hatred for the living to be reignited. Causing her to mentally regress, probably losing her intelligence and becoming a raging and uncontrollable undead.

Either way, it wasn't something he wanted to happen. Zelda ran towards him and knelt before him with a smile on her usual expressionless face. Perhaps the surge of emotion had made her more sensitive but it was still okay.

Someone like the Undead King was able to maintain his intellect and reasoning because he had a strong will and had given himself a purpose for his existence. However, at Tier 4, Tyler didn't think Selda was strong enough to forcefully develop her own will.

She had been making such attempts by mimicking the actions of Nadine and the girls around him but that wouldn't be enough.

As she got closer to him, Tyler was about to say something to her when Divine Appraisal suddenly kicked in and he saw the new information on her status. His eyes went wide in disbelief.


Name: Zelda.

Race: Undead.

Class: Shadow Rogue - Peak Tier 6

A powerful immortal undead rogue that was created in the depths of negative energy, grasping the secrets of the shadows and Darkness. Now hold an enhanced Darkness core.

Magic Type: Darkness, Shadow, Lightning, Abyss.

Racial Skills: Shadow Dweller; Invisibility; Shadow Movement; Assassinate; Darkvision; Greater Stealth; Magic Sense; Mark Soul; Darkness Aura; Shadow Assault.

Skills: Dark Lightning(A); Abyssal Bind(A); Shadow Clones(N); Shadow swap(N); Shadow Armor(A); Death Claw. (D)

Resistances: Darkness Damage Resistance High; Negative Energy Immunity; Immortal; Magic Resistance Mid; Physical Damage Resistance Low.


"You've got to be kidding me! She jumped up by two FULL tiers just because her core was enhanced. How the hell did you do that?"

A dumbfounded expression was plastered on Tyler's face as he stared at the now happy Zelda that was kneeling before him. He hadn't expected the core enhancement to be so effective. At most he expected her to jump up by a level, reaching Basic Tier 5 or something.

[Answer: The individual known as Zelda had absorbed a fair amount of energy from residing in Master's shadow for a prolonged period of time and that energy was also used in enhancing her core.]

"Is that so. Is there a way to easily do that with Flare and Kali then? I mean, I can't exactly bring them inside the Library right?"

[Yes. Master can achieve the same results on your own by assimilating the energy from a high-grade Magic Crystal into their cores. Master could then force an enhancement of their cores using your innate ability as a substitute for the Library. You're truly impressive master.]

"Uh... Thanks, I guess."

[Also: Using attributed magic crystals may provide a vast difference in their growth.]

"Oh is that right? If I'm not mistaken, I can create attributed magic crystals by infusing a Magic Crystal with magic runes of the desired attributes right."

[That is correct. As expected of Master, such a thing comes easily to you.]

Tyler didn't think Uriel was patronizing him so he didn't reply as he decided to speak to Zelda who was eagerly waiting for an order from her beloved monster.

She looked like a puppy that had finally found its owner which was cute but frightening at the same time. Having a human-shaped puppy was not something that was ever on his bucket list.

"Hey Zelda, how do you feel right now? Any differences?"

"Not at all, Master. I feel elated that I'm finally reunited with you."

Her voice hadn't changed at all. It was still a beautiful voice with an undertone of ghastliness to it. However, the tone of her speech seems to have changed a bit as it was no longer as emotionless as before.

Tyler didn't think much of it though, he just nodded gently and moved forward while casually patting her on the head as he walked past her.

"Alright then, let's go. I'm sure everyone will be waiting for us."


Walking past her, Tyler moved towards the entrance for the first time since he had been to the Library. He would leave this place before it had a chance of sending him flying.

Moving towards the door, it slowly opened without him doing anything as Tyler exited the Library with Zelda trailing behind him and the door was shut the moment they left it.

[The connection with the Darknar Castle has further deteriorated. Time left to reset the reconnection with the Void Library, 90 Days, 4 Hours, and 47 Seconds.]

Tyler's steps froze as he heard that. His mind had failed to compute the time Uriel had spoken for a moment.

"What the hell. Why is it so long!"

Not receiving a response, he silently used placate on himself as he sat on the sofa and Zelda stood by his side like a proper bodyguard. It was true that the time for the Library to reset had been extended every time he used it but this time was absurd.

The first time lasted only two days and the second, over a week. Going by that trend this time should've just been a month but no... it just had to be a full three months. if this was left as is, the next time would be a year or two.

"Looks like I'll have to increase my rank in the magic institute after all."

Tyler sighed in disappointment as he thought about that. It was a good thing he hadn't wasted his time trying to activate all those skills and had just memorized them instead. If he hadn't done that, this bit of information would've been disastrous.

'Well, what's done is done I suppose.'

There wasn't anything he could do except master all levels of advanced magic runes or Learn the Divine Tier skill named Monarch of Concealment.


Letting out another sigh which was rapidly becoming a habit of his, Tyler sank into the softness of his sofa as he decided to take a moment to relax his mind and soul even though his body was no longer as exhausted as it had been in its low energy state.

However, he had only closed his eyes for a second when something suddenly happened.

A single knock was placed on his door and before Tyler could even say anything, the person came running in as they practically tackled Tyler off the chair.

"What the hell!"

Snapping himself in an upright posture, Tyler opened his eyes and stared at the empty room that contained only Zelda who stood beside him as he wondered what the hell just happened. His magic sense and Spatial Perception also couldn't locate any hidden entities in his room.

[Answer: The ability FurtureSight was triggered. It is advisable for Master to move from the chair.]

"Wait what!"

Just as Tyler was about to question Uriel on what she meant by that. He suddenly sensed something rapidly approaching his room and in an instant, a single knock came from the door as the person dashed in before he could even reply.

Noticing that things were progressing just as before, Tyler quickly moved off the sofa as the incredibly fast individual was unable to stop mid-motion and tripped over the chair. Taking a look at who it was, Tyler couldn't help but sigh yet again.

Even at Zelda's current level matching hers, she had been unable to react in time to keep up with the person even though she was a rogue. Thinking logically, there was only one person that could move that fast in the castle, and that person was none other than Rain.

"Sigh... what are you doing?"

"Ahh... no fair. Why did you dodge me? Even after I rushed here so I'll be the first person to greet you."

"What do you mean why. If you go charging at someone without any warning anyone in their right mind would move out of the way."

"Oh right, my bad... The..." She made an adorable pose as she stuck her tongue out while still sitting on the floor and acting like a clutz.

"Never mind that Lord Ty, it's not fair... How could you leave without kissing me goodbye? You guys even went ahead to have a party without me, you're not being fair at all."


Ignoring the first part of her complaint, Tyler could barely make a proper response to her after that. He knew the Barbecue feast would come around to bite him later on but he hadn't expected it to be this soon. It's not like he had planned to leave her out of it in the first place. Her health was just a bigger priority.

'Wait Health. That's it!'

At this point, Cora who was Tyler's personal maid finally entered the room. It seems she had tried to stop Rain from entering but her eyes could not even keep up with her which had stunned her for a while until she heard the loud sound of the sofa tipping over.

"Ah Lord Ty, I'm sorry I tried to—"

"It's fine don't worry about it."

Tyler said that waving his arm at the panicking beastgirl who was now kneeling before him. Her entrance had allowed him to regain his composure so he should be thanking her.

Zelda who had failed to react fast enough had also stopped mid-motion and she moved over to where Tyler was with a strange expression as she sunk into his showdown without saying a word.

Tyler didn't know how to react to that so he simply shrugged and went over to where Rain was and crouch beside the pouting dark elf. He then spoke with a gentle smile on his face as he tried to change the subject.

"Looks like you've completely recovered from the disintegration aura, I'm glad. I wanted you to be part of the feast as well but your health is very important to me. Once the issue with the undead army is resolved, we'll have another one so cheer up."

Seeing the pouting Rain blush, Tyler rejoiced in his heart he had succeeded in quelling her but he needed to go a bit further if he wanted her to completely forget about the past.

"I- I still want—"

"Besides, I needed some time to prepare for something very important. That's why I made sure I prepared a gift just for you."

"Oh really!"

"Of course. Would I lie to you?"

Standing back to his feet, Tyler stretched a hand toward Rain who happily held on to him and he pulled her up. As she fell into his embrace, a pair of golden and emerald bracelets respectively appeared in his hand.

They were gorgeous works of art that were masterfully designed. They seemed to be made from very precious metals but they did not glisten in the light, rather they absorbed the light around them as they blended into the environment. Highly dense mana could also be felt around them.

These were magic artifacts Uriel had recommended to Tyler for Rain base on his earlier request. Although he had only wanted to give out half of his artifacts as rewards for future accomplishments by his subordinates, Rain had surely earned one and this was the perfect time to give it to her. It surely wasn't because he was swayed by her pouting face. No that was definitely not the case.

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